import tensorflow as tf |
import tensorflow.contrib.layers as c_layers |
from tensorflow.python.tools import freeze_graph |
from unityagents import UnityEnvironmentException |
def create_agent_model(env, lr=1e-4, h_size=128, epsilon=0.2, beta=1e-3): |
def create_agent_model(env, lr=1e-4, h_size=128, epsilon=0.2, beta=1e-3, max_step=5e6): |
""" |
Takes a Unity environment and model-specific hyperparameters and returns the |
appropriate PPO agent model for the environment. |
""" |
brain_name = env.brain_names[0] |
if env.brains[brain_name].action_space_type == "continuous": |
return ContinuousControlModel(lr, env.brains[brain_name].state_space_size, |
env.brains[brain_name].action_space_size, h_size, epsilon, beta) |
if env.brains[brain_name].number_observations == 0: |
return ContinuousControlModel(lr, env.brains[brain_name].state_space_size, |
env.brains[brain_name].action_space_size, h_size, epsilon, beta, max_step) |
else: |
raise UnityEnvironmentException("There is currently no PPO model which supports both a continuous " |
"action space and camera observations.") |
env.brains[brain_name].action_space_size, h_size, epsilon, beta) |
env.brains[brain_name].action_space_size, h_size, epsilon, beta, max_step) |
if env.brains[brain_name].state_space_size > 0: |
print("This brain contains agents with both observations and states. There is currently no PPO model" |
"which supports this. Defaulting to Vision-based PPO model.") |
return VisualDiscreteControlModel(lr, h, w, env.brains[brain_name].action_space_size, h_size, epsilon, beta) |
return VisualDiscreteControlModel(lr, h, w, env.brains[brain_name].action_space_size, h_size, epsilon, beta, max_step) |
def save_model(sess, saver, model_path="./", steps=0): |
:param steps: Current number of steps in training process. |
:param saver: Tensorflow saver for session. |
""" |
last_checkpoint = model_path+'/model-'+str(steps)+'.cptk' |
last_checkpoint = model_path + '/model-' + str(steps) + '.cptk' |
saver.save(sess, last_checkpoint) |
tf.train.write_graph(sess.graph_def, model_path, 'raw_graph_def.pb', as_text=False) |
print("Saved Model") |
class PPOModel(object): |
def __init__(self, probs, old_probs, value, entropy, beta, epsilon, lr): |
def __init__(self, probs, old_probs, value, entropy, beta, epsilon, lr, max_step): |
""" |
Creates training-specific Tensorflow ops for PPO models. |
:param probs: Current policy probabilities |
self.loss = self.policy_loss + self.value_loss - beta * tf.reduce_mean(entropy) |
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr) |
self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name='global_step', dtype=tf.int32) |
self.learning_rate = tf.train.polynomial_decay(lr, self.global_step, |
max_step, 1e-10, |
power=1.0) |
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate) |
self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name='global_step', dtype=tf.int32) |
self.increment_step = tf.assign(self.global_step, self.global_step+1) |
self.increment_step = tf.assign(self.global_step, self.global_step + 1) |
def __init__(self, lr, s_size, a_size, h_size, epsilon, beta): |
def __init__(self, lr, s_size, a_size, h_size, epsilon, beta, max_step): |
""" |
Creates Continuous Control Actor-Critic model. |
:param s_size: State-space size |
self.old_probs = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, a_size], dtype=tf.float32, name='old_probabilities') |
PPOModel.__init__(self, self.probs, self.old_probs, self.value, self.entropy, 0.0, epsilon, lr) |
PPOModel.__init__(self, self.probs, self.old_probs, self.value, self.entropy, 0.0, epsilon, lr, max_step) |
def __init__(self, lr, s_size, a_size, h_size, epsilon, beta): |
def __init__(self, lr, s_size, a_size, h_size, epsilon, beta, max_step): |
""" |
Creates Discrete Control Actor-Critic model. |
:param s_size: State-space size |
self.old_responsible_probs = tf.reduce_sum(self.old_probs * self.selected_actions, axis=1) |
PPOModel.__init__(self, self.responsible_probs, self.old_responsible_probs, |
self.value, self.entropy, beta, epsilon, lr) |
self.value, self.entropy, beta, epsilon, lr, max_step) |
def __init__(self, lr, o_size_h, o_size_w, a_size, h_size, epsilon, beta): |
def __init__(self, lr, o_size_h, o_size_w, a_size, h_size, epsilon, beta, max_step): |
""" |
Creates Discrete Control Actor-Critic model for use with visual observations (images). |
:param o_size_h: Observation height. |
self.old_responsible_probs = tf.reduce_sum(self.old_probs * self.selected_actions, axis=1) |
PPOModel.__init__(self, self.responsible_probs, self.old_responsible_probs, |
self.value, self.entropy, beta, epsilon, lr) |
self.value, self.entropy, beta, epsilon, lr, max_step) |