
clarified instructions for dragging TF model

GitHub 6 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 8 次插入7 次删除
  1. 15


1. In the **Project** window, go to `Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/Scenes` folder
and open the `3DBall` scene file.
2. In the **Project** window, go to `Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/Prefabs` folder.
Expand `Game` and click on the `Platform` prefab. You should see the `Platform` prefab in the **Inspector** windows.
Expand `Game` and click on the `Platform` prefab. You should see the `Platform` prefab in the **Inspector** window.
**Note**: The platforms in the `3DBall` scene were created using the `Platform` prefab. Instead of updating all 12 platforms individually, you can update the `Platform` prefab instead.

![3dball learning brain](images/3dball_learning_brain.png)
4. You should notice that each `Platform` under each `Game` in the **Hierarchy** windows now contains **3DBallLearning** as `Brain`.
__Note__ : You can modify multiple game objects in a scene by selecting them all at
4. You should notice that each `Platform` under each `Game` in the **Hierarchy** windows now contains **3DBallLearning** as `Brain`. __Note__ : You can modify multiple game objects in a scene by selecting them all at
5. In the **Project** window, locate the `Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/TFModels`
5. In the **Project** window, click on the **3DBallLearning** Brain located in
`Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/Brains`. You should see the properties in the **Inspector** window.
6. In the **Project** window, open the `Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/TFModels`
6. Drag the `3DBallLearning` model file from the `Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/TFModels`
folder to the **Model** field of the **3DBallLearning** Brain.
7. Click the **Play** button and you will see the platforms balance the balls
7. Drag the `3DBallLearning` model file from the `Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/TFModels`
folder to the **Model** field of the **3DBallLearning** Brain in the **Inspector** window. __Note__ : All of the brains should now have `3DBallLearning` as the TensorFlow model in the `Model` property
8. Click the **Play** button and you will see the platforms balance the balls
using the pretrained model.
![Running a pretrained model](images/running-a-pretrained-model.gif)
