#### ml-agents / ml-agents-envs / gym-unity (Python) |
### Minor Changes |
- GridSensor was added to the com.unity.ml-agents.extensions package. Thank you |
to Jaden Travnik from Eidos Montreal for the contribution! (#4399) |
#### ml-agents / ml-agents-envs / gym-unity (Python) |
- Experimental PyTorch support has been added. Use `--torch` when running `mlagents-learn`, or add |
`framework: pytorch` to your trainer configuration (under the behavior name) to enable it. |
- Compressed visual observations with >3 channels are now supported. In |
ISensor.GetCompressedObservation(), this can be done by writing 3 channels at a |
time to a PNG and concatenating the resulting bytes. (#4399) |
- A CNN (`vis_encode_type: match3`) for smaller grids, e.g. board games, has been added. |
(#4434) |