
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Unity-Technologies/ml-agents into develop-sac-apex

Ervin Teng 5 年前
共有 47 个文件被更改,包括 9932 次插入1903 次删除
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  46. 0
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using MLAgents;
/// <summary>

Agent m_Agent;
m_Position = 10;
transform.position = new Vector3(m_Position - 10f, 0f, 0f);
smallGoal.transform.position = new Vector3(k_SmallGoalPosition - 10f, 0f, 0f);
largeGoal.transform.position = new Vector3(k_LargeGoalPosition - 10f, 0f, 0f);
/// <summary>

public void ResetAgent()
m_Position = 10;
smallGoal.transform.position = new Vector3(k_SmallGoalPosition - 10f, 0f, 0f);
largeGoal.transform.position = new Vector3(k_LargeGoalPosition - 10f, 0f, 0f);
// This is a very inefficient way to reset the scene. Used here for testing.
m_Agent = null; // LoadScene only takes effect at the next Update.
// We set the Agent to null to avoid using the Agent before the reload
public void FixedUpdate()

void WaitTimeInference()
if (m_Agent == null)

m_TimeSinceDecision = 0f;


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m_Layer: 0
m_Name: PurpleStriker
m_TagString: purpleAgent

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m_Model: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 9d26b71f04a2d4680a68d8de4f6b62e9, type: 3}
m_Model: {fileID: 11400000, guid: b0a629580a0ab48a5a774f90ff1fb48b, type: 3}
m_BehaviorName: Soccer
m_BehaviorName: SoccerTwos
TeamId: 1
m_UseChildSensors: 1
--- !u!114 &114492261207303438

maxStep: 3000
team: 0
area: {fileID: 114559182131992928}
position: 2
agentRb: {fileID: 0}
--- !u!114 &114320493772006642

DecisionPeriod: 5
TakeActionsBetweenDecisions: 1
offsetStep: 0
--- !u!114 &5530675298926254831
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- component: {fileID: 114516244030127556}
- component: {fileID: 404683423509059512}
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m_Layer: 0
m_Name: BlueStriker
m_TagString: blueAgent

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vectorActionSpaceType: 0
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m_Model: {fileID: 11400000, guid: b0a629580a0ab48a5a774f90ff1fb48b, type: 3}
m_BehaviorName: Soccer
m_BehaviorName: SoccerTwos
TeamId: 0
m_UseChildSensors: 1
--- !u!114 &114850431417842684

maxStep: 3000
team: 1
area: {fileID: 114559182131992928}
position: 2
agentRb: {fileID: 0}
--- !u!114 &114516244030127556

DecisionPeriod: 5
TakeActionsBetweenDecisions: 1
offsetStep: 0
--- !u!114 &2668741801881409108
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- component: {fileID: 1023485123796557062}
- component: {fileID: 8734522883866558980}
- component: {fileID: 2436210718391481760}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: PurpleStriker (1)
m_TagString: purpleAgent

vectorActionSize: 030000000300000003000000
vectorActionDescriptions: []
vectorActionSpaceType: 0
m_Model: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 9d26b71f04a2d4680a68d8de4f6b62e9, type: 3}
m_Model: {fileID: 11400000, guid: b0a629580a0ab48a5a774f90ff1fb48b, type: 3}
m_BehaviorName: Soccer
m_BehaviorName: SoccerTwos
TeamId: 1
m_UseChildSensors: 1
--- !u!114 &5320024511406682322

maxStep: 3000
team: 0
area: {fileID: 114559182131992928}
position: 2
agentRb: {fileID: 0}
--- !u!114 &1023485123796557062

DecisionPeriod: 5
TakeActionsBetweenDecisions: 1
offsetStep: 0
--- !u!114 &2436210718391481760
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- component: {fileID: 1018414316889932458}
- component: {fileID: 5288255359135781773}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: BlueStriker (1)
m_TagString: blueAgent

vectorActionSize: 030000000300000003000000
vectorActionDescriptions: []
vectorActionSpaceType: 0
m_Model: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 9d26b71f04a2d4680a68d8de4f6b62e9, type: 3}
m_Model: {fileID: 11400000, guid: b0a629580a0ab48a5a774f90ff1fb48b, type: 3}
m_BehaviorName: Soccer
m_BehaviorName: SoccerTwos
TeamId: 0
m_UseChildSensors: 1
--- !u!114 &5379409612883756837

maxStep: 3000
team: 1
area: {fileID: 114559182131992928}
position: 2
agentRb: {fileID: 0}
--- !u!114 &2562571719799803906

DecisionPeriod: 5
TakeActionsBetweenDecisions: 1
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--- !u!114 &5288255359135781773
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--- !u!1 &8673569163220857793
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using UnityEngine;
using MLAgents;
using MLAgents.Policies;
using MLAgents.SideChannels;
public class AgentSoccer : Agent

Purple = 1
public enum Position
// The coefficient for the reward for colliding with a ball. Set using curriculum.
float m_BallTouch;
public Position position;
const float k_Power = 2000f;
float m_Existential;
float m_LateralSpeed;
float m_ForwardSpeed;
public float timePenalty = 0;
public Rigidbody agentRb;

public override void Initialize()
m_Existential = 1f / maxStep;
m_BehaviorParameters = gameObject.GetComponent<BehaviorParameters>();
if (m_BehaviorParameters.TeamId == (int)Team.Blue)

team = Team.Purple;
m_Transform = new Vector3(transform.position.x + 4f, .5f, transform.position.z);
if (position == Position.Goalie)
m_LateralSpeed = 1.0f;
m_ForwardSpeed = 1.0f;
else if (position == Position.Striker)
m_LateralSpeed = 0.3f;
m_ForwardSpeed = 1.3f;
m_LateralSpeed = 0.3f;
m_ForwardSpeed = 1.0f;
m_SoccerSettings = FindObjectOfType<SoccerSettings>();
agentRb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
agentRb.maxAngularVelocity = 500;

switch (forwardAxis)
case 1:
dirToGo = transform.forward * 1f;
dirToGo = transform.forward * m_ForwardSpeed;
dirToGo = transform.forward * -1f;
dirToGo = transform.forward * -m_ForwardSpeed;

dirToGo = transform.right * 0.3f;
dirToGo = transform.right * m_LateralSpeed;
dirToGo = transform.right * -0.3f;
dirToGo = transform.right * -m_LateralSpeed;

public override void OnActionReceived(float[] vectorAction)
// Existential penalty for strikers.
AddReward(-1f / 3000f);
if (position == Position.Goalie)
// Existential bonus for Goalies.
else if (position == Position.Striker)
// Existential penalty for Strikers
// Existential penalty cumulant for Generic
timePenalty -= m_Existential;

/// </summary>
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision c)
var force = 2000f * m_KickPower;
var force = k_Power * m_KickPower;
if (position == Position.Goalie)
force = k_Power;
AddReward(.2f * m_BallTouch);
var dir = c.contacts[0].point - transform.position;
dir = dir.normalized;
c.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(dir * force);

public override void OnEpisodeBegin()
timePenalty = 0;
m_BallTouch = SideChannelUtils.GetSideChannel<FloatPropertiesChannel>().GetPropertyWithDefault("ball_touch", 0);
if (team == Team.Purple)
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, -90f, 0f);


if (ps.agentScript.team == scoredTeam)
ps.agentScript.AddReward(1 + ps.agentScript.timePenalty);

public Vector3 GetBallSpawnPosition()
var randomSpawnPos = ground.transform.position +
new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
randomSpawnPos.y = ground.transform.position.y + .5f;
return randomSpawnPos;
ball.transform.position = GetBallSpawnPosition();
ball.transform.position = ballStartingPos;
ballRb.velocity = Vector3.zero;
ballRb.angularVelocity = Vector3.zero;



fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 9d26b71f04a2d4680a68d8de4f6b62e9
guid: e9c10c18f4eb745d19186a54dbe3ca2e
11400000: main obj


communication between Unity and the Python process.
- The obsolete `Agent` methods `GiveModel`, `Done`, `InitializeAgent`,
`AgentAction` and `AgentReset` have been removed.
- The GhostTrainer has been extended to support asymmetric games and the asymmetric example environment Strikers Vs. Goalie has been added.
### Minor Changes


// Don't show this object in the hierarchy
m_StepperObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
m_FixedUpdateStepper = m_StepperObject.AddComponent<AcademyFixedUpdateStepper>();
// This try-catch is because DontDestroyOnLoad cannot be used in Editor Tests
catch {}
/// <summary>


void NotifyAgentDone(DoneReason doneReason)
if (m_Info.done)
// The Agent was already marked as Done and should not be notified again
m_Info.episodeId = m_EpisodeId;
m_Info.reward = m_Reward;
m_Info.done = true;

m_CumulativeReward = 0f;
m_RequestAction = false;
m_RequestDecision = false;
Array.Clear(m_Info.storedVectorActions, 0, m_Info.storedVectorActions.Length);
/// <summary>

m_Info.storedVectorActions = m_Action.vectorActions;
if (m_Info.done)
Array.Clear(m_Info.storedVectorActions, 0, m_Info.storedVectorActions.Length);
Array.Copy(m_Action.vectorActions, m_Info.storedVectorActions, m_Action.vectorActions.Length);
using (TimerStack.Instance.Scoped("CollectObservations"))

void DecideAction()
m_Action.vectorActions = m_Brain?.DecideAction();
var action = m_Brain?.DecideAction();
if (action == null)
Array.Clear(m_Action.vectorActions, 0, m_Action.vectorActions.Length);
Array.Copy(action, m_Action.vectorActions, action.Length);


ActionGenerator m_Heuristic;
float[] m_LastDecision;
int m_numActions;
bool m_Done;
bool m_DecisionRequested;
WriteAdapter m_WriteAdapter = new WriteAdapter();
NullList m_NullList = new NullList();

m_Heuristic = heuristic;
m_numActions = numActions;
m_LastDecision = new float[m_numActions];
/// <inheritdoc />

if (!info.done)
// Reset m_LastDecision each time.
m_LastDecision = new float[m_numActions];
m_Done = info.done;
m_DecisionRequested = true;
if (!m_Done && m_DecisionRequested)
m_DecisionRequested = false;
return m_LastDecision;


swap_steps: 50000
team_change: 100000
normalize: false
max_steps: 5.0e7
learning_rate_schedule: constant
batch_size: 2048
buffer_size: 20480
hidden_units: 512
time_horizon: 1000
num_layers: 2
window: 10
play_against_latest_model_ratio: 0.5
save_steps: 50000
swap_steps: 25000
team_change: 200000
normalize: false
max_steps: 5.0e7
learning_rate_schedule: constant
batch_size: 2048
buffer_size: 20480
hidden_units: 512
time_horizon: 1000
num_layers: 2
window: 10
play_against_latest_model_ratio: 0.5
save_steps: 50000
swap_steps: 100000
team_change: 200000
normalize: false
max_steps: 5.0e7
learning_rate_schedule: constant

play_against_latest_model_ratio: 0.5
save_steps: 50000
swap_steps: 50000
team_change: 100000
team_change: 200000
normalize: true


# Background: Machine Learning
Given that a number of users of the ML-Agents toolkit might not have a formal
Given that a number of users of the ML-Agents Toolkit might not have a formal
understanding of the ML-Agents toolkit. However, we will not attempt to provide
understanding of the ML-Agents Toolkit. However, we will not attempt to provide
a thorough treatment of machine learning as there are fantastic resources

## Unsupervised Learning
The goal of [unsupervised
learning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsupervised_learning) is to group or
cluster similar items in a data set. For example, consider the players of a
game. We may want to group the players depending on how engaged they are with
the game. This would enable us to target different groups (e.g. for
highly-engaged players we might invite them to be beta testers for new features,
while for unengaged players we might email them helpful tutorials). Say that we
wish to split our players into two groups. We would first define basic
attributes of the players, such as the number of hours played, total money spent
on in-app purchases and number of levels completed. We can then feed this data
set (three attributes for every player) to an unsupervised learning algorithm
where we specify the number of groups to be two. The algorithm would then split
the data set of players into two groups where the players within each group
would be similar to each other. Given the attributes we used to describe each
player, in this case, the output would be a split of all the players into two
groups, where one group would semantically represent the engaged players and the
second group would semantically represent the unengaged players.
The goal of
[unsupervised learning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsupervised_learning) is
to group or cluster similar items in a data set. For example, consider the
players of a game. We may want to group the players depending on how engaged
they are with the game. This would enable us to target different groups (e.g.
for highly-engaged players we might invite them to be beta testers for new
features, while for unengaged players we might email them helpful tutorials).
Say that we wish to split our players into two groups. We would first define
basic attributes of the players, such as the number of hours played, total money
spent on in-app purchases and number of levels completed. We can then feed this
data set (three attributes for every player) to an unsupervised learning
algorithm where we specify the number of groups to be two. The algorithm would
then split the data set of players into two groups where the players within each
group would be similar to each other. Given the attributes we used to describe
each player, in this case, the output would be a split of all the players into
two groups, where one group would semantically represent the engaged players and
the second group would semantically represent the unengaged players.
With unsupervised learning, we did not provide specific examples of which
players are considered engaged and which are considered unengaged. We just

to achieve good performance.
We now switch to reinforcement learning, the third class of machine learning
algorithms, and arguably the one most relevant for the ML-Agents toolkit.
algorithms, and arguably the one most relevant for the ML-Agents Toolkit.
## Reinforcement Learning

one can view a non-playable character (NPC) as a virtual robot, with its own
observations about the environment, its own set of actions and a specific
objective. Thus it is natural to explore how we can train behaviors within Unity
using reinforcement learning. This is precisely what the ML-Agents toolkit
using reinforcement learning. This is precisely what the ML-Agents Toolkit
training character behaviors using the ML-Agents toolkit.
training character behaviors using the ML-Agents Toolkit.
<p align="center">
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fiQsmdwEGT8" target="_blank">

data, while the inference phase involves applying this model to new, previously
unseen, data. More specifically:
* For our unsupervised learning example, the training phase learns the optimal
- For our unsupervised learning example, the training phase learns the optimal
* For our supervised learning example, the training phase learns the mapping
- For our supervised learning example, the training phase learns the mapping
* For our reinforcement learning example, the training phase learns the optimal
- For our reinforcement learning example, the training phase learns the optimal
policy through guided trials, and in the inference phase, the agent observes
and tales actions in the wild using its learned policy.

More specifically, they can be used to solve both attribute and model selection
tasks. Deep learning has gained popularity in recent years due to its
outstanding performance on several challenging machine learning tasks. One
example is [AlphaGo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AlphaGo), a [computer
Go](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Go) program, that leverages deep
learning, that was able to beat Lee Sedol (a Go world champion).
example is [AlphaGo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AlphaGo), a
[computer Go](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Go) program, that leverages
deep learning, that was able to beat Lee Sedol (a Go world champion).
A key characteristic of deep learning algorithms is their ability learn very
complex functions from large amounts of training data. This makes them a natural


# Background: TensorFlow
As discussed in our
[machine learning background page](Background-Machine-Learning.md),
many of the algorithms we provide in the
ML-Agents toolkit leverage some form of deep learning. More specifically, our
implementations are built on top of the open-source library
[TensorFlow](https://www.tensorflow.org/). This means that the models produced
by the ML-Agents toolkit are (currently) in a format only understood by
TensorFlow. In this page we provide a brief overview of TensorFlow, in addition
to TensorFlow-related tools that we leverage within the ML-Agents toolkit.
[machine learning background page](Background-Machine-Learning.md), many of the
algorithms we provide in the ML-Agents Toolkit leverage some form of deep
learning. More specifically, our implementations are built on top of the
open-source library [TensorFlow](https://www.tensorflow.org/). In this page we
provide a brief overview of TensorFlow, in addition to TensorFlow-related tools
that we leverage within the ML-Agents Toolkit.
## TensorFlow

a desktop, server, or mobile device. Within the ML-Agents toolkit, when you
train the behavior of an agent, the output is a TensorFlow model (.nn) file
that you can then associate with an Agent. Unless you implement a new
algorithm, the use of TensorFlow is mostly abstracted away and behind the
a desktop, server, or mobile device. Within the ML-Agents Toolkit, when you
train the behavior of an agent, the output is a TensorFlow model (.nn) file that
you can then associate with an Agent. Unless you implement a new algorithm, the
use of TensorFlow is mostly abstracted away and behind the scenes.
## TensorBoard

It allows the visualization of certain agent attributes (e.g. reward) throughout
training which can be helpful in both building intuitions for the different
hyperparameters and setting the optimal values for your Unity environment. We
provide more details on setting the hyperparameters in later parts of the
documentation, but, in the meantime, if you are unfamiliar with TensorBoard we
recommend our guide on [using TensorBoard with ML-Agents](Using-Tensorboard.md) or
this [tutorial](https://github.com/dandelionmane/tf-dev-summit-tensorboard-tutorial).
provide more details on setting the hyperparameters in the
[Training ML-Agents](Training-ML-Agents.md) page. If you are unfamiliar with
TensorBoard we recommend our guide on
[using TensorBoard with ML-Agents](Using-Tensorboard.md) or this


and [Tutorials page](https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials). The
[Roll-a-ball tutorial](https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/s/roll-ball-tutorial)
is a fantastic resource to learn all the basic concepts of Unity to get started
with the ML-Agents toolkit:
with the ML-Agents Toolkit:
* [Editor](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UsingTheEditor.html)
* [Interface](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/LearningtheInterface.html)
* [Scene](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CreatingScenes.html)
* [GameObject](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/GameObjects.html)
* [Rigidbody](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Rigidbody.html)
* [Camera](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Cameras.html)
* [Scripting](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ScriptingSection.html)
* [Physics](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PhysicsSection.html)
* [Ordering of event functions](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ExecutionOrder.html)
- [Editor](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UsingTheEditor.html)
- [Interface](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/LearningtheInterface.html)
- [Scene](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CreatingScenes.html)
- [GameObject](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/GameObjects.html)
- [Rigidbody](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Rigidbody.html)
- [Camera](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Cameras.html)
- [Scripting](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ScriptingSection.html)
- [Physics](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PhysicsSection.html)
- [Ordering of event functions](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ExecutionOrder.html)
* [Prefabs](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Prefabs.html)
- [Prefabs](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Prefabs.html)


# ML-Agents Toolkit Glossary
* **Academy** - Singleton object which controls timing, reset, and
- **Academy** - Singleton object which controls timing, reset, and
* **Action** - The carrying-out of a decision on the part of an agent within the
- **Action** - The carrying-out of a decision on the part of an agent within the
* **Agent** - Unity Component which produces observations and takes actions in
- **Agent** - Unity Component which produces observations and takes actions in
* **Policy** - The decision making mechanism, typically a neural network model.
* **Decision** - The specification produced by a Policy for an action to be
- **Policy** - The decision making mechanism, typically a neural network model.
- **Decision** - The specification produced by a Policy for an action to be
* **Editor** - The Unity Editor, which may include any pane (e.g. Hierarchy,
- **Editor** - The Unity Editor, which may include any pane (e.g. Hierarchy,
* **Environment** - The Unity scene which contains Agents.
* **FixedUpdate** - Unity method called each time the game engine is
stepped. ML-Agents logic should be placed here.
* **Frame** - An instance of rendering the main camera for the display.
- **Environment** - The Unity scene which contains Agents.
- **FixedUpdate** - Unity method called each time the game engine is stepped.
ML-Agents logic should be placed here.
- **Frame** - An instance of rendering the main camera for the display.
* **Observation** - Partial information describing the state of the environment
- **Observation** - Partial information describing the state of the environment
* **Policy** - Function for producing decisions from observations.
* **Reward** - Signal provided at every step used to indicate desirability of an
- **Policy** - Function for producing decisions from observations.
- **Reward** - Signal provided at every step used to indicate desirability of an
* **State** - The underlying properties of the environment (including all agents
- **State** - The underlying properties of the environment (including all agents
* **Step** - Corresponds to each `FixedUpdate` call of the game engine. Is the
- **Step** - Corresponds to each `FixedUpdate` call of the game engine. Is the
* **Update** - Unity function called each time a frame is rendered. ML-Agents
- **Update** - Unity function called each time a frame is rendered. ML-Agents
* **External Coordinator** - ML-Agents class responsible for communication with
- **External Coordinator** - ML-Agents class responsible for communication with
* **Trainer** - Python class which is responsible for training a given
group of Agents.
- **Trainer** - Python class which is responsible for training a given group of


:warning: **Note:** We no longer use this guide ourselves and so it may not work
correctly. We've decided to keep it up just in case it is helpful to you.
The ML-Agents toolkit supports Windows 10. While it might be possible to run the
ML-Agents toolkit using other versions of Windows, it has not been tested on
other versions. Furthermore, the ML-Agents toolkit has not been tested on a
The ML-Agents Toolkit supports Windows 10. While it might be possible to run the
ML-Agents Toolkit using other versions of Windows, it has not been tested on
other versions. Furthermore, the ML-Agents Toolkit has not been tested on a
To use the ML-Agents toolkit, you install Python and the required Python
To use the ML-Agents Toolkit, you install Python and the required Python
ML-Agents toolkit. However, training on a GPU might be required by future
ML-Agents Toolkit. However, training on a GPU might be required by future
versions and features.
## Step 1: Install Python via Anaconda

## Step 2: Setup and Activate a New Conda Environment
You will create a new [Conda environment](https://conda.io/docs/) to be used
with the ML-Agents toolkit. This means that all the packages that you install
with the ML-Agents Toolkit. This means that all the packages that you install
are localized to just this environment. It will not affect any other
installation of Python or other environments. Whenever you want to run
ML-Agents, you will need activate this Conda environment.

## Step 3: Install Required Python Packages
The ML-Agents toolkit depends on a number of Python packages. Use `pip` to
The ML-Agents Toolkit depends on a number of Python packages. Use `pip` to
install these Python dependencies.
If you haven't already, clone the ML-Agents Toolkit Github repository to your

This will complete the installation of all the required Python packages to run
the ML-Agents toolkit.
the ML-Agents Toolkit.
Sometimes on Windows, when you use pip to install certain Python packages, the
pip will get stuck when trying to read the cache of the package. If you see

## (Optional) Step 4: GPU Training using The ML-Agents Toolkit
GPU is not required for the ML-Agents toolkit and won't speed up the PPO
GPU is not required for the ML-Agents Toolkit and won't speed up the PPO
Currently for the ML-Agents toolkit, only CUDA v9.0 and cuDNN v7.0.5 is
Currently for the ML-Agents Toolkit, only CUDA v9.0 and cuDNN v7.0.5 is
### Install Nvidia CUDA toolkit

libraries, debugging and optimization tools, a C/C++ (Step Visual Studio 2017)
compiler and a runtime library and is needed to run the ML-Agents toolkit. In
compiler and a runtime library and is needed to run the ML-Agents Toolkit. In
this guide, we are using version


# Making a New Learning Environment
This tutorial walks through the process of creating a Unity Environment from scratch. We recommend first reading the [Getting Started](Getting-Started.md) guide to understand the concepts presented here first in an already-built environment.
This tutorial walks through the process of creating a Unity Environment from
scratch. We recommend first reading the [Getting Started](Getting-Started.md)
guide to understand the concepts presented here first in an already-built
In this example, we will create an agent capable of controlling a ball on a platform. We will then train the agent to roll the ball toward the cube while avoiding falling off the platform.
In this example, we will create an agent capable of controlling a ball on a
platform. We will then train the agent to roll the ball toward the cube while
avoiding falling off the platform.
Using the ML-Agents toolkit in a Unity project involves the following basic
Using the ML-Agents Toolkit in a Unity project involves the following basic
from a simple physical simulation containing a few objects to an entire game
or ecosystem.
2. Implement your Agent subclasses. An Agent subclass defines the code an Agent
uses to observe its environment, to carry out assigned actions, and to
calculate the rewards used for reinforcement training. You can also implement
optional methods to reset the Agent when it has finished or failed its task.
3. Add your Agent subclasses to appropriate GameObjects, typically, the object
in the scene that represents the Agent in the simulation.
from a simple physical simulation containing a few objects to an entire game
or ecosystem.
1. Implement your Agent subclasses. An Agent subclass defines the code an Agent
uses to observe its environment, to carry out assigned actions, and to
calculate the rewards used for reinforcement training. You can also implement
optional methods to reset the Agent when it has finished or failed its task.
1. Add your Agent subclasses to appropriate GameObjects, typically, the object
in the scene that represents the Agent in the simulation.
**Note:** If you are unfamiliar with Unity, refer to
[Learning the interface](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/LearningtheInterface.html)

The first task to accomplish is simply creating a new Unity project and
importing the ML-Agents assets into it:
1. Launch the Unity Editor and create a new project named "RollerBall".
2. Make sure that the Scripting Runtime Version for the project is set to use
**.NET 4.x Equivalent** (This is an experimental option in Unity 2017,
but is the default as of 2018.3.)
3. In a file system window, navigate to the folder containing your cloned
ML-Agents repository.
4. Open the `manifest.json` file in the `Packages` directory of your project.
Add the following line to your project's package dependencies:
"com.unity.ml-agents" : "file:<path_to_local_ml-agents_repo>/com.unity.ml-agents"
More information can be found in the [installation instructions](Installation.md) under
**Package Installation**.
1. Launch Unity Hub and create a new 3D project named "RollerBall".
1. [Add the ML-Agents Unity package](Installation.md#install-the-comunityml-agents-unity-package)
to your project.
![Project window](images/mlagents-NewProject.png)
<p align="left">
<img src="images/roller-ball-projects.png"
alt="Project window"
width="250" border="10" />
Next, we will create a very simple scene to act as our ML-Agents environment.
The "physical" components of the environment include a Plane to act as the floor
for the Agent to move around on, a Cube to act as the goal or target for the
agent to seek, and a Sphere to represent the Agent itself.
Next, we will create a very simple scene to act as our learning environment. The
"physical" components of the environment include a Plane to act as the floor for
the Agent to move around on, a Cube to act as the goal or target for the agent
to seek, and a Sphere to represent the Agent itself.
2. Name the GameObject "Floor."
3. Select the Floor Plane to view its properties in the Inspector window.
4. Set Transform to Position = (0, 0, 0), Rotation = (0, 0, 0), Scale = (1, 1, 1).
5. On the Plane's Mesh Renderer, expand the Materials property and change the
default-material to *GridMatFloor* (or any suitable material of your choice).
(To set a new material, click the small circle icon next to the current material
name. This opens the **Object Picker** dialog so that you can choose a
different material from the list of all materials currently in the project.)
1. Name the GameObject "Floor."
1. Select the Floor Plane to view its properties in the Inspector window.
1. Set Transform to Position = `(0, 0, 0)`, Rotation = `(0, 0, 0)`, Scale =
`(1, 1, 1)`.
![The Floor in the Inspector window](images/mlagents-NewTutFloor.png)
<p align="left">
<img src="images/roller-ball-floor.png"
alt="The Floor in the Inspector window"
width="400" border="10" />
2. Name the GameObject "Target"
3. Select the Target Cube to view its properties in the Inspector window.
4. Set Transform to Position = (3, 0.5, 3), Rotation = (0, 0, 0), Scale = (1, 1, 1).
5. On the Cube's Mesh Renderer, expand the Materials property and change the
default-material to *AgentBlue*.
1. Name the GameObject "Target"
1. Select the Target Cube to view its properties in the Inspector window.
1. Set Transform to Position = `3, 0.5, 3)`, Rotation = `(0, 0, 0)`, Scale =
`(1, 1, 1)`.
![The Target Cube in the Inspector window](images/mlagents-NewTutBlock.png)
<p align="left">
<img src="images/roller-ball-target.png"
alt="The Target Cube in the Inspector window"
width="400" border="10" />
2. Name the GameObject "RollerAgent"
3. Select the RollerAgent Sphere to view its properties in the Inspector window.
4. Set Transform to Position = (0, 0.5, 0), Rotation = (0, 0, 0), Scale = (1, 1, 1).
5. On the Sphere's Mesh Renderer, expand the Materials property and change the
default-material to *Checkers_Ball*.
6. Click **Add Component**.
7. Add the Physics/Rigidbody component to the Sphere.
1. Name the GameObject "RollerAgent"
1. Select the RollerAgent Sphere to view its properties in the Inspector window.
1. Set Transform to Position = `(0, 0.5, 0)`, Rotation = `(0, 0, 0)`, Scale =
`(1, 1, 1)`.
1. Click **Add Component**.
1. Add the `Rigidbody` component to the Sphere.
![The Agent GameObject in the Inspector window](images/mlagents-NewTutSphere.png)
<p align="left">
<img src="images/roller-ball-agent.png"
alt="The Agent GameObject in the Inspector window"
width="400" border="10" />
Note that we will create an Agent subclass to add to this GameObject as a
component later in the tutorial.
Note that the screenshot above includes the `Roller Agent` script, which we will
create in the next section. However, before we do that, we'll first group the
floor, target and agent under a single, empty, GameObject. This will simplify
some of our subsequent steps.
<p align="left">
<img src="images/roller-ball-hierarchy.png"
alt="The Hierarchy window"
width="250" border="10" />
To do so:
1. Right-click on your Project Hierarchy and create a new empty GameObject. Name
it TrainingArea.
1. Reset the TrainingArea’s Transform so that it is at `(0,0,0)` with Rotation
`(0,0,0)` and Scale `(1,1,1)`.
1. Drag the Floor, Target, and RollerAgent GameObjects in the Hierarchy into the
TrainingArea GameObject.
## Implement an Agent

2. Click **Add Component**.
3. Click **New Script** in the list of components (at the bottom).
4. Name the script "RollerAgent".
5. Click **Create and Add**.
1. Click **Add Component**.
1. Click **New Script** in the list of components (at the bottom).
1. Name the script "RollerAgent".
1. Click **Create and Add**.
2. In the editor, add the `using MLAgents;` and `using MLAgents.Sensors` statements and then change the base
class from `MonoBehaviour` to `Agent`.
3. Delete the `Update()` method, but we will use the `Start()` function, so
leave it alone for now.
1. In the editor, add the `using MLAgents;` and `using MLAgents.Sensors`
statements and then change the base class from `MonoBehaviour` to `Agent`.
1. Delete the `Update()` method, but we will use the `Start()` function, so
leave it alone for now.
to the cube using reinforcement learning.
to the cube using reinforcement learning. More specifically, we will need to
extend three methods from the `Agent` base class:
- `OnEpisodeBegin()`
- `CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)`
- `OnActionReceived(float[] vectorAction)`
We overview each of these in more detail in the dedicated subsections below.
When the Agent reaches its target, its episode ends and the `OnEpisodeBegin()`
method moves the target to a random location. In addition, if the Agent rolls
off the platform, the `OnEpisodeBegin()` method puts it back onto the floor.
The process of training in the ML-Agents Toolkit involves running episodes where
the Agent (Sphere) attempts to solve the task. Each episode lasts until the
Agents solves the task (i.e. reaches the cube), fails (rolls off the platform)
or times out (takes too long to solve or fail at the task). At the start of each
episode, the `OnEpisodeBegin()` method is called to set-up the environment for a
new episode. Typically the scene is initialized in a random manner to enable the
agent to learn to solve the task under a variety of conditions.
In this example, each time the Agent (Sphere) reaches its target (Cube), its
episode ends and the method moves the target (Cube) to a new random location. In
addition, if the Agent rolls off the platform, the `OnEpisodeBegin()` method
puts it back onto the floor.
To move the target GameObject, we need a reference to its Transform (which
stores a GameObject's position, orientation and scale in the 3D world). To get
this reference, add a public field of type `Transform` to the RollerAgent class.
To move the target (Cube), we need a reference to its Transform (which stores a
GameObject's position, orientation and scale in the 3D world). To get this
reference, add a public field of type `Transform` to the RollerAgent class.
To reset the Agent's velocity (and later to apply force to move the
agent) we need a reference to the Rigidbody component. A
To reset the Agent's velocity (and later to apply force to move the agent) we
need a reference to the Rigidbody component. A
[Rigidbody](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Rigidbody.html) is Unity's
primary element for physics simulation. (See
[Physics](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PhysicsSection.html) for full

public Transform Target;
public override void OnEpisodeBegin()
if (this.transform.position.y < 0)
if (this.transform.localPosition.y < 0)
this.transform.position = new Vector3( 0, 0.5f, 0);
this.transform.localPosition = new Vector3( 0, 0.5f, 0);
Target.position = new Vector3(Random.value * 8 - 4,
Random.value * 8 - 4);
Target.localPosition = new Vector3(Random.value * 8 - 4,
Random.value * 8 - 4);
Next, let's implement the `Agent.CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)` method.
Next, let's implement the `Agent.CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)`
### Observing the Environment

deciding what information to collect is to consider what you would need to
calculate an analytical solution to the problem.
In our case, the information our Agent collects includes:
* Position of the target.
* Position of the Agent itself.
* The velocity of the Agent. This helps the Agent learn to control its speed so
it doesn't overshoot the target and roll off the platform.
// Agent velocity
In total, the state observation contains 8 values and we need to use the
continuous state space when we get around to setting the Brain properties:
In our case, the information our Agent collects includes the position of the
target, the position of the agent itself, and the velocity of the agent. This
helps the Agent learn to control its speed so it doesn't overshoot the target
and roll off the platform. In total, the agent observation contains 8 values as
implemented below:
// Agent velocity

### Taking Actions and Assigning Rewards
receives the actions from the Brain and assigns the reward.
receives actions and assigns the reward.
### Actions
#### Actions
The decision of the Brain comes in the form of an action array passed to the
`OnActionReceived()` function. The number of elements in this array is determined by
the `Vector Action` `Space Type` and `Space Size` settings of the
agent's Brain. The RollerAgent uses the continuous vector action space and needs
two continuous control signals from the Brain. Thus, we will set the Brain
`Space Size` to 2. The first element,`action[0]` determines the force
applied along the x axis; `action[1]` determines the force applied along the z
axis. (If we allowed the Agent to move in three dimensions, then we would need
to set `Vector Action Size` to 3.) Note that the Brain really has no idea what the values in
the action array mean. The training process just adjusts the action values in
response to the observation input and then sees what kind of rewards it gets as
a result.
To solve the task of moving towards the target, the Agent (Sphere) needs to be
able to move in the `x` and `z` directions. As such, we will provide 2 actions
to the agent. The first determines the force applied along the x-axis; the
second determines the force applied along the z-axis. (If we allowed the Agent
to move in three dimensions, then we would need a third action.
The RollerAgent applies the values from the `action[]` array to its Rigidbody
component, `rBody`, using the `Rigidbody.AddForce` function:

rBody.AddForce(controlSignal * speed);
### Rewards
#### Rewards
Reinforcement learning requires rewards. Assign rewards in the `OnActionReceived()`
function. The learning algorithm uses the rewards assigned to the Agent during
the simulation and learning process to determine whether it is giving
the Agent the optimal actions. You want to reward an Agent for completing the
assigned task. In this case, the Agent is given a reward of 1.0 for reaching the
Target cube.
Reinforcement learning requires rewards. Assign rewards in the
`OnActionReceived()` function. The learning algorithm uses the rewards assigned
to the Agent during the simulation and learning process to determine whether it
is giving the Agent the optimal actions. You want to reward an Agent for
completing the assigned task. In this case, the Agent is given a reward of 1.0
for reaching the Target cube.
When it does, the code calls the `Agent.SetReward()` method to assign a
reward of 1.0 and marks the agent as finished by calling the `EndEpisode()` method
on the Agent.
When it does, the code calls the `Agent.SetReward()` method to assign a reward
of 1.0 and marks the agent as finished by calling the `EndEpisode()` method on
the Agent.
float distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position,
float distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.localPosition, Target.localPosition);
// Reached target
if (distanceToTarget < 1.42f)

Finally, if the Agent falls off the platform, end the episode so that it can reset itself:
Finally, if the Agent falls off the platform, end the episode so that it can
reset itself:
if (this.transform.position.y < 0)
if (this.transform.localPosition.y < 0)
### OnActionReceived()
#### OnActionReceived()
With the action and reward logic outlined above, the final version of the
`OnActionReceived()` function looks like:

rBody.AddForce(controlSignal * speed);
// Rewards
float distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position,
float distanceToTarget = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.localPosition, Target.localPosition);
// Reached target
if (distanceToTarget < 1.42f)

// Fell off platform
if (this.transform.position.y < 0)
if (this.transform.localPosition.y < 0)
Note the `speed` class variable defined before the
function. Since `speed` is public, you can set the value from the Inspector
Note the `speed` class variable is defined before the function. Since `speed` is
public, you can set the value from the Inspector window.
to connect everything together in the Unity Editor. This involves
changing some of the Agent Component's properties so that they are compatible
with our Agent code.
to connect everything together in the Unity Editor. This involves changing some
of the Agent Component's properties so that they are compatible with our Agent
2. Add the Decision Requester script with the Add Component button from the RollerAgent Inspector.
3. Change **Decision Period** to `10`.
4. Drag the Target GameObject from the Hierarchy window to the RollerAgent
Target field.
5. Add the Behavior Parameters script with the Add Component button from the RollerAgent Inspector.
6. Modify the Behavior Parameters of the Agent :
* `Behavior Name` to *RollerBallBrain*
* `Vector Observation` `Space Size` = 8
* `Vector Action` `Space Type` = **Continuous**
* `Vector Action` `Space Size` = 2
1. Add the `Decision Requester` script with the Add Component button from the
RollerAgent Inspector.
1. Change **Decision Period** to `10`.
1. Drag the Target GameObject from the Hierarchy window to the RollerAgent
Target field.
1. Add the `Behavior Parameters` script with the Add Component button from the
RollerAgent Inspector.
1. Modify the Behavior Parameters of the Agent :
- `Behavior Name` to _RollerBall_
- `Vector Observation` > `Space Size` = 8
- `Vector Action` > `Space Type` = **Continuous**
- `Vector Action` > `Space Size` = 2
It is always a good idea to test your environment manually before embarking on
an extended training run. To do so, you will need to implement the `Heuristic()`
method on the RollerAgent class. This will allow you control the Agent using
direct keyboard control.
The `Heuristic()` method will look like this :
It is always a good idea to first test your environment by controlling the Agent
using the keyboard. To do so, you will need to extend the `Heuristic()` method
in the `RollerAgent` class. For our example, the heuristic will generate an
action corresponding to the values of the "Horizontal" and "Vertical" input axis
(which correspond to the keyboard arrow keys):
public override void Heuristic(float[] actionsOut)
actionsOut[0] = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
actionsOut[1] = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
public override void Heuristic(float[] actionsOut)
actionsOut[0] = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
actionsOut[1] = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
What this code means is that the heuristic will generate an action corresponding
to the values of the "Horizontal" and "Vertical" input axis (which correspond to
the keyboard arrow keys).
In order for the Agent to use the Heuristic, You will need to set the `Behavior Type`
to `Heuristic Only` in the `Behavior Parameters` of the RollerAgent.
Press **Play** to run the scene and use the arrows keys to move the Agent around
the platform. Make sure that there are no errors displayed in the Unity editor
Console window and that the Agent resets when it reaches its target or falls
from the platform. Note that for more involved debugging, the ML-Agents SDK
includes a convenient Monitor class that you can use to easily display Agent
status information in the Game window.
In order for the Agent to use the Heuristic, You will need to set the
`Behavior Type` to `Heuristic Only` in the `Behavior Parameters` of the
Press :arrow_forward: to run the scene and use the arrows keys to move the Agent
around the platform. Make sure that there are no errors displayed in the Unity
Editor Console window and that the Agent resets when it reaches its target or
falls from the platform. Note that for more involved debugging, the ML-Agents
SDK includes a convenient [Monitor](Feature-Monitor.md) class that you can use
to easily display Agent status information in the Game window.
The process is
the same as described in [Training ML-Agents](Training-ML-Agents.md). Note that the
models will be created in the original ml-agents project folder, `ml-agents/models`.
The process is the same as described in the
[Getting Started Guide](Getting-Started.md).
The hyperparameters for training are specified in the configuration file that you
pass to the `mlagents-learn` program. Using the default settings specified
in the original `ml-agents/config/trainer_config.yaml` file, the
RollerAgent takes about 300,000 steps to train. However, you can change the
following hyperparameters to speed up training considerably (to under 20,000 steps):
The hyperparameters for training are specified in a configuration file that you
pass to the `mlagents-learn` program. Create a new `rollerball_config.yaml` file
and include the following hyperparameter values:
batch_size: 10
buffer_size: 100
Since this example creates a very simple training environment with only a few inputs
and outputs, using small batch and buffer sizes speeds up the training considerably.
However, if you add more complexity to the environment or change the reward or
observation functions, you might also find that training performs better with different
hyperparameter values.
**Note:** In addition to setting these hyperparameter values, the Agent
**DecisionFrequency** parameter has a large effect on training time and success.
A larger value reduces the number of decisions the training algorithm has to consider and,
in this simple environment, speeds up training.
To train in the editor, run the following Python command from a Terminal or Console
window before pressing play:
trainer: ppo
batch_size: 10
beta: 5.0e-3
buffer_size: 100
epsilon: 0.2
hidden_units: 128
lambd: 0.95
learning_rate: 3.0e-4
learning_rate_schedule: linear
max_steps: 5.0e4
normalize: false
num_epoch: 3
num_layers: 2
time_horizon: 64
summary_freq: 10000
use_recurrent: false
strength: 1.0
gamma: 0.99
mlagents-learn config/config.yaml --run-id=RollerBall-1
Since this example creates a very simple training environment with only a few
inputs and outputs, using small batch and buffer sizes speeds up the training
considerably. However, if you add more complexity to the environment or change
the reward or observation functions, you might also find that training performs
better with different hyperparameter values. In addition to setting these
hyperparameter values, the Agent **DecisionFrequency** parameter has a large
effect on training time and success. A larger value reduces the number of
decisions the training algorithm has to consider and, in this simple
environment, speeds up training.
(where `config.yaml` is a copy of `trainer_config.yaml` that you have edited
to change the `batch_size` and `buffer_size` hyperparameters for your trainer.)
To train your agent, run the following command before pressing :arrow_forward:
in the Editor:
**Note:** If you get a `command not found` error when running this command, make sure
that you have followed the *Install Python and mlagents Package* section of the
ML-Agents [Installation](Installation.md) instructions.
mlagents-learn config/rollerball_config.yaml --run-id=RollerBall
To monitor the statistics of Agent performance during training, use

In particular, the *cumulative_reward* and *value_estimate* statistics show how
In particular, the _cumulative_reward_ and _value_estimate_ statistics show how
has successfully *solved* the problem.
**Note:** If you use TensorBoard, always increment or change the `run-id`
you pass to the `mlagents-learn` command for each training run. If you use
the same id value, the statistics for multiple runs are combined and become
difficult to interpret.
has successfully _solved_ the problem.
In many of the [example environments](Learning-Environment-Examples.md), many copies of
the training area are instantiated in the scene. This generally speeds up training,
allowing the environment to gather many experiences in parallel. This can be achieved
simply by instantiating many Agents which share the `Behavior Parameters`. Use the following steps to
parallelize your RollerBall environment.
In many of the [example environments](Learning-Environment-Examples.md), many
copies of the training area are instantiated in the scene. This generally speeds
up training, allowing the environment to gather many experiences in parallel.
This can be achieved simply by instantiating many Agents with the same
`Behavior Name`. Note that we've already simplified our transition to using
multiple areas by creating the `TrainingArea` GameObject and relying on local
positions in `RollerAgent.cs`. Use the following steps to parallelize your
RollerBall environment:
### Instantiating Multiple Training Areas
1. Right-click on your Project Hierarchy and create a new empty GameObject.
Name it TrainingArea.
2. Reset the TrainingArea’s Transform so that it is at (0,0,0) with Rotation (0,0,0)
and Scale (1,1,1).
3. Drag the Floor, Target, and RollerAgent GameObjects in the Hierarchy into the
TrainingArea GameObject.
4. Drag the TrainingArea GameObject, along with its attached GameObjects, into your
Assets browser, turning it into a prefab.
5. You can now instantiate copies of the TrainingArea prefab. Drag them into your scene,
positioning them so that they do not overlap.
### Editing the Scripts
You will notice that in the previous section, we wrote our scripts assuming that our
TrainingArea was at (0,0,0), performing checks such as `this.transform.position.y < 0`
to determine whether our agent has fallen off the platform. We will need to change
this if we are to use multiple TrainingAreas throughout the scene.
A quick way to adapt our current code is to use
localPosition rather than position, so that our position reference is in reference
to the prefab TrainingArea's location, and not global coordinates.
1. Replace all references of `this.transform.position` in RollerAgent.cs with `this.transform.localPosition`.
2. Replace all references of `Target.position` in RollerAgent.cs with `Target.localPosition`.
This is only one way to achieve this objective. Refer to the
[example environments](Learning-Environment-Examples.md) for other ways we can achieve relative positioning.
1. Drag the TrainingArea GameObject, along with its attached GameObjects, into
your Assets browser, turning it into a prefab.
1. You can now instantiate copies of the TrainingArea prefab. Drag them into
your scene, positioning them so that they do not overlap.


- Set-up: Environment where four agents compete in a 2 vs 2 toy soccer game.
- Goal:
- Get the ball into the opponent's goal while preventing the ball from
entering own goal.
- Agents: The environment contains four agents, with the same Behavior
Parameters : Soccer.
- Get the ball into the opponent's goal while preventing the ball from entering own goal.
- Agents: The environment contains four agents, with the same
Behavior Parameters : SoccerTwos.
- +1 When ball enters opponent's goal.
- -1 When ball enters team's goal.
- -0.001 Existential penalty.
- (1 - `accumulated time penalty`) When ball enters opponent's goal `accumulated time penalty` is incremented by
(1 / `maxStep`) every fixed update and is reset to 0 at the beginning of an episode.
- -1 When ball enters team's goal.
- Vector Observation space: 336 corresponding to 11 ray-casts forward
distributed over 120 degrees (264) and 3 ray-casts backward distributed over
90 degrees each detecting 6 possible object types, along with the object's
distance. The forward ray-casts contribute 264 state dimensions and backward
72 state dimensions.
- Vector Action space: (Discrete) Three branched actions corresponding to
forward, backward, sideways movement, as well as rotation.
- Vector Observation space: 336 corresponding to 11 ray-casts forward distributed over 120 degrees
and 3 ray-casts backward distributed over 90 degrees each detecting 6 possible object types, along with the object's distance.
The forward ray-casts contribute 264 state dimensions and backward 72 state dimensions over three observation stacks.
- Vector Action space: (Discrete) Three branched actions corresponding to forward, backward, sideways movement,
as well as rotation.
- ball_scale: Specifies the scale of the ball in the 3 dimensions (equal
across the three dimensions)
- ball_scale: Specifies the scale of the ball in the 3 dimensions (equal across the three dimensions)
- Default: 7.5
- Recommended minimum: 4
- Recommended maximum: 10

- Recommended maximum: 20
# Strikers Vs. Goalie
- Set-up: Environment where two agents compete in a 2 vs 1 soccer variant.
- Goal:
- Striker: Get the ball into the opponent's goal.
- Goalie: Keep the ball out of the goal.
- Agents: The environment contains three agents. Two Strikers and one Goalie.
Behavior Parameters : Striker, Goalie.
- Striker Agent Reward Function (dependent):
- +1 When ball enters opponent's goal.
- -0.001 Existential penalty.
- Goalie Agent Reward Function (dependent):
- -1 When ball enters goal.
- 0.001 Existential bonus.
- Behavior Parameters:
- Striker Vector Observation space: 294 corresponding to 11 ray-casts forward distributed over 120 degrees
and 3 ray-casts backward distributed over 90 degrees each detecting 5 possible object types, along with the object's distance.
The forward ray-casts contribute 231 state dimensions and backward 63 state dimensions over three observation stacks.
- Striker Vector Action space: (Discrete) Three branched actions corresponding to forward, backward, sideways movement,
as well as rotation.
- Goalie Vector Observation space: 738 corresponding to 41 ray-casts distributed over 360 degrees
each detecting 4 possible object types, along with the object's distance and 3 observation stacks.
- Goalie Vector Action space: (Discrete) Three branched actions corresponding to forward, backward, sideways movement,
as well as rotation.
- Visual Observations: None
- Float Properties: Two
- ball_scale: Specifies the scale of the ball in the 3 dimensions (equal across the three dimensions)
- Default: 7.5
- Recommended minimum: 4
- Recommended maximum: 10
- gravity: Magnitude of the gravity
- Default: 9.81
- Recommended minimum: 6
- Recommended maximum: 20
## Walker


# Limitations
See the package-specific Limitations pages:
* [Unity `com.unity.mlagents` package](../com.unity.ml-agents/Documentation~/com.unity.ml-agents.md)
* [`mlagents` Python package](../ml-agents/README.md)
* [`mlagents_envs` Python package](../ml-agents-envs/README.md)
* [`gym_unity` Python package](../gym-unity/README.md)
- [Unity `com.unity.mlagents` package](../com.unity.ml-agents/Documentation~/com.unity.ml-agents.md)
- [`mlagents` Python package](../ml-agents/README.md)
- [`mlagents_envs` Python package](../ml-agents-envs/README.md)
- [`gym_unity` Python package](../gym-unity/README.md)


# Upgrading
The C# editor code and python trainer code are not compatible between releases. This means that if you upgrade one, you *must* upgrade the other as well. If you experience new errors or unable to connect to training after updating, please double-check that the versions are in the same.
The versions can be found in
* `Academy.k_ApiVersion` in Academy.cs ([example](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/blob/b255661084cb8f701c716b040693069a3fb9a257/UnitySDK/Assets/ML-Agents/Scripts/Academy.cs#L95))
* `UnityEnvironment.API_VERSION` in environment.py ([example](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/blob/b255661084cb8f701c716b040693069a3fb9a257/ml-agents-envs/mlagents/envs/environment.py#L45))
The C# editor code and python trainer code are not compatible between releases.
This means that if you upgrade one, you _must_ upgrade the other as well. If you
experience new errors or unable to connect to training after updating, please
double-check that the versions are in the same. The versions can be found in
- `Academy.k_ApiVersion` in Academy.cs
- `UnityEnvironment.API_VERSION` in environment.py
# Migrating

* The `--load` and `--train` command-line flags have been deprecated and replaced with `--resume` and `--inference`.
* Running with the same `--run-id` twice will now throw an error.
* Removed the multi-agent gym option from the gym wrapper. For multi-agent scenarios, use the [Low Level Python API](Python-API.md).
* The low level Python API has changed. You can look at the document [Low Level Python API documentation](Python-API.md) for more information. If you use `mlagents-learn` for training, this should be a transparent change.
* The obsolete `Agent` methods `GiveModel`, `Done`, `InitializeAgent`, `AgentAction` and `AgentReset` have been removed.
* The signature of `Agent.Heuristic()` was changed to take a `float[]` as a parameter, instead of returning the array. This was done to prevent a common source of error where users would return arrays of the wrong size.
* `num_updates` and `train_interval` for SAC have been replaced with `steps_per_update`.
- The `--load` and `--train` command-line flags have been deprecated and
replaced with `--resume` and `--inference`.
- Running with the same `--run-id` twice will now throw an error.
- The `play_against_current_self_ratio` self-play trainer hyperparameter has
been renamed to `play_against_latest_model_ratio`
- Removed the multi-agent gym option from the gym wrapper. For multi-agent
scenarios, use the [Low Level Python API](Python-API.md).
- The low level Python API has changed. You can look at the document
[Low Level Python API documentation](Python-API.md) for more information. If
you use `mlagents-learn` for training, this should be a transparent change.
- The obsolete `Agent` methods `GiveModel`, `Done`, `InitializeAgent`,
`AgentAction` and `AgentReset` have been removed.
- The signature of `Agent.Heuristic()` was changed to take a `float[]` as a
parameter, instead of returning the array. This was done to prevent a common
source of error where users would return arrays of the wrong size.
- `num_updates` and `train_interval` for SAC have been replaced with `steps_per_update`.
* Replace the `--load` flag with `--resume` when calling `mlagents-learn`, and don't use the `--train` flag as training
will happen by default. To run with inference instead of training, use `--inference`.
* To force-overwrite files from a pre-existing run, add the `--force` command-line flag.
* The Jupyter notebooks have been removed from the repository.
* `Academy.FloatProperties` was removed.
* `Academy.RegisterSideChannel` and `Academy.UnregisterSideChannel` were removed.
* Replace `Academy.FloatProperties` with `SideChannelUtils.GetSideChannel<FloatPropertiesChannel>()`.
* Replace `Academy.RegisterSideChannel` with `SideChannelUtils.RegisterSideChannel()`.
* Replace `Academy.UnregisterSideChannel` with `SideChannelUtils.UnregisterSideChannel`.
* If your Agent class overrides `Heuristic()`, change the signature to `public override void Heuristic(float[] actionsOut)` and assign values to `actionsOut` instead of returning an array.
* `steps_per_update` should be around equal to the number of agents in your environment, times `num_updates`
and divided by `train_interval`.
- Replace the `--load` flag with `--resume` when calling `mlagents-learn`, and
don't use the `--train` flag as training will happen by default. To run
without training, use `--inference`.
- To force-overwrite files from a pre-existing run, add the `--force`
command-line flag.
- The Jupyter notebooks have been removed from the repository.
- `Academy.FloatProperties` was removed.
- `Academy.RegisterSideChannel` and `Academy.UnregisterSideChannel` were
- Replace `Academy.FloatProperties` with
- Replace `Academy.RegisterSideChannel` with
- Replace `Academy.UnregisterSideChannel` with
- If your Agent class overrides `Heuristic()`, change the signature to
`public override void Heuristic(float[] actionsOut)` and assign values to
`actionsOut` instead of returning an array.
- Set `steps_per_update` to be around equal to the number of agents in your environment,
times `num_updates` and divided by `train_interval`.
* The `Agent.CollectObservations()` virtual method now takes as input a `VectorSensor` sensor as argument. The `Agent.AddVectorObs()` methods were removed.
* The `SetMask` was renamed to `SetMask` method must now be called on the `DiscreteActionMasker` argument of the `CollectDiscreteActionMasks` virtual method.
* We consolidated our API for `DiscreteActionMasker`. `SetMask` takes two arguments : the branch index and the list of masked actions for that branch.
* The `Monitor` class has been moved to the Examples Project. (It was prone to errors during testing)
* The `MLAgents.Sensors` namespace has been introduced. All sensors classes are part of the `MLAgents.Sensors` namespace.
* The `MLAgents.SideChannels` namespace has been introduced. All side channel classes are part of the `MLAgents.SideChannels` namespace.
* The interface for `RayPerceptionSensor.PerceiveStatic()` was changed to take an input class and write to an output class, and the method was renamed