using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.IO.Compression ;
using System.Linq ;
using UnityEngine.Rendering ;
using Object = UnityEngine . Object ;
internal enum CameraSensorPassType
Depth ,
struct CameraSensorPass
public CameraSensorPassType PassType ;
public Camera Camera ;
public CameraSensorPass ( CameraSensorPassType passType , Camera camera )
PassType = passType ;
Camera = camera ;
internal enum CameraChannelType
Grayscale ,
Depth ,
OpticalFlow ,
internal struct CameraSensorChannel
public CameraChannelType ChannelType ;
public int? LayerNumber ;
public CameraSensorChannel ( CameraChannelType channelType , int? layerNumber = null )
ChannelType = channelType ;
LayerNumber = layerNumber ;
/// <summary>
/// A sensor that wraps a Camera object to generate visual observations for an agent.
/// </summary>
string m_Name ;
int [ ] m_Shape ;
SensorCompressionType m_CompressionType ;
Shader uberReplacementShader = Shader . Find ( "Hidden/UberReplacement" ) ;
static readonly int _objectColor = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_ObjectColor" ) ;
static readonly int _categoryColor = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_CategoryColor" ) ;
static readonly int _layerNumber = Shader . PropertyToID ( "_LayerNumber" ) ;
CameraSensorSettings m_Settings ;
CommandBuffer m_AddedBuffer ;
List < CameraSensorPass > m_Passes ;
/// <summary>
/// The Camera used for rendering the sensor observations.
set { m_Camera = value ; }
internal List < CameraSensorPass > CreatePasses ( )
var passes = new List < CameraSensorPass > ( ) ;
if ( ! m_Settings . DisableCamera )
passes . Add ( new CameraSensorPass ( CameraSensorPassType . RGB , m_Camera ) ) ;
if ( m_Settings . EnableDepth )
passes . Add ( new CameraSensorPass ( CameraSensorPassType . Depth , CreateHiddenCamera ( "depthCam" ) ) ) ;
if ( m_Settings . LayerMasks . Length > 0 )
passes . Add ( new CameraSensorPass ( CameraSensorPassType . Segmentation , CreateHiddenCamera ( "segmentationCam" ) ) ) ;
return passes ;
Camera CreateHiddenCamera ( string name )
var go = new GameObject ( name , typeof ( Camera ) ) ;
go . hideFlags = HideFlags . HideAndDontSave ;
go . transform . parent = m_Camera . transform ;
var newCamera = go . GetComponent < Camera > ( ) ;
return newCamera ;
/// <summary>
/// The compression type used by the sensor.
/// </summary>
set { m_CompressionType = value ; }
internal List < CameraSensorChannel > Channels ( )
var channels = new List < CameraSensorChannel > ( ) ;
if ( ! m_Settings . DisableCamera )
if ( m_Grayscale )
channels . Add ( new CameraSensorChannel ( CameraChannelType . Grayscale ) ) ;
channels . Add ( new CameraSensorChannel ( CameraChannelType . RGB ) ) ;
if ( m_Settings . EnableDepth )
channels . Add ( new CameraSensorChannel ( CameraChannelType . Depth ) ) ;
if ( m_Settings . LayerMasks . Length > 0 )
foreach ( var layerToMask in m_Settings . LayerMasks )
channels . Add (
new CameraSensorChannel ( CameraChannelType . LayerMask , layerToMask )
) ;
return channels ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates and returns the camera sensor.
public CameraSensor (
Camera camera , int width , int height , bool grayscale , string name , SensorCompressionType compression )
m_Camera = camera ;
m_Settings = new CameraSensorSettings ( ) ;
Camera = camera ;
m_Width = width ;
m_Height = height ;
m_Grayscale = grayscale ;
m_Name = name ;
m_CompressionType = compression ;
m_Passes = CreatePasses ( ) ;
m_Shape = GenerateShape ( ) ;
OnSceneChange ( ) ;
public CameraSensor (
Camera camera ,
int width ,
int height ,
bool grayscale ,
string name ,
SensorCompressionType compression ,
CameraSensorSettings settings
) : this ( camera , width , height , grayscale , name , compression )
m_Settings = settings ;
Camera = camera ;
m_Shape = GenerateShape ( width , height , grayscale ) ;
m_Passes = CreatePasses ( ) ;
m_Shape = GenerateShape ( ) ;
OnSceneChange ( ) ;
public void OnSceneChange ( )
var segPasses = m_Passes . Where (
p = > p . PassType = = CameraSensorPassType . Segmentation
) ;
// NOTE: This avoids the expensive search for all renderers if we don't need segmentation.
if ( ! segPasses . Any ( ) ) return ;
var renderers = Object . FindObjectsOfType < Renderer > ( ) ;
// var renderers = m_Camera.transform.root.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();
var mpb = new MaterialPropertyBlock ( ) ;
foreach ( var r in renderers )
GameObject gameObject = r . gameObject ;
var id = gameObject . GetInstanceID ( ) ;
var layer = gameObject . layer ;
var tag = gameObject . tag ;
mpb . SetColor ( _objectColor , ColorEncoding . EncodeIDAsColor ( id ) ) ;
mpb . SetColor ( _categoryColor , ColorEncoding . EncodeLayerAsColor ( layer ) ) ;
mpb . SetInt ( _layerNumber , layer ) ;
r . SetPropertyBlock ( mpb ) ;
internal List < float [ , ] > GetObservationChannels ( )
UpdateCameras ( ) ;
OnSceneChange ( ) ;
var channels = new List < float [ , ] > ( ) ;
foreach ( var pass in m_Passes )
var disableAntialiasing = pass . PassType ! = CameraSensorPassType . RGB ;
var texture = ObservationToTexture ( pass . Camera , m_Width , m_Height , disableAntialiasing ) ;
var width = texture . width ;
var height = texture . height ;
var texturePixels = texture . GetPixels ( ) ;
if ( pass . PassType = = CameraSensorPassType . RGB )
var r = new float [ texture . width , texture . height ] ;
var g = new float [ texture . width , texture . height ] ;
var b = new float [ texture . width , texture . height ] ;
for ( var h = height - 1 ; h > = 0 ; h - - )
for ( var w = 0 ; w < width ; w + + )
var currentPixel = texturePixels [ ( height - h - 1 ) * width + w ] ;
if ( m_Grayscale )
r [ h , w ] = ( currentPixel . r + currentPixel . g + currentPixel . b ) / 3f ;
// For Color32, the r, g and b values are between 0 and 1.
r [ h , w ] = currentPixel . r ;
g [ h , w ] = currentPixel . g ;
b [ h , w ] = currentPixel . b ;
if ( m_Grayscale )
channels . Add ( r ) ;
channels . Add ( r ) ; channels . Add ( g ) ; channels . Add ( b ) ;
else if ( pass . PassType = = CameraSensorPassType . Depth )
var depth = new float [ texture . width , texture . height ] ;
for ( var h = height - 1 ; h > = 0 ; h - - )
for ( var w = 0 ; w < width ; w + + )
var currentPixel = texturePixels [ ( height - h - 1 ) * width + w ] ;
depth [ h , w ] = ( currentPixel . r + currentPixel . g + currentPixel . b ) / 3f ;
channels . Add ( depth ) ;
else if ( pass . PassType = = CameraSensorPassType . Segmentation )
var loggedInThisPass = false ;
var layerChannels = new List < float [ , ] > ( ) ;
foreach ( var layer in m_Settings . LayerMasks )
layerChannels . Add ( new float [ texture . width , texture . height ] ) ;
for ( var h = height - 1 ; h > = 0 ; h - - )
for ( var w = 0 ; w < width ; w + + )
var currentPixel = texturePixels [ ( height - h - 1 ) * width + w ] ;
// layer index is encoded in the red channel, divided by 100
var currentPixelIndex = ( int ) Math . Round ( ( double ) currentPixel . r * 1 0 0f ) ;
// Try to decode the "r" channel as one of our layer IDs
var foundLayerIndex = Array . FindIndex ( m_Settings . LayerMasks , i = > i = = currentPixelIndex ) ;
if ( foundLayerIndex > = 0 )
// We found it, so set the value to 1
var layerChannel = layerChannels [ foundLayerIndex ] ;
layerChannel [ h , w ] = 1f ;
foreach ( var layerChannel in layerChannels ) channels . Add ( layerChannel ) ;
DestroyTexture ( texture ) ;
return channels ;
// Texture2D MakeGrayscale (tex : Texture2D) {
// var texColors = tex.GetPixels();
// for (i = 0; i < texColors.Length; i++) {
// var grayValue = texColors[i].grayscale;
// texColors[i] = Color(grayValue, grayValue, grayValue, texColors[i].a);
// }
// tex.SetPixels(texColors);
// tex.Apply();
// }
internal List < Texture2D > GetObservationTextures ( )
UpdateCameras ( ) ;
OnSceneChange ( ) ;
var textures = new List < Texture2D > ( ) ;
var singleChannels = new List < float [ ] > ( ) ;
foreach ( var pass in m_Passes )
var disableAntialiasing = pass . PassType ! = CameraSensorPassType . RGB ;
var texture = ObservationToTexture ( pass . Camera , m_Width , m_Height , disableAntialiasing ) ;
var width = texture . width ;
var height = texture . height ;
var texturePixels = texture . GetPixels ( ) ;
if ( pass . PassType = = CameraSensorPassType . RGB )
if ( m_Grayscale )
// turn to grayscale
for ( var i = 0 ; i < texturePixels . Length ; + + i )
var grayVal = texturePixels [ i ] . grayscale ;
texturePixels [ i ] = new Color ( grayVal , grayVal , grayVal , texturePixels [ i ] . a ) ;
texture . SetPixels ( texturePixels ) ;
texture . Apply ( ) ;
textures . Add ( texture ) ;
textures . Add ( texture ) ;
else if ( pass . PassType = = CameraSensorPassType . Depth )
// single channel -- convert to grayscale and add to single channels list
var channelVals = new float [ texturePixels . Length ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < texturePixels . Length ; + + i )
channelVals [ i ] = texturePixels [ i ] . grayscale ;
singleChannels . Add ( channelVals ) ;
else if ( pass . PassType = = CameraSensorPassType . Segmentation )
var layerChannels = new List < float [ ] > ( ) ;
foreach ( var layer in m_Settings . LayerMasks )
layerChannels . Add ( new float [ texturePixels . Length ] ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < texturePixels . Length ; + + i )
var currentPixel = texturePixels [ i ] ;
// layer index is encoded in the red channel, divided by 100
var currentPixelIndex = ( int ) Math . Round ( ( double ) currentPixel . r * 1 0 0f ) ;
// Try to decode the "r" channel as one of our layer IDs
var foundLayerIndex = Array . FindIndex ( m_Settings . LayerMasks , j = > j = = currentPixelIndex ) ;
if ( foundLayerIndex > = 0 )
// We found it, so set the value to 1
var layerChannel = layerChannels [ foundLayerIndex ] ;
layerChannel [ i ] = 1f ;
foreach ( var layerChannel in layerChannels ) singleChannels . Add ( layerChannel ) ;
// Single channels need to be converted to colors and assigned to new textures.
// if we have 5 channels, we will need ceil(5/3) textures. Or, 2.
var numNewTextures = ( int ) Math . Ceiling ( singleChannels . Count / 3f ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < numNewTextures ; + + i )
var tex = new Texture2D ( m_Width , m_Height , TextureFormat . RGB24 , false ) ;
var colors = new Color [ m_Width * m_Height ] ;
var begin = i * 3 ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < m_Width * m_Height ; + + j )
var firstChannelVal = singleChannels [ begin ] [ j ] ;
var secondChannelVal = 0f ;
if ( singleChannels . Count > begin + 1 )
secondChannelVal = singleChannels [ begin + 1 ] [ j ] ;
var thirdChannelVal = 0f ;
if ( singleChannels . Count > begin + 2 )
thirdChannelVal = singleChannels [ begin + 2 ] [ j ] ;
colors [ j ] = new Color ( firstChannelVal , secondChannelVal , thirdChannelVal ) ;
tex . SetPixels ( colors ) ;
tex . Apply ( ) ;
textures . Add ( tex ) ;
return textures ;
public void UpdateCameras ( )
foreach ( var pass in m_Passes )
if ( pass . PassType = = CameraSensorPassType . RGB )
continue ;
// cleanup capturing camera
pass . Camera . RemoveAllCommandBuffers ( ) ;
// copy all "main" camera parameters into capturing camera
pass . Camera . CopyFrom ( m_Camera ) ;
// setup command buffers and replacement shaders
SetupCameraWithReplacementShader ( pass . Camera , uberReplacementShader , pass . PassType ) ;
// cache materials and setup material properties
// if (!opticalFlowMaterial || opticalFlowMaterial.shader != opticalFlowShader)
// opticalFlowMaterial = new Material(opticalFlowShader);
// opticalFlowMaterial.SetFloat("_Sensitivity", opticalFlowSensitivity);
static void SetupCameraWithReplacementShader ( Camera cam , Shader shader , CameraSensorPassType passType )
var cb = new CommandBuffer ( ) ;
Color clearColor = Color . black ;
int mode = - 1 ;
if ( passType = = CameraSensorPassType . Depth )
mode = 2 ;
clearColor = Color . white ;
else if ( passType = = CameraSensorPassType . Segmentation )
//Debug.Log("Setting shader mode to 3");
mode = 3 ;
if ( mode < 0 )
throw new Exception ( "Error: unexpected pass type" ) ;
cb . SetGlobalInt ( "_OutputMode" , mode ) ;
cam . AddCommandBuffer ( CameraEvent . BeforeForwardOpaque , cb ) ;
cam . AddCommandBuffer ( CameraEvent . BeforeFinalPass , cb ) ;
cam . SetReplacementShader ( shader , "" ) ;
cam . backgroundColor = clearColor ;
cam . clearFlags = CameraClearFlags . SolidColor ;
/// <summary>
/// <returns>Compressed image.</returns>
public byte [ ] GetCompressedObservation ( )
var allBytes = new List < byte > ( ) ;
var texture = ObservationToTexture ( m_Camera , m_Width , m_Height ) ;
var textures = GetObservationTextures ( ) ;
var compressed = texture . EncodeToPNG ( ) ;
DestroyTexture ( texture ) ;
return compressed ;
foreach ( var tex in textures )
allBytes . AddRange ( tex . EncodeToPNG ( ) ) ;
DestroyTexture ( tex ) ;
return allBytes . ToArray ( ) ;
using ( TimerStack . Instance . Scoped ( "CameraSensor.WriteToTensor" ) )
var texture = ObservationToTexture ( m_Camera , m_Width , m_Height ) ;
var numWritten = Utilities . TextureToTensorProxy ( texture , writer , m_Grayscale ) ;
DestroyTexture ( texture ) ;
//var texture = ObservationToTexture(m_Camera, m_Width, m_Height);
//var numWritten = Utilities.TextureToTensorProxy(texture, writer, m_Grayscale);
var numWritten = 0 ;
var channels = GetObservationChannels ( ) ;
for ( var channelInd = 0 ; channelInd < channels . Count ; + + channelInd )
for ( var h = 0 ; h < m_Height ; + + h )
for ( var w = 0 ; w < m_Width ; + + w )
writer [ h , w , channelInd ] = channels [ channelInd ] [ h , w ] ;
numWritten + + ;
return numWritten ;
/// <param name="width">Width of resulting 2D texture.</param>
/// <param name="height">Height of resulting 2D texture.</param>
/// <returns name="texture2D">Texture2D to render to.</returns>
public static Texture2D ObservationToTexture ( Camera obsCamera , int width , int height )
public static Texture2D ObservationToTexture ( Camera obsCamera , int width , int height , bool disableAntialiasing = false )
var texture2D = new Texture2D ( width , height , TextureFormat . RGB24 , false ) ;
var oldRec = obsCamera . rect ;
var readWrite = RenderTextureReadWrite . Default ;
var antiAliasing = ( disableAntialiasing ) ? 1 : Mathf . Max ( 1 , QualitySettings . antiAliasing ) ;
RenderTexture . GetTemporary ( width , height , depth , format , readWrite ) ;
RenderTexture . GetTemporary ( width , height , depth , format , readWrite , antiAliasing ) ;
var prevActiveRt = RenderTexture . active ;
var prevCameraRt = obsCamera . targetTexture ;
obsCamera . Render ( ) ;
texture2D . ReadPixels ( new Rect ( 0 , 0 , texture2D . width , texture2D . height ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
texture2D . Apply ( ) ;
obsCamera . targetTexture = prevCameraRt ;
obsCamera . rect = oldRec ;
/// <param name="height">Height of the image captures from the camera.</param>
/// <param name="grayscale">Whether or not to convert the image to grayscale.</param>
/// <returns>The observation shape.</returns>
internal static int [ ] GenerateShape ( int width , int height , bool grayscale )
internal int [ ] GenerateShape ( )
return new [ ] { height , width , grayscale ? 1 : 3 } ;
int channels = 0 ;
foreach ( var pass in m_Passes )
if ( pass . PassType = = CameraSensorPassType . RGB )
if ( m_Grayscale ) channels + = 1 ;