
[docs] Corrected num_layers default value (#4167)

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| `hyperparameters -> learning_rate_schedule` | (default = `linear` for PPO and `constant` for SAC) Determines how learning rate changes over time. For PPO, we recommend decaying learning rate until max_steps so learning converges more stably. However, for some cases (e.g. training for an unknown amount of time) this feature can be disabled. For SAC, we recommend holding learning rate constant so that the agent can continue to learn until its Q function converges naturally. <br><br>`linear` decays the learning_rate linearly, reaching 0 at max_steps, while `constant` keeps the learning rate constant for the entire training run. |
| `network_settings -> hidden_units` | (default = `128`) Number of units in the hidden layers of the neural network. Correspond to how many units are in each fully connected layer of the neural network. For simple problems where the correct action is a straightforward combination of the observation inputs, this should be small. For problems where the action is a very complex interaction between the observation variables, this should be larger. <br><br> Typical range: `32` - `512` |
| `network_settings -> num_layers` | (default = `false`) The number of hidden layers in the neural network. Corresponds to how many hidden layers are present after the observation input, or after the CNN encoding of the visual observation. For simple problems, fewer layers are likely to train faster and more efficiently. More layers may be necessary for more complex control problems. <br><br> Typical range: `1` - `3` |
| `network_settings -> num_layers` | (default = `2`) The number of hidden layers in the neural network. Corresponds to how many hidden layers are present after the observation input, or after the CNN encoding of the visual observation. For simple problems, fewer layers are likely to train faster and more efficiently. More layers may be necessary for more complex control problems. <br><br> Typical range: `1` - `3` |
| `network_settings -> normalize` | (default = `false`) Whether normalization is applied to the vector observation inputs. This normalization is based on the running average and variance of the vector observation. Normalization can be helpful in cases with complex continuous control problems, but may be harmful with simpler discrete control problems. |
| `network_settings -> vis_encoder_type` | (default = `simple`) Encoder type for encoding visual observations. <br><br> `simple` (default) uses a simple encoder which consists of two convolutional layers, `nature_cnn` uses the CNN implementation proposed by [Mnih et al.](https://www.nature.com/articles/nature14236), consisting of three convolutional layers, and `resnet` uses the [IMPALA Resnet](https://arxiv.org/abs/1802.01561) consisting of three stacked layers, each with two residual blocks, making a much larger network than the other two. |
