VR/AR games. These trained agents can be used for multiple purposes, including |
controlling NPC behavior (in a variety of settings such as multi-agent and |
adversarial), automated testing of game builds and evaluating different game |
design decisions pre-release. The ML-Agents toolkit is mutually beneficial for |
design decisions pre-release. The ML-Agents Toolkit is mutually beneficial for |
both game developers and AI researchers as it provides a central platform where |
advances in AI can be evaluated on Unity’s rich environments and then made |
accessible to the wider research and game developer communities. |
transition to the ML-Agents toolkit easier, we provide several background pages |
transition to the ML-Agents Toolkit easier, we provide several background pages |
that include overviews and helpful resources on the [Unity |
Engine](Background-Unity.md), [machine learning](Background-Machine-Learning.md) |
and [TensorFlow](Background-TensorFlow.md). We **strongly** recommend browsing |
The remainder of this page contains a deep dive into ML-Agents, its key |
components, different training modes and scenarios. By the end of it, you should |
have a good sense of _what_ the ML-Agents toolkit allows you to do. The |
have a good sense of _what_ the ML-Agents Toolkit allows you to do. The |
subsequent documentation pages provide examples of _how_ to use ML-Agents. |
## Running Example: Training NPC Behaviors |
**training phase**, while playing the game with an NPC that is using its learned |
policy is called the **inference phase**. |
The ML-Agents toolkit provides all the necessary tools for using Unity as the |
The ML-Agents Toolkit provides all the necessary tools for using Unity as the |
environment. In the next few sections, we discuss how the ML-Agents toolkit |
environment. In the next few sections, we discuss how the ML-Agents Toolkit |
The ML-Agents toolkit is a Unity plugin that contains three high-level |
The ML-Agents Toolkit is a Unity plugin that contains three high-level |
components: |
- **Learning Environment** - which contains the Unity scene and all the game |
border="10" /> |
</p> |
_Example block diagram of ML-Agents toolkit for our sample game._ |
_Example block diagram of ML-Agents Toolkit for our sample game._ |
We have yet to discuss how the ML-Agents toolkit trains behaviors, and what role |
We have yet to discuss how the ML-Agents Toolkit trains behaviors, and what role |
the Python API and External Communicator play. Before we dive into those |
details, let's summarize the earlier components. Each character is attached to |
an Agent, and each Agent has a Behavior. The Behavior can be thought as a function |
### Built-in Training and Inference |
As mentioned previously, the ML-Agents toolkit ships with several |
As mentioned previously, the ML-Agents Toolkit ships with several |
implementations of state-of-the-art algorithms for training intelligent agents. |
More specifically, during training, all the medics in the |
scene send their observations to the Python API through the External |
In the previous mode, the Agents were used for training to generate |
a TensorFlow model that the Agents can later use. However, |
any user of the ML-Agents toolkit can leverage their own algorithms for |
any user of the ML-Agents Toolkit can leverage their own algorithms for |
training. In this case, the behaviors of all the Agents in the scene |
will be controlled within Python. |
You can even turn your environment into a [gym.](../gym-unity/README.md) |
as the environment gradually increases in complexity. In our example, we can |
imagine first training the medic when each team only contains one player, and |
then iteratively increasing the number of players (i.e. the environment |
complexity). The ML-Agents toolkit supports setting custom environment |
complexity). The ML-Agents Toolkit supports setting custom environment |
parameters within the Academy. This allows elements of the environment related |
to difficulty or complexity to be dynamically adjusted based on training |
progress. |
## Additional Features |
Beyond the flexible training scenarios available, the ML-Agents toolkit includes |
Beyond the flexible training scenarios available, the ML-Agents Toolkit includes |
additional features which improve the flexibility and interpretability of the |
training process. |
## Summary and Next Steps |
To briefly summarize: The ML-Agents toolkit enables games and simulations built |
To briefly summarize: The ML-Agents Toolkit enables games and simulations built |
in Unity to serve as the platform for training intelligent agents. It is |
designed to enable a large variety of training modes and scenarios and comes |
packed with several features to enable researchers and developers to leverage |