from mlagents.trainers.behavior_id_utils import BehaviorIdentifiers |
# Import to avoid circular import |
from mlagents.trainers.trainer.trainer_factory import TrainerFactory # noqa F401 |
from mlagents.trainers.poca.trainer import POCATrainer |
from mlagents.trainers.settings import RewardSignalSettings, RewardSignalType |
from mlagents.trainers.policy.torch_policy import TorchPolicy |
from mlagents.trainers.settings import NetworkSettings |
from mlagents.trainers.tests.dummy_config import ( # noqa: F401 |
ppo_dummy_config, |
create_observation_specs_with_shapes, |
poca_dummy_config, |
from mlagents.trainers.agent_processor import AgentManagerQueue |
from mlagents.trainers.settings import TrainerSettings |
from mlagents_envs.base_env import ActionSpec |
from mlagents_envs.base_env import ActionSpec, BehaviorSpec |
# poca has the same hyperparameters as ppo for now |
return ppo_dummy_config() |
return poca_dummy_config() |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("visual", [True, False], ids=["visual", "vector"]) |
@pytest.mark.parametrize("rnn", [True, False], ids=["rnn", "no_rnn"]) |
# We need to test this separately from test_reward_signals.py to ensure no interactions |
def test_ppo_optimizer_update_curiosity( |
def test_poca_optimizer_update_curiosity( |
dummy_config, curiosity_dummy_config, rnn, visual, discrete # noqa: F811 |
): |
# Test evaluate |
# We need to test this separately from test_reward_signals.py to ensure no interactions |
def test_ppo_optimizer_update_gail(gail_dummy_config, dummy_config): # noqa: F811 |
def test_poca_optimizer_update_gail(gail_dummy_config, dummy_config): # noqa: F811 |
config = ppo_dummy_config() |
config = poca_dummy_config() |
optimizer = create_test_poca_optimizer( |
config, use_rnn=False, use_discrete=False, use_visual=False |
) |
update_buffer, |
num_sequences=update_buffer.num_experiences // optimizer.policy.sequence_length, |
) |
def test_poca_end_episode(): |
name_behavior_id = "test_trainer" |
trainer = POCATrainer( |
name_behavior_id, |
10, |
TrainerSettings(max_steps=100, checkpoint_interval=10, summary_freq=20), |
True, |
False, |
0, |
"mock_model_path", |
) |
behavior_spec = BehaviorSpec( |
create_observation_specs_with_shapes([(1,)]), ActionSpec.create_discrete((2,)) |
) |
parsed_behavior_id = BehaviorIdentifiers.from_name_behavior_id(name_behavior_id) |
mock_policy = trainer.create_policy(parsed_behavior_id, behavior_spec) |
trainer.add_policy(parsed_behavior_id, mock_policy) |
trajectory_queue = AgentManagerQueue("testbrain") |
policy_queue = AgentManagerQueue("testbrain") |
trainer.subscribe_trajectory_queue(trajectory_queue) |
trainer.publish_policy_queue(policy_queue) |
time_horizon = 10 |
trajectory = mb.make_fake_trajectory( |
length=time_horizon, |
observation_specs=behavior_spec.observation_specs, |
max_step_complete=False, |
action_spec=behavior_spec.action_spec, |
num_other_agents_in_group=2, |
group_reward=1.0, |
is_terminal=False, |
) |
trajectory_queue.put(trajectory) |
trainer.advance() |
# Test that some trajectoories have been injested |
for reward in trainer.collected_group_rewards.values(): |
assert reward == 10 |
# Test end episode |
trainer.end_episode() |
assert len(trainer.collected_group_rewards.keys()) == 0 |
if __name__ == "__main__": |