import io import numpy as np import pytest from typing import List, Tuple, Any from mlagents_envs.communicator_objects.agent_info_pb2 import AgentInfoProto from mlagents_envs.communicator_objects.observation_pb2 import ( ObservationProto, NONE, PNG, ) from mlagents_envs.communicator_objects.brain_parameters_pb2 import BrainParametersProto from mlagents_envs.communicator_objects.agent_info_action_pair_pb2 import ( AgentInfoActionPairProto, ) from mlagents_envs.communicator_objects.agent_action_pb2 import AgentActionProto from mlagents_envs.base_env import ( BehaviorSpec, ActionSpec, DecisionSteps, TerminalSteps, ) from mlagents_envs.exception import UnityObservationException from mlagents_envs.rpc_utils import ( behavior_spec_from_proto, process_pixels, _process_maybe_compressed_observation, _process_rank_one_or_two_observation, steps_from_proto, ) from PIL import Image from mlagents.trainers.tests.dummy_config import create_observation_specs_with_shapes def generate_list_agent_proto( n_agent: int, shape: List[Tuple[int]], infinite_rewards: bool = False, nan_observations: bool = False, ) -> List[AgentInfoProto]: result = [] for agent_index in range(n_agent): ap = AgentInfoProto() ap.reward = float("inf") if infinite_rewards else agent_index ap.done = agent_index % 2 == 0 ap.max_step_reached = agent_index % 4 == 0 = agent_index ap.action_mask.extend([True, False] * 5) obs_proto_list = [] for obs_index in range(len(shape)): obs_proto = ObservationProto() obs_proto.shape.extend(list(shape[obs_index])) obs_proto.compression_type = NONE ([float("nan")] if nan_observations else [0.1]) *[obs_index]) ) obs_proto_list.append(obs_proto) ap.observations.extend(obs_proto_list) result.append(ap) return result def generate_compressed_data(in_array: np.ndarray) -> bytes: image_arr = (in_array * 255).astype(np.uint8) bytes_out = bytes() num_channels = in_array.shape[2] num_images = (num_channels + 2) // 3 # Split the input image into batches of 3 channels. for i in range(num_images): sub_image = image_arr[..., 3 * i : 3 * i + 3] if (i == num_images - 1) and (num_channels % 3) != 0: # Pad zeros zero_shape = list(in_array.shape) zero_shape[2] = 3 - (num_channels % 3) z = np.zeros(zero_shape, dtype=np.uint8) sub_image = np.concatenate([sub_image, z], axis=2) im = Image.fromarray(sub_image, "RGB") byteIO = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG") bytes_out += byteIO.getvalue() return bytes_out # test helper function for old C# API (no compressed channel mapping) def generate_compressed_proto_obs( in_array: np.ndarray, grayscale: bool = False ) -> ObservationProto: obs_proto = ObservationProto() obs_proto.compressed_data = generate_compressed_data(in_array) obs_proto.compression_type = PNG if grayscale: # grayscale flag is only used for old API without mapping expected_shape = [in_array.shape[0], in_array.shape[1], 1] obs_proto.shape.extend(expected_shape) else: obs_proto.shape.extend(in_array.shape) return obs_proto # test helper function for new C# API (with compressed channel mapping) def generate_compressed_proto_obs_with_mapping( in_array: np.ndarray, mapping: List[int] ) -> ObservationProto: obs_proto = ObservationProto() obs_proto.compressed_data = generate_compressed_data(in_array) obs_proto.compression_type = PNG if mapping is not None: obs_proto.compressed_channel_mapping.extend(mapping) expected_shape = [ in_array.shape[0], in_array.shape[1], len({m for m in mapping if m >= 0}), ] obs_proto.shape.extend(expected_shape) else: obs_proto.shape.extend(in_array.shape) return obs_proto def generate_uncompressed_proto_obs(in_array: np.ndarray) -> ObservationProto: obs_proto = ObservationProto() obs_proto.compression_type = NONE obs_proto.shape.extend(in_array.shape) return obs_proto def proto_from_steps( decision_steps: DecisionSteps, terminal_steps: TerminalSteps ) -> List[AgentInfoProto]: agent_info_protos: List[AgentInfoProto] = [] # Take care of the DecisionSteps first for agent_id in decision_steps.agent_id: agent_id_index = decision_steps.agent_id_to_index[agent_id] reward = decision_steps.reward[agent_id_index] done = False max_step_reached = False agent_mask: Any = None if decision_steps.action_mask is not None: agent_mask = [] for _branch in decision_steps.action_mask: agent_mask = np.concatenate( (agent_mask, _branch[agent_id_index, :]), axis=0 ) agent_mask = agent_mask.astype(np.bool).tolist() observations: List[ObservationProto] = [] for all_observations_of_type in decision_steps.obs: observation = all_observations_of_type[agent_id_index] if len(observation.shape) == 3: observations.append(generate_uncompressed_proto_obs(observation)) else: observations.append( ObservationProto( float_data=ObservationProto.FloatData(data=observation), shape=[len(observation)], compression_type=NONE, ) ) agent_info_proto = AgentInfoProto( reward=reward, done=done, id=agent_id, max_step_reached=bool(max_step_reached), action_mask=agent_mask, observations=observations, ) agent_info_protos.append(agent_info_proto) # Take care of the TerminalSteps second for agent_id in terminal_steps.agent_id: agent_id_index = terminal_steps.agent_id_to_index[agent_id] reward = terminal_steps.reward[agent_id_index] done = True max_step_reached = terminal_steps.interrupted[agent_id_index] final_observations: List[ObservationProto] = [] for all_observations_of_type in terminal_steps.obs: observation = all_observations_of_type[agent_id_index] if len(observation.shape) == 3: final_observations.append(generate_uncompressed_proto_obs(observation)) else: final_observations.append( ObservationProto( float_data=ObservationProto.FloatData(data=observation), shape=[len(observation)], compression_type=NONE, ) ) agent_info_proto = AgentInfoProto( reward=reward, done=done, id=agent_id, max_step_reached=bool(max_step_reached), action_mask=None, observations=final_observations, ) agent_info_protos.append(agent_info_proto) return agent_info_protos # The arguments here are the DecisionSteps, TerminalSteps and continuous/discrete actions for a single agent name def proto_from_steps_and_action( decision_steps: DecisionSteps, terminal_steps: TerminalSteps, continuous_actions: np.ndarray, discrete_actions: np.ndarray, ) -> List[AgentInfoActionPairProto]: agent_info_protos = proto_from_steps(decision_steps, terminal_steps) agent_action_protos = [] num_agents = ( len(continuous_actions) if continuous_actions is not None else len(discrete_actions) ) for i in range(num_agents): proto = AgentActionProto() if continuous_actions is not None: proto.continuous_actions.extend(continuous_actions[i]) proto.vector_actions_deprecated.extend(continuous_actions[i]) if discrete_actions is not None: proto.discrete_actions.extend(discrete_actions[i]) proto.vector_actions_deprecated.extend(discrete_actions[i]) agent_action_protos.append(proto) agent_info_action_pair_protos = [ AgentInfoActionPairProto(agent_info=agent_info_proto, action_info=action_proto) for agent_info_proto, action_proto in zip( agent_info_protos, agent_action_protos ) ] return agent_info_action_pair_protos def test_process_pixels(): in_array = np.random.rand(128, 64, 3) byte_arr = generate_compressed_data(in_array) out_array = process_pixels(byte_arr, 3) assert out_array.shape == (128, 64, 3) assert np.sum(in_array - out_array) / < 0.01 assert np.allclose(in_array, out_array, atol=0.01) def test_process_pixels_multi_png(): height = 128 width = 64 num_channels = 7 in_array = np.random.rand(height, width, num_channels) byte_arr = generate_compressed_data(in_array) out_array = process_pixels(byte_arr, num_channels) assert out_array.shape == (height, width, num_channels) assert np.sum(in_array - out_array) / < 0.01 assert np.allclose(in_array, out_array, atol=0.01) def test_process_pixels_gray(): in_array = np.random.rand(128, 64, 3) byte_arr = generate_compressed_data(in_array) out_array = process_pixels(byte_arr, 1) assert out_array.shape == (128, 64, 1) assert np.mean(in_array.mean(axis=2, keepdims=True) - out_array) < 0.01 assert np.allclose(in_array.mean(axis=2, keepdims=True), out_array, atol=0.01) def test_vector_observation(): n_agents = 10 shapes = [(3,), (4,)] list_proto = generate_list_agent_proto(n_agents, shapes) for obs_index, shape in enumerate(shapes): arr = _process_rank_one_or_two_observation(obs_index, shape, list_proto) assert list(arr.shape) == ([n_agents] + list(shape)) assert np.allclose(arr, 0.1, atol=0.01) def test_process_visual_observation(): in_array_1 = np.random.rand(128, 64, 3) proto_obs_1 = generate_compressed_proto_obs(in_array_1) in_array_2 = np.random.rand(128, 64, 3) in_array_2_mapping = [0, 1, 2] proto_obs_2 = generate_compressed_proto_obs_with_mapping( in_array_2, in_array_2_mapping ) ap1 = AgentInfoProto() ap1.observations.extend([proto_obs_1]) ap2 = AgentInfoProto() ap2.observations.extend([proto_obs_2]) ap_list = [ap1, ap2] arr = _process_maybe_compressed_observation(0, (128, 64, 3), ap_list) assert list(arr.shape) == [2, 128, 64, 3] assert np.allclose(arr[0, :, :, :], in_array_1, atol=0.01) assert np.allclose(arr[1, :, :, :], in_array_2, atol=0.01) def test_process_visual_observation_grayscale(): in_array_1 = np.random.rand(128, 64, 3) proto_obs_1 = generate_compressed_proto_obs(in_array_1, grayscale=True) expected_out_array_1 = np.mean(in_array_1, axis=2, keepdims=True) in_array_2 = np.random.rand(128, 64, 3) in_array_2_mapping = [0, 0, 0] proto_obs_2 = generate_compressed_proto_obs_with_mapping( in_array_2, in_array_2_mapping ) expected_out_array_2 = np.mean(in_array_2, axis=2, keepdims=True) ap1 = AgentInfoProto() ap1.observations.extend([proto_obs_1]) ap2 = AgentInfoProto() ap2.observations.extend([proto_obs_2]) ap_list = [ap1, ap2] arr = _process_maybe_compressed_observation(0, (128, 64, 1), ap_list) assert list(arr.shape) == [2, 128, 64, 1] assert np.allclose(arr[0, :, :, :], expected_out_array_1, atol=0.01) assert np.allclose(arr[1, :, :, :], expected_out_array_2, atol=0.01) def test_process_visual_observation_padded_channels(): in_array_1 = np.random.rand(128, 64, 12) in_array_1_mapping = [0, 1, 2, 3, -1, -1, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, -1] proto_obs_1 = generate_compressed_proto_obs_with_mapping( in_array_1, in_array_1_mapping ) expected_out_array_1 = np.take(in_array_1, [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9], axis=2) ap1 = AgentInfoProto() ap1.observations.extend([proto_obs_1]) ap_list = [ap1] arr = _process_maybe_compressed_observation(0, (128, 64, 8), ap_list) assert list(arr.shape) == [1, 128, 64, 8] assert np.allclose(arr[0, :, :, :], expected_out_array_1, atol=0.01) def test_process_visual_observation_bad_shape(): in_array_1 = np.random.rand(128, 64, 3) proto_obs_1 = generate_compressed_proto_obs(in_array_1) ap1 = AgentInfoProto() ap1.observations.extend([proto_obs_1]) ap_list = [ap1] with pytest.raises(UnityObservationException): _process_maybe_compressed_observation(0, (128, 42, 3), ap_list) def test_batched_step_result_from_proto(): n_agents = 10 shapes = [(3,), (4,)] spec = BehaviorSpec( create_observation_specs_with_shapes(shapes), ActionSpec.create_continuous(3) ) ap_list = generate_list_agent_proto(n_agents, shapes) decision_steps, terminal_steps = steps_from_proto(ap_list, spec) for agent_id in range(n_agents): if agent_id in decision_steps: # we set the reward equal to the agent id in generate_list_agent_proto assert decision_steps[agent_id].reward == agent_id elif agent_id in terminal_steps: assert terminal_steps[agent_id].reward == agent_id else: raise Exception("Missing agent from the steps") # We sort the AgentId since they are split between DecisionSteps and TerminalSteps combined_agent_id = list(decision_steps.agent_id) + list(terminal_steps.agent_id) combined_agent_id.sort() assert combined_agent_id == list(range(n_agents)) for agent_id in range(n_agents): assert (agent_id in terminal_steps) == (agent_id % 2 == 0) if agent_id in terminal_steps: assert terminal_steps[agent_id].interrupted == (agent_id % 4 == 0) assert decision_steps.obs[0].shape[1] == shapes[0][0] assert decision_steps.obs[1].shape[1] == shapes[1][0] assert terminal_steps.obs[0].shape[1] == shapes[0][0] assert terminal_steps.obs[1].shape[1] == shapes[1][0] def test_action_masking_discrete(): n_agents = 10 shapes = [(3,), (4,)] behavior_spec = BehaviorSpec( create_observation_specs_with_shapes(shapes), ActionSpec.create_discrete((7, 3)) ) ap_list = generate_list_agent_proto(n_agents, shapes) decision_steps, terminal_steps = steps_from_proto(ap_list, behavior_spec) masks = decision_steps.action_mask assert isinstance(masks, list) assert len(masks) == 2 assert masks[0].shape == (n_agents / 2, 7) # half agents are done assert masks[1].shape == (n_agents / 2, 3) # half agents are done assert masks[0][0, 0] assert not masks[1][0, 0] assert masks[1][0, 1] def test_action_masking_discrete_1(): n_agents = 10 shapes = [(3,), (4,)] behavior_spec = BehaviorSpec( create_observation_specs_with_shapes(shapes), ActionSpec.create_discrete((10,)) ) ap_list = generate_list_agent_proto(n_agents, shapes) decision_steps, terminal_steps = steps_from_proto(ap_list, behavior_spec) masks = decision_steps.action_mask assert isinstance(masks, list) assert len(masks) == 1 assert masks[0].shape == (n_agents / 2, 10) assert masks[0][0, 0] def test_action_masking_discrete_2(): n_agents = 10 shapes = [(3,), (4,)] behavior_spec = BehaviorSpec( create_observation_specs_with_shapes(shapes), ActionSpec.create_discrete((2, 2, 6)), ) ap_list = generate_list_agent_proto(n_agents, shapes) decision_steps, terminal_steps = steps_from_proto(ap_list, behavior_spec) masks = decision_steps.action_mask assert isinstance(masks, list) assert len(masks) == 3 assert masks[0].shape == (n_agents / 2, 2) assert masks[1].shape == (n_agents / 2, 2) assert masks[2].shape == (n_agents / 2, 6) assert masks[0][0, 0] def test_action_masking_continuous(): n_agents = 10 shapes = [(3,), (4,)] behavior_spec = BehaviorSpec( create_observation_specs_with_shapes(shapes), ActionSpec.create_continuous(10) ) ap_list = generate_list_agent_proto(n_agents, shapes) decision_steps, terminal_steps = steps_from_proto(ap_list, behavior_spec) masks = decision_steps.action_mask assert masks is None def test_agent_behavior_spec_from_proto(): agent_proto = generate_list_agent_proto(1, [(3,), (4,)])[0] bp = BrainParametersProto() bp.vector_action_size_deprecated.extend([5, 4]) bp.vector_action_space_type_deprecated = 0 behavior_spec = behavior_spec_from_proto(bp, agent_proto) assert behavior_spec.action_spec.is_discrete() assert not behavior_spec.action_spec.is_continuous() assert [spec.shape for spec in behavior_spec.observation_specs] == [(3,), (4,)] assert behavior_spec.action_spec.discrete_branches == (5, 4) assert behavior_spec.action_spec.discrete_size == 2 bp = BrainParametersProto() bp.vector_action_size_deprecated.extend([6]) bp.vector_action_space_type_deprecated = 1 behavior_spec = behavior_spec_from_proto(bp, agent_proto) assert not behavior_spec.action_spec.is_discrete() assert behavior_spec.action_spec.is_continuous() assert behavior_spec.action_spec.continuous_size == 6 def test_batched_step_result_from_proto_raises_on_infinite(): n_agents = 10 shapes = [(3,), (4,)] behavior_spec = BehaviorSpec( create_observation_specs_with_shapes(shapes), ActionSpec.create_continuous(3) ) ap_list = generate_list_agent_proto(n_agents, shapes, infinite_rewards=True) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): steps_from_proto(ap_list, behavior_spec) def test_batched_step_result_from_proto_raises_on_nan(): n_agents = 10 shapes = [(3,), (4,)] behavior_spec = BehaviorSpec( create_observation_specs_with_shapes(shapes), ActionSpec.create_continuous(3) ) ap_list = generate_list_agent_proto(n_agents, shapes, nan_observations=True) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): steps_from_proto(ap_list, behavior_spec)