* **`observations`** : A list of 4 dimensional numpy arrays. Matrix n of the list corresponds to the n<sup>th</sup> observation of the brain.
* **`states`** : A two dimensional numpy array of dimension `(batch size, state size)` if the state space is continuous and `(batch size, state size)` if the state space is discrete.
* **`states`** : A two dimensional numpy array of dimension `(batch size, state size)` if the state space is continuous and `(batch size, 1)` if the state space is discrete.
* **`memories`** : A two dimensional numpy array of dimension `(batch size, memory size)` which corresponds to the memories sent at the previous step.
* **`rewards`** : A list as long as the number of agents using the brain containing the rewards they each obtained at the previous step.
* **`local_done`** : A list as long as the number of agents using the brain containing `done` flags (wether or not the agent is done).