| `measure` | What to measure learning progress, and advancement in lessons by.<br><br>`reward` uses a measure received reward, while `progress` uses the ratio of steps/max_steps. |
| `behavior` | Specifies which behavior is being tracked. There can be multiple behaviors with different names, each at different points of training. This setting allows the curriculum to track only one of them. |
| `threshold` | Determines at what point in value of `measure` the lesson should be increased. |
| `min_lesson_length` | The minimum number of episodes that should be completed before the lesson can change. If `measure` is set to `reward`, the average cumulative reward of the last `min_lesson_length` episodes will be used to determine if the lesson should change. Must be nonnegative. <br><br>**Important**: the average reward that is compared to the thresholds is different than the mean reward that is logged to the console. For example, if `min_lesson_length` is `100`, the lesson will increment after the average cumulative reward of the last `100` episodes exceeds the current threshold. The mean reward logged to the console is dictated by the `summary_freq` parameter defined above. |
| `signal_smoothing` | Whether to weight the current progress measure by previous values. |
| `require_reset` | Whether changing lesson requires the environment to reset (default: false) |
##### Training with a Curriculum
Once we have specified our metacurriculum and curricula, we can launch
`mlagents-learn` to point to the config file containing
our curricula and PPO will train using Curriculum Learning. For example, to
train agents in the Wall Jump environment with curriculum learning, we can run: