using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors; using UnityEngine.Profiling; [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.ML-Agents.Extensions.EditorTests")] namespace Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Sensors { /// /// Enum describing what kind of depth type the data should be organized as /// public enum GridDepthType { Channel, ChannelHot, Counting }; /// /// Grid-based sensor. /// public class GridSensor : ISensor, IBuiltInSensor { string m_Name; Vector3 m_CellScale; Vector3Int m_GridNum; bool m_RotateWithAgent; GameObject m_RootReference; int m_MaxColliderBufferSize; int m_InitialColliderBufferSize; LayerMask m_ColliderMask; GridDepthType m_GridDepthType; int[] m_ChannelDepths; string[] m_DetectableObjects; SensorCompressionType m_CompressionType; ObservationSpec m_ObservationSpec; // Buffers internal float[] m_PerceptionBuffer; float[] m_ChannelHotDefaultPerceptionBuffer; Color[] m_PerceptionColors; Texture2D m_PerceptionTexture; Collider[] m_ColliderBuffer; float[] m_CellDataBuffer; int[] m_ChannelOffsets; Vector3[] m_CellLocalPositions; int[] m_GizmoColorIndexes; Vector3[] m_CellGlobalPosition; // Utility Constants Calculated on Init int m_NumCells; int m_CellObservationSize; float m_InverseSphereRadius; public GridSensor( string name, Vector3 cellScale, Vector3Int gridNum, bool rotateWithAgent, int[] channelDepths, string[] detectableObjects, LayerMask colliderMask, GridDepthType depthType, GameObject rootReference, SensorCompressionType compression, int maxColliderBufferSize, int initialColliderBufferSize ) { m_Name = name; m_CellScale = cellScale; m_GridNum = gridNum; m_RotateWithAgent = rotateWithAgent; m_RootReference = rootReference; m_MaxColliderBufferSize = maxColliderBufferSize; m_InitialColliderBufferSize = initialColliderBufferSize; m_ColliderMask = colliderMask; m_GridDepthType = depthType; m_ChannelDepths = channelDepths; m_DetectableObjects = detectableObjects; m_CompressionType = compression; if (m_GridNum.y != 1) { throw new UnityAgentsException("GridSensor only supports 2D grids."); } if (m_GridDepthType == GridDepthType.Counting && m_DetectableObjects.Length != m_ChannelDepths.Length) { throw new UnityAgentsException("The channels of a CountingGridSensor is equal to the number of detectableObjects"); } InitGridParameters(); InitDepthType(); InitCellPoints(); ResetPerceptionBuffer(); m_ObservationSpec = ObservationSpec.Visual(m_GridNum.x, m_GridNum.z, m_CellObservationSize); m_PerceptionTexture = new Texture2D(m_GridNum.x, m_GridNum.z, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); m_ColliderBuffer = new Collider[Math.Min(m_MaxColliderBufferSize, m_InitialColliderBufferSize)]; } public SensorCompressionType CompressionType { get { return m_CompressionType; } set { m_CompressionType = value; } } public bool RotateWithAgent { get { return m_RotateWithAgent; } set { m_RotateWithAgent = value; } } public LayerMask ColliderMask { get { return m_ColliderMask; } set { m_ColliderMask = value; } } public int[] GizmoColorIndexes { get { return m_GizmoColorIndexes; } } /// /// Initializes the constant parameters used within the perceive method call /// void InitGridParameters() { m_NumCells = m_GridNum.x * m_GridNum.z; float sphereRadiusX = (m_CellScale.x * m_GridNum.x) / Mathf.Sqrt(2); float sphereRadiusZ = (m_CellScale.z * m_GridNum.z) / Mathf.Sqrt(2); m_InverseSphereRadius = 1.0f / Mathf.Max(sphereRadiusX, sphereRadiusZ); } /// /// Initializes the constant parameters that are based on the Grid Depth Type /// Sets the ObservationPerCell and the ChannelOffsets properties /// void InitDepthType() { if (m_GridDepthType == GridDepthType.ChannelHot) { m_CellObservationSize = m_ChannelDepths.Sum(); m_ChannelOffsets = new int[m_ChannelDepths.Length]; for (int i = 1; i < m_ChannelDepths.Length; i++) { m_ChannelOffsets[i] = m_ChannelOffsets[i - 1] + m_ChannelDepths[i - 1]; } m_ChannelHotDefaultPerceptionBuffer = new float[m_CellObservationSize]; for (int i = 0; i < m_ChannelDepths.Length; i++) { if (m_ChannelDepths[i] > 1) { m_ChannelHotDefaultPerceptionBuffer[m_ChannelOffsets[i]] = 1; } } } else { m_CellObservationSize = m_ChannelDepths.Length; } // The maximum number of channels in the final output must be less than 255 * 3 because the "number of PNG images" to generate must fit in one byte Assert.IsTrue(m_CellObservationSize < (255 * 3), "The maximum number of channels per cell must be less than 255 * 3"); } /// /// Initializes the location of the CellPoints property /// void InitCellPoints() { m_CellLocalPositions = new Vector3[m_NumCells]; for (int i = 0; i < m_NumCells; i++) { m_CellLocalPositions[i] = CellToLocalPoint(i); } } /// public void Reset() { } /// /// Clears the perception buffer before loading in new data. If the gridDepthType is ChannelHot, then it initializes the /// Reset() also reinits the cell activity array (for debug) /// public void ResetPerceptionBuffer() { if (m_PerceptionBuffer != null) { if (m_GridDepthType == GridDepthType.ChannelHot) { // Copy the default value to the array for (int i = 0; i < m_NumCells; i++) { Array.Copy(m_ChannelHotDefaultPerceptionBuffer, 0, m_PerceptionBuffer, i * m_CellObservationSize, m_CellObservationSize); } } else { Array.Clear(m_PerceptionBuffer, 0, m_PerceptionBuffer.Length); } } else { m_PerceptionBuffer = new float[m_CellObservationSize * m_NumCells]; m_ColliderBuffer = new Collider[Math.Min(m_MaxColliderBufferSize, m_InitialColliderBufferSize)]; m_CellDataBuffer = new float[m_ChannelDepths.Length]; m_PerceptionColors = new Color[m_NumCells]; m_CellGlobalPosition = new Vector3[m_NumCells]; } } public void ResetGizmoBuffer() { // Ensure to init arrays if not yet assigned (for editor) if (m_GizmoColorIndexes == null) m_GizmoColorIndexes = new int[m_NumCells]; // Assign the default color to the cell activities for (int i = 0; i < m_NumCells; i++) { m_GizmoColorIndexes[i] = -1; } } /// public string GetName() { return m_Name; } /// public CompressionSpec GetCompressionSpec() { return new CompressionSpec(CompressionType); } /// public BuiltInSensorType GetBuiltInSensorType() { return BuiltInSensorType.GridSensor; } /// /// GetCompressedObservation - Calls Perceive then puts the data stored on the perception buffer /// onto the m_perceptionTexture2D to be converted to a byte array and returned /// /// byte[] containing the compressed observation of the grid observation public byte[] GetCompressedObservation() { using (TimerStack.Instance.Scoped("GridSensor.GetCompressedObservation")) { var allBytes = new List(); var numImages = (m_CellObservationSize + 2) / 3; for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++) { var channelIndex = 3 * i; ChannelsToTexture(channelIndex, Math.Min(3, m_CellObservationSize - channelIndex)); allBytes.AddRange(m_PerceptionTexture.EncodeToPNG()); } return allBytes.ToArray(); } } /// /// ChannelsToTexture - Takes the channel index and the numChannelsToAdd. /// For each cell and for each channel to add, sets it to a value of the color specified for that cell. /// All colors are then set to the perceptionTexture via SetPixels. /// m_perceptionTexture2D can then be read as an image as it now contains all of the information that was /// stored in the channels /// /// /// void ChannelsToTexture(int channelIndex, int numChannelsToAdd) { for (int i = 0; i < m_NumCells; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numChannelsToAdd; j++) { m_PerceptionColors[i][j] = m_PerceptionBuffer[i * m_CellObservationSize + channelIndex + j]; } } m_PerceptionTexture.SetPixels(m_PerceptionColors); } /// /// Perceive - Clears the buffers, calls overlap box on the actual cell (the actual perception part) /// for all found colliders, LoadObjectData is called /// internal void Perceive() { if (m_ColliderBuffer == null) { return; } ResetPerceptionBuffer(); using (TimerStack.Instance.Scoped("GridSensor.Perceive")) { var halfCellScale = new Vector3(m_CellScale.x / 2f, m_CellScale.y, m_CellScale.z / 2f); for (var cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < m_NumCells; cellIndex++) { var cellCenter = GetCellGlobalPosition(cellIndex); var numFound = BufferResizingOverlapBoxNonAlloc(cellCenter, halfCellScale, GetGridRotation()); if (numFound > 0) { if (m_GridDepthType == GridDepthType.Counting) { ParseCollidersAll(m_ColliderBuffer, numFound, cellIndex, cellCenter); } else { ParseCollidersClosest(m_ColliderBuffer, numFound, cellIndex, cellCenter); } } } } } /// /// This method attempts to perform the Physics.OverlapBoxNonAlloc and will double the size of the Collider buffer /// if the number of Colliders in the buffer after the call is equal to the length of the buffer. /// /// /// /// /// int BufferResizingOverlapBoxNonAlloc(Vector3 cellCenter, Vector3 halfCellScale, Quaternion rotation) { int numFound; // Since we can only get a fixed number of results, requery // until we're sure we can hold them all (or until we hit the max size). while (true) { numFound = Physics.OverlapBoxNonAlloc(cellCenter, halfCellScale, m_ColliderBuffer, rotation, m_ColliderMask); if (numFound == m_ColliderBuffer.Length && m_ColliderBuffer.Length < m_MaxColliderBufferSize) { m_ColliderBuffer = new Collider[Math.Min(m_MaxColliderBufferSize, m_ColliderBuffer.Length * 2)]; m_InitialColliderBufferSize = m_ColliderBuffer.Length; } else { break; } } return numFound; } /// /// Parses the array of colliders found within a cell. Finds the closest gameobject to the agent root reference within the cell /// /// Array of the colliders found within the cell /// Number of colliders found. /// The index of the cell /// The center position of the cell void ParseCollidersClosest(Collider[] foundColliders, int numFound, int cellIndex, Vector3 cellCenter) { Profiler.BeginSample("GridSensor.ParseColliders"); GameObject closestColliderGo = null; var minDistanceSquared = float.MaxValue; for (var i = 0; i < numFound; i++) { var currentColliderGo = foundColliders[i].gameObject; // Continue if the current collider go is the root reference if (ReferenceEquals(currentColliderGo, m_RootReference)) continue; var closestColliderPoint = foundColliders[i].ClosestPointOnBounds(cellCenter); var currentDistanceSquared = (closestColliderPoint - m_RootReference.transform.position).sqrMagnitude; // Checks if our colliders contain a detectable object var index = -1; for (var ii = 0; ii < m_DetectableObjects.Length; ii++) { if (currentColliderGo.CompareTag(m_DetectableObjects[ii])) { index = ii; break; } } if (index > -1 && currentDistanceSquared < minDistanceSquared) { minDistanceSquared = currentDistanceSquared; closestColliderGo = currentColliderGo; } } if (!ReferenceEquals(closestColliderGo, null)) { LoadObjectData(closestColliderGo, cellIndex, (float)Math.Sqrt(minDistanceSquared) * m_InverseSphereRadius); } Profiler.EndSample(); } /// /// For each collider, calls LoadObjectData on the gameobejct /// /// The array of colliders /// The cell index the collider is in /// the center of the cell the collider is in void ParseCollidersAll(Collider[] foundColliders, int numFound, int cellIndex, Vector3 cellCenter) { Profiler.BeginSample("GridSensor.ParseColliders"); GameObject currentColliderGo = null; Vector3 closestColliderPoint =; for (int i = 0; i < numFound; i++) { currentColliderGo = foundColliders[i].gameObject; // Continue if the current collider go is the root reference if (currentColliderGo == m_RootReference) continue; closestColliderPoint = foundColliders[i].ClosestPointOnBounds(cellCenter); LoadObjectData(currentColliderGo, cellIndex, Vector3.Distance(closestColliderPoint, m_RootReference.transform.position) * m_InverseSphereRadius); } Profiler.EndSample(); } /// /// GetObjectData - returns an array of values that represent the game object /// This is one of the few methods that one may need to override to get their required functionality /// For instance, if one wants specific information about the current gameobject, they can use this method /// to extract it and then return it in an array format. /// /// /// A float[] containing the data that holds the representative information of the passed in gameObject /// /// The game object that was found colliding with a certain cell /// The index of the type (tag) of the gameObject. /// (e.g., if this GameObject had the 3rd tag out of 4, type_index would be 2.0f) /// A float between 0 and 1 describing the ratio of /// the distance currentColliderGo is compared to the edge of the gridsensor /// /// Here is an example of extenind GetObjectData to include information about a potential Rigidbody: /// /// protected override float[] GetObjectData(GameObject currentColliderGo, /// float type_index, float normalized_distance) /// { /// float[] channelValues = new float[ChannelDepth.Length]; // ChannelDepth.Length = 4 in this example /// channelValues[0] = type_index; /// Rigidbody goRb = currentColliderGo.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); /// if (goRb != null) /// { /// channelValues[1] = goRb.velocity.x; /// channelValues[2] = goRb.velocity.y; /// channelValues[3] = goRb.velocity.z; /// } /// return channelValues; /// } /// /// protected virtual float[] GetObjectData(GameObject currentColliderGo, float typeIndex, float normalizedDistance) { Array.Clear(m_CellDataBuffer, 0, m_CellDataBuffer.Length); m_CellDataBuffer[0] = typeIndex; return m_CellDataBuffer; } /// /// Runs basic validation assertions to check that the values can be normalized /// /// The values to be validated /// The gameobject used for better error messages protected virtual void ValidateValues(float[] channelValues, GameObject currentColliderGo) { for (int j = 0; j < channelValues.Length; j++) { if (channelValues[j] < 0) throw new UnityAgentsException("Expected ChannelValue[" + j + "] for " + + " to be non-negative, was " + channelValues[j]); if (channelValues[j] > m_ChannelDepths[j]) throw new UnityAgentsException("Expected ChannelValue[" + j + "] for " + + " to be less than ChannelDepth[" + j + "] (" + m_ChannelDepths[j] + "), was " + channelValues[j]); } } /// /// LoadObjectData - If the GameObject matches a tag, GetObjectData is called to extract the data from the GameObject /// then the data is transformed based on the GridDepthType of the gridsensor. /// Further documetation on the GridDepthType can be found below /// /// The game object that was found colliding with a certain cell /// The index of the current cell /// A float between 0 and 1 describing the ratio of /// the distance currentColliderGo is compared to the edge of the gridsensor protected virtual void LoadObjectData(GameObject currentColliderGo, int cellIndex, float normalizedDistance) { Profiler.BeginSample("GridSensor.LoadObjectData"); var channelHotVals = new ArraySegment(m_PerceptionBuffer, cellIndex * m_CellObservationSize, m_CellObservationSize); for (var i = 0; i < m_DetectableObjects.Length; i++) { if (m_GridDepthType != GridDepthType.Counting) { for (var ii = 0; ii < channelHotVals.Count; ii++) { m_PerceptionBuffer[channelHotVals.Offset + ii] = 0f; } } if (!ReferenceEquals(currentColliderGo, null) && currentColliderGo.CompareTag(m_DetectableObjects[i])) { // TODO: Create the array already then set the values using "out" in GetObjectData // Using i+1 as the type index as "0" represents "empty" var channelValues = GetObjectData(currentColliderGo, (float)i + 1, normalizedDistance); ValidateValues(channelValues, currentColliderGo); switch (m_GridDepthType) { case GridDepthType.Channel: { // The observations are "channel based" so each grid is WxHxC where C is the number of channels // This typically means that each channel value is normalized between 0 and 1 // If channelDepth is 1, the value is assumed normalized, else the value is normalized by the channelDepth // The channels are then stored consecutively in PerceptionBuffer. // NOTE: This is the only grid type that uses floating point values // For example, if a cell contains the 3rd type of 5 possible on the 2nd team of 3 possible teams: // channelValues = {2, 1} // ObservationPerCell = channelValues.Length // channelValues = {2f/5f, 1f/3f} = {.4, .33..} // Array.Copy(channelValues, 0, PerceptionBuffer, cell_id*ObservationPerCell, ObservationPerCell); for (int j = 0; j < channelValues.Length; j++) { channelValues[j] /= m_ChannelDepths[j]; } Array.Copy(channelValues, 0, m_PerceptionBuffer, cellIndex * m_CellObservationSize, m_CellObservationSize); break; } case GridDepthType.ChannelHot: { // The observations are "channel hot" so each grid is WxHxD where D is the sum of all of the channel depths // The opposite of the "channel based" case, the channel values are represented as one hot vector per channel and then concatenated together // Thus channelDepth is assumed to be greater than 1. // For example, if a cell contains the 3rd type of 5 possible on the 2nd team of 3 possible teams, // channelValues = {2, 1} // channelOffsets = {5, 3} // ObservationPerCell = 5 + 3 = 8 // channelHotVals = {0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0} // Array.Copy(channelHotVals, 0, PerceptionBuffer, cell_id*ObservationPerCell, ObservationPerCell); for (int j = 0; j < channelValues.Length; j++) { if (m_ChannelDepths[j] > 1) { m_PerceptionBuffer[channelHotVals.Offset + (int)channelValues[j] + m_ChannelOffsets[j]] = 1f; } else { m_PerceptionBuffer[channelHotVals.Offset + m_ChannelOffsets[j]] = channelValues[j]; } } break; } case GridDepthType.Counting: { // The observations are "channel count" so each grid is WxHxC where C is the number of tags // This means that each value channelValues[i] is a counter of gameobject included into grid cells // where i is the index of the tag in DetectableObjects int countIndex = cellIndex * m_CellObservationSize + i; m_PerceptionBuffer[countIndex] = Mathf.Min(1f, m_PerceptionBuffer[countIndex] + 1f / m_ChannelDepths[i]); break; } } break; } } Profiler.EndSample(); } /// Converts the index of the cell to the 3D point (y is zero) relative to grid center /// Vector3 of the position of the center of the cell relative to grid center /// The index of the cell Vector3 CellToLocalPoint(int cellIndex) { float x = (cellIndex / m_GridNum.z - m_GridNum.x / 2) * m_CellScale.x; float z = (cellIndex % m_GridNum.z - m_GridNum.z / 2) * m_CellScale.z; return new Vector3(x, 0, z); } internal Vector3 GetCellGlobalPosition(int cellIndex) { if (m_RotateWithAgent) { return m_RootReference.transform.TransformPoint(m_CellLocalPositions[cellIndex]); } else { return m_CellLocalPositions[cellIndex] + m_RootReference.transform.position; } } internal Quaternion GetGridRotation() { return m_RotateWithAgent ? m_RootReference.transform.rotation : Quaternion.identity; } /// public void Update() { using (TimerStack.Instance.Scoped("GridSensor.Update")) { Perceive(); } } /// public ObservationSpec GetObservationSpec() { return m_ObservationSpec; } /// public int Write(ObservationWriter writer) { using (TimerStack.Instance.Scoped("GridSensor.Write")) { int index = 0; for (var h = m_GridNum.z - 1; h >= 0; h--) { for (var w = 0; w < m_GridNum.x; w++) { for (var d = 0; d < m_CellObservationSize; d++) { writer[h, w, d] = m_PerceptionBuffer[index]; index++; } } } return index; } } internal int[] PerceiveGizmoColor() { ResetGizmoBuffer(); var halfCellScale = new Vector3(m_CellScale.x / 2f, m_CellScale.y, m_CellScale.z / 2f); for (var cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < m_NumCells; cellIndex++) { var cellCenter = GetCellGlobalPosition(cellIndex); var numFound = BufferResizingOverlapBoxNonAlloc(cellCenter, halfCellScale, GetGridRotation()); var minDistanceSquared = float.MaxValue; var tagIndex = -1; for (var i = 0; i < numFound; i++) { var currentColliderGo = m_ColliderBuffer[i].gameObject; if (ReferenceEquals(currentColliderGo, m_RootReference)) continue; var closestColliderPoint = m_ColliderBuffer[i].ClosestPointOnBounds(cellCenter); var currentDistanceSquared = (closestColliderPoint - m_RootReference.transform.position).sqrMagnitude; // Checks if our colliders contain a detectable object var index = -1; for (var ii = 0; ii < m_DetectableObjects.Length; ii++) { if (currentColliderGo.CompareTag(m_DetectableObjects[ii])) { index = ii; break; } } if (index > -1 && currentDistanceSquared < minDistanceSquared) { minDistanceSquared = currentDistanceSquared; tagIndex = index; } } m_GizmoColorIndexes[cellIndex] = tagIndex; } return m_GizmoColorIndexes; } internal Vector3[] GetGizmoPositions() { for (var i = 0; i < m_NumCells; i++) { m_CellGlobalPosition[i] = GetCellGlobalPosition(i); } return m_CellGlobalPosition; } } }