The Channel Based Grid Observations represent obsevations in a normalized form with 0 to 1. To distinguish between categorical and continuous data, one would use the ChannelDepth array to signify the ranges that the values in the `channelValues` array could take. If one sets ChannelDepth[i] to be 1, it is assumed that the value of `channelValues[i]` is already normalized. Else ChannelDepth[i] represents the total number of possible values that `channelValues[i]` can take and will be used for normalization.
The Channel Based Grid Observations is perhaps the simplest in terms of usability and similarity with other machine learning applications. Each grid is of size WxHxC where C is the number of channels. To distinguish between categorical and continuous data, one would use the ChannelDepth array to signify the ranges that the values in the `channelValues` array could take. If one sets ChannelDepth[i] to be 1, it is assumed that the value of `channelValues[i]` is already normalized. Else ChannelDepth[i] represents the total number of possible values that `channelValues[i]` can take.
As the "enemy" is in the second position of the observed tags, its value can be normalized by:
For ObjectType, "weapon", "enemy" will be represented respectively as: