public int LayerMask; |
/// <summary>
/// Returns the expected number of floats in the output.
/// (Deprecated) Returns the expected number of floats in the output.
[Obsolete("RayPerceptionInput.OutputSize() has been deprecated, please use RayPerceptionSensor.OutputSize instead.")] |
public int OutputSize() |
{ |
return ((DetectableTags?.Count ?? 0) + 2) * (Angles?.Count ?? 0); |
public float ScaledCastRadius; |
/// <summary>
/// Writes the ray output information to a subset of the float array. Each element in the rayAngles array
/// (Deprecated) Writes the ray output information to a subset of the float array. Each element in the rayAngles array
/// determines a sublist of data to the observation. The sublist contains the observation data for a single cast.
/// The list is composed of the following:
/// 1. A one-hot encoding for detectable tags. For example, if DetectableTags.Length = n, the
/// <param name="numDetectableTags"></param>
/// <param name="rayIndex"></param>
/// <param name="buffer">Output buffer. The size must be equal to (numDetectableTags+2) * RayOutputs.Length</param>
[Obsolete("RayPerceptionOutput.ToFloatArray() has been deprecated, please use RayPerceptionSensor.RayOutputToArray() instead.")] |
public void ToFloatArray(int numDetectableTags, int rayIndex, float[] buffer) |
{ |
var bufferOffset = (numDetectableTags + 2) * rayIndex; |