
TensorFlowSharp is no more (#2590)

* TensorFlowSharp is no more

* Removed old documents
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private ITensorAllocator m_TensorAllocator;
private TensorGenerator m_TensorGenerator;
private TensorApplier m_TensorApplier;
public TextAsset model;
private ModelParamLoader _modelParamLoader;
private TFSharpInferenceEngine _engine;
public NNModel model;
private Model m_BarracudaModel;
private IWorker m_Engine;

private string[] m_OutputNames;
[Tooltip("Inference execution device. CPU is the fastest option for most of ML Agents models. " +
"(This field is not applicable for training).")]

if (m_TensorAllocator == null)
m_TensorAllocator = new TensorCachingAllocator();
_engine = new TFSharpInferenceEngine();
_engine = null;
_modelParamLoader = ModelParamLoader.GetLoaderAndCheck(_engine, brainParameters);
_inferenceInputs = _modelParamLoader.GetInputTensors();
_inferenceOutputs = _modelParamLoader.GetOutputTensors();
_tensorGenerator = new TensorGenerator(brainParameters, seed, _tensorAllocator);
_tensorApplier = new TensorApplier(brainParameters, seed, _tensorAllocator);
if (model != null)
D.logEnabled = m_Verbose;

m_OutputNames = m_ModelParamLoader.GetOutputNames();
m_TensorGenerator = new TensorGenerator(brainParameters, seed, m_TensorAllocator, m_BarracudaModel);
m_TensorApplier = new TensorApplier(brainParameters, seed, m_TensorAllocator, m_BarracudaModel);
/// <summary>

/// Brain Parameters</returns>
public IEnumerable<string> GetModelFailedChecks()
return (_modelParamLoader != null) ? _modelParamLoader.GetChecks() : new List<string>();
/// <inheritdoc />

if (_engine == null)
Debug.LogError($"No model was present for the Brain {name}.");
// Prepare the input tensors to be feed into the engine
_tensorGenerator.GenerateTensors(_inferenceInputs, currentBatchSize, agentInfos);
// Prepare the output tensors to be feed into the engine
_tensorGenerator.GenerateTensors(_inferenceOutputs, currentBatchSize, agentInfos);
// Execute the Model
_engine.ExecuteGraph(_inferenceInputs, _inferenceOutputs);
// Update the outputs
_tensorApplier.ApplyTensors(_inferenceOutputs, agentInfos);
if (m_Engine == null)
Debug.LogError($"No model was present for the Brain {name}.");

// Update the outputs
m_TensorApplier.ApplyTensors(m_InferenceOutputs, m_AgentInfos);
protected Dictionary<string, Tensor> PrepareBarracudaInputs(IEnumerable<TensorProxy> infInputs)
var inputs = new Dictionary<string, Tensor>();

return outputs;


to [Setting Up The ML-Agents Toolkit Within
Unity](Installation.md#setting-up-ml-agent-within-unity) for solution.
## TensorFlowSharp flag not turned on
If you have already imported the TensorFlowSharp plugin, but haven't set
ENABLE_TENSORFLOW flag for your scripting define symbols, you will see the
following error message:
UnityAgentsException: The brain 3DBallLearning was set to inference mode but the TensorFlow library is not present in the Unity project.
This error message occurs because the TensorFlowSharp plugin won't be used
without the ENABLE_TENSORFLOW flag, refer to [Setting Up The ML-Agents Toolkit
Within Unity](Installation.md#setting-up-ml-agent-within-unity) for solution.
## Environment Permission Error
If you directly import your Unity environment without building it in the


# recursively expanded use the := operator instead of the = operator.
# This tag requires that the tag ENABLE_PREPROCESSING is set to YES.
# If the MACRO_EXPANSION and EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF tags are set to YES then this
# tag can be used to specify a list of macro names that should be expanded. The


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 259e3a0e37204794a885219327bd4c02
timeCreated: 1539197357


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Barracuda;
namespace MLAgents.InferenceBrain
/// <summary>
/// Prepares the Tensors for the Learning Brain and exposes a list of failed checks if Model
/// and BrainParameters are incompatible.
/// </summary>
public class ModelParamLoader
private enum ModelActionType
private const long ApiVersion = 2;
private TFSharpInferenceEngine _engine;
private BrainParameters _brainParameters;
private List<string> _failedModelChecks = new List<string>();
/// <summary>
/// Factory for the ModelParamLoader : Creates a ModelParamLoader and runs the checks
/// on it.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="engine"> The InferenceEngine we get the parameters and the checks from
/// </param>
/// <param name="brainParameters"> The BrainParamters that are used verify the
/// compatibility with the InferenceEngine</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ModelParamLoader GetLoaderAndCheck(TFSharpInferenceEngine engine,
BrainParameters brainParameters)
ModelParamLoader modelParamLoader = new ModelParamLoader(engine, brainParameters);
return modelParamLoader;
private ModelParamLoader(TFSharpInferenceEngine engine, BrainParameters brainParameters)
_engine = engine;
_brainParameters = brainParameters;
/// <summary>
/// Generates the Tensor inputs that are expected to be present in the Model.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>TensorProxy IEnumerable with the expected Tensor inputs</returns>
public IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> GetInputTensors()
return _engine?.InputFeatures();
/// <summary>
/// Generates the Tensor outputs that are expected to be present in the Model.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>TensorProxy IEnumerable with the expected Tensor outputs</returns>
public IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> GetOutputTensors()
var tensorList = new List<TensorProxy>();
if (_brainParameters.vectorActionSpaceType == SpaceType.continuous)
tensorList.Add(new TensorProxy()
Name = TensorNames.ActionOutput,
Shape = new long[]
-1, _brainParameters.vectorActionSize[0]
ValueType = TensorProxy.TensorType.FloatingPoint,
Data = null
new TensorProxy()
Name = TensorNames.ActionOutput,
Shape = new long[]
-1, _brainParameters.vectorActionSize.Sum()
ValueType = TensorProxy.TensorType.FloatingPoint,
Data = null
var memory = GetIntScalar(TensorNames.MemorySize);
if (memory > 0)
tensorList.Add(new TensorProxy()
Name = TensorNames.RecurrentOutput,
Shape = new long[2]
-1, memory
ValueType = TensorProxy.TensorType.FloatingPoint,
Data = null
return tensorList;
/// <summary>
/// Queries the InferenceEngine for the value of a variable in the graph given its name.
/// Only works with int32 Tensors with zero dimensions containing a unique element.
/// If the node was not found or could not be retrieved, the value -1 will be returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">The name of the Tensor variable</param>
/// <returns>The value of the scalar variable in the model. (-1 if not found)</returns>
private int GetIntScalar(string name)
var outputs = new TensorProxy[]
new TensorProxy()
Name = name,
ValueType = TensorProxy.TensorType.Integer,
Shape = new long[] {},
Data = new Tensor(1, 1)
_engine.ExecuteGraph(new TensorProxy[0], outputs);
catch (Exception ex)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError($"Failed to execute GetIntScalar()\n{ex}");
return -1;
return (int)outputs[0].Data[0];
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves an IEnumerable of string corresponding to the failed compatibility checks
/// between the InferenceEngine and the BrainParameters.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<string> GetChecks()
return _failedModelChecks;
/// <summary>
/// Generates the list of failed checks that failed when comparing the data from the Model
/// and from the BrainParameters
/// </summary>
private void GenerateChecks()
if (_engine == null)
"There is no model for this Brain, cannot run inference. " +
"(But can still train)");
var modelApiVersion = GetIntScalar(TensorNames.VersionNumber);
var memorySize = GetIntScalar(TensorNames.MemorySize);
var isContinuousInt = GetIntScalar(TensorNames.IsContinuousControl);
var isContinuous = GetActionType(isContinuousInt);
var actionSize = GetIntScalar(TensorNames.ActionOutputShape);
if (modelApiVersion == -1)
"Model was not trained using the right version of ML-Agents. Cannot use this " +
if (modelApiVersion != ApiVersion)
$"Version of the trainer the model was trained with ({modelApiVersion}) " +
$"is not compatible with the Brain's version ({ApiVersion}).");
CheckIntScalarPresenceHelper(new Dictionary<string, int>()
{TensorNames.MemorySize, memorySize},
{TensorNames.IsContinuousControl, isContinuousInt},
{TensorNames.ActionOutputShape, actionSize}
CheckInputTensorPresence(memorySize, isContinuous);
CheckOutputTensorShape(isContinuous, actionSize);
/// <summary>
/// Converts the integer value in the model corresponding to the type of control to a
/// ModelActionType.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isContinuousInt"> The integer value in the model indicating the
/// type of control</param>
/// <returns>The equivalent ModelActionType</returns>
private static ModelActionType GetActionType(int isContinuousInt)
ModelActionType isContinuous;
switch (isContinuousInt)
case 0:
isContinuous = ModelActionType.Discrete;
case 1:
isContinuous = ModelActionType.Continuous;
isContinuous = ModelActionType.Unknown;
return isContinuous;
/// <summary>
/// Given a Dictionary of node names to int values, create checks if the values have the
/// invalid value of -1.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="requiredScalarFields"> Mapping from node names to int values</param>
private void CheckIntScalarPresenceHelper(Dictionary<string, int> requiredScalarFields)
foreach (var field in requiredScalarFields)
if (field.Value == -1)
$"Missing node in the model provided : {field.Key}");
/// <summary>
/// Generates failed checks that correspond to inputs expected by the model that are not
/// present in the BrainParameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="memory"> The memory size that the model is expecting/</param>
/// <param name="isContinuous"> Whether the model is expecting continuous or
/// discrete control.</param>
/// <returns>A IEnumerable of string corresponding to the failed input presence
/// checks.</returns>
private void CheckInputTensorPresence(int memory, ModelActionType isContinuous)
var tensorsNames = GetInputTensors().Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
// If there is no Vector Observation Input but the Brain Parameters expect one.
if ((_brainParameters.vectorObservationSize != 0) &&
"The model does not contain a Vector Observation Placeholder Input. " +
"You must set the Vector Observation Space Size to 0.");
// If there are not enough Visual Observation Input compared to what the
// Brain Parameters expect.
for (var visObsIndex = 0;
visObsIndex < _brainParameters.cameraResolutions.Length;
if (!tensorsNames.Contains(
TensorNames.VisualObservationPlaceholderPrefix + visObsIndex))
"The model does not contain a Visual Observation Placeholder Input " +
"for visual observation " + visObsIndex + ".");
// If the model has a non-negative memory size but requires a recurrent input
if (memory > 0)
if (!tensorsNames.Contains(TensorNames.RecurrentInPlaceholder))
"The model does not contain a Recurrent Input Node but has memory_size.");
// If the model uses discrete control but does not have an input for action masks
if (isContinuous == ModelActionType.Discrete)
if (!tensorsNames.Contains(TensorNames.ActionMaskPlaceholder))
"The model does not contain an Action Mask but is using Discrete Control.");
/// <summary>
/// Generates failed checks that correspond to outputs expected by the model that are not
/// present in the BrainParameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="memory"> The memory size that the model is expecting/</param>
/// <returns>A IEnumerable of string corresponding to the failed output presence
/// checks.</returns>
private void CheckOutputTensorPresence(int memory)
var tensorsNames = GetOutputTensors().Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
// If there is no Action Output.
if (!tensorsNames.Contains(TensorNames.ActionOutput))
_failedModelChecks.Add("The model does not contain an Action Output Node.");
// If there is no Recurrent Output but the model is Recurrent.
if (memory > 0)
if (!tensorsNames.Contains(TensorNames.RecurrentOutput))
"The model does not contain a Recurrent Output Node but has memory_size.");
/// <summary>
/// Generates failed checks that correspond to inputs shapes incompatibilities between
/// the model and the BrainParameters.
/// </summary>
private void CheckInputTensorShape()
var tensorTester =
new Dictionary<string, Func<TensorProxy, string>>()
{TensorNames.VectorObservationPlacholder, CheckVectorObsShape},
{TensorNames.PreviousActionPlaceholder, CheckPreviousActionShape},
{TensorNames.RandomNormalEpsilonPlaceholder, ((tensor) => null)},
{TensorNames.ActionMaskPlaceholder, ((tensor) => null)},
{TensorNames.SequenceLengthPlaceholder, ((tensor) => null)},
{TensorNames.RecurrentInPlaceholder, ((tensor) => null)},
for (var obsIndex = 0; obsIndex < _brainParameters.cameraResolutions.Length; obsIndex++)
var index = obsIndex;
tensorTester[TensorNames.VisualObservationPlaceholderPrefix + obsIndex] =
(tensor) => CheckVisualObsShape(tensor, index);
// If the model expects an input but it is not in this list
foreach (var tensor in GetInputTensors())
if (!tensorTester.ContainsKey(tensor.Name))
"Model requires an unknown input named : " + tensor.Name);
var tester = tensorTester[tensor.Name];
var error = tester.Invoke(tensor);
if (error != null)
/// <summary>
/// Checks that the shape of the Vector Observation input placeholder is the same in the
/// model and in the Brain Parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tensor"> The tensor that is expected by the model</param>
/// <returns>If the Check failed, returns a string containing information about why the
/// check failed. If the check passed, returns null.</returns>
private string CheckVectorObsShape(TensorProxy tensor)
var vecObsSizeBp = _brainParameters.vectorObservationSize;
var numStackedVector = _brainParameters.numStackedVectorObservations;
var totalVecObsSizeT = tensor.Shape[1];
if (vecObsSizeBp * numStackedVector != totalVecObsSizeT)
return string.Format(
"Vector Observation Size of the model does not match. " +
"Received {0} x {1} but was expecting {2}.",
vecObsSizeBp, numStackedVector, totalVecObsSizeT);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Checks that the shape of the Previous Vector Action input placeholder is the same in the
/// model and in the Brain Parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tensor"> The tensor that is expected by the model</param>
/// <returns>If the Check failed, returns a string containing information about why the
/// check failed. If the check passed, returns null.</returns>
private string CheckPreviousActionShape(TensorProxy tensor)
var numberActionsBp = _brainParameters.vectorActionSize.Length;
var numberActionsT = tensor.Shape[1];
if (numberActionsBp != numberActionsT)
return string.Format(
"Previous Action Size of the model does not match. " +
"Received {0} but was expecting {1}.",
numberActionsBp, numberActionsT);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Checks that the shape of the visual observation input placeholder is the same in the
/// model and in the Brain Parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tensor"> The tensor that is expected by the model</param>
/// <param name="visObsIndex"> The index of the visual observation.</param>
/// <returns>If the Check failed, returns a string containing information about why the
/// check failed. If the check passed, returns null.</returns>
private string CheckVisualObsShape(TensorProxy tensor, int visObsIndex)
var resolutionBp = _brainParameters.cameraResolutions[visObsIndex];
var widthBp = resolutionBp.width;
var heightBp = resolutionBp.height;
var pixelBp = resolutionBp.blackAndWhite ? 1 : 3;
var heightT = tensor.Shape[1];
var widthT = tensor.Shape[2];
var pixelT = tensor.Shape[3];
if ((widthBp != widthT) || (heightBp != heightT) || (pixelBp != pixelT))
return string.Format(
"The visual Observation {0} of the model does not match. " +
"Received TensorProxy of shape [?x{1}x{2}x{3}] but was expecting [?x{4}x{5}x{6}].",
visObsIndex, widthBp, heightBp, pixelBp, widthT, heightT, pixelT);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Generates failed checks that correspond to output shapes incompatibilities between
/// the model and the BrainParameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isContinuous"> Whether the model is expecting continuous or
/// discrete control.</param>
/// <param name="modelActionSize"> The size of the action output that is expected
/// by the model.</param>
/// <returns>A IEnumerable of string corresponding to the incompatible shapes between
/// model and BrainParameters.</returns>
private void CheckOutputTensorShape(ModelActionType isContinuous, int modelActionSize)
if (isContinuous == ModelActionType.Unknown)
"Cannot infer type of Control from the provided model.");
if (isContinuous == ModelActionType.Continuous &&
_brainParameters.vectorActionSpaceType != SpaceType.continuous)
"Model has been trained using Continuous Control but the Brain Parameters " +
"suggest Discrete Control.");
if (isContinuous == ModelActionType.Discrete &&
_brainParameters.vectorActionSpaceType != SpaceType.discrete)
"Model has been trained using Discrete Control but the Brain Parameters " +
"suggest Continuous Control.");
var tensorTester = new Dictionary<string, Func<TensorProxy, int, string>>();
if (_brainParameters.vectorActionSpaceType == SpaceType.continuous)
tensorTester[TensorNames.ActionOutput] = CheckContinuousActionOutputShape;
tensorTester[TensorNames.ActionOutput] = CheckDiscreteActionOutputShape;
// If the model expects an output but it is not in this list
foreach (var tensor in GetOutputTensors())
if (tensorTester.ContainsKey(tensor.Name))
var tester = tensorTester[tensor.Name];
var error = tester.Invoke(tensor, modelActionSize);
if (error != null)
/// <summary>
/// Checks that the shape of the discrete action output is the same in the
/// model and in the Brain Parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tensor"> The tensor that is expected by the model</param>
/// <param name="modelActionSize"> The size of the action output that is expected
/// by the model.</param>
/// <returns>If the Check failed, returns a string containing information about why the
/// check failed. If the check passed, returns null.</returns>
private string CheckDiscreteActionOutputShape(TensorProxy tensor, int modelActionSize)
var bpActionSize = _brainParameters.vectorActionSize.Sum();
if (modelActionSize != bpActionSize)
return string.Format(
"Action Size of the model does not match. " +
"The BrainParameters expect {0} but the model contains {1}.",
bpActionSize, modelActionSize);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Checks that the shape of the continuous action output is the same in the
/// model and in the Brain Parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tensor"> The tensor that is expected by the model</param>
/// <param name="modelActionSize"> The size of the action output that is expected
/// by the model.</param>
/// <returns>If the Check failed, returns a string containing information about why the
/// check failed. If the check passed, returns null.</returns>
private string CheckContinuousActionOutputShape(TensorProxy tensor, int modelActionSize)
var bpActionSize = _brainParameters.vectorActionSize[0];
if (modelActionSize != bpActionSize)
return string.Format(
"Action Size of the model does not match. " +
"The BrainParameters expect {0} but the model contains {1}.",
bpActionSize, modelActionSize);
return null;


using System.Collections.Generic;
using TensorFlow;
using System.Linq;
using System;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Barracuda;
using UnityEngine;
namespace MLAgents.InferenceBrain
/// <summary>
/// TFSharpInferenceEngine - Inference engine utilizing the TensorFlow Sharp package to run inference
/// on frozen TensorFlow models
/// </summary>
public class TFSharpInferenceEngine
private TFGraph m_graph;
private TFSession m_session;
public void PrepareModel(byte[] model)
// This needs to ba called only once and will raise an exception if called multiple times
m_graph = new TFGraph();
m_session = new TFSession(m_graph);
public int ExecuteGraph(IEnumerable<TensorProxy> inputs_it, IEnumerable<TensorProxy> outputs_it)
TensorProxy[] inputs = inputs_it.ToArray();
TensorProxy[] outputs = outputs_it.ToArray();
// TODO: Can/should we pre-allocate that?
TFSession.Runner runner = m_session.GetRunner();
inputs.ToList().ForEach((TensorProxy input) =>
if (input.Shape.Length == 0)
var data = input.Data[0];
if (input.DataType == typeof(int))
runner.AddInput(m_graph[input.Name][0], (int)data);
runner.AddInput(m_graph[input.Name][0], (float)data);
runner.AddInput(m_graph[input.Name][0], input.DataType == typeof(int) ?
TensorUtils.BarracudaToIntArray(input.Data) :
// TODO: better way to pre-allocate this?
outputs.ToList().ForEach(s => runner.Fetch(s.Name));
TFStatus status = new TFStatus();
var out_tensors = runner.Run(status);
if (!status.Ok)
return -1;
Debug.Assert(outputs.Length == out_tensors.Length);
for (var i = 0; i < outputs.Length; ++i)
if (outputs[i].Shape.Length == 0)
// Handle scalars
outputs[i].Data = new Tensor(1, 1);
outputs[i].Data[0] = (float)(int)out_tensors[i].GetValue();
outputs[i].Data = TensorUtils.ArrayToBarracuda(out_tensors[i].GetValue() as Array);
// TODO: create error codes
return 0;
private static extern unsafe void TF_OperationGetAttrType(IntPtr oper, string attr_name,
TFDataType* value, IntPtr status);
private static extern unsafe void TF_OperationGetAttrShape(IntPtr oper, string attr_name, long[] value,
int num_dims, IntPtr status);
private TensorProxy GetOpMetadata(TFOperation op)
TFStatus status = new TFStatus();
// Query the shape
long[] shape = null;
var shape_attr = op.GetAttributeMetadata("shape", status);
if (!status.Ok || shape_attr.TotalSize <= 0)
Debug.LogWarning($"Operation {op.Name} does not contain shape attribute or it" +
$" doesn't contain valid shape data! Status: {status.StatusMessage}");
if (shape_attr.IsList)
throw new NotImplementedException("Querying lists is not implemented yet!");
TFStatus s = new TFStatus();
long[] dims = new long[shape_attr.TotalSize];
TF_OperationGetAttrShape(op.Handle, "shape", dims, (int)shape_attr.TotalSize,
if (!status.Ok)
throw new FormatException("Could not query model for op shape (" + op.Name + ")");
shape = new long[dims.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < shape_attr.TotalSize; ++i)
if (dims[i] == -1)
// we have to use batchsize 1
shape[i] = 1;
shape[i] = dims[i];
// Query the data type
TFDataType type_value = new TFDataType();
TFStatus s = new TFStatus();
TF_OperationGetAttrType(op.Handle, "dtype", &type_value, s.Handle);
if (!s.Ok)
Debug.LogWarning("Operation " + op.Name +
": error retrieving dtype, assuming float!");
type_value = TFDataType.Float;
TensorProxy.TensorType placeholder_type = TensorProxy.TensorType.FloatingPoint;
switch (type_value)
case TFDataType.Float:
placeholder_type = TensorProxy.TensorType.FloatingPoint;
case TFDataType.Int32:
placeholder_type = TensorProxy.TensorType.Integer;
Debug.LogWarning("Operation " + op.Name +
" is not a float/integer. Proceed at your own risk!");
TensorProxy t = new TensorProxy
Data = null,
Name = op.Name,
Shape = shape,
ValueType = placeholder_type
return t;
public IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> InputFeatures()
List<TensorProxy> inputs = new List<TensorProxy>();
foreach (var op in m_graph.GetEnumerator())
if (op.OpType == "Placeholder")
return inputs;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 120cbe3fa702f4e428f57ae1d893a0a7
timeCreated: 1535148728
licenseType: Free
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


# Using TensorFlowSharp in Unity
As of version 0.7.0, we have included our own Inference Engine as a replacement for TFS. Please refer to the [release notes](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/releases/tag/0.7.0) and [Unity Inference Engine documentation](Unity-Inference-Engine.md)