
docstrings for all ghost trainer functions

Andrew Cohen 4 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 81 次插入11 次删除
  1. 92


class GhostTrainer(Trainer):
The GhostTrainer trains agents in adversarial games (there are teams in opposition) using a self-play mechanism.
In adversarial settings with self-play, at any time, there is only a single learning team. The other team(s) is
"ghosted" which means that its agents are executing fixed policies and not learning. The GhostTrainer wraps
a standard RL trainer which trains the learning team and ensures that only the trajectories collected
by the learning team are used for training. The GhostTrainer also maintains past policy snapshots to be used
as the fixed policies when the team is not learning. The GhostTrainer is 1:1 with brain_names as the other
trainers, and is responsible for one or more teams. Note, a GhostTrainer can have only one team in
asymmetric games where there is only one team with a particular behavior i.e. Hide and Seek.
The GhostController manages high level coordination between multiple ghost trainers. The learning team id
is cycled throughout a training run.
def __init__(

Responsible for collecting experiences and training trainer model via self_play.
Creates a GhostTrainer.
:param controller: Object that coordinates all ghost trainers
:param controller: GhostController that coordinates all ghost trainers and calculates ELO
:param reward_buff_cap: Max reward history to track in the reward buffer
:param trainer_parameters: The parameters for the trainer (dictionary).
:param training: Whether the trainer is set for training.

def current_elo(self) -> float:
Gets ELO of current policy which is always last in the list
:return: ELO of current policy
Changes elo of current policy which is always last in the list
:param change: Amount to change current elo by
Get elo of current opponent policy
:return: ELO of current opponent policy
Changes elo of current opponent policy
:param change: Amount to change current opponent elo by
Determines the final result of an episode and asks the GhostController
to calculate the ELO change. The GhostController changes the ELO
of the opponent policy since this may be in a different GhostTrainer
i.e. in asymmetric games. We assume the last reward determines the winner.
:param trajectory: Trajectory.
if trajectory.done_reached and not trajectory.max_step_reached:
# Assumption is that final reward is 1/.5/0 for win/draw/loss
final_reward = trajectory.steps[-1].reward

self.last_swap = self.ghost_step
def end_episode(self):
Forwarding call to wrapped trainers end_episode
Forwarding call to wrapped trainers save_model
Forwarding call to wrapped trainers export_model
Creates policy with the wrapped trainer's create_policy function
return self.trainer.create_policy(brain_parameters)
def add_policy(

Adds policy to trainer. For the first policy added, add a trainer
to the policy and set the learning behavior name to name_behavior_id.
Adds policy to trainer. The first policy encountered sets the wrapped
trainer team. This is to ensure that all agents from the same multi-agent
team are grouped. All policies associated with this team are added to the
wrapped trainer to be trained.
:param name_behavior_id: Behavior ID that the policy should belong to.
:param policy: Policy to associate with name_behavior_id.

def get_policy(self, name_behavior_id: str) -> TFPolicy:
Gets policy associated with name_behavior_id
:param name_behavior_id: Fully qualified behavior name
:return: Policy associated with name_behavior_id
Saves a snapshot of the weights of the policy and maintains the policy_snapshots
according to the window size
:param policy: The policy to be snapshotted
weights = policy.get_weights()
self.policy_snapshots[self.snapshot_counter] = weights

self.snapshot_counter = (self.snapshot_counter + 1) % self.window
def _swap_snapshots(self) -> None:
Swaps the appropriate weight to the policy and pushes it to respective policy queues
# here is the place for a sampling protocol
if parsed_behavior_id.team_id == self._learning_team:
elif np.random.uniform() < (1 - self.play_against_current_self_ratio):
# Here is the place for a sampling protocol. If the learning team switches
# immediately before swapping, this first check ensures that the new learning
# team gets the current policy snapshot. Otherwise, it redundantly swaps
# the current policy.
if parsed_behavior_id.team_id != self._learning_team and np.random.uniform() < (
1 - self.play_against_current_self_ratio
x = np.random.randint(len(self.policy_snapshots))
snapshot = self.policy_snapshots[x]

def publish_policy_queue(self, policy_queue: AgentManagerQueue[Policy]) -> None:
Adds a policy queue to the list of queues to publish to when this Trainer
makes a policy update
Adds a policy queue for every member of the team to the list of queues to publish to when this Trainer
makes a policy update. Creates an internal policy queue for the wrapped
trainer to push to. The GhostTrainer pushes all policies to the env.
:param queue: Policy queue to publish to.

self, trajectory_queue: AgentManagerQueue[Trajectory]
) -> None:
Adds a trajectory queue to the list of queues for the trainer to ingest Trajectories from.
Adds a trajectory queue for every member of the team to the list of queues for the trainer
to ingest Trajectories from. Creates an internal trajectory queue to push trajectories from
the learning team. The wrapped trainer subscribes to this queue.
:param queue: Trajectory queue to publish to.
