
PR numbers (#3876)

* PR numbers

* rearrange a few items
GitHub 4 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 27 次插入26 次删除
  1. 53


#### com.unity.ml-agents (C#)
- The `MLAgents` C# namespace was renamed to `Unity.MLAgents`, and other nested
namespaces were similarly renamed. (#3843)
- Added new 3-joint Worm ragdoll environment. (#3798)
- The internal event `Academy.AgentSetStatus` was renamed to
`Academy.AgentPreStep` and made public.
- The offset logic was removed from DecisionRequester.
- The offset logic was removed from DecisionRequester. (#3716)
source of error where users would return arrays of the wrong size.
source of error where users would return arrays of the wrong size. (#3765)
communication between Unity and the Python process.
communication between Unity and the Python process. (#3760)
`AgentAction` and `AgentReset` have been removed.
`AgentAction` and `AgentReset` have been removed. (#3770)
- The SideChannel API has changed (#3833, #3660) :
- Introduced the `SideChannelManager` to register, unregister and access side

which is used when trying to read more data than the message contains.
- Added a feature to allow sending stats from C# environments to TensorBoard
(and other python StatsWriters). To do this from your code, use
`Academy.Instance.StatsRecorder.Add(key, value)`(#3660)
`Academy.Instance.StatsRecorder.Add(key, value)`. (#3660)
were changed from `public` to `private` (#3808).
were changed from `public` to `private`. These can still be accessed via their
corresponding properties. (#3808)
- Updated to Barracuda 0.7.0-preivew which has breaking namespace and assembly name changes.
- `WriteAdapter` was renamed to `ObservationWriter`. If you have a custom `ISensor` implementation,
you will need to change the signature of its `Write()` method. (#3834)
- Updated to Barracuda 0.7.0-preivew which has breaking namespace and assembly name changes. (#3875)
- The Jupyter notebooks have been removed from the repository.
- The Jupyter notebooks have been removed from the repository. (#3704)
scenarios, use the [Low Level Python API](../docs/Python-API.md).
scenarios, use the [Low Level Python API](../docs/Python-API.md). (#3681)
transparent change.
transparent change. (#3681)
asymmetric example environment Strikers Vs. Goalie has been added.
asymmetric example environment Strikers Vs. Goalie has been added. (#3653)
constructor of `UnityToGymWrapper`
constructor of `UnityToGymWrapper` (#3812)
- `StackingSensor` was changed from `internal` visibility to `public`
- Added new 3-joint Worm ragdoll environment. (#3798)
- `StackingSensor` was changed from `internal` visibility to `public`. (#3701)
- The internal event `Academy.AgentSetStatus` was renamed to
`Academy.AgentPreStep` and made public. (#3716)
- Updated Barracuda to 0.6.3-preview.
- `WriteAdapter` was renamed to `ObservationWriter`. If you have a custom `ISensor` implementation,
you will need to change the signature of its `Write()` method. (#3834)
- Renamed 'Generalization' feature to 'Environment Parameter Randomization'.
- Renamed 'Generalization' feature to 'Environment Parameter Randomization'. (#3646)
package version numbers.
package version numbers. (#3758)
environment port) will be used.
environment port) will be used. (#3673)
will allow use with python 3.8 using tensorflow 2.2.0rc3.
- `mlagents-learn` will no longer set the width and height of the executable window to 84x84 when no width nor height arguments are given
will allow use with python 3.8 using tensorflow 2.2.0rc3. (#3830)
- `mlagents-learn` will no longer set the width and height of the executable window to 84x84
when no width nor height arguments are given. (#3867)
- Fixed a display bug when viewing Demonstration files in the inspector. The
shapes of the observations in the file now display correctly. (#3771)
- Fixed a display bug when viewing Demonstration files in the inspector. The
shapes of the observations in the file now display correctly. (#3771)
#### ml-agents / ml-agents-envs / gym-unity (Python)
- Fixed an issue where exceptions from environments provided a returncode of 0.
