The Player, Heuristic and Internal brains have been updated to support broadcast. The broadcast feature allows you to collect data from your agents in python without controling them.
The Player, Heuristic and Internal brains have been updated to support broadcast. The broadcast feature allows you to collect data from your agents in using a Python program without controlling them.
To turn it on in Unity, simply check the `Broadcast` box as shown bellow:
When you launch your Unity Environment from python, you can see what the agents connected to non-external brains are doing. When calling `step` or `reset` on your environment, you retrieve a dictionary from brain names to `BrainInfo` objects. Each `BrainInfo` the non-external brains set to broadcast.
When you launch your Unity Environment from a Python program, you can see what the agents connected to non-external brains are doing. When calling `step` or `reset` on your environment, you retrieve a dictionary from brain names to `BrainInfo` objects. Each `BrainInfo` the non-external brains set to broadcast.
You can use the broadcast feature to collect data generated by Player, Heuristics or Internal brains game sessions. You can then use this data to train an agent in a supervised context.
3. Add one or more Brain objects to the scene as children of the Academy.
4. Implement your Agent subclasses. An Agent subclass defines the code an agent uses to observe its environment, to carry out assigned actions, and to calculate the rewards used for reinforcement training. You can also implement optional methods to reset the agent when it has finished or failed its task.
5. Add your Agent subclasses to appropriate GameObjects, typically, the object in the scene that represents the agent in the simulation. Each Agent object must be assigned a Brain object.
6. If training, set the Brain type to External and [run the training process](
6. If training, set the Brain type to External and [run the training process](
**Note:** If you are unfamiliar with Unity, refer to [Learning the interface]( in the Unity Manual if an Editor task isn't explained sufficiently in this tutorial.
2. In the editor, change the base class from `MonoBehaviour` to `Agent`.
3. Delete the `Update()` method, but we will use the `Start()` function, so leave it alone for now.
So far, these are the basic steps that you would use to add ML-Agents to any Unity project. Next, we will add the logic that will let our agent learn to roll to the cube.
So far, these are the basic steps that you would use to add ML-Agents to any Unity project. Next, we will add the logic that will let our agent learn to roll to the cube using reinforcement learning.
In this simple scenario, we don't use the Academy object to control the environment. If we wanted to change the environment, for example change the size of the floor or add or remove agents or other objects before or during the simulation, we could implement the appropriate methods in the Academy. Instead, we will have the Agent do all the work of resetting itself and the target when it succeeds or falls trying.
**Observing the Environment**
The Agent sends the information we collect to the Brain, which uses it to make a decision. When you train the agent using the PPO training algorithm (or use a trained PPO model), the data is fed into a neural network as a feature vector. For an agent to successfully learn a task, we need to provide the correct information. A good rule of thumb for deciding what information to collect is to consider what you would need to calculate an analytical solution to the problem.
The Agent sends the information we collect to the Brain, which uses it to make a decision. When you train the agent (or use a trained model), the data is fed into a neural network as a feature vector. For an agent to successfully learn a task, we need to provide the correct information. A good rule of thumb for deciding what information to collect is to consider what you would need to calculate an analytical solution to the problem.
In our case, the information our agent collects includes:
Rewards are also assigned in the AgentAct() function. The learning algorithm uses the rewards assigned to the agent property at each step in the simulation and learning process to determine whether it is giving the agent to optimal actions. You want to reward an agent for completing the assigned task (reaching the Target cube, in this case) and punish the agent if it irrevocably fails (falls off the platform). You can sometimes speed up training with sub-rewards that encourage behavior that helps the agent complete the task. For example, the RollerAgent reward system provides a small reward if the agent moves closer to the target in a step.
Reinforcement learning requires rewards. Assign rewards in the `AgentAct()` function. The learning algorithm uses the rewards assigned to the agent at each step in the simulation and learning process to determine whether it is giving the agent to optimal actions. You want to reward an agent for completing the assigned task (reaching the Target cube, in this case) and punish the agent if it irrevocably fails (falls off the platform). You can sometimes speed up training with sub-rewards that encourage behavior that helps the agent complete the task. For example, the RollerAgent reward system provides a small reward if the agent moves closer to the target in a step and a small negative reward at each step which encourages the agent to complete its task quickly.
The RollerAgent calculates the distance to detect when it reaches the target. When it does, the code increments the Agent.reward variable by 1.0 and marks the agent as finished by setting the agent to done.
Press **Play** to run the scene and use the WASD keys to move the agent around the platform. Make sure that there are no errors displayed in the Unity editor Console window and that the agent resets when it reaches its target or falls from the platform. Note that for more involved debugging, the ML-Agents SDK includes a convenient Monitor class that you can use to easily display agent status information in the Game window.
Now you can train the Agent. To get ready for training, you must first to change the **Brain Type** from **Player** to **External**. From there the process is the same as described in [Getting Started with the 3D Balance Ball Environment](
Now you can train the Agent. To get ready for training, you must first to change the **Brain Type** from **Player** to **External**. From there, the process is the same as described in [Training ML-Agents](
An agent is an actor that can observe its environment and decide on the best course of action using those observations. Create agents in Unity by extending the Agent class. The most important aspects of creating agents that can successfully learn are the observations the agent collects and the reward you assign to estimate the value of the agent's current state toward accomplishing its tasks.
An agent is an actor that can observe its environment and decide on the best course of action using those observations. Create agents in Unity by extending the Agent class. The most important aspects of creating agents that can successfully learn are the observations the agent collects and, for reinforcement learning, the reward you assign to estimate the value of the agent's current state toward accomplishing its tasks.
In the ML-Agents framework, an agent passes its observations to its brain at each simulation step. The brain, then, makes a decision and passes the chosen action back to the agent. The agent code executes the action, for example, it moves the agent in one direction or another, and also calculates a reward based on the current state. In training, the reward is used to discover the optimal decision-making policy. (The reward is not used by already trained agents.)
In the ML-Agents framework, an agent passes its observations to its brain at each simulation step. The brain, then, makes a decision and passes the chosen action back to the agent. The agent code executes the action, for example, it moves the agent in one direction or another. In order to train an agent using [reinforcement learning](, the agent must calculate a reward value at each action. The reward is used to discover the optimal decision-making policy. (A reward is not used by already trained agents.)
How a brain makes its decisions depends on the type of brain it is. An **External** brain simply passes the observations from its agents to an external process and then passes the decisions made externally back to the agents. During training, the ML-Agents [reinforcement learning]( algorithm adjusts its internal policy parameters to make decisions that optimize the rewards received over time. An Internal brain uses the trained policy parameters to make decisions (and no longer adjusts the parameters in search of a better decision). The other types of brains do not directly involve training, but you might find them useful as part of a training project. See [Brains](
How a brain makes its decisions depends on the type of brain it is. An **External** brain simply passes the observations from its agents to an external process and then passes the decisions made externally back to the agents. An **Internal** brain uses the trained policy parameters to make decisions (and no longer adjusts the parameters in search of a better decision). The other types of brains do not directly involve training, but you might find them useful as part of a training project. See [Brains](
## Observations
## Rewards
A reward is a signal that the agent has done something right. The PPO reinforcement learning algorithm works by optimizing the choices an agent makes such that the agent earns the highest cumulative reward over time. The better your reward mechanism, the better your agent will learn.
In reinforcement learning, the reward is a signal that the agent has done something right. The PPO reinforcement learning algorithm works by optimizing the choices an agent makes such that the agent earns the highest cumulative reward over time. The better your reward mechanism, the better your agent will learn.
**Note:** Rewards are not used during inference by a brain using an already trained policy and is also not used during imitation learning.
Perhaps the best advice is to start simple and only add complexity as needed. In general, you should reward results rather than actions you think will lead to the desired results. To help develop your rewards, you can use the Monitor class to display the cumulative reward received by an agent. You can even use a Player brain to control the agent while watching how it accumulates rewards.
Allocate rewards to an agent by calling the `AddReward()` method in the `AgentAct()` function. The reward assigned in any step should be in the range [-1,1]. Values outside this range can lead to unstable training. The `reward` value is reset to zero at every step.
* `Max Step` - The per-agent maximum number of steps. Once this number is reached, the agent will be reset if `Reset On Done` is checked.
* `Reset On Done` - Whether the agent's `AgentReset()` function should be called when the agent reaches its `Max Step` count or is marked as done in code.
* `On Demand Decision` - Whether the agent will request decision at a fixed frequency or if he will be manually have to request decisions with `RequestDecision()`
* Decision Frequency` - If the agent is not `On Demand Decision`, this is the number of steps between decision requests.
* `Decision Frequency` - If the agent is not `On Demand Decision`, this is the number of steps between decision requests.
Unity ML-Agents contains an expanding set of example environments which
demonstrate various features of the platform. Environments are located in
`unity-environment/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples` and summarised below.
`unity-environment/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples` and summarized below.
Additionally, our
[first ML Challenge](
contains environments created by the community.
* Agent Reward Function (independent):
* +0.1 Each step agent's hand is in goal location.
* Brains: One brain with the following observation/action space.
* Vector Observation space: (Continuous) 26 variables corresponding to position, rotation, velocity, and angular velocities of the two arm rigidbodies.
* Vector Observation space: (Continuous) 26 variables corresponding to position, rotation, velocity, and angular velocities of the two arm Rigidbodies.
* Vector Action space: (Continuous) Size of 4, corresponding to torque applicable to two joints.
* Visual Observations: None
* Reset Parameters: Two, corresponding to goal size, and goal movement speed.