
Making Gym a wrapper (#3812)

* Making Gym a wrapper

* Readding no graphics to the run gym test

* typo

* Modifying the changelog and the migrating doc

* Applying pre-commit

* [skip ci] Update gym-unity/gym_unity/tests/test_gym.py

Co-Authored-By: Chris Elion <chris.elion@unity3d.com>

* Adding a note that the BaseEnv will close when the wrapper closes

* FoRgOt To rUn PrE-ComMiT

Co-authored-by: Chris Elion <chris.elion@unity3d.com>
GitHub 4 年前
共有 6 个文件被更改,包括 64 次插入56 次删除
  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 35
  4. 23
  5. 32
  6. 18


asymmetric example environment Strikers Vs. Goalie has been added.
- CameraSensorComponent.m_Grayscale and RenderTextureSensorComponent.m_Grayscale
were changed from `public` to `private` (#3808).
- The `UnityEnv` class from the `gym-unity` package was renamed
`UnityToGymWrapper` and no longer creates the `UnityEnvironment`.
Instead, the `UnityEnvironment` must be passed as input to the
constructor of `UnityToGymWrapper`
### Minor Changes


parameter, instead of returning the array. This was done to prevent a common
source of error where users would return arrays of the wrong size.
- `num_updates` and `train_interval` for SAC have been replaced with `steps_per_update`.
- The `UnityEnv` class from the `gym-unity` package was renamed
`UnityToGymWrapper` and no longer creates the `UnityEnvironment`. Instead,
the `UnityEnvironment` must be passed as input to the
constructor of `UnityToGymWrapper`
### Steps to Migrate

`actionsOut` instead of returning an array.
- Set `steps_per_update` to be around equal to the number of agents in your environment,
times `num_updates` and divided by `train_interval`.
- Replace `UnityEnv` with `UnityToGymWrapper` in your code. The constructor
no longer takes a file name as input but a fully constructed
`UnityEnvironment` instead.
## Migrating from 0.14 to 0.15


from the root of the project repository use:
from gym_unity.envs import UnityEnv
from gym_unity.envs import UnityToGymWrapper
env = UnityEnv(environment_filename, worker_id, use_visual, uint8_visual)
env = UnityToGymWrapper(unity_environment, worker_id, use_visual, uint8_visual)
* `environment_filename` refers to the path to the Unity environment.
* `worker_id` refers to the port to use for communication with the environment.
Defaults to `0`.
* `unity_environment` refers to the Unity environment to be wrapped.
* `use_visual` refers to whether to use visual observations (True) or vector
observations (False) as the default observation provided by the `reset` and

from baselines import deepq
from baselines import logger
from gym_unity.envs import UnityEnv
from mlagents_envs import UnityEnvironment
from gym_unity.envs import UnityToGymWrapper
env = UnityEnv("./envs/GridWorld", 0, use_visual=True, uint8_visual=True)
unity_env = UnityEnvironment("./envs/GridWorld")
env = UnityToGymWrapper(unity_env, 0, use_visual=True, uint8_visual=True)
logger.configure('./logs') # Çhange to log in a different directory
act = deepq.learn(

Other algorithms in the Baselines repository can be run using scripts similar to
the examples from the baselines package. In most cases, the primary changes needed
to use a Unity environment are to import `UnityEnv`, and to replace the environment
creation code, typically `gym.make()`, with a call to `UnityEnv(env_path)`
passing the environment binary path.
to use a Unity environment are to import `UnityToGymWrapper`, and to replace the
environment creation code, typically `gym.make()`, with a call to
`UnityToGymWrapper(unity_environment)` passing the environment as input.
A typical rule of thumb is that for vision-based environments, modification
should be done to Atari training scripts, and for vector observation

such a method using the PPO2 baseline:
from gym_unity.envs import UnityEnv
from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment
from gym_unity.envs import UnityToGymWrapper
from baselines.common.vec_env.subproc_vec_env import SubprocVecEnv
from baselines.common.vec_env.dummy_vec_env import DummyVecEnv
from baselines.bench import Monitor

def make_env(rank, use_visual=True): # pylint: disable=C0111
def _thunk():
env = UnityEnv(env_directory, rank, use_visual=use_visual, uint8_visual=True)
unity_env = UnityEnvironment(env_directory)
env = UnityToGymWrapper(unity_env, rank, use_visual=use_visual, uint8_visual=True)
env = Monitor(env, logger.get_dir() and os.path.join(logger.get_dir(), str(rank)))
return env
return _thunk

instantiated, just as in the Baselines example. At the top of the file, insert
from gym_unity.envs import UnityEnv
from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment
from gym_unity.envs import UnityToGymWrapper
to import the Gym Wrapper. Navigate to the `create_atari_environment` method

game_version = 'v0' if sticky_actions else 'v4'
full_game_name = '{}NoFrameskip-{}'.format(game_name, game_version)
env = UnityEnv('./envs/GridWorld', 0, use_visual=True, uint8_visual=True)
unity_env = UnityEnvironment('./envs/GridWorld')
env = UnityToGymWrapper(unity_env, use_visual=True, uint8_visual=True)
return env

with discrete action spaces, and specifically the Discrete Gym space. For environments
that use branched discrete action spaces (e.g.
[VisualBanana](../docs/Learning-Environment-Examples.md)), you can enable the
`flatten_branched` parameter in `UnityEnv`, which treats each combination of branched
`flatten_branched` parameter in `UnityToGymWrapper`, which treats each combination of branched
actions as separate actions.
Furthermore, when building your environments, ensure that your Agent is using visual


import gym
from gym import error, spaces
from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment
from mlagents_envs.base_env import BaseEnv
from mlagents_envs.base_env import DecisionSteps, TerminalSteps
from mlagents_envs import logging_util

GymStepResult = Tuple[np.ndarray, float, bool, Dict]
class UnityEnv(gym.Env):
class UnityToGymWrapper(gym.Env):
Provides Gym wrapper for Unity Learning Environments.

environment_filename: str,
worker_id: int = 0,
unity_env: BaseEnv,
no_graphics: bool = False,
:param environment_filename: The UnityEnvironment path or file to be wrapped in the gym.
:param worker_id: Worker number for environment.
:param unity_env: The Unity BaseEnv to be wrapped in the gym. Will be closed when the UnityToGymWrapper closes.
:param no_graphics: Whether to run the Unity simulator in no-graphics mode
base_port = UnityEnvironment.BASE_ENVIRONMENT_PORT
if environment_filename is None:
base_port = UnityEnvironment.DEFAULT_EDITOR_PORT
self._env = UnityEnvironment(
self._env = unity_env
# Take a single step so that the brain information will be sent over
if not self._env.get_behavior_names():


import numpy as np
from gym import spaces
from gym_unity.envs import UnityEnv
from gym_unity.envs import UnityToGymWrapper
from mlagents_envs.base_env import (

def test_gym_wrapper(mock_env):
def test_gym_wrapper():
mock_env = mock.MagicMock()
mock_spec = create_mock_group_spec()
mock_decision_step, mock_terminal_step = create_mock_vector_steps(mock_spec)

env = UnityEnv(" ", use_visual=False)
assert isinstance(env, UnityEnv)
env = UnityToGymWrapper(mock_env, use_visual=False)
assert isinstance(env, UnityToGymWrapper)
assert isinstance(env.reset(), np.ndarray)
actions = env.action_space.sample()
assert actions.shape[0] == 2

assert isinstance(info, dict)
def test_branched_flatten(mock_env):
def test_branched_flatten():
mock_env = mock.MagicMock()
mock_spec = create_mock_group_spec(
vector_action_space_type="discrete", vector_action_space_size=[2, 2, 3]

mock_env, mock_spec, mock_decision_step, mock_terminal_step
env = UnityEnv(" ", use_visual=False, flatten_branched=True)
env = UnityToGymWrapper(mock_env, use_visual=False, flatten_branched=True)
assert isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Discrete)
assert env.action_space.n == 12
assert env._flattener.lookup_action(0) == [0, 0, 0]

env = UnityEnv(" ", use_visual=False, flatten_branched=False)
env = UnityToGymWrapper(mock_env, use_visual=False, flatten_branched=False)
def test_gym_wrapper_visual(mock_env, use_uint8):
def test_gym_wrapper_visual(use_uint8):
mock_env = mock.MagicMock()
mock_spec = create_mock_group_spec(number_visual_observations=1)
mock_decision_step, mock_terminal_step = create_mock_vector_steps(
mock_spec, number_visual_observations=1

env = UnityEnv(" ", use_visual=True, uint8_visual=use_uint8)
assert isinstance(env, UnityEnv)
env = UnityToGymWrapper(mock_env, use_visual=True, uint8_visual=use_uint8)
assert isinstance(env, UnityToGymWrapper)
assert isinstance(env.reset(), np.ndarray)
actions = env.action_space.sample()
assert actions.shape[0] == 2

:Mock mock_decision: A DecisionSteps object that will be returned at each step and reset.
:Mock mock_termination: A TerminationSteps object that will be returned at each step and reset.
mock_env.return_value.get_behavior_names.return_value = ["MockBrain"]
mock_env.return_value.get_behavior_spec.return_value = mock_spec
mock_env.return_value.get_steps.return_value = (mock_decision, mock_termination)
mock_env.get_behavior_names.return_value = ["MockBrain"]
mock_env.get_behavior_spec.return_value = mock_spec
mock_env.get_steps.return_value = (mock_decision, mock_termination)


import argparse
from gym_unity.envs import UnityEnv
from mlagents_envs.environment import UnityEnvironment
from gym_unity.envs import UnityToGymWrapper
def test_run_environment(env_name):

env = UnityEnv(env_name, worker_id=1, use_visual=False, no_graphics=True)
u_env = UnityEnvironment(env_name, worker_id=1, no_graphics=True)
env = UnityToGymWrapper(u_env, use_visual=False)
# Examine environment parameters

env1 = UnityEnv(env_name, worker_id=1, use_visual=False, no_graphics=True)
env1 = UnityToGymWrapper(
UnityEnvironment(env_name, worker_id=1, no_graphics=True), use_visual=False
env1 = UnityEnv(env_name, worker_id=1, use_visual=False, no_graphics=True)
env2 = UnityEnv(env_name, worker_id=2, use_visual=False, no_graphics=True)
env1 = UnityToGymWrapper(
UnityEnvironment(env_name, worker_id=1, no_graphics=True), use_visual=False
env2 = UnityToGymWrapper(
UnityEnvironment(env_name, worker_id=2, no_graphics=True), use_visual=False
