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using UnityEngine; |
using MLAgents; |
public class BuilderAcademy : Academy |
{ |
[Header("Specific to WallJump")] |
//when a goal is scored the ground will use this material for a few seconds.
public Material goalScoredMaterial; |
//when fail, the ground will use this material for a few seconds.
public Material failMaterial; |
public Material grabbedMaterial; |
public Material notGrabbedMaterial; |
public float heightRewardCoeff = .01f; |
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//Put this script on your blue cube.
using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using MLAgents; |
using Random = UnityEngine.Random; |
[RequireComponent(typeof(AgentCubeGroundCheck))] // Required for groundcheck
public class BuilderAgent : Agent |
{ |
// Depending on this value, the wall will have different height
int m_Configuration; |
public GameObject ground; |
public GameObject spawnArea; |
Bounds m_SpawnAreaBounds; |
Material m_GroundMaterial; |
Renderer m_GroundRenderer; |
BuilderAcademy m_Academy; |
RayPerception m_RayPer; |
string[] m_DetectableObjects; |
Rigidbody m_AgentRb; |
public List<Rigidbody> buildingBlocksList = new List<Rigidbody>(); |
AgentCubeGroundCheck m_groundCheck; |
AgentCubeMovement m_agentMovement; |
public bool grabbingItem; |
public Rigidbody grabbedItemRb; |
public Collider grabbedItemCol; |
private Transform m_AreaTransform; |
public override void InitializeAgent() |
{ |
m_AreaTransform = transform.parent; |
m_groundCheck = GetComponent<AgentCubeGroundCheck>(); |
m_Academy = FindObjectOfType<BuilderAcademy>(); |
m_agentMovement = FindObjectOfType<AgentCubeMovement>(); |
m_RayPer = GetComponent<RayPerception>(); |
m_Configuration = Random.Range(0, 5); |
m_DetectableObjects = new[] { "block" }; |
m_SpawnAreaBounds = spawnArea.GetComponent<Collider>().bounds; |
m_GroundRenderer = ground.GetComponent<Renderer>(); |
m_AgentRb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); |
m_GroundMaterial = m_GroundRenderer.material; |
spawnArea.SetActive(false); |
} |
public override void CollectObservations() |
{ |
var rayDistance = 20f; |
float[] rayAngles = { 0f, 45f, 90f, 135f, 180f, 110f, 70f }; |
AddVectorObs(m_RayPer.Perceive( |
rayDistance, rayAngles, m_DetectableObjects, 0f, 0f)); |
AddVectorObs(m_RayPer.Perceive( |
rayDistance, rayAngles, m_DetectableObjects, 1.5f, 0f)); |
// AddVectorObs(m_RayPer.Perceive(
// rayDistance, rayAngles, m_DetectableObjects, 2.5f, 2.5f));
var agentPos = m_AgentRb.position - ground.transform.position; |
AddVectorObs(agentPos / 20f); //help with orientation
AddVectorObs(m_groundCheck.isGrounded); |
AddVectorObs(m_AgentRb.velocity/m_agentMovement.agentRunSpeed); //normalized vel
AddVectorObs(m_AgentRb.angularVelocity/m_AgentRb.maxAngularVelocity); //normalized angVel
AddVectorObs(m_AgentRb.transform.forward); //help with orientation
AddVectorObs(grabbingItem); |
foreach (var item in buildingBlocksList) |
{ |
var blockPos = item.position - ground.transform.position; |
AddVectorObs(blockPos / 20f); //help with orientation
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Gets a random spawn position in the spawningArea.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The random spawn position.</returns>
public Vector3 GetRandomSpawnPos() |
{ |
var randomPosX = Random.Range(-m_SpawnAreaBounds.extents.x, |
m_SpawnAreaBounds.extents.x); |
var randomPosY = Random.Range(-m_SpawnAreaBounds.extents.y, |
m_SpawnAreaBounds.extents.y); |
var randomPosZ = Random.Range(-m_SpawnAreaBounds.extents.z, |
m_SpawnAreaBounds.extents.z); |
var randomSpawnPos = spawnArea.transform.position + |
new Vector3(randomPosX, randomPosY, randomPosZ); |
return randomSpawnPos; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Changes the color of the ground for a moment
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The Enumerator to be used in a Coroutine</returns>
/// <param name="mat">The material to be swaped.</param>
/// <param name="time">The time the material will remain.</param>
IEnumerator GoalScoredSwapGroundMaterial(Material mat, float time) |
{ |
m_GroundRenderer.material = mat; |
yield return new WaitForSeconds(time); |
m_GroundRenderer.material = m_GroundMaterial; |
} |
public void MoveAgent(float[] act) |
{ |
AddReward(-0.0005f); //hurry up
var dirToGo =; |
var rotateDir =; |
var dirToGoForwardAction = (int)act[0]; |
var rotateDirAction = (int)act[1]; |
var jumpAction = (int)act[2]; |
if (dirToGoForwardAction == 1) |
dirToGo += transform.forward; |
else if (dirToGoForwardAction == 2) |
dirToGo += -transform.forward; |
if (rotateDirAction == 1) |
rotateDir = -transform.up ; |
else if (rotateDirAction == 2) |
rotateDir = transform.up; |
var grabOrReleaseAction = (int)act[3]; |
if (grabOrReleaseAction == 1) |
{ |
if(grabbingItem) |
{ |
ReleaseBlock(); |
} |
else |
{ |
GrabBlock(); |
} |
} |
//handle jumping
if (jumpAction == 1) |
{ |
if (m_groundCheck.isGrounded) |
{ |
m_agentMovement.Jump(m_AgentRb); |
} |
} |
//handle body rotation
if (rotateDir != |
{ |
m_agentMovement.RotateBody(m_AgentRb, rotateDir); |
} |
//handle running
if (dirToGo != |
{ |
if (!m_groundCheck.isGrounded) |
{ |
m_agentMovement.RunInAir(m_AgentRb, dirToGo.normalized); |
} |
else |
{ |
m_agentMovement.RunOnGround(m_AgentRb, dirToGo.normalized); |
} |
} |
//handle idle drag
if (m_groundCheck.isGrounded && dirToGo == |
{ |
m_agentMovement.AddIdleDrag(m_AgentRb); |
} |
//handle falling forces
if (!m_groundCheck.isGrounded) |
{ |
m_agentMovement.AddFallingForce(m_AgentRb); |
} |
} |
bool AllBlockOnPlatform() |
{ |
foreach (var item in buildingBlocksList) |
{ |
if (item.position.y < ground.transform.position.y -1) |
{ |
return false; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} |
void Update() |
{ |
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G)) |
{ |
if(grabbingItem) |
{ |
ReleaseBlock(); |
} |
else |
{ |
GrabBlock(); |
} |
} |
} |
public override void AgentAction(float[] vectorAction, string textAction) |
{ |
if (IsDone()) |
{ |
return; |
} |
MoveAgent(vectorAction); |
if (m_AgentRb.position.y < ground.transform.position.y -1|| !AllBlockOnPlatform()) |
{ |
SetReward(-1f); |
StartCoroutine( |
GoalScoredSwapGroundMaterial(m_Academy.failMaterial, .5f)); |
Done(); |
} |
if (m_groundCheck.isGrounded) |
{ |
AddReward((m_AgentRb.transform.localPosition.y - 1) * m_Academy.heightRewardCoeff); |
} |
} |
void ResetAllBlocks() |
{ |
foreach (var item in buildingBlocksList) |
{ |
ResetBlock(item); |
} |
} |
void GrabBlock() |
{ |
RaycastHit hit; |
if (Physics.Raycast(m_AgentRb.position, transform.forward, out hit, 1f)) |
{ |
if (hit.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("block")) |
{ |
hit.rigidbody.isKinematic = true; |
hit.transform.SetParent(transform); |
grabbedItemRb = hit.transform.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); |
grabbedItemCol = hit.collider; |
hit.collider.enabled = false; |
grabbingItem = true; |
hit.transform.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = m_Academy.grabbedMaterial; |
print("GRABBED"); |
} |
} |
} |
void ReleaseBlock() |
{ |
if (grabbedItemRb) |
{ |
ResetBlock(grabbedItemRb); |
} |
print("RELEASED"); |
grabbedItemRb = null; |
grabbedItemCol = null; |
grabbingItem = false; |
} |
// void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
// {
// if (col.gameObject.CompareTag("hazard"))
// {
// SetReward(-1f);
// StartCoroutine(
// GoalScoredSwapGroundMaterial(m_Academy.failMaterial, .5f));
// Done();
// }
// }
// // Detect when the agent hits the goal
// void OnTriggerStay(Collider col)
// {
// if (IsDone())
// {
// return;
// }
// if (col.gameObject.CompareTag("goal") && m_groundCheck.isGrounded)
// {
// SetReward(1f);
//// ResetBlock(m_ShortBlockRb);
//// ResetBlock(hazardRb);
// StartCoroutine(
// GoalScoredSwapGroundMaterial(m_Academy.goalScoredMaterial, .5f));
// Done();
// }
// }
//Reset the orange block position
void ResetBlock(Rigidbody blockRb) |
{ |
blockRb.transform.SetParent(m_AreaTransform); |
blockRb.velocity =; |
blockRb.angularVelocity =; |
blockRb.isKinematic = false; |
blockRb.transform.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = m_Academy.notGrabbedMaterial; |
blockRb.GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = true; |
} |
public override void AgentReset() |
{ |
ResetAllBlocks(); |
foreach (var item in buildingBlocksList) |
{ |
item.transform.position = GetRandomSpawnPos(); |
} |
transform.localPosition = new Vector3( |
18 * (Random.value - 0.5f), 1, 0); |
m_Configuration = Random.Range(0, 5); |
m_AgentRb.velocity =; |
} |
// private void FixedUpdate()
// {
// if (m_Configuration != -1)
// {
// ConfigureAgent(m_Configuration);
// m_Configuration = -1;
// }
// }
// /// <summary>
// /// Configures the agent. Given an integer config, the wall will have
// /// different height and a different brain will be assigned to the agent.
// /// </summary>
// /// <param name="config">Config.
// /// If 0 : No wall and noWallBrain.
// /// If 1: Small wall and smallWallBrain.
// /// Other : Tall wall and BigWallBrain. </param>
// void ConfigureAgent(int config)
// {
// var localScale = wall.transform.localScale;
// if (config == 0)
// {
// localScale = new Vector3(
// localScale.x,
// m_Academy.resetParameters["no_wall_height"],
// localScale.z);
// wall.transform.localScale = localScale;
// GiveBrain(noWallBrain);
// }
// else if (config == 1)
// {
// localScale = new Vector3(
// localScale.x,
// m_Academy.resetParameters["small_wall_height"],
// localScale.z);
// wall.transform.localScale = localScale;
// GiveBrain(smallWallBrain);
// }
// else
// {
// var height =
// m_Academy.resetParameters["big_wall_min_height"] +
// Random.value * (m_Academy.resetParameters["big_wall_max_height"] -
// m_Academy.resetParameters["big_wall_min_height"]);
// localScale = new Vector3(
// localScale.x,
// height,
// localScale.z);
// wall.transform.localScale = localScale;
// GiveBrain(bigWallBrain);
// }
// }
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