
Minor doc updates on configuration (#4452)

* Added link to training configuration file

Realized this link to the configuration file is not linked on this page

* added clarity on checkpoints saving .nn

Updated doc to include point around saving .nn

* Update docs/Training-Configuration-File.md

Co-authored-by: Chris Elion <chris.elion@unity3d.com>
GitHub 4 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 3 次插入2 次删除
  1. 2
  2. 3


| `time_horizon` | (default = `64`) How many steps of experience to collect per-agent before adding it to the experience buffer. When this limit is reached before the end of an episode, a value estimate is used to predict the overall expected reward from the agent's current state. As such, this parameter trades off between a less biased, but higher variance estimate (long time horizon) and more biased, but less varied estimate (short time horizon). In cases where there are frequent rewards within an episode, or episodes are prohibitively large, a smaller number can be more ideal. This number should be large enough to capture all the important behavior within a sequence of an agent's actions. <br><br> Typical range: `32` - `2048` |
| `max_steps` | (default = `500000`) Total number of steps (i.e., observation collected and action taken) that must be taken in the environment (or across all environments if using multiple in parallel) before ending the training process. If you have multiple agents with the same behavior name within your environment, all steps taken by those agents will contribute to the same `max_steps` count. <br><br>Typical range: `5e5` - `1e7` |
| `keep_checkpoints` | (default = `5`) The maximum number of model checkpoints to keep. Checkpoints are saved after the number of steps specified by the checkpoint_interval option. Once the maximum number of checkpoints has been reached, the oldest checkpoint is deleted when saving a new checkpoint. |
| `checkpoint_interval` | (default = `500000`) The number of experiences collected between each checkpoint by the trainer. A maximum of `keep_checkpoints` checkpoints are saved before old ones are deleted. |
| `checkpoint_interval` | (default = `500000`) The number of experiences collected between each checkpoint by the trainer. A maximum of `keep_checkpoints` checkpoints are saved before old ones are deleted. Each checkpoint saves the `.nn` (and `.onnx` if applicable) files in `results/` folder.|
| `init_path` | (default = None) Initialize trainer from a previously saved model. Note that the prior run should have used the same trainer configurations as the current run, and have been saved with the same version of ML-Agents. <br><br>You should provide the full path to the folder where the checkpoints were saved, e.g. `./models/{run-id}/{behavior_name}`. This option is provided in case you want to initialize different behaviors from different runs; in most cases, it is sufficient to use the `--initialize-from` CLI parameter to initialize all models from the same run. |
| `threaded` | (default = `true`) By default, model updates can happen while the environment is being stepped. This violates the [on-policy](https://spinningup.openai.com/en/latest/user/algorithms.html#the-on-policy-algorithms) assumption of PPO slightly in exchange for a training speedup. To maintain the strict on-policyness of PPO, you can disable parallel updates by setting `threaded` to `false`. There is usually no reason to turn `threaded` off for SAC. |
| `hyperparameters -> learning_rate` | (default = `3e-4`) Initial learning rate for gradient descent. Corresponds to the strength of each gradient descent update step. This should typically be decreased if training is unstable, and the reward does not consistently increase. <br><br>Typical range: `1e-5` - `1e-3` |


The trainer config file, `<trainer-config-file>`, determines the features you will
use during training, and the answers to the above questions will dictate its contents.
The rest of this guide breaks down the different sub-sections of the trainer config file
and explains the possible settings for each.
and explains the possible settings for each. If you need a list of all the trainer
configurations, please see [Training Configuration File](Training-Configuration-File.md).
**NOTE:** The configuration file format has been changed between 0.17.0 and 0.18.0 and
between 0.18.0 and onwards. To convert
