4 年前
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# Match-3 Game Support |
We provide some utilities to integrate ML-Agents with Match-3 games. |
## AbstractBoard class |
The `AbstractBoard` is the bridge between ML-Agents and your game. It allows ML-Agents to |
* ask your game what the "color" of a cell is |
* ask whether the cell is a "special" piece type or not |
* ask your game whether a move is allowed |
* request that your game make a move |
These are handled by implementing the `GetCellType()`, `IsMoveValid()`, and `MakeMove()` abstract methods. |
The AbstractBoard also tracks the number of rows, columns, and potential piece types that the board can have. |
#### `public abstract int GetCellType(int row, int col)` |
Returns the "color" of piece at the given row and column. |
This should be between 0 and NumCellTypes-1 (inclusive). |
The actual order of the values doesn't matter. |
#### `public abstract int GetSpecialType(int row, int col)` |
Returns the special type of the piece at the given row and column. |
This should be between 0 and NumSpecialTypes (inclusive). |
The actual order of the values doesn't matter. |
#### `public abstract bool IsMoveValid(Move m)` |
Check whether the particular `Move` is valid for the game. |
The actual results will depend on the rules of the game, but we provide the `SimpleIsMoveValid()` method |
that handles basic match3 rules with no special or immovable pieces. |
#### `public abstract bool MakeMove(Move m)` |
Instruct the game to make the given move. Returns true if the move was made. |
Note that during training, a move that was marked as invalid may occasionally still be |
requested. If this happens, it is safe to do nothing and request another move. |
## Move struct |
The Move struct encapsulates a swap of two adjacent cells. You can get the number of potential moves |
for a board of a given size with. `Move.NumPotentialMoves(NumRows, NumColumns)`. There are two helper |
functions to create a new `Move`: |
* `public static Move FromMoveIndex(int moveIndex, int maxRows, int maxCols)` can be used to |
iterate over all potential moves for the board by looping from 0 to `Move.NumPotentialMoves()` |
* `public static Move FromPositionAndDirection(int row, int col, Direction dir, int maxRows, int maxCols)` creates |
a `Move` from a row, column, and direction (and board size). |
## `Match3Sensor` and `Match3SensorComponent` classes |
The `Match3Sensor` generates observations about the state using the `AbstractBoard` interface. You can |
choose whether to use vector or "visual" observations; in theory, visual observations should perform |
better because they are 2-dimensional like the board, but we need to experiment more on this. |
A `Match3SensorComponent` generates a `Match3Sensor` at runtime, and should be added to the same GameObject |
as your `Agent` implementation. You do not need to write any additional code to use them. |
## `Match3Actuator` and `Match3ActuatorComponent` classes |
The `Match3Actuator` converts actions from training or inference into a `Move` that is sent to` AbstractBoard.MakeMove()` |
It also checks `AbstractBoard.IsMoveValid` for each potential move and uses this to set the action mask for Agent. |
A `Match3ActuatorComponent` generates a `Match3Actuator` at runtime, and should be added to the same GameObject |
as your `Agent` implementation. You do not need to write any additional code to use them. |
# Setting up match-3 simulation |
* Implement the `AbstractBoard` methods to integrate with your game. |
* Give the `Agent` rewards when it does what you want it to (match multiple pieces in a row, clears pieces of a certain |
type, etc). |
* Add the `Agent`, `AbstractBoard` implementation, `Match3SensorComponent`, and `Match3ActuatorComponent` to the same |
`GameObject`. |
* Call `Agent.RequestDecision()` when you're ready for the `Agent` to make a move on the next `Academy` step. During |
the next `Academy` step, the `MakeMove()` method on the board will be called. |
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behaviors: |
Match3VectorObs: |
trainer_type: ppo |
hyperparameters: |
batch_size: 64 |
buffer_size: 12000 |
learning_rate: 0.0003 |
beta: 0.001 |
epsilon: 0.2 |
lambd: 0.99 |
num_epoch: 3 |
learning_rate_schedule: constant |
network_settings: |
normalize: true |
hidden_units: 128 |
num_layers: 2 |
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reward_signals: |
extrinsic: |
gamma: 0.99 |
strength: 1.0 |
keep_checkpoints: 5 |
max_steps: 5000000 |
time_horizon: 1000 |
summary_freq: 10000 |
threaded: true |
Match3VisualObs: |
trainer_type: ppo |
hyperparameters: |
batch_size: 64 |
buffer_size: 12000 |
learning_rate: 0.0003 |
beta: 0.001 |
epsilon: 0.2 |
lambd: 0.99 |
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learning_rate_schedule: constant |
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normalize: true |
hidden_units: 128 |
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extrinsic: |
gamma: 0.99 |
strength: 1.0 |
keep_checkpoints: 5 |
max_steps: 5000000 |
time_horizon: 1000 |
summary_freq: 10000 |
threaded: true |
Match3SimpleHeuristic: |
# Settings can be very simple since we don't care about actually training the model |
trainer_type: ppo |
hyperparameters: |
batch_size: 64 |
buffer_size: 128 |
network_settings: |
hidden_units: 4 |
num_layers: 1 |
max_steps: 5000000 |
summary_freq: 10000 |
threaded: true |
Match3GreedyHeuristic: |
# Settings can be very simple since we don't care about actually training the model |
trainer_type: ppo |
hyperparameters: |
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buffer_size: 128 |
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m_Name: |
m_EditorClassIdentifier: |
Rows: 9 |
Columns: 8 |
NumCellTypes: 6 |
NumSpecialTypes: 2 |
RandomSeed: -1 |
--- !u!114 &3019509692332007780 |
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m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} |
m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} |
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m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 08e4b0da54cb4d56bfcbae22dd49ab8d, type: 3} |
m_Name: |
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--- !u!114 &3019509692332007783 |
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using System; |
using UnityEngine; |
using Unity.MLAgents; |
using Unity.MLAgents.Actuators; |
using Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Match3; |
namespace Unity.MLAgentsExamples |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// State of the "game" when showing all steps of the simulation. This is only used outside of training.
/// The state diagram is
/// | <--------------------------------------- ^
/// | |
/// v |
/// +--------+ +-------+ +-----+ +------+
/// |Find | ---> |Clear | ---> |Drop | ---> |Fill |
/// |Matches | |Matched| | | |Empty |
/// +--------+ +-------+ +-----+ +------+
/// | ^
/// | |
/// v |
/// +--------+
/// |Wait for|
/// |Move |
/// +--------+
/// The stats advances each "MoveTime" seconds.
/// </summary>
enum State |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// Guard value, should never happen.
/// </summary>
Invalid = -1, |
/// <summary>
/// Look for matches. If there are matches, the next state is ClearMatched, otherwise WaitForMove.
/// </summary>
FindMatches = 0, |
/// <summary>
/// Remove matched cells and replace them with a placeholder value.
/// </summary>
ClearMatched = 1, |
/// <summary>
/// Move cells "down" to fill empty space.
/// </summary>
Drop = 2, |
/// <summary>
/// Replace empty cells with new random values.
/// </summary>
FillEmpty = 3, |
/// <summary>
/// Request a move from the Agent.
/// </summary>
WaitForMove = 4, |
} |
public enum HeuristicQuality |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// The heuristic will pick any valid move at random.
/// </summary>
RandomValidMove, |
/// <summary>
/// The heuristic will pick the move that scores the most points.
/// This only looks at the immediate move, and doesn't consider where cells will fall.
/// </summary>
Greedy |
} |
public class Match3Agent : Agent |
{ |
[HideInInspector] |
public Match3Board Board; |
public float MoveTime = 1.0f; |
public int MaxMoves = 500; |
public HeuristicQuality HeuristicQuality = HeuristicQuality.RandomValidMove; |
State m_CurrentState = State.WaitForMove; |
float m_TimeUntilMove; |
private int m_MovesMade; |
private System.Random m_Random; |
private const float k_RewardMultiplier = 0.01f; |
void Awake() |
{ |
Board = GetComponent<Match3Board>(); |
var seed = Board.RandomSeed == -1 ? gameObject.GetInstanceID() : Board.RandomSeed + 1; |
m_Random = new System.Random(seed); |
} |
public override void OnEpisodeBegin() |
{ |
base.OnEpisodeBegin(); |
Board.InitSettled(); |
m_CurrentState = State.FindMatches; |
m_TimeUntilMove = MoveTime; |
m_MovesMade = 0; |
} |
private void FixedUpdate() |
{ |
if (Academy.Instance.IsCommunicatorOn) |
{ |
FastUpdate(); |
} |
else |
{ |
AnimatedUpdate(); |
} |
// We can't use the normal MaxSteps system to decide when to end an episode,
// since different agents will make moves at different frequencies (depending on the number of
// chained moves). So track a number of moves per Agent and manually interrupt the episode.
if (m_MovesMade >= MaxMoves) |
{ |
EpisodeInterrupted(); |
} |
} |
void FastUpdate() |
{ |
while (true) |
{ |
var hasMatched = Board.MarkMatchedCells(); |
if (!hasMatched) |
{ |
break; |
} |
var pointsEarned = Board.ClearMatchedCells(); |
AddReward(k_RewardMultiplier * pointsEarned); |
Board.DropCells(); |
Board.FillFromAbove(); |
} |
while (!HasValidMoves()) |
{ |
// Shuffle the board until we have a valid move.
Board.InitSettled(); |
} |
RequestDecision(); |
m_MovesMade++; |
} |
void AnimatedUpdate() |
{ |
m_TimeUntilMove -= Time.deltaTime; |
if (m_TimeUntilMove > 0.0f) |
{ |
return; |
} |
m_TimeUntilMove = MoveTime; |
var nextState = State.Invalid; |
switch (m_CurrentState) |
{ |
case State.FindMatches: |
var hasMatched = Board.MarkMatchedCells(); |
nextState = hasMatched ? State.ClearMatched : State.WaitForMove; |
if (nextState == State.WaitForMove) |
{ |
m_MovesMade++; |
} |
break; |
case State.ClearMatched: |
var pointsEarned = Board.ClearMatchedCells(); |
AddReward(k_RewardMultiplier * pointsEarned); |
nextState = State.Drop; |
break; |
case State.Drop: |
Board.DropCells(); |
nextState = State.FillEmpty; |
break; |
case State.FillEmpty: |
Board.FillFromAbove(); |
nextState = State.FindMatches; |
break; |
case State.WaitForMove: |
while (true) |
{ |
// Shuffle the board until we have a valid move.
bool hasMoves = HasValidMoves(); |
if (hasMoves) |
{ |
break; |
} |
Board.InitSettled(); |
} |
RequestDecision(); |
nextState = State.FindMatches; |
break; |
default: |
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); |
} |
m_CurrentState = nextState; |
} |
bool HasValidMoves() |
{ |
foreach (var move in Board.ValidMoves()) |
{ |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
public override void Heuristic(in ActionBuffers actionsOut) |
{ |
var discreteActions = actionsOut.DiscreteActions; |
discreteActions[0] = GreedyMove(); |
} |
int GreedyMove() |
{ |
var pointsByType = new[] { Board.BasicCellPoints, Board.SpecialCell1Points, Board.SpecialCell2Points }; |
var bestMoveIndex = 0; |
var bestMovePoints = -1; |
var numMovesAtCurrentScore = 0; |
foreach (var move in Board.ValidMoves()) |
{ |
var movePoints = HeuristicQuality == HeuristicQuality.Greedy ? EvalMovePoints(move, pointsByType) : 1; |
if (movePoints < bestMovePoints) |
{ |
// Worse, skip
continue; |
} |
if (movePoints > bestMovePoints) |
{ |
// Better, keep
bestMovePoints = movePoints; |
bestMoveIndex = move.MoveIndex; |
numMovesAtCurrentScore = 1; |
} |
else |
{ |
// Tied for best - use reservoir sampling to make sure we select from equal moves uniformly.
// See
numMovesAtCurrentScore++; |
var randVal = m_Random.Next(0, numMovesAtCurrentScore); |
if (randVal == 0) |
{ |
// Keep the new one
bestMoveIndex = move.MoveIndex; |
} |
} |
} |
return bestMoveIndex; |
} |
int EvalMovePoints(Move move, int[] pointsByType) |
{ |
// Counts the expected points for making the move.
var moveVal = Board.GetCellType(move.Row, move.Column); |
var moveSpecial = Board.GetSpecialType(move.Row, move.Column); |
var (otherRow, otherCol) = move.OtherCell(); |
var oppositeVal = Board.GetCellType(otherRow, otherCol); |
var oppositeSpecial = Board.GetSpecialType(otherRow, otherCol); |
int movePoints = EvalHalfMove( |
otherRow, otherCol, moveVal, moveSpecial, move.Direction, pointsByType |
); |
int otherPoints = EvalHalfMove( |
move.Row, move.Column, oppositeVal, oppositeSpecial, move.OtherDirection(), pointsByType |
); |
return movePoints + otherPoints; |
} |
int EvalHalfMove(int newRow, int newCol, int newValue, int newSpecial, Direction incomingDirection, int[] pointsByType) |
{ |
// This is a essentially a duplicate of AbstractBoard.CheckHalfMove but also counts the points for the move.
int matchedLeft = 0, matchedRight = 0, matchedUp = 0, matchedDown = 0; |
int scoreLeft = 0, scoreRight = 0, scoreUp = 0, scoreDown = 0; |
if (incomingDirection != Direction.Right) |
{ |
for (var c = newCol - 1; c >= 0; c--) |
{ |
if (Board.GetCellType(newRow, c) == newValue) |
{ |
matchedLeft++; |
scoreLeft += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(newRow, c)]; |
} |
else |
break; |
} |
} |
if (incomingDirection != Direction.Left) |
{ |
for (var c = newCol + 1; c < Board.Columns; c++) |
{ |
if (Board.GetCellType(newRow, c) == newValue) |
{ |
matchedRight++; |
scoreRight += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(newRow, c)]; |
} |
else |
break; |
} |
} |
if (incomingDirection != Direction.Down) |
{ |
for (var r = newRow + 1; r < Board.Rows; r++) |
{ |
if (Board.GetCellType(r, newCol) == newValue) |
{ |
matchedUp++; |
scoreUp += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(r, newCol)]; |
} |
else |
break; |
} |
} |
if (incomingDirection != Direction.Up) |
{ |
for (var r = newRow - 1; r >= 0; r--) |
{ |
if (Board.GetCellType(r, newCol) == newValue) |
{ |
matchedDown++; |
scoreDown += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(r, newCol)]; |
} |
else |
break; |
} |
} |
if ((matchedUp + matchedDown >= 2) || (matchedLeft + matchedRight >= 2)) |
{ |
// It's a match. Start from counting the piece being moved
var totalScore = pointsByType[newSpecial]; |
if (matchedUp + matchedDown >= 2) |
{ |
totalScore += scoreUp + scoreDown; |
} |
if (matchedLeft + matchedRight >= 2) |
{ |
totalScore += scoreLeft + scoreRight; |
} |
return totalScore; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: d982f0cd92214bd2b689be838fa40c44 |
timeCreated: 1598221207 |
using Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Match3; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace Unity.MLAgentsExamples |
{ |
public class Match3Board : AbstractBoard |
{ |
public int RandomSeed = -1; |
public const int k_EmptyCell = -1; |
[Tooltip("Points earned for clearing a basic cell (cube)")] |
public int BasicCellPoints = 1; |
[Tooltip("Points earned for clearing a special cell (sphere)")] |
public int SpecialCell1Points = 2; |
[Tooltip("Points earned for clearing an extra special cell (plus)")] |
public int SpecialCell2Points = 3; |
(int, int)[,] m_Cells; |
bool[,] m_Matched; |
System.Random m_Random; |
void Awake() |
{ |
m_Cells = new (int, int)[Columns, Rows]; |
m_Matched = new bool[Columns, Rows]; |
m_Random = new System.Random(RandomSeed == -1 ? gameObject.GetInstanceID() : RandomSeed); |
InitRandom(); |
} |
public override bool MakeMove(Move move) |
{ |
if (!IsMoveValid(move)) |
{ |
return false; |
} |
var originalValue = m_Cells[move.Column, move.Row]; |
var (otherRow, otherCol) = move.OtherCell(); |
var destinationValue = m_Cells[otherCol, otherRow]; |
m_Cells[move.Column, move.Row] = destinationValue; |
m_Cells[otherCol, otherRow] = originalValue; |
return true; |
} |
public override int GetCellType(int row, int col) |
{ |
return m_Cells[col, row].Item1; |
} |
public override int GetSpecialType(int row, int col) |
{ |
return m_Cells[col, row].Item2; |
} |
public override bool IsMoveValid(Move m) |
{ |
if (m_Cells == null) |
{ |
return false; |
} |
return SimpleIsMoveValid(m); |
} |
public bool MarkMatchedCells(int[,] cells = null) |
{ |
ClearMarked(); |
bool madeMatch = false; |
for (var i = 0; i < Rows; i++) |
{ |
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++) |
{ |
// Check vertically
var matchedRows = 0; |
for (var iOffset = i; iOffset < Rows; iOffset++) |
{ |
if (m_Cells[j, i].Item1 != m_Cells[j, iOffset].Item1) |
{ |
break; |
} |
matchedRows++; |
} |
if (matchedRows >= 3) |
{ |
madeMatch = true; |
for (var k = 0; k < matchedRows; k++) |
{ |
m_Matched[j, i + k] = true; |
} |
} |
// Check vertically
var matchedCols = 0; |
for (var jOffset = j; jOffset < Columns; jOffset++) |
{ |
if (m_Cells[j, i].Item1 != m_Cells[jOffset, i].Item1) |
{ |
break; |
} |
matchedCols++; |
} |
if (matchedCols >= 3) |
{ |
madeMatch = true; |
for (var k = 0; k < matchedCols; k++) |
{ |
m_Matched[j + k, i] = true; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return madeMatch; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Sets cells that are matched to the empty cell, and returns the score earned.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public int ClearMatchedCells() |
{ |
var pointsByType = new[] { BasicCellPoints, SpecialCell1Points, SpecialCell2Points }; |
int pointsEarned = 0; |
for (var i = 0; i < Rows; i++) |
{ |
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++) |
{ |
if (m_Matched[j, i]) |
{ |
var speciaType = GetSpecialType(i, j); |
pointsEarned += pointsByType[speciaType]; |
m_Cells[j, i] = (k_EmptyCell, 0); |
} |
} |
} |
ClearMarked(); // TODO clear here or at start of matching?
return pointsEarned; |
} |
public bool DropCells() |
{ |
var madeChanges = false; |
// Gravity is applied in the negative row direction
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++) |
{ |
var writeIndex = 0; |
for (var readIndex = 0; readIndex < Rows; readIndex++) |
{ |
m_Cells[j, writeIndex] = m_Cells[j, readIndex]; |
if (m_Cells[j, readIndex].Item1 != k_EmptyCell) |
{ |
writeIndex++; |
} |
} |
// Fill in empties at the end
for (; writeIndex < Rows; writeIndex++) |
{ |
madeChanges = true; |
m_Cells[j, writeIndex] = (k_EmptyCell, 0); |
} |
} |
return madeChanges; |
} |
public bool FillFromAbove() |
{ |
bool madeChanges = false; |
for (var i = 0; i < Rows; i++) |
{ |
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++) |
{ |
if (m_Cells[j, i].Item1 == k_EmptyCell) |
{ |
madeChanges = true; |
m_Cells[j, i] = (GetRandomCellType(), GetRandomSpecialType()); |
} |
} |
} |
return madeChanges; |
} |
public (int, int)[,] Cells |
{ |
get { return m_Cells; } |
} |
public bool[,] Matched |
{ |
get { return m_Matched; } |
} |
// Initialize the board to random values.
public void InitRandom() |
{ |
for (var i = 0; i < Rows; i++) |
{ |
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++) |
{ |
m_Cells[j, i] = (GetRandomCellType(), GetRandomSpecialType()); |
} |
} |
} |
public void InitSettled() |
{ |
InitRandom(); |
while (true) |
{ |
var anyMatched = MarkMatchedCells(); |
if (!anyMatched) |
{ |
return; |
} |
ClearMatchedCells(); |
DropCells(); |
FillFromAbove(); |
} |
} |
void ClearMarked() |
{ |
for (var i = 0; i < Rows; i++) |
{ |
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++) |
{ |
m_Matched[j, i] = false; |
} |
} |
} |
int GetRandomCellType() |
{ |
return m_Random.Next(0, NumCellTypes); |
} |
int GetRandomSpecialType() |
{ |
// 1 in N chance to get a type-2 special
// 2 in N chance to get a type-1 special
// otherwise 0 (boring)
var N = 10; |
var val = m_Random.Next(0, N); |
if (val == 0) |
{ |
return 2; |
} |
if (val <= 2) |
{ |
return 1; |
} |
return 0; |
} |
} |
} |
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using UnityEngine; |
using Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Match3; |
namespace Unity.MLAgentsExamples |
{ |
public class Match3Drawer : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
public int DebugMoveIndex = -1; |
static Color[] s_Colors = new[] |
{ |
|||, |
|||, |
|||, |
Color.cyan, |
Color.magenta, |
Color.yellow, |
Color.gray, |
|||, |
}; |
private static Color s_EmptyColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, .25f); |
void OnDrawGizmos() |
{ |
// TODO replace Gizmos for drawing the game state with proper GameObjects and animations.
var cubeSize = .5f; |
var cubeSpacing = .75f; |
var matchedWireframeSize = .5f * (cubeSize + cubeSpacing); |
var board = GetComponent<Match3Board>(); |
if (board == null) |
{ |
return; |
} |
for (var i = 0; i < board.Rows; i++) |
{ |
for (var j = 0; j < board.Columns; j++) |
{ |
var value = board.Cells != null ? board.GetCellType(i, j) : Match3Board.k_EmptyCell; |
if (value >= 0 && value < s_Colors.Length) |
{ |
Gizmos.color = s_Colors[value]; |
} |
else |
{ |
Gizmos.color = s_EmptyColor; |
} |
var pos = new Vector3(j, i, 0); |
pos *= cubeSpacing; |
var specialType = board.Cells != null ? board.GetSpecialType(i, j) : 0; |
if (specialType == 2) |
{ |
Gizmos.DrawCube(transform.TransformPoint(pos), cubeSize * new Vector3(1f, .5f, .5f)); |
Gizmos.DrawCube(transform.TransformPoint(pos), cubeSize * new Vector3(.5f, 1f, .5f)); |
Gizmos.DrawCube(transform.TransformPoint(pos), cubeSize * new Vector3(.5f, .5f, 1f)); |
} |
else if (specialType == 1) |
{ |
Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.TransformPoint(pos), .5f * cubeSize); |
} |
else |
{ |
Gizmos.DrawCube(transform.TransformPoint(pos), cubeSize *; |
} |
Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; |
if (board.Matched != null && board.Matched[j, i]) |
{ |
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(transform.TransformPoint(pos), matchedWireframeSize *; |
} |
} |
} |
// Draw valid moves
foreach (var move in board.AllMoves()) |
{ |
if (DebugMoveIndex >= 0 && move.MoveIndex != DebugMoveIndex) |
{ |
continue; |
} |
if (!board.IsMoveValid(move)) |
{ |
continue; |
} |
var (otherRow, otherCol) = move.OtherCell(); |
var pos = new Vector3(move.Column, move.Row, 0) * cubeSpacing; |
var otherPos = new Vector3(otherCol, otherRow, 0) * cubeSpacing; |
var oneQuarter = Vector3.Lerp(pos, otherPos, .25f); |
var threeQuarters = Vector3.Lerp(pos, otherPos, .75f); |
Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.TransformPoint(oneQuarter), transform.TransformPoint(threeQuarters)); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Match3 |
{ |
public abstract class AbstractBoard : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// Number of rows on the board
/// </summary>
public int Rows; |
/// <summary>
/// Number of columns on the board
/// </summary>
public int Columns; |
/// <summary>
/// Maximum number of different types of cells (colors, pieces, etc).
/// </summary>
public int NumCellTypes; |
/// <summary>
/// Maximum number of special types. This can be zero, in which case
/// all cells of the same type are assumed to be equivalent.
/// </summary>
public int NumSpecialTypes; |
/// <summary>
/// Returns the "color" of the piece at the given row and column.
/// This should be between 0 and NumCellTypes-1 (inclusive).
/// The actual order of the values doesn't matter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="row"></param>
/// <param name="col"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract int GetCellType(int row, int col); |
/// <summary>
/// Returns the special type of the piece at the given row and column.
/// This should be between 0 and NumSpecialTypes (inclusive).
/// The actual order of the values doesn't matter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="row"></param>
/// <param name="col"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract int GetSpecialType(int row, int col); |
/// <summary>
/// Check whether the particular Move is valid for the game.
/// The actual results will depend on the rules of the game, but we provide SimpleIsMoveValid()
/// that handles basic match3 rules with no special or immovable pieces.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="m"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract bool IsMoveValid(Move m); |
/// <summary>
/// Instruct the game to make the given move. Returns true if the move was made.
/// Note that during training, a move that was marked as invalid may occasionally still be
/// requested. If this happens, it is safe to do nothing and request another move.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="m"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract bool MakeMove< |