* The online BC training feature has been removed.
* The BroadcastHub has been deprecated. If there is a training Python process, all LearningBrains in the scene will automatically be trained. If there is no Python process, inference will be used.
* The Brain ScriptableObjects have been deprecated. The Brain Parameters are now on the Agent and are referred to as Behavior Parameters. Make sure the Behavior Parameters is attached to the Agent GameObject.
* Several changes were made to the setup for visual observations (i.e. using Cameras or RenderTextures):
* Camera resolutions are no longer stored in the Brain Parameters.
* AgentParameters no longer stores lists of Cameras and RenderTextures
* To add visual observations to an Agent, you must now attach a CameraSensorComponent or RenderTextureComponent to the agent. The corresponding Camera or RenderTexture can be added to these in the editor, and the resolution and color/grayscale is configured on the component itself.
* If your Agents used visual observations, you must add a CameraSensorComponent corresponding to each old Camera in the Agent's camera list (and similarly for RenderTextures).