using Unity.MLAgents.Policies; |
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors; |
using UnityEngine; |
using Unity.MLAgents.Inference.Utils; |
namespace Unity.MLAgents |
{ |
string[] m_TrainingOutputNames; |
IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> m_InferenceInputs; |
IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> m_TrainingInputs; |
IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> m_ModelParametersInputs; |
List<TensorProxy> m_InferenceOutputs; |
Dictionary<string, Tensor> m_InputsByName; |
Dictionary<int, List<float>> m_Memories = new Dictionary<int, List<float>>(); |
bool m_ObservationsInitialized; |
bool m_TrainingObservationsInitialized; |
ReplayBuffer m_Buffer; |
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the Brain with the Model that it will use when selecting actions for
public TrainingModelRunner( |
ActionSpec actionSpec, |
NNModel model, |
ReplayBuffer buffer, |
int seed = 0) |
{ |
Model barracudaModel; |
// barracudaModel = ModelLoader.Load(new NNModel());
barracudaModel = ModelLoader.Load(model); |
m_Model = barracudaModel; |
WorkerFactory.Type executionDevice = WorkerFactory.Type.CSharp; |
WorkerFactory.Type executionDevice = WorkerFactory.Type.CSharpBurst; |
m_ModelParametersInputs = barracudaModel.GetModelParamTensors(); |
InitializeModelParam(); |
m_OutputNames = barracudaModel.GetOutputNames(); |
m_TrainingOutputNames = barracudaModel.GetTrainingOutputNames(); |
m_TensorGenerator = new TensorGenerator( |
actionSpec, seed, m_TensorAllocator, m_Memories, barracudaModel); |
m_InputsByName = new Dictionary<string, Tensor>(); |
m_InferenceOutputs = new List<TensorProxy>(); |
m_Buffer = buffer; |
void PrepareBarracudaInputs(IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> infInputs) |
void InitializeModelParam() |
{ |
RandomNormal randomNormal = new RandomNormal(10); |
foreach (var tensor in m_ModelParametersInputs) |
{ |
TensorUtils.RandomInitialize(tensor, randomNormal, m_TensorAllocator); |
} |
} |
void PrepareBarracudaInputs(IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> infInputs, bool training=false) |
{ |
m_InputsByName.Clear(); |
for (var i = 0; i < infInputs.Count; i++) |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < m_TrainingInputs.Count; i++) |
{ |
var inp = m_TrainingInputs[i]; |
if (m_InputsByName.ContainsKey(inp.name) && training==false) |
{ |
continue; |
} |
m_InputsByName[inp.name] = inp.data; |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < m_ModelParametersInputs.Count; i++) |
{ |
var inp = m_ModelParametersInputs[i]; |
m_InputsByName[inp.name] = inp.data; |
} |
} |
public void Dispose() |
m_TensorGenerator.InitializeObservations(firstInfo.sensors, m_TensorAllocator); |
m_ObservationsInitialized = true; |
} |
if (!m_TrainingObservationsInitialized) |
{ |
// Just grab the first agent in the collection (any will suffice, really).
// We check for an empty Collection above, so this will always return successfully.
m_TrainingTensorGenerator.InitializeObservations(m_Buffer.SampleDummyBatch(1)[0], m_TensorAllocator); |
m_TrainingObservationsInitialized = true; |
} |
m_TrainingTensorGenerator.GenerateTensors(m_TrainingInputs, currentBatchSize, m_Buffer.SampleDummyBatch(currentBatchSize)); |
PrepareBarracudaInputs(m_InferenceInputs); |
m_TrainingTensorGenerator.InitializeObservations(transitions[0], m_TensorAllocator); |
m_TrainingObservationsInitialized = true; |
} |
m_TrainingTensorGenerator.GenerateTensors(m_TrainingInputs, currentBatchSize, transitions); |
m_TrainingTensorGenerator.GenerateTensors(m_TrainingInputs, currentBatchSize, transitions, true); |
PrepareBarracudaInputs(m_TrainingInputs); |
PrepareBarracudaInputs(m_TrainingInputs, true); |
// Execute the Model
m_Engine.Execute(m_InputsByName); |
// Update the model
// m_Model.weights = m_InferenceOutputs.weights
// CopyWeights(w_0, nw_0)
} |
public ActionBuffers GetAction(int agentId) |