//reward looking at
// float facingReward = + 0.01f * Quaternion.Dot(m_OrientationCube.transform.rotation, hips.rotation)
// + 0.01f * Quaternion.Dot(m_OrientationCube.transform.rotation, head.rotation);
float facingReward = + 0.1f * Quaternion . Dot ( m_OrientationCube . transform . rotation , hips . rotation )
+ 0.1f * Quaternion . Dot ( m_OrientationCube . transform . rotation , head . rotation ) ;
float velReward = + 0.2f * Vector3 . Dot ( m_OrientationCube . transform . forward , m_JdController . bodyPartsDict [ hips ] . rb . velocity ) ; //because we are observing in local space???
//Multiplying these amplifies the reward.
float runForwardTowardsTargetReward = facingReward * Mathf . Clamp ( velReward , 0 , 1 5 ) ;
// //Multiplying these amplifies the reward.
// float facingReward = + 0.1f * Quaternion.Dot(m_OrientationCube.transform.rotation, hips.rotation)
// + 0.1f * Quaternion.Dot(m_OrientationCube.transform.rotation, head.rotation);
// float velReward = +0.2f * Vector3.Dot(m_OrientationCube.transform.forward,m_JdController.bodyPartsDict[hips].rb.velocity); //because we are observing in local space???
// float runForwardTowardsTargetReward = facingReward * Mathf.Clamp(velReward, 0, 15);
// print(Quaternion.Angle(hips.transform.rotation, thighL.transform.rotation));
// print($"Combined {runForwardTowardsTargetReward}");
// float runBackwardsTowardsTargetReward = facingReward * Mathf.Clamp(velReward, -1, 0);
// Set reward for this step according to mixture of the following elements.
// d. Discourage head movement.
AddReward (
// runForwardTowardsTargetReward
// + 0.02f * Vector3.Dot(m_OrientationCube.transform.forward,Vector3.ClampMagnitude(m_JdController.bodyPartsDict[hips].rb.velocity,5))
+ 0.01f * Vector3 . Dot ( m_OrientationCube . transform . forward , Vector3 . ClampMagnitude ( m_JdController . bodyPartsDict [ hips ] . rb . velocity , 3 ) )
// + 0.01f * (Quaternion.Dot(m_OrientationCube.transform.rotation, hips.rotation) - 1) * .5f //penalize not looking at
// + 0.01f * (Quaternion.Dot(m_OrientationCube.transform.rotation, head.rotation) - 1) * .5f //penalize not looking at
+ 0.015f * ( Quaternion . Dot ( m_OrientationCube . transform . rotation , hips . rotation ) - 1 ) * . 5f //penalize not looking at
+ 0.015f * ( Quaternion . Dot ( m_OrientationCube . transform . rotation , head . rotation ) - 1 ) * . 5f //penalize not looking at
+ 0.02f * ( head . position . y - hips . position . y )
- 0.01f * Vector3 . Distance ( m_JdController . bodyPartsDict [ head ] . rb . velocity ,
m_JdController . bodyPartsDict [ hips ] . rb . velocity )
// + 0.02f * (head.position.y - hips.position.y)
// - 0.01f * Vector3.Distance(m_JdController.bodyPartsDict[head].rb.velocity,
// m_JdController.bodyPartsDict[hips].rb.velocity)
) ;