
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into develop-sidechannel-usability

Chris Elion 5 年前
共有 10 个文件被更改,包括 327 次插入217 次删除
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- `DecisionRequester` has been made internal (you can still use the DecisionRequesterComponent from the inspector). `RepeatAction` was renamed `TakeActionsBetweenDecisions` for clarity. (#3555)
- The `IFloatProperties` interface has been removed.
- Fix #3579.
- Fixed an issue when using GAIL with less than `batch_size` number of demonstrations. (#3591)
## [0.14.1-preview] - 2020-02-25


allows you to interact directly with a Unity Environment (`mlagents_envs`) and
an entry point to train (`mlagents-learn`) which allows you to train agents in
Unity Environments using our implementations of reinforcement learning or
imitation learning.
imitation learning. This document describes how to use the `mlagents_envs` API.
For information on using `mlagents-learn`, see [here](Training-ML-Agents.md).
You can use the Python Low Level API to interact directly with your learning
environment, and use it to develop new learning algorithms.
The Python Low Level API can be used to interact directly with your Unity learning environment.
As such, it can serve as the basis for developing and evaluating new learning algorithms.
## mlagents_envs

Python-side communication happens through `UnityEnvironment` which is located in
[`environment.py`](../ml-agents-envs/mlagents_envs/environment.py). To load
a Unity environment from a built binary file, put the file in the same directory
as `envs`. For example, if the filename of your Unity environment is 3DBall.app, in python, run:
as `envs`. For example, if the filename of your Unity environment is `3DBall`, in python, run:
from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment

`discrete_action_branches = (3,2,)`)
### Modifying the environment from Python
The Environment can be modified by using side channels to send data to the
environment. When creating the environment, pass a list of side channels as
`side_channels` argument to the constructor.
### Communicating additional information with the Environment
In addition to the means of communicating between Unity and python described above,
we also provide methods for sharing agent-agnostic information. These
additional methods are referred to as side channels. ML-Agents includes two ready-made
side channels, described below. It is also possible to create custom side channels to
communicate any additional data between a Unity environment and Python. Instructions for
creating custom side channels can be found [here](Custom-SideChannels.md).
Side channels exist as separate classes which are instantiated, and then passed as list to the `side_channels` argument of the constructor of the `UnityEnvironment` class.
channel = MyChannel()
env = UnityEnvironment(side_channels = [channel])
__Note__ : A side channel will only send/receive messages when `env.step` is
__Note__ : A side channel will only send/receive messages when `env.step` or `env.reset()` is
An `EngineConfiguration` will allow you to modify the time scale and graphics quality of the Unity engine.
The `EngineConfiguration` side channel allows you to modify the time-scale, resolution, and graphics quality of the environment. This can be useful for adjusting the environment to perform better during training, or be more interpretable during inference.
* `set_configuration_parameters` with arguments
* width: Defines the width of the display. Default 80.
* height: Defines the height of the display. Default 80.
* quality_level: Defines the quality level of the simulation. Default 1.
* time_scale: Defines the multiplier for the deltatime in the simulation. If set to a higher value, time will pass faster in the simulation but the physics might break. Default 20.
* target_frame_rate: Instructs simulation to try to render at a specified frame rate. Default -1.
* `set_configuration_parameters` which takes the following arguments:
* `width`: Defines the width of the display. Default 80.
* `height`: Defines the height of the display. Default 80.
* `quality_level`: Defines the quality level of the simulation. Default 1.
* `time_scale`: Defines the multiplier for the deltatime in the simulation. If set to a higher value, time will pass faster in the simulation but the physics may perform unpredictably. Default 20.
* `target_frame_rate`: Instructs simulation to try to render at a specified frame rate. Default -1.
For example :
For example, the following code would adjust the time-scale of the simulation to be 2x realtime.
from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment
from mlagents_envs.side_channel.engine_configuration_channel import EngineConfigurationChannel

#### FloatPropertiesChannel
A `FloatPropertiesChannel` will allow you to get and set float properties
in the environment. You can call get_property and set_property on the
side channel to read and write properties.
The `FloatPropertiesChannel` will allow you to get and set pre-defined numerical values in the environment. This can be useful for adjusting environment-specific settings, or for reading non-agent related information from the environment. You can call `get_property` and `set_property` on the side channel to read and write properties.
`FloatPropertiesChannel` has three methods:
* `set_property` Sets a property in the Unity Environment.

channel.set_property("parameter_1", 2.0)
i = env.reset()
readout_value = channel.get_property("parameter_2")

float property1 = sharedProperties.GetPropertyWithDefault("parameter_1", 0.0f);
#### [Advanced] Create your own SideChannel
You can create your own `SideChannel` in C# and Python and use it to communicate data between the two.
##### Unity side
The side channel will have to implement the `SideChannel` abstract class and the following method.
* `OnMessageReceived(byte[] data)` : You must implement this method to specify what the side channel will be doing
with the data received from Python. The data is a `byte[]` argument.
The side channel must also assign a `ChannelId` property in the constructor. The `ChannelId` is a Guid
(or UUID in Python) used to uniquely identify a side channel. This Guid must be the same on C# and Python.
There can only be one side channel of a certain id during communication.
To send a byte array from C# to Python, call the `base.QueueMessageToSend(data)` method inside the side channel.
The `data` argument must be a `byte[]`.
To register a side channel on the Unity side, call `Academy.Instance.RegisterSideChannel` with the side channel
as only argument.
##### Python side
The side channel will have to implement the `SideChannel` abstract class. You must implement :
* `on_message_received(self, data: bytes) -> None` : You must implement this method to specify what the
side channel will be doing with the data received from Unity. The data is a `byte[]` argument.
The side channel must also assign a `channel_id` property in the constructor. The `channel_id` is a UUID
(referred in C# as Guid) used to uniquely identify a side channel. This number must be the same on C# and
Python. There can only be one side channel of a certain id during communication.
To assign the `channel_id` call the abstract class constructor with the appropriate `channel_id` as follows:
To send a byte array from Python to C#, call the `super().queue_message_to_send(bytes_data)` method inside the
side channel. The `bytes_data` argument must be a `bytes` object.
To register a side channel on the Python side, pass the side channel as argument when creating the
`UnityEnvironment` object. One of the arguments of the constructor (`side_channels`) is a list of side channels.
##### Example implementation
Here is a simple implementation of a Side Channel that will exchange strings between C# and Python
(encoded as ascii).
One the C# side :
Here is an implementation of a `StringLogSideChannel` that will listed to the `UnityEngine.Debug.LogError` calls in
the game :
using UnityEngine;
using MLAgents;
using System.Text;
using System;
public class StringLogSideChannel : SideChannel
public StringLogSideChannel()
ChannelId = new Guid("621f0a70-4f87-11ea-a6bf-784f4387d1f7");
public override void OnMessageReceived(byte[] data)
var receivedString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data);
Debug.Log("From Python : " + receivedString);
public void SendDebugStatementToPython(string logString, string stackTrace, LogType type)
if (type == LogType.Error)
var stringToSend = type.ToString() + ": " + logString + "\n" + stackTrace;
var encodedString = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(stringToSend);
We also need to register this side channel to the Academy and to the `Application.logMessageReceived` events,
so we write a simple MonoBehavior for this. (Do not forget to attach it to a GameObject in the scene).
using UnityEngine;
using MLAgents;
public class RegisterStringLogSideChannel : MonoBehaviour
StringLogSideChannel stringChannel;
public void Awake()
// We create the Side Channel
stringChannel = new StringLogSideChannel();
// When a Debug.Log message is created, we send it to the stringChannel
Application.logMessageReceived += stringChannel.SendDebugStatementToPython;
// Just in case the Academy has not yet initialized
public void OnDestroy()
// De-register the Debug.Log callback
Application.logMessageReceived -= stringChannel.SendDebugStatementToPython;
if (Academy.IsInitialized){
public void Update()
// Optional : If the space bar is pressed, raise an error !
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
Debug.LogError("This is a fake error. Space bar was pressed in Unity.");
And here is the script on the Python side. This script creates a new Side channel type (`StringLogChannel`) and
launches a `UnityEnvironment` with that side channel.
from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment
from mlagents_envs.side_channel.side_channel import SideChannel
import numpy as np
# Create the StringLogChannel class
class StringLogChannel(SideChannel):
def __init__(self) -> None:
#### Custom side channels
def on_message_received(self, data: bytes) -> None:
Note :We must implement this method of the SideChannel interface to
receive messages from Unity
# We simply print the data received interpreted as ascii
def send_string(self, data: str) -> None:
# Convert the string to ascii
bytes_data = data.encode("ascii")
# We call this method to queue the data we want to send
# Create the channel
string_log = StringLogChannel()
# We start the communication with the Unity Editor and pass the string_log side channel as input
env = UnityEnvironment(base_port=UnityEnvironment.DEFAULT_EDITOR_PORT, side_channels=[string_log])
string_log.send_string("The environment was reset")
group_name = env.get_agent_groups()[0] # Get the first group_name
for i in range(1000):
step_data = env.get_step_result(group_name)
n_agents = step_data.n_agents() # Get the number of agents
# We send data to Unity : A string with the number of Agent at each
"Step " + str(i) + " occurred with " + str(n_agents) + " agents."
env.step() # Move the simulation forward
Now, if you run this script and press `Play` the Unity Editor when prompted, The console in the Unity Editor will
display a message at every Python step. Additionally, if you press the Space Bar in the Unity Engine, a message will
appear in the terminal.
For information on how to make custom side channels for sending additional data types, see the documentation [here](Custom-SideChannels.md).


* [Using the Monitor](Feature-Monitor.md)
* [Using the Video Recorder](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/video-recorder)
* [Using an Executable Environment](Learning-Environment-Executable.md)
* [Creating Custom Side Channels](Custom-SideChannels.md)
## Training


from mlagents.trainers.exception import UnityTrainerException
from mlagents.trainers.policy.tf_policy import TFPolicy
from mlagents.trainers.buffer import AgentBuffer
logger = logging.getLogger("mlagents.trainers")

self.strength = strength
self.stats_name_to_update_name: Dict[str, str] = {}
def evaluate_batch(self, mini_batch: Dict[str, np.array]) -> RewardSignalResult:
def evaluate_batch(self, mini_batch: AgentBuffer) -> RewardSignalResult:
Evaluates the reward for the data present in the Dict mini_batch. Use this when evaluating a reward
function drawn straight from a Buffer.

def prepare_update(
self, policy: TFPolicy, mini_batch: Dict[str, np.ndarray], num_sequences: int
self, policy: TFPolicy, mini_batch: AgentBuffer, num_sequences: int
) -> Dict[tf.Tensor, Any]:
If the reward signal has an internal model (e.g. GAIL or Curiosity), get the feed_dict


from mlagents.trainers.components.reward_signals import RewardSignal, RewardSignalResult
from mlagents.trainers.components.reward_signals.curiosity.model import CuriosityModel
from mlagents.trainers.policy.tf_policy import TFPolicy
from mlagents.trainers.buffer import AgentBuffer
class CuriosityRewardSignal(RewardSignal):

self.has_updated = False
def evaluate_batch(self, mini_batch: Dict[str, np.array]) -> RewardSignalResult:
def evaluate_batch(self, mini_batch: AgentBuffer) -> RewardSignalResult:
feed_dict: Dict[tf.Tensor, Any] = {
self.policy.batch_size_ph: len(mini_batch["actions"]),
self.policy.sequence_length_ph: self.policy.sequence_length,

super().check_config(config_dict, param_keys)
def prepare_update(
self, policy: TFPolicy, mini_batch: Dict[str, np.ndarray], num_sequences: int
self, policy: TFPolicy, mini_batch: AgentBuffer, num_sequences: int
) -> Dict[tf.Tensor, Any]:
Prepare for update and get feed_dict.


import numpy as np
from mlagents.trainers.components.reward_signals import RewardSignal, RewardSignalResult
from mlagents.trainers.buffer import AgentBuffer
class ExtrinsicRewardSignal(RewardSignal):

param_keys = ["strength", "gamma"]
super().check_config(config_dict, param_keys)
def evaluate_batch(self, mini_batch: Dict[str, np.array]) -> RewardSignalResult:
def evaluate_batch(self, mini_batch: AgentBuffer) -> RewardSignalResult:
env_rews = np.array(mini_batch["environment_rewards"], dtype=np.float32)
return RewardSignalResult(self.strength * env_rews, env_rews)


from mlagents.trainers.policy.tf_policy import TFPolicy
from .model import GAILModel
from mlagents.trainers.demo_loader import demo_to_buffer
from mlagents.trainers.buffer import AgentBuffer
class GAILRewardSignal(RewardSignal):

"Policy/GAIL Expert Estimate": "gail_expert_estimate",
def evaluate_batch(self, mini_batch: Dict[str, np.array]) -> RewardSignalResult:
def evaluate_batch(self, mini_batch: AgentBuffer) -> RewardSignalResult:
feed_dict: Dict[tf.Tensor, Any] = {
self.policy.batch_size_ph: len(mini_batch["actions"]),
self.policy.sequence_length_ph: self.policy.sequence_length,

super().check_config(config_dict, param_keys)
def prepare_update(
self, policy: TFPolicy, mini_batch: Dict[str, np.ndarray], num_sequences: int
self, policy: TFPolicy, mini_batch: AgentBuffer, num_sequences: int
) -> Dict[tf.Tensor, Any]:
Prepare inputs for update. .

max_num_experiences = min(
len(mini_batch["actions"]), self.demonstration_buffer.num_experiences
# If num_sequences is less, we need to shorten the input batch.
for key, element in mini_batch.items():
mini_batch[key] = element[:max_num_experiences]
# Get batch from demo buffer
# Get batch from demo buffer. Even if demo buffer is smaller, we sample with replacement
len(mini_batch["actions"]), 1
mini_batch.num_experiences, 1
feed_dict: Dict[tf.Tensor, Any] = {


return update_stats
def update_reward_signals(
self, reward_signal_minibatches: Mapping[str, Dict], num_sequences: int
self, reward_signal_minibatches: Mapping[str, AgentBuffer], num_sequences: int
) -> Dict[str, float]:
Only update the reward signals.

feed_dict: Dict[tf.Tensor, Any],
update_dict: Dict[str, tf.Tensor],
stats_needed: Dict[str, str],
reward_signal_minibatches: Mapping[str, Dict],
reward_signal_minibatches: Mapping[str, AgentBuffer],
num_sequences: int,
) -> None:


from mlagents.trainers.tests import mock_brain as mb
from mlagents.trainers.tests.mock_brain import make_brain_parameters
from mlagents.trainers.tests.test_trajectory import make_fake_trajectory
from mlagents.trainers.tests.test_reward_signals import ( # noqa: F401; pylint: disable=unused-variable

num_sequences=update_buffer.num_experiences // dummy_config["sequence_length"],
@pytest.mark.parametrize("discrete", [True, False], ids=["discrete", "continuous"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("visual", [True, False], ids=["visual", "vector"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("rnn", [True, False], ids=["rnn", "no_rnn"])
# We need to test this separately from test_reward_signals.py to ensure no interactions
def test_ppo_optimizer_update_curiosity(
curiosity_dummy_config, dummy_config, rnn, visual, discrete # noqa: F811
# Test evaluate
optimizer = _create_ppo_optimizer_ops_mock(
dummy_config, use_rnn=rnn, use_discrete=discrete, use_visual=visual
# Test update
update_buffer = mb.simulate_rollout(BUFFER_INIT_SAMPLES, optimizer.policy.brain)
# Mock out reward signal eval
update_buffer["advantages"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["extrinsic_returns"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["extrinsic_value_estimates"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["curiosity_returns"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["curiosity_value_estimates"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
num_sequences=update_buffer.num_experiences // optimizer.policy.sequence_length,
# We need to test this separately from test_reward_signals.py to ensure no interactions
def test_ppo_optimizer_update_gail(gail_dummy_config, dummy_config): # noqa: F811
# Test evaluate
optimizer = _create_ppo_optimizer_ops_mock(
dummy_config, use_rnn=False, use_discrete=False, use_visual=False
# Test update
update_buffer = mb.simulate_rollout(BUFFER_INIT_SAMPLES, optimizer.policy.brain)
# Mock out reward signal eval
update_buffer["advantages"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["extrinsic_returns"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["extrinsic_value_estimates"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["gail_returns"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["gail_value_estimates"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
num_sequences=update_buffer.num_experiences // optimizer.policy.sequence_length,
# Check if buffer size is too big
update_buffer = mb.simulate_rollout(3000, optimizer.policy.brain)
# Mock out reward signal eval
update_buffer["advantages"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["extrinsic_returns"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["extrinsic_value_estimates"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["gail_returns"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
update_buffer["gail_value_estimates"] = update_buffer["environment_rewards"]
num_sequences=update_buffer.num_experiences // optimizer.policy.sequence_length,


# Custom Side Channels
You can create your own side channel in C# and Python and use it to communicate
custom data structures between the two. This can be useful for situations in
which the data to be sent is too complex or structured for the built-in
`FloatPropertiesChannel`, or is not related to any specific agent, and therefore
inappropriate as an agent observation.
## Overview
In order to use a side channel, it must be implemented as both Unity and Python classes.
### Unity side
The side channel will have to implement the `SideChannel` abstract class and the following method.
* `OnMessageReceived(byte[] data)` : You must implement this method to specify what the side channel will be doing
with the data received from Python. The data is a `byte[]` argument.
The side channel must also assign a `ChannelId` property in the constructor. The `ChannelId` is a Guid
(or UUID in Python) used to uniquely identify a side channel. This Guid must be the same on C# and Python.
There can only be one side channel of a certain id during communication.
To send a byte array from C# to Python, call the `base.QueueMessageToSend(data)` method inside the side channel.
The `data` argument must be a `byte[]`.
To register a side channel on the Unity side, call `Academy.Instance.RegisterSideChannel` with the side channel
as only argument.
### Python side
The side channel will have to implement the `SideChannel` abstract class. You must implement :
* `on_message_received(self, data: bytes) -> None` : You must implement this method to specify what the
side channel will be doing with the data received from Unity. The data is a `byte[]` argument.
The side channel must also assign a `channel_id` property in the constructor. The `channel_id` is a UUID
(referred in C# as Guid) used to uniquely identify a side channel. This number must be the same on C# and
Python. There can only be one side channel of a certain id during communication.
To assign the `channel_id` call the abstract class constructor with the appropriate `channel_id` as follows:
To send a byte array from Python to C#, call the `super().queue_message_to_send(bytes_data)` method inside the
side channel. The `bytes_data` argument must be a `bytes` object.
To register a side channel on the Python side, pass the side channel as argument when creating the
`UnityEnvironment` object. One of the arguments of the constructor (`side_channels`) is a list of side channels.
## Example implementation
Below is a simple implementation of a side channel that will exchange ascii encoded
strings between a Unity environment and Python.
### Example Unity C# code
The first step is to create the `StringLogSideChannel` class within the Unity project.
Here is an implementation of a `StringLogSideChannel` that will listen for messages
from python and print them to the Unity debug log, as well as send error messages
from Unity to python.
using UnityEngine;
using MLAgents;
using MLAgents.SideChannels;
using System.Text;
using System;
public class StringLogSideChannel : SideChannel
public StringLogSideChannel()
ChannelId = new Guid("621f0a70-4f87-11ea-a6bf-784f4387d1f7");
public override void OnMessageReceived(byte[] data)
var receivedString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data);
Debug.Log("From Python : " + receivedString);
public void SendDebugStatementToPython(string logString, string stackTrace, LogType type)
if (type == LogType.Error)
var stringToSend = type.ToString() + ": " + logString + "\n" + stackTrace;
var encodedString = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(stringToSend);
Once we have defined our custom side channel class, we need to ensure that it is
instantiated and registered. This can typically be done wherever the logic of
the side channel makes sense to be associated, for example on a MonoBehaviour
object that might need to access data from the side channel. Here we show a
simple MonoBehaviour object which instantiates and registeres the new side
channel. If you have not done it already, make sure that the MonoBehaviour
which registers the side channel is attached to a gameobject which will
be live in your Unity scene.
using UnityEngine;
using MLAgents;
public class RegisterStringLogSideChannel : MonoBehaviour
StringLogSideChannel stringChannel;
public void Awake()
// We create the Side Channel
stringChannel = new StringLogSideChannel();
// When a Debug.Log message is created, we send it to the stringChannel
Application.logMessageReceived += stringChannel.SendDebugStatementToPython;
// The channel must be registered with the Academy
public void OnDestroy()
// De-register the Debug.Log callback
Application.logMessageReceived -= stringChannel.SendDebugStatementToPython;
if (Academy.IsInitialized){
public void Update()
// Optional : If the space bar is pressed, raise an error !
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
Debug.LogError("This is a fake error. Space bar was pressed in Unity.");
### Example Python code
Now that we have created the necessary Unity C# classes, we can create their Python counterparts.
from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment
from mlagents_envs.side_channel.side_channel import SideChannel
import numpy as np
import uuid
# Create the StringLogChannel class
class StringLogChannel(SideChannel):
def __init__(self) -> None:
def on_message_received(self, data: bytes) -> None:
Note :We must implement this method of the SideChannel interface to
receive messages from Unity
# We simply print the data received interpreted as ascii
def send_string(self, data: str) -> None:
# Convert the string to ascii
bytes_data = data.encode("ascii")
# We call this method to queue the data we want to send
We can then instantiate the new side channel,
launch a `UnityEnvironment` with that side channel active, and send a series of
messages to the Unity environment from Python using it.
# Create the channel
string_log = StringLogChannel()
# We start the communication with the Unity Editor and pass the string_log side channel as input
env = UnityEnvironment(base_port=UnityEnvironment.DEFAULT_EDITOR_PORT, side_channels=[string_log])
string_log.send_string("The environment was reset")
group_name = env.get_agent_groups()[0] # Get the first group_name
for i in range(1000):
step_data = env.get_step_result(group_name)
n_agents = step_data.n_agents() # Get the number of agents
# We send data to Unity : A string with the number of Agent at each
"Step " + str(i) + " occurred with " + str(n_agents) + " agents."
env.step() # Move the simulation forward
Now, if you run this script and press `Play` the Unity Editor when prompted,
the console in the Unity Editor will display a message at every Python step.
Additionally, if you press the Space Bar in the Unity Engine, a message will
appear in the terminal.