Andrew Cohen
4 年前
共有 25 个文件被更改,包括 1171 次插入 和 187 次删除
import pytest |
import torch |
from mlagents.trainers.torch.decoders import ValueHeads |
def test_valueheads(): |
stream_names = [f"reward_signal_{num}" for num in range(5)] |
input_size = 5 |
batch_size = 4 |
# Test default 1 value per head |
value_heads = ValueHeads(stream_names, input_size) |
input_data = torch.ones((batch_size, input_size)) |
value_out, _ = value_heads(input_data) # Note: mean value will be removed shortly |
for stream_name in stream_names: |
assert value_out[stream_name].shape == (batch_size,) |
# Test that inputting the wrong size input will throw an error |
with pytest.raises(Exception): |
value_out = value_heads(torch.ones((batch_size, input_size + 2))) |
# Test multiple values per head (e.g. discrete Q function) |
output_size = 4 |
value_heads = ValueHeads(stream_names, input_size, output_size) |
input_data = torch.ones((batch_size, input_size)) |
value_out, _ = value_heads(input_data) |
for stream_name in stream_names: |
assert value_out[stream_name].shape == (batch_size, output_size) |
import pytest |
import torch |
from mlagents.trainers.torch.distributions import ( |
GaussianDistribution, |
MultiCategoricalDistribution, |
GaussianDistInstance, |
TanhGaussianDistInstance, |
CategoricalDistInstance, |
) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tanh_squash", [True, False]) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("conditional_sigma", [True, False]) |
def test_gaussian_distribution(conditional_sigma, tanh_squash): |
torch.manual_seed(0) |
hidden_size = 16 |
act_size = 4 |
sample_embedding = torch.ones((1, 16)) |
gauss_dist = GaussianDistribution( |
hidden_size, |
act_size, |
conditional_sigma=conditional_sigma, |
tanh_squash=tanh_squash, |
) |
# Make sure backprop works |
force_action = torch.zeros((1, act_size)) |
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(gauss_dist.parameters(), lr=3e-3) |
for _ in range(50): |
dist_inst = gauss_dist(sample_embedding)[0] |
if tanh_squash: |
assert isinstance(dist_inst, TanhGaussianDistInstance) |
else: |
assert isinstance(dist_inst, GaussianDistInstance) |
log_prob = dist_inst.log_prob(force_action) |
loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(log_prob, -2 * torch.ones(log_prob.shape)) |
optimizer.zero_grad() |
loss.backward() |
optimizer.step() |
for prob in log_prob.flatten(): |
assert prob == pytest.approx(-2, abs=0.1) |
def test_multi_categorical_distribution(): |
torch.manual_seed(0) |
hidden_size = 16 |
act_size = [3, 3, 4] |
sample_embedding = torch.ones((1, 16)) |
gauss_dist = MultiCategoricalDistribution(hidden_size, act_size) |
# Make sure backprop works |
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(gauss_dist.parameters(), lr=3e-3) |
def create_test_prob(size: int) -> torch.Tensor: |
test_prob = torch.tensor( |
[[1.0 - 0.01 * (size - 1)] + [0.01] * (size - 1)] |
) # High prob for first action |
return test_prob.log() |
for _ in range(100): |
dist_insts = gauss_dist(sample_embedding, masks=torch.ones((1, sum(act_size)))) |
loss = 0 |
for i, dist_inst in enumerate(dist_insts): |
assert isinstance(dist_inst, CategoricalDistInstance) |
log_prob = dist_inst.all_log_prob() |
test_log_prob = create_test_prob(act_size[i]) |
# Force log_probs to match the high probability for the first action generated by |
# create_test_prob |
loss += torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(log_prob, test_log_prob) |
optimizer.zero_grad() |
loss.backward() |
optimizer.step() |
for dist_inst, size in zip(dist_insts, act_size): |
# Check that the log probs are close to the fake ones that we generated. |
test_log_probs = create_test_prob(size) |
for _prob, _test_prob in zip( |
dist_inst.all_log_prob().flatten().tolist(), |
test_log_probs.flatten().tolist(), |
): |
assert _prob == pytest.approx(_test_prob, abs=0.1) |
# Test masks |
masks = [] |
for branch in act_size: |
masks += [0] * (branch - 1) + [1] |
masks = torch.tensor([masks]) |
dist_insts = gauss_dist(sample_embedding, masks=masks) |
for dist_inst in dist_insts: |
log_prob = dist_inst.all_log_prob() |
assert log_prob.flatten()[-1] == pytest.approx(0, abs=0.001) |
def test_gaussian_dist_instance(): |
torch.manual_seed(0) |
act_size = 4 |
dist_instance = GaussianDistInstance( |
torch.zeros(1, act_size), torch.ones(1, act_size) |
) |
action = dist_instance.sample() |
assert action.shape == (1, act_size) |
for log_prob in dist_instance.log_prob(torch.zeros((1, act_size))).flatten(): |
# Log prob of standard normal at 0 |
assert log_prob == pytest.approx(-0.919, abs=0.01) |
for ent in dist_instance.entropy().flatten(): |
# entropy of standard normal at 0 |
assert ent == pytest.approx(2.83, abs=0.01) |
def test_tanh_gaussian_dist_instance(): |
torch.manual_seed(0) |
act_size = 4 |
dist_instance = GaussianDistInstance( |
torch.zeros(1, act_size), torch.ones(1, act_size) |
) |
for _ in range(10): |
action = dist_instance.sample() |
assert action.shape == (1, act_size) |
assert torch.max(action) < 1.0 and torch.min(action) > -1.0 |
def test_categorical_dist_instance(): |
torch.manual_seed(0) |
act_size = 4 |
test_prob = torch.tensor( |
[1.0 - 0.1 * (act_size - 1)] + [0.1] * (act_size - 1) |
) # High prob for first action |
dist_instance = CategoricalDistInstance(test_prob) |
for _ in range(10): |
action = dist_instance.sample() |
assert action.shape == (1,) |
assert action < act_size |
# Make sure the first action as higher probability than the others. |
prob_first_action = dist_instance.log_prob(torch.tensor([0])) |
for i in range(1, act_size): |
assert dist_instance.log_prob(torch.tensor([i])) < prob_first_action |
import torch |
from unittest import mock |
import pytest |
from mlagents.trainers.torch.encoders import ( |
VectorEncoder, |
VectorAndUnnormalizedInputEncoder, |
Normalizer, |
SimpleVisualEncoder, |
ResNetVisualEncoder, |
NatureVisualEncoder, |
) |
# This test will also reveal issues with states not being saved in the state_dict. |
def compare_models(module_1, module_2): |
is_same = True |
for key_item_1, key_item_2 in zip( |
module_1.state_dict().items(), module_2.state_dict().items() |
): |
# Compare tensors in state_dict and not the keys. |
is_same = torch.equal(key_item_1[1], key_item_2[1]) and is_same |
return is_same |
def test_normalizer(): |
input_size = 2 |
norm = Normalizer(input_size) |
# These three inputs should mean to 0.5, and variance 2 |
# with the steps starting at 1 |
vec_input1 = torch.tensor([[1, 1]]) |
vec_input2 = torch.tensor([[1, 1]]) |
vec_input3 = torch.tensor([[0, 0]]) |
norm.update(vec_input1) |
norm.update(vec_input2) |
norm.update(vec_input3) |
# Test normalization |
for val in norm(vec_input1)[0]: |
assert val == pytest.approx(0.707, abs=0.001) |
# Test copy normalization |
norm2 = Normalizer(input_size) |
assert not compare_models(norm, norm2) |
norm2.copy_from(norm) |
assert compare_models(norm, norm2) |
for val in norm2(vec_input1)[0]: |
assert val == pytest.approx(0.707, abs=0.001) |
@mock.patch("mlagents.trainers.torch.encoders.Normalizer") |
def test_vector_encoder(mock_normalizer): |
mock_normalizer_inst = mock.Mock() |
mock_normalizer.return_value = mock_normalizer_inst |
input_size = 64 |
hidden_size = 128 |
num_layers = 3 |
normalize = False |
vector_encoder = VectorEncoder(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, normalize) |
output = vector_encoder(torch.ones((1, input_size))) |
assert output.shape == (1, hidden_size) |
normalize = True |
vector_encoder = VectorEncoder(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, normalize) |
new_vec = torch.ones((1, input_size) |