共有 19 个文件被更改,包括 2308 次插入 和 591 次删除
23Project/Assets/Samples/Input System/1.0.1/Simple Demo/SimpleControls.cs
597Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/Dodgeball/Input/FPSPlayerInputActions 1.cs
11Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/Dodgeball/Input/FPSPlayerInputActions 1.cs.meta
369Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/Dodgeball/Input/FPSPlayerInputActions 1.inputactions
14Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/Dodgeball/Input/FPSPlayerInputActions 1.inputactions.meta
using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.InputSystem; |
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; |
public class DodgeBallAgentInput : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
public bool DisableInput = false; |
private DodgeBallInputActions inputActions; |
private DodgeBallInputActions.PlayerActions actionMap; |
private Gamepad gamepad; |
public Vector2 moveInput; |
public bool shootInput; |
public bool jumpInput; |
public bool dashInput; |
public Vector2 rotateInput; |
public bool shieldInput; |
// public Vector2 rotateVector2;
public Camera Cam; |
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Awake() |
{ |
inputActions = new DodgeBallInputActions(); |
actionMap = inputActions.Player; |
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked; |
} |
void OnEnable() |
{ |
gamepad = Gamepad.current; |
inputActions.Enable(); |
} |
private void OnDisable() |
{ |
inputActions.Disable(); |
} |
public bool CheckIfInputSinceLastFrame(ref bool input) |
{ |
if (input) |
{ |
input = false; |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
// public bool JumpCheck(ref bool input)
// {
// if (jumped)
// {
// jumped = false;
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
void Update() |
{ |
if (inputActions.UI.Restart.triggered) |
{ |
SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); |
} |
} |
public bool shootPressed; |
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate() |
{ |
// Vector2 move = gamepad.leftStick.ReadValue();
if (DisableInput) |
{ |
return; |
} |
moveInput = actionMap.Walk.ReadValue<Vector2>(); |
shootInput = actionMap.Shoot.ReadValue<float>() > 0; |
// shootPressed = actionMap.Shoot.triggered;
shootPressed = actionMap.Shoot.phase == InputActionPhase.Started; |
// shootInput = gamepad.rightTrigger.isPressed;
shieldInput = actionMap.Shield.ReadValue<float>() > 0; |
// rotateInput = actionMap.RotateBody.ReadValue<Vector2>();
// rotateInput = actionMap.Rotate.ReadValue<float>() * .1f;
// rotateInput = actionMap.Rotate.ReadValue<float>();
// rotateVector2 = actionMap.Rotate.ReadValue<Vector2>();
rotateInput = actionMap.Rotate.ReadValue<Vector2>(); |
// rotateInput = rotateVector2.x;
// rotateInput = actionMap.RotateBody.ReadValue<Vector2>();
// jumpInput = actionMap.Jump.ReadValue<float>() > 0;
// jumpInput = actionMap.Jump.triggered;
if (actionMap.Dash.triggered) |
{ |
dashInput = true; |
} |
if (actionMap.Jump.triggered) |
{ |
jumpInput = true; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: f3d133f7ef3e34484b28a9e1605e48ab |
MonoImporter: |
externalObjects: {} |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
// <auto-generated>
// This code was auto-generated by com.unity.inputsystem:InputActionCodeGenerator
// version 1.1.0
// from Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/Dodgeball/Input/DodgeBallInputActions.inputactions
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
// the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine.InputSystem; |
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities; |
public partial class @DodgeBallInputActions : IInputActionCollection2, IDisposable |
{ |
public InputActionAsset asset { get; } |
public @DodgeBallInputActions() |
{ |
asset = InputActionAsset.FromJson(@"{
""name"": ""DodgeBallInputActions"", |
""maps"": [ |
{ |
""name"": ""Player"", |
""id"": ""bb797917-97ca-47e1-b3c9-0572380e9376"", |
""actions"": [ |
{ |
""name"": ""Walk"", |
""type"": ""Value"", |
""id"": ""2f9ecc77-85d9-4189-8faf-18dcf905d2d4"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Vector2"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""Jump"", |
""type"": ""Button"", |
""id"": ""d2faa0a0-e027-4a5d-a155-870bb0ceaf7c"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""Shoot"", |
""type"": ""Button"", |
""id"": ""cbcb2a57-a474-46a7-b133-cf144f6de321"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""Shield"", |
""type"": ""Button"", |
""id"": ""ec97db61-8659-49c6-afaa-20b82a98e72b"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""Dash"", |
""type"": ""Button"", |
""id"": ""49d5245a-a350-4f94-b4c8-cf578d61000b"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""RotateOld"", |
""type"": ""Value"", |
""id"": ""b309ca48-95aa-4032-bd7d-46dcaeb138d0"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Axis"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""Rotate"", |
""type"": ""Value"", |
""id"": ""7172bb7c-a5ae-46b9-af48-2f521eb69773"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Vector2"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
} |
], |
""bindings"": [ |
{ |
""name"": ""2D Vector"", |
""id"": ""f7a4010c-91c6-422f-91e7-4b14cbdb214a"", |
""path"": ""2DVector(mode=2)"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Walk"", |
""isComposite"": true, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""up"", |
""id"": ""0067bacb-5284-4358-8fbf-cbbd17bd4884"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/w"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Walk"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": true |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""down"", |
""id"": ""5e100fc2-94e3-4f73-8020-b6cbeed41b97"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/s"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Walk"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": true |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""left"", |
""id"": ""5eb9d69e-8df8-443c-93f4-447eeb52b75f"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/a"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Walk"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": true |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""right"", |
""id"": ""3b4de59c-d93c-4072-b11e-711ea8534593"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/d"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Walk"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": true |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""6fdb596c-c0bb-4f37-b409-c235e9612acf"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/leftStick"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": ""StickDeadzone"", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Walk"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""28ddf0bd-ea22-4069-ba60-ca41d4742bf9"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/buttonSouth"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Jump"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""6f4a5988-5e01-4c66-a3ab-f4b5e47bd21f"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/j"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Jump"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""fe641861-0da7-43ba-8bd6-e95a17232a77"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/rightTrigger"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Shoot"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""2ae82452-d746-4a28-86f4-43c469c78eff"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/k"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Shoot"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""f3b10de9-a5c7-4952-b617-d46c6132d174"", |
""path"": ""<Mouse>/leftButton"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Shoot"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""2b94ae52-9bb0-478e-8e4c-bf6c747a5c7d"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/rightShoulder"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Shield"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""75b3d327-54da-4b56-a39e-052b1c173b56"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/i"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Shield"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""319796b1-6071-46f0-81dc-58b6bdb7d86a"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/leftTrigger"", |
""interactions"": ""Press(pressPoint=0.5)"", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Dash"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""ae8dc5a5-930d-412e-a196-627e63bfcd0c"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/l"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Dash"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""3eaa9db8-9821-49ea-b640-0434a871fb19"", |
""path"": ""<Mouse>/rightButton"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Dash"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""ac165f0a-fa27-4311-b148-2689537b942b"", |
""path"": ""<Pointer>/delta/x"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""RotateOld"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""1D Axis"", |
""id"": ""a788bd05-d81e-47f4-a14c-5cb071e21c96"", |
""path"": ""1DAxis"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""RotateOld"", |
""isComposite"": true, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""negative"", |
""id"": ""9844ff0b-6a74-43bb-a969-9f59c74212b9"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/rightStick/left"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""RotateOld"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": true |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""positive"", |
""id"": ""b81e038b-8786-4bbe-bb1d-aba1d54112d1"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/rightStick/right"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""RotateOld"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": true |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""4e9015a8-9ef1-4f5b-8776-ed1f246ce741"", |
""path"": ""<Pointer>/delta"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": ""ScaleVector2(x=2,y=2)"", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Rotate"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
} |
] |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""UI"", |
""id"": ""ab1a83a2-e1a9-44f3-8688-7a60542bcf25"", |
""actions"": [ |
{ |
""name"": ""Controls"", |
""type"": ""Button"", |
""id"": ""bd885a35-fff9-4afb-a855-24fb9f6006c7"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""Restart"", |
""type"": ""Button"", |
""id"": ""e94117bb-34b9-400e-98a4-5bcdc0e1ef18"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
} |
], |
""bindings"": [ |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""b1df5ed6-1b89-4092-8140-92b0835f0a58"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/c"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Controls"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""8f5dc820-dac4-4667-92d5-e1f46b8e3365"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/select"", |
""interactions"": ""Press"", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Controls"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""3558b9e6-24b3-420a-95a3-0bfd03222ba6"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/r"", |
""interactions"": ""Press"", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Restart"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""b3ee58f5-8a7d-40c9-abc6-6694d289683d"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/buttonNorth"", |
""interactions"": ""Press"", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Restart"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
} |
] |
} |
], |
""controlSchemes"": [] |
// Player
m_Player = asset.FindActionMap("Player", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Walk = m_Player.FindAction("Walk", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Jump = m_Player.FindAction("Jump", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Shoot = m_Player.FindAction("Shoot", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Shield = m_Player.FindAction("Shield", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Dash = m_Player.FindAction("Dash", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_RotateOld = m_Player.FindAction("RotateOld", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Rotate = m_Player.FindAction("Rotate", throwIfNotFound: true); |
// UI
m_UI = asset.FindActionMap("UI", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_UI_Controls = m_UI.FindAction("Controls", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_UI_Restart = m_UI.FindAction("Restart", throwIfNotFound: true); |
} |
public void Dispose() |
{ |
UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(asset); |
} |
public InputBinding? bindingMask |
{ |
get => asset.bindingMask; |
set => asset.bindingMask = value; |
} |
public ReadOnlyArray<InputDevice>? devices |
{ |
get => asset.devices; |
set => asset.devices = value; |
} |
public ReadOnlyArray<InputControlScheme> controlSchemes => asset.controlSchemes; |
public bool Contains(InputAction action) |
{ |
return asset.Contains(action); |
} |
public IEnumerator<InputAction> GetEnumerator() |
{ |
return asset.GetEnumerator(); |
} |
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() |
{ |
return GetEnumerator(); |
} |
public void Enable() |
{ |
asset.Enable(); |
} |
public void Disable() |
{ |
asset.Disable(); |
} |
public IEnumerable<InputBinding> bindings => asset.bindings; |
public InputAction FindAction(string actionNameOrId, bool throwIfNotFound = false) |
{ |
return asset.FindAction(actionNameOrId, throwIfNotFound); |
} |
public int FindBinding(InputBinding bindingMask, out InputAction action) |
{ |
return asset.FindBinding(bindingMask, out action); |
} |
// Player
private readonly InputActionMap m_Player; |
private IPlayerActions m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Walk; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Jump; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Shoot; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Shield; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Dash; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_RotateOld; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Rotate; |
public struct PlayerActions |
{ |
private @DodgeBallInputActions m_Wrapper; |
public PlayerActions(@DodgeBallInputActions wrapper) { m_Wrapper = wrapper; } |
public InputAction @Walk => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Walk; |
public InputAction @Jump => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Jump; |
public InputAction @Shoot => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Shoot; |
public InputAction @Shield => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Shield; |
public InputAction @Dash => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Dash; |
public InputAction @RotateOld => m_Wrapper.m_Player_RotateOld; |
public InputAction @Rotate => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Rotate; |
public InputActionMap Get() { return m_Wrapper.m_Player; } |
public void Enable() { Get().Enable(); } |
public void Disable() { Get().Disable(); } |
public bool enabled => Get().enabled; |
public static implicit operator InputActionMap(PlayerActions set) { return set.Get(); } |
public void SetCallbacks(IPlayerActions instance) |
{ |
if (m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface != null) |
{ |
@Walk.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnWalk; |
@Walk.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnWalk; |
@Walk.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnWalk; |
@Jump.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnJump; |
@Jump.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnJump; |
@Jump.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnJump; |
@Shoot.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShoot; |
@Shoot.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShoot; |
@Shoot.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShoot; |
@Shield.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShield; |
@Shield.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShield; |
@Shield.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShield; |
@Dash.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnDash; |
@Dash.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnDash; |
@Dash.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnDash; |
@RotateOld.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotateOld; |
@RotateOld.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotateOld; |
@RotateOld.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotateOld; |
@Rotate.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotate; |
@Rotate.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotate; |
@Rotate.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotate; |
} |
m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface = instance; |
if (instance != null) |
{ |
@Walk.started += instance.OnWalk; |
@Walk.performed += instance.OnWalk; |
@Walk.canceled += instance.OnWalk; |
@Jump.started += instance.OnJump; |
@Jump.performed += instance.OnJump; |
@Jump.canceled += instance.OnJump; |
@Shoot.started += instance.OnShoot; |
@Shoot.performed += instance.OnShoot; |
@Shoot.canceled += instance.OnShoot; |
@Shield.started += instance.OnShield; |
@Shield.performed += instance.OnShield; |
@Shield.canceled += instance.OnShield; |
@Dash.started += instance.OnDash; |
@Dash.performed += instance.OnDash; |
@Dash.canceled += instance.OnDash; |
@RotateOld.started += instance.OnRotateOld; |
@RotateOld.performed += instance.OnRotateOld; |
@RotateOld.canceled += instance.OnRotateOld; |
@Rotate.started += instance.OnRotate; |
@Rotate.performed += instance.OnRotate; |
@Rotate.canceled += instance.OnRotate; |
} |
} |
} |
public PlayerActions @Player => new PlayerActions(this); |
// UI
private readonly InputActionMap m_UI; |
private IUIActions m_UIActionsCallbackInterface; |
private readonly InputAction m_UI_Controls; |
private readonly InputAction m_UI_Restart; |
public struct UIActions |
{ |
private @DodgeBallInputActions m_Wrapper; |
public UIActions(@DodgeBallInputActions wrapper) { m_Wrapper = wrapper; } |
public InputAction @Controls => m_Wrapper.m_UI_Controls; |
public InputAction @Restart => m_Wrapper.m_UI_Restart; |
public InputActionMap Get() { return m_Wrapper.m_UI; } |
public void Enable() { Get().Enable(); } |
public void Disable() { Get().Disable(); } |
public bool enabled => Get().enabled; |
public static implicit operator InputActionMap(UIActions set) { return set.Get(); } |
public void SetCallbacks(IUIActions instance) |
{ |
if (m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface != null) |
{ |
@Controls.started -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnControls; |
@Controls.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnControls; |
@Controls.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnControls; |
@Restart.started -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnRestart; |
@Restart.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnRestart; |
@Restart.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnRestart; |
} |
m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface = instance; |
if (instance != null) |
{ |
@Controls.started += instance.OnControls; |
@Controls.performed += instance.OnControls; |
@Controls.canceled += instance.OnControls; |
@Restart.started += instance.OnRestart; |
@Restart.performed += instance.OnRestart; |
@Restart.canceled += instance.OnRestart; |
} |
} |
} |
public UIActions @UI => new UIActions(this); |
public interface IPlayerActions |
{ |
void OnWalk(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnJump(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnShoot(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnShield(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnDash(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnRotateOld(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnRotate(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
} |
public interface IUIActions |
{ |
void OnControls(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnRestart(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
} |
} |
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{ |
"name": "Walk", |
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"id": "2f9ecc77-85d9-4189-8faf-18dcf905d2d4", |
"expectedControlType": "Vector2", |
"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"name": "Jump", |
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"id": "d2faa0a0-e027-4a5d-a155-870bb0ceaf7c", |
"expectedControlType": "Button", |
"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
}, |
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"name": "Shoot", |
"type": "Button", |
"id": "cbcb2a57-a474-46a7-b133-cf144f6de321", |
"expectedControlType": "Button", |
"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"name": "Shield", |
"type": "Button", |
"id": "ec97db61-8659-49c6-afaa-20b82a98e72b", |
"expectedControlType": "Button", |
"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"name": "Dash", |
"type": "Button", |
"id": "49d5245a-a350-4f94-b4c8-cf578d61000b", |
"expectedControlType": "Button", |
"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
}, |
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"name": "RotateOld", |
"type": "Value", |
"id": "b309ca48-95aa-4032-bd7d-46dcaeb138d0", |
"expectedControlType": "Axis", |
"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"name": "Rotate", |
"type": "Value", |
"id": "7172bb7c-a5ae-46b9-af48-2f521eb69773", |
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"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"name": "2D Vector", |
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"path": "2DVector(mode=2)", |
"interactions": "", |
"processors": "", |
"groups": "", |
"action": "Walk", |
"isComposite": true, |
"isPartOfComposite": false |
}, |
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"name": "up", |
"id": "0067bacb-5284-4358-8fbf-cbbd17bd4884", |
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"interactions": "", |
"processors": "", |
"groups": "", |
"action": "Walk", |
"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": true |
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"id": "5e100fc2-94e3-4f73-8020-b6cbeed41b97", |
"path": "<Keyboard>/s", |
"interactions": "", |
"processors": "", |
"groups": "", |
"action": "Walk", |
"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": true |
}, |
{ |
"name": "left", |
"id": "5eb9d69e-8df8-443c-93f4-447eeb52b75f", |
"path": "<Keyboard>/a", |
"interactions": "", |
"processors": "", |
"groups": "", |
"action": "Walk", |
"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": true |
}, |
{ |
"name": "right", |
"id": "3b4de59c-d93c-4072-b11e-711ea8534593", |
"path": "<Keyboard>/d", |
"interactions": "", |
"processors": "", |
"groups": "", |
"action": "Walk", |
"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": true |
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{ |
"name": "", |
"id": "6fdb596c-c0bb-4f37-b409-c235e9612acf", |
"path": "<Gamepad>/leftStick", |
"interactions": "", |
"processors": "StickDeadzone", |
"groups": "", |
"action": "Walk", |
"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": false |
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"isPartOfComposite": false |
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{ |
"name": "", |
"id": "6f4a5988-5e01-4c66-a3ab-f4b5e47bd21f", |
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"isPartOfComposite": false |
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"isPartOfComposite": false |
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"id": "2ae82452-d746-4a28-86f4-43c469c78eff", |
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{ |
"name": "", |
"id": "2b94ae52-9bb0-478e-8e4c-bf6c747a5c7d", |
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"isPartOfComposite": false |
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{ |
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"id": "75b3d327-54da-4b56-a39e-052b1c173b56", |
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"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": false |
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{ |
"name": "", |
"id": "319796b1-6071-46f0-81dc-58b6bdb7d86a", |
"path": "<Gamepad>/leftTrigger", |
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"processors": "", |
"groups": "", |
"action": "Dash", |
"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": false |
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"id": "ae8dc5a5-930d-412e-a196-627e63bfcd0c", |
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"actions": [ |
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"id": "bd885a35-fff9-4afb-a855-24fb9f6006c7", |
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"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"name": "Restart", |
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"id": "e94117bb-34b9-400e-98a4-5bcdc0e1ef18", |
"expectedControlType": "Button", |
"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"id": "b1df5ed6-1b89-4092-8140-92b0835f0a58", |
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"interactions": "", |
"processors": "", |
"groups": "", |
"action": "Controls", |
"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": false |
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{ |
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"id": "8f5dc820-dac4-4667-92d5-e1f46b8e3365", |
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"processors": "", |
"groups": "", |
"action": "Controls", |
"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": false |
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"processors": "", |
"groups": "", |
"action": "Restart", |
"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": false |
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{ |
"name": "", |
"id": "b3ee58f5-8a7d-40c9-abc6-6694d289683d", |
"path": "<Gamepad>/buttonNorth", |
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"processors": "", |
"groups": "", |
"action": "Restart", |
"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": false |
} |
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"controlSchemes": [] |
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// <auto-generated>
// This code was auto-generated by com.unity.inputsystem:InputActionCodeGenerator
// version 1.1.0
// from Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/Dodgeball/Input/FPSPlayerInputActions 1.inputactions
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
// the code is regenerated.
// </auto-generated>
using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine.InputSystem; |
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities; |
public partial class @FPSPlayerInputActions1 : IInputActionCollection2, IDisposable |
{ |
public InputActionAsset asset { get; } |
public @FPSPlayerInputActions1() |
{ |
asset = InputActionAsset.FromJson(@"{
""name"": ""FPSPlayerInputActions 1"", |
""maps"": [ |
{ |
""name"": ""Player"", |
""id"": ""bb797917-97ca-47e1-b3c9-0572380e9376"", |
""actions"": [ |
{ |
""name"": ""Walk"", |
""type"": ""Value"", |
""id"": ""2f9ecc77-85d9-4189-8faf-18dcf905d2d4"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Vector2"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""Jump"", |
""type"": ""Button"", |
""id"": ""d2faa0a0-e027-4a5d-a155-870bb0ceaf7c"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""Shoot"", |
""type"": ""Button"", |
""id"": ""cbcb2a57-a474-46a7-b133-cf144f6de321"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""Shield"", |
""type"": ""Button"", |
""id"": ""ec97db61-8659-49c6-afaa-20b82a98e72b"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
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{ |
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""id"": ""49d5245a-a350-4f94-b4c8-cf578d61000b"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""RotateOld"", |
""type"": ""Value"", |
""id"": ""b309ca48-95aa-4032-bd7d-46dcaeb138d0"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Axis"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""Rotate"", |
""type"": ""Value"", |
""id"": ""7172bb7c-a5ae-46b9-af48-2f521eb69773"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Vector2"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
} |
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{ |
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""id"": ""f7a4010c-91c6-422f-91e7-4b14cbdb214a"", |
""path"": ""2DVector(mode=2)"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Walk"", |
""isComposite"": true, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
""name"": ""up"", |
""id"": ""0067bacb-5284-4358-8fbf-cbbd17bd4884"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/w"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
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""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": true |
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{ |
""name"": ""down"", |
""id"": ""5e100fc2-94e3-4f73-8020-b6cbeed41b97"", |
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""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": true |
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{ |
""name"": ""left"", |
""id"": ""5eb9d69e-8df8-443c-93f4-447eeb52b75f"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/a"", |
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""groups"": """", |
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""isPartOfComposite"": true |
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{ |
""name"": ""right"", |
""id"": ""3b4de59c-d93c-4072-b11e-711ea8534593"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/d"", |
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""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
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""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": true |
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{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""6fdb596c-c0bb-4f37-b409-c235e9612acf"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/leftStick"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": ""StickDeadzone"", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Walk"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""28ddf0bd-ea22-4069-ba60-ca41d4742bf9"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/buttonSouth"", |
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""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Jump"", |
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""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""6f4a5988-5e01-4c66-a3ab-f4b5e47bd21f"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/j"", |
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""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Jump"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""fe641861-0da7-43ba-8bd6-e95a17232a77"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/rightTrigger"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Shoot"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""2ae82452-d746-4a28-86f4-43c469c78eff"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/k"", |
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""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
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""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""f3b10de9-a5c7-4952-b617-d46c6132d174"", |
""path"": ""<Mouse>/leftButton"", |
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""groups"": """", |
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""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""2b94ae52-9bb0-478e-8e4c-bf6c747a5c7d"", |
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""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
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""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""319796b1-6071-46f0-81dc-58b6bdb7d86a"", |
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""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
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""id"": ""ae8dc5a5-930d-412e-a196-627e63bfcd0c"", |
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""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
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""id"": ""3eaa9db8-9821-49ea-b640-0434a871fb19"", |
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""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""ac165f0a-fa27-4311-b148-2689537b942b"", |
""path"": ""<Pointer>/delta/x"", |
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""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""RotateOld"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""1D Axis"", |
""id"": ""a788bd05-d81e-47f4-a14c-5cb071e21c96"", |
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""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
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""isComposite"": true, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
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{ |
""name"": ""negative"", |
""id"": ""9844ff0b-6a74-43bb-a969-9f59c74212b9"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/rightStick/left"", |
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""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""RotateOld"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": true |
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{ |
""name"": ""positive"", |
""id"": ""b81e038b-8786-4bbe-bb1d-aba1d54112d1"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/rightStick/right"", |
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{ |
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""isPartOfComposite"": false |
} |
] |
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""name"": ""UI"", |
""id"": ""ab1a83a2-e1a9-44f3-8688-7a60542bcf25"", |
""actions"": [ |
{ |
""name"": ""Controls"", |
""type"": ""Button"", |
""id"": ""bd885a35-fff9-4afb-a855-24fb9f6006c7"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
}, |
{ |
""name"": ""Restart"", |
""type"": ""Button"", |
""id"": ""e94117bb-34b9-400e-98a4-5bcdc0e1ef18"", |
""expectedControlType"": ""Button"", |
""processors"": """", |
""interactions"": """" |
} |
], |
""bindings"": [ |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""b1df5ed6-1b89-4092-8140-92b0835f0a58"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/c"", |
""interactions"": """", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Controls"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""8f5dc820-dac4-4667-92d5-e1f46b8e3365"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/select"", |
""interactions"": ""Press"", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Controls"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""3558b9e6-24b3-420a-95a3-0bfd03222ba6"", |
""path"": ""<Keyboard>/r"", |
""interactions"": ""Press"", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Restart"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
}, |
{ |
""name"": """", |
""id"": ""b3ee58f5-8a7d-40c9-abc6-6694d289683d"", |
""path"": ""<Gamepad>/buttonNorth"", |
""interactions"": ""Press"", |
""processors"": """", |
""groups"": """", |
""action"": ""Restart"", |
""isComposite"": false, |
""isPartOfComposite"": false |
} |
] |
} |
], |
""controlSchemes"": [] |
// Player
m_Player = asset.FindActionMap("Player", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Walk = m_Player.FindAction("Walk", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Jump = m_Player.FindAction("Jump", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Shoot = m_Player.FindAction("Shoot", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Shield = m_Player.FindAction("Shield", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Dash = m_Player.FindAction("Dash", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_RotateOld = m_Player.FindAction("RotateOld", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_Player_Rotate = m_Player.FindAction("Rotate", throwIfNotFound: true); |
// UI
m_UI = asset.FindActionMap("UI", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_UI_Controls = m_UI.FindAction("Controls", throwIfNotFound: true); |
m_UI_Restart = m_UI.FindAction("Restart", throwIfNotFound: true); |
} |
public void Dispose() |
{ |
UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(asset); |
} |
public InputBinding? bindingMask |
{ |
get => asset.bindingMask; |
set => asset.bindingMask = value; |
} |
public ReadOnlyArray<InputDevice>? devices |
{ |
get => asset.devices; |
set => asset.devices = value; |
} |
public ReadOnlyArray<InputControlScheme> controlSchemes => asset.controlSchemes; |
public bool Contains(InputAction action) |
{ |
return asset.Contains(action); |
} |
public IEnumerator<InputAction> GetEnumerator() |
{ |
return asset.GetEnumerator(); |
} |
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() |
{ |
return GetEnumerator(); |
} |
public void Enable() |
{ |
asset.Enable(); |
} |
public void Disable() |
{ |
asset.Disable(); |
} |
public IEnumerable<InputBinding> bindings => asset.bindings; |
public InputAction FindAction(string actionNameOrId, bool throwIfNotFound = false) |
{ |
return asset.FindAction(actionNameOrId, throwIfNotFound); |
} |
public int FindBinding(InputBinding bindingMask, out InputAction action) |
{ |
return asset.FindBinding(bindingMask, out action); |
} |
// Player
private readonly InputActionMap m_Player; |
private IPlayerActions m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Walk; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Jump; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Shoot; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Shield; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Dash; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_RotateOld; |
private readonly InputAction m_Player_Rotate; |
public struct PlayerActions |
{ |
private @FPSPlayerInputActions1 m_Wrapper; |
public PlayerActions(@FPSPlayerInputActions1 wrapper) { m_Wrapper = wrapper; } |
public InputAction @Walk => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Walk; |
public InputAction @Jump => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Jump; |
public InputAction @Shoot => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Shoot; |
public InputAction @Shield => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Shield; |
public InputAction @Dash => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Dash; |
public InputAction @RotateOld => m_Wrapper.m_Player_RotateOld; |
public InputAction @Rotate => m_Wrapper.m_Player_Rotate; |
public InputActionMap Get() { return m_Wrapper.m_Player; } |
public void Enable() { Get().Enable(); } |
public void Disable() { Get().Disable(); } |
public bool enabled => Get().enabled; |
public static implicit operator InputActionMap(PlayerActions set) { return set.Get(); } |
public void SetCallbacks(IPlayerActions instance) |
{ |
if (m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface != null) |
{ |
@Walk.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnWalk; |
@Walk.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnWalk; |
@Walk.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnWalk; |
@Jump.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnJump; |
@Jump.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnJump; |
@Jump.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnJump; |
@Shoot.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShoot; |
@Shoot.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShoot; |
@Shoot.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShoot; |
@Shield.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShield; |
@Shield.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShield; |
@Shield.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnShield; |
@Dash.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnDash; |
@Dash.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnDash; |
@Dash.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnDash; |
@RotateOld.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotateOld; |
@RotateOld.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotateOld; |
@RotateOld.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotateOld; |
@Rotate.started -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotate; |
@Rotate.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotate; |
@Rotate.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface.OnRotate; |
} |
m_Wrapper.m_PlayerActionsCallbackInterface = instance; |
if (instance != null) |
{ |
@Walk.started += instance.OnWalk; |
@Walk.performed += instance.OnWalk; |
@Walk.canceled += instance.OnWalk; |
@Jump.started += instance.OnJump; |
@Jump.performed += instance.OnJump; |
@Jump.canceled += instance.OnJump; |
@Shoot.started += instance.OnShoot; |
@Shoot.performed += instance.OnShoot; |
@Shoot.canceled += instance.OnShoot; |
@Shield.started += instance.OnShield; |
@Shield.performed += instance.OnShield; |
@Shield.canceled += instance.OnShield; |
@Dash.started += instance.OnDash; |
@Dash.performed += instance.OnDash; |
@Dash.canceled += instance.OnDash; |
@RotateOld.started += instance.OnRotateOld; |
@RotateOld.performed += instance.OnRotateOld; |
@RotateOld.canceled += instance.OnRotateOld; |
@Rotate.started += instance.OnRotate; |
@Rotate.performed += instance.OnRotate; |
@Rotate.canceled += instance.OnRotate; |
} |
} |
} |
public PlayerActions @Player => new PlayerActions(this); |
// UI
private readonly InputActionMap m_UI; |
private IUIActions m_UIActionsCallbackInterface; |
private readonly InputAction m_UI_Controls; |
private readonly InputAction m_UI_Restart; |
public struct UIActions |
{ |
private @FPSPlayerInputActions1 m_Wrapper; |
public UIActions(@FPSPlayerInputActions1 wrapper) { m_Wrapper = wrapper; } |
public InputAction @Controls => m_Wrapper.m_UI_Controls; |
public InputAction @Restart => m_Wrapper.m_UI_Restart; |
public InputActionMap Get() { return m_Wrapper.m_UI; } |
public void Enable() { Get().Enable(); } |
public void Disable() { Get().Disable(); } |
public bool enabled => Get().enabled; |
public static implicit operator InputActionMap(UIActions set) { return set.Get(); } |
public void SetCallbacks(IUIActions instance) |
{ |
if (m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface != null) |
{ |
@Controls.started -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnControls; |
@Controls.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnControls; |
@Controls.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnControls; |
@Restart.started -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnRestart; |
@Restart.performed -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnRestart; |
@Restart.canceled -= m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface.OnRestart; |
} |
m_Wrapper.m_UIActionsCallbackInterface = instance; |
if (instance != null) |
{ |
@Controls.started += instance.OnControls; |
@Controls.performed += instance.OnControls; |
@Controls.canceled += instance.OnControls; |
@Restart.started += instance.OnRestart; |
@Restart.performed += instance.OnRestart; |
@Restart.canceled += instance.OnRestart; |
} |
} |
} |
public UIActions @UI => new UIActions(this); |
public interface IPlayerActions |
{ |
void OnWalk(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnJump(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnShoot(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnShield(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnDash(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnRotateOld(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnRotate(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
} |
public interface IUIActions |
{ |
void OnControls(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
void OnRestart(InputAction.CallbackContext context); |
} |
} |
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"expectedControlType": "Button", |
"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"id": "cbcb2a57-a474-46a7-b133-cf144f6de321", |
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"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"expectedControlType": "Axis", |
"processors": "", |
"interactions": "" |
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"interactions": "", |
"processors": "", |
"groups": "", |
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"isComposite": true, |
"isPartOfComposite": false |
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"isComposite": false, |
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"action": "Walk", |
"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": true |
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"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": true |
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"name": "", |
"id": "6fdb596c-c0bb-4f37-b409-c235e9612acf", |
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"isPartOfComposite": false |
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"isComposite": false, |
"isPartOfComposite": false |
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"name": "", |
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"name": "", |
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"name": "", |
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"id": "319796b1-6071-46f0-81dc-58b6bdb7d86a", |
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"controlSchemes": [] |
} |
Reference in new issue