
[MLA-1584] Match3 variable board size (#5189)

GitHub 3 年前
共有 42 个文件被更改,包括 1943 次插入547 次删除
  1. 6
  2. 6
  3. 6
  4. 430
  5. 1
  6. 107
  7. 37
  8. 40
  9. 2
  10. 72
  11. 129
  12. 61
  13. 5
  14. 213
  15. 13
  16. 64
  17. 115
  18. 83
  19. 162
  20. 26
  21. 2
  22. 2
  23. 2
  24. 2
  25. 1
  26. 332
  27. 3
  28. 92
  29. 3
  30. 92
  31. 3
  32. 92
  33. 3
  34. 92
  35. 4
  36. 92
  37. 3
  38. 92
  39. 0
  40. 0
  41. 0
  42. 0


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--- !u!157 &3

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--- !u!196 &4

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--- !u!4 &448464284

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objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3508723250774301920, guid: 2fafdcd0587684641b03b11f04454f1b,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3508723250774301920, guid: 2fafdcd0587684641b03b11f04454f1b,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 14
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3508723250774301920, guid: 2fafdcd0587684641b03b11f04454f1b,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3508723250774301920, guid: 2fafdcd0587684641b03b11f04454f1b,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 13
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3508723250774301920, guid: 2fafdcd0587684641b03b11f04454f1b,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
value: 20
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3508723250774301920, guid: 2fafdcd0587684641b03b11f04454f1b,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3508723250774301920, guid: 2fafdcd0587684641b03b11f04454f1b,
type: 3}

type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3508723250774301920, guid: 2fafdcd0587684641b03b11f04454f1b,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3508723250774301920, guid: 2fafdcd0587684641b03b11f04454f1b,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 13
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3508723250774301920, guid: 2fafdcd0587684641b03b11f04454f1b,
type: 3}

- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 7
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
value: 60
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 7
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 10
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
value: 40
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 10
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}

- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 4
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 4
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 2118285883905619878, guid: 6944ca02359f5427aa13c8551236a824,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 8
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}

type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
value: 1
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 8
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 3019509691567202569, guid: aaa471bd5e2014848a66917476671aed,
type: 3}


m_CurrentState = State.FindMatches;
m_TimeUntilMove = MoveTime;


using System;
using Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Match3;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace Unity.MLAgentsExamples

public int MinRows;
public int MaxRows;
public int MinColumns;
public int MaxColumns;
public int NumCellTypes;
public int NumSpecialTypes;
public const int k_EmptyCell = -1;
[Tooltip("Points earned for clearing a basic cell (cube)")]
public int BasicCellPoints = 1;

/// </summary>
public int RandomSeed;
(int, int)[,] m_Cells;
(int CellType, int SpecialType)[,] m_Cells;
private BoardSize m_CurrentBoardSize;
m_Cells = new (int, int)[Columns, Rows];
m_Matched = new bool[Columns, Rows];
m_Cells = new (int, int)[MaxColumns, MaxRows];
m_Matched = new bool[MaxColumns, MaxRows];
// Start using the max rows and columns, but we'll update the current size at the start of each episode.
m_CurrentBoardSize = new BoardSize
Rows = MaxRows,
Columns = MaxColumns,
NumCellTypes = NumCellTypes,
NumSpecialTypes = NumSpecialTypes
void Start()

public override BoardSize GetMaxBoardSize()
return new BoardSize
Rows = MaxRows,
Columns = MaxColumns,
NumCellTypes = NumCellTypes,
NumSpecialTypes = NumSpecialTypes
public override BoardSize GetCurrentBoardSize()
return m_CurrentBoardSize;
/// <summary>
/// Change the board size to a random size between the min and max rows and columns. This is
/// cached so that the size is consistent until it is updated.
/// This is just for an example; you can change your board size however you want.
/// </summary>
public void UpdateCurrentBoardSize()
var newRows = m_Random.Next(MinRows, MaxRows + 1);
var newCols = m_Random.Next(MinColumns, MaxColumns + 1);
m_CurrentBoardSize.Rows = newRows;
m_CurrentBoardSize.Columns = newCols;
public override bool MakeMove(Move move)
if (!IsMoveValid(move))

public override int GetCellType(int row, int col)
return m_Cells[col, row].Item1;
if (row >= m_CurrentBoardSize.Rows || col >= m_CurrentBoardSize.Columns)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
return m_Cells[col, row].CellType;
return m_Cells[col, row].Item2;
if (row >= m_CurrentBoardSize.Rows || col >= m_CurrentBoardSize.Columns)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
return m_Cells[col, row].SpecialType;
public override bool IsMoveValid(Move m)

bool madeMatch = false;
for (var i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < m_CurrentBoardSize.Rows; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < m_CurrentBoardSize.Columns; j++)
for (var iOffset = i; iOffset < Rows; iOffset++)
for (var iOffset = i; iOffset < m_CurrentBoardSize.Rows; iOffset++)
if (m_Cells[j, i].Item1 != m_Cells[j, iOffset].Item1)
if (m_Cells[j, i].CellType != m_Cells[j, iOffset].CellType)

// Check vertically
var matchedCols = 0;
for (var jOffset = j; jOffset < Columns; jOffset++)
for (var jOffset = j; jOffset < m_CurrentBoardSize.Columns; jOffset++)
if (m_Cells[j, i].Item1 != m_Cells[jOffset, i].Item1)
if (m_Cells[j, i].CellType != m_Cells[jOffset, i].CellType)

var pointsByType = new[] { BasicCellPoints, SpecialCell1Points, SpecialCell2Points };
int pointsEarned = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < m_CurrentBoardSize.Rows; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < m_CurrentBoardSize.Columns; j++)
if (m_Matched[j, i])

var madeChanges = false;
// Gravity is applied in the negative row direction
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < m_CurrentBoardSize.Columns; j++)
for (var readIndex = 0; readIndex < Rows; readIndex++)
for (var readIndex = 0; readIndex < m_CurrentBoardSize.Rows; readIndex++)
if (m_Cells[j, readIndex].Item1 != k_EmptyCell)
if (m_Cells[j, readIndex].CellType != k_EmptyCell)

for (; writeIndex < Rows; writeIndex++)
for (; writeIndex < m_CurrentBoardSize.Rows; writeIndex++)
madeChanges = true;
m_Cells[j, writeIndex] = (k_EmptyCell, 0);

public bool FillFromAbove()
bool madeChanges = false;
for (var i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < m_CurrentBoardSize.Rows; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < m_CurrentBoardSize.Columns; j++)
if (m_Cells[j, i].Item1 == k_EmptyCell)
if (m_Cells[j, i].CellType == k_EmptyCell)
madeChanges = true;
m_Cells[j, i] = (GetRandomCellType(), GetRandomSpecialType());

// Initialize the board to random values.
public void InitRandom()
for (var i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < MaxRows; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < MaxColumns; j++)
m_Cells[j, i] = (GetRandomCellType(), GetRandomSpecialType());

void ClearMarked()
for (var i = 0; i < Rows; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < MaxRows; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < Columns; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < MaxColumns; j++)
m_Matched[j, i] = false;


using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
namespace Unity.MLAgentsExamples

for (var i = 0; i < m_Board.Rows; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < m_Board.MaxRows; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < m_Board.Columns; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < m_Board.MaxColumns; j++)
var go = Instantiate(TilePrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform);
go.name = $"r{i}_c{j}";

for (var i = 0; i < m_Board.Rows; i++)
var currentSize = m_Board.GetCurrentBoardSize();
for (var i = 0; i < m_Board.MaxRows; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < m_Board.Columns; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < m_Board.MaxColumns; j++)
var value = m_Board.Cells != null ? m_Board.GetCellType(i, j) : Match3Board.k_EmptyCell;
int value = Match3Board.k_EmptyCell;
int specialType = 0;
if (m_Board.Cells != null && i < currentSize.Rows && j < currentSize.Columns)
value = m_Board.GetCellType(i, j);
specialType = m_Board.GetSpecialType(i, j);
var specialType = m_Board.Cells != null ? m_Board.GetSpecialType(i, j) : 0;
tilesDict[(i, j)].transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(pos);
tilesDict[(i, j)].SetActiveTile(specialType, value);

void OnDrawGizmos()
var cubeSize = .5f;
var matchedWireframeSize = .5f * (cubeSize + CubeSpacing);

for (var i = 0; i < m_Board.Rows; i++)
var currentSize = m_Board.GetCurrentBoardSize();
for (var i = 0; i < m_Board.MaxRows; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < m_Board.Columns; j++)
for (var j = 0; j < m_Board.MaxColumns; j++)
var value = m_Board.Cells != null ? m_Board.GetCellType(i, j) : Match3Board.k_EmptyCell;
int value = Match3Board.k_EmptyCell;
int specialType = 0;
if (m_Board.Cells != null && i < currentSize.Rows && j < currentSize.Columns)
value = m_Board.GetCellType(i, j);
specialType = m_Board.GetSpecialType(i, j);
if (value >= 0 && value < s_Colors.Length)
Gizmos.color = s_Colors[value];

var pos = new Vector3(j, i, 0);
pos *= CubeSpacing;
var specialType = m_Board.Cells != null ? m_Board.GetSpecialType(i, j) : 0;
if (specialType == 2)
Gizmos.DrawCube(transform.TransformPoint(pos), cubeSize * new Vector3(1f, .5f, .5f));

var threeQuarters = Vector3.Lerp(pos, otherPos, .75f);
Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.TransformPoint(oneQuarter), transform.TransformPoint(threeQuarters));


public class Match3ExampleActuator : Match3Actuator
Match3Board Board => (Match3Board)m_Board;
private Match3Board m_Board;
Match3Board Board => m_Board;
Agent agent,
: base(board, forceHeuristic, seed, agent, name) { }
: base(board, forceHeuristic, seed, name)
m_Board = board;
protected override int EvalMovePoints(Move move)

var moveVal = m_Board.GetCellType(move.Row, move.Column);
var moveSpecial = m_Board.GetSpecialType(move.Row, move.Column);
var moveVal = Board.GetCellType(move.Row, move.Column);
var moveSpecial = Board.GetSpecialType(move.Row, move.Column);
var oppositeVal = m_Board.GetCellType(otherRow, otherCol);
var oppositeSpecial = m_Board.GetSpecialType(otherRow, otherCol);
var oppositeVal = Board.GetCellType(otherRow, otherCol);
var oppositeSpecial = Board.GetSpecialType(otherRow, otherCol);
int movePoints = EvalHalfMove(

int EvalHalfMove(int newRow, int newCol, int newValue, int newSpecial, Direction incomingDirection, int[] pointsByType)
// This is a essentially a duplicate of AbstractBoard.CheckHalfMove but also counts the points for the move.
var currentBoardSize = Board.GetCurrentBoardSize();
int matchedLeft = 0, matchedRight = 0, matchedUp = 0, matchedDown = 0;
int scoreLeft = 0, scoreRight = 0, scoreUp = 0, scoreDown = 0;

if (m_Board.GetCellType(newRow, c) == newValue)
if (Board.GetCellType(newRow, c) == newValue)
scoreLeft += pointsByType[m_Board.GetSpecialType(newRow, c)];
scoreLeft += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(newRow, c)];

if (incomingDirection != Direction.Left)
for (var c = newCol + 1; c < m_Board.Columns; c++)
for (var c = newCol + 1; c < currentBoardSize.Columns; c++)
if (m_Board.GetCellType(newRow, c) == newValue)
if (Board.GetCellType(newRow, c) == newValue)
scoreRight += pointsByType[m_Board.GetSpecialType(newRow, c)];
scoreRight += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(newRow, c)];

if (incomingDirection != Direction.Down)
for (var r = newRow + 1; r < m_Board.Rows; r++)
for (var r = newRow + 1; r < currentBoardSize.Rows; r++)
if (m_Board.GetCellType(r, newCol) == newValue)
if (Board.GetCellType(r, newCol) == newValue)
scoreUp += pointsByType[m_Board.GetSpecialType(r, newCol)];
scoreUp += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(r, newCol)];

for (var r = newRow - 1; r >= 0; r--)
if (m_Board.GetCellType(r, newCol) == newValue)
if (Board.GetCellType(r, newCol) == newValue)
scoreDown += pointsByType[m_Board.GetSpecialType(r, newCol)];
scoreDown += pointsByType[Board.GetSpecialType(r, newCol)];


var board = GetComponent<Match3Board>();
var agent = GetComponentInParent<Agent>();
var seed = RandomSeed == -1 ? gameObject.GetInstanceID() : RandomSeed + 1;
return new IActuator[] { new Match3ExampleActuator(board, ForceHeuristic, agent, ActuatorName, seed) };
return new IActuator[] { new Match3ExampleActuator(board, ForceHeuristic, ActuatorName, seed) };


<img src="images/match3.png" align="center" width="3000"/>
## Overview
One of the main feedback we get is to illustrate more real game examples using ML-Agents. We are excited to provide an example implementation of Match-3 using ML-Agents and additional utilities to integrate ML-Agents with Match-3 games.
One of the main feedback we get is to illustrate more real game examples using ML-Agents. We are excited to provide an
example implementation of Match-3 using ML-Agents and additional utilities to integrate ML-Agents with Match-3 games.
Our aim is to enable Match-3 teams to leverage ML-Agents to create player agents to learn and play different Match-3 levels. This implementation is intended as a starting point and guide for teams to get started (as there are many nuances with Match-3 for training ML-Agents) and for us to iterate both on the C#, hyperparameters, and trainers to improve ML-Agents for Match-3.
Our aim is to enable Match-3 teams to leverage ML-Agents to create player agents to learn and play different Match-3
levels. This implementation is intended as a starting point and guide for teams to get started (as there are many
nuances with Match-3 for training ML-Agents) and for us to iterate both on the C#, hyperparameters, and trainers to
improve ML-Agents for Match-3.
* C# implementation catered toward a Match-3 setup including concepts around encoding for moves based on [Human Like Playtesting with Deep Learning](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328307928_Human-Like_Playtesting_with_Deep_Learning)
* An example Match-3 scene with ML-Agents implemented (located under /Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/Match3). More information, on Match-3 example [here](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/tree/release_15_docs/docs/docs/Learning-Environment-Examples.md#match-3).
* C# implementation catered toward a Match-3 setup including concepts around encoding for moves based on
[Human Like Playtesting with Deep Learning](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328307928_Human-Like_Playtesting_with_Deep_Learning)
* An example Match-3 scene with ML-Agents implemented (located under /Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/Match3).
More information on the Match-3 example is [here](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/tree/release_15_docs/docs/docs/Learning-Environment-Examples.md#match-3).
If you are a Match-3 developer and are trying to leverage ML-Agents for this scenario, [we want to hear from you](https://forms.gle/TBsB9jc8WshgzViU9). Additionally, we are also looking for interested Match-3 teams to speak with us for 45 minutes. If you are interested, please indicate that in the [form](https://forms.gle/TBsB9jc8WshgzViU9). If selected, we will provide gift cards as a token of appreciation.
If you are a Match-3 developer and are trying to leverage ML-Agents for this scenario,
[we want to hear from you](https://forms.gle/TBsB9jc8WshgzViU9). Additionally, we are also looking for interested
Match-3 teams to speak with us for 45 minutes. If you are interested, please indicate that in the
[form](https://forms.gle/TBsB9jc8WshgzViU9). If selected, we will provide gift cards as a token of appreciation.
Do you have a type of game you are interested for ML-Agents? If so, please post a [forum issue](https://forum.unity.com/forums/ml-agents.453/) with [GAME TEMPLATE] in the title.
Do you have a type of game you are interested for ML-Agents? If so, please post a
[forum issue](https://forum.unity.com/forums/ml-agents.453/) with [GAME TEMPLATE] in the title.
The C# code for Match-3 exists inside of the extensions package (com.unity.ml-agents.extensions). A good first step would be to familiarize with the extensions package by reading the document [here](com.unity.ml-agents.extensions.md). The second step would be to take a look at how we have implemented the C# code in the example Match-3 scene (located under /Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/match3). Once you have some familiarity, then the next step would be to implement the C# code for Match-3 from the extensions package.
The C# code for Match-3 exists inside of the extensions package (com.unity.ml-agents.extensions). A good first step
would be to familiarize with the extensions package by reading the document [here](com.unity.ml-agents.extensions.md).
The second step would be to take a look at how we have implemented the C# code in the example Match-3 scene (located
under /Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/match3). Once you have some familiarity, then the next step would be to
implement the C# code for Match-3 from the extensions package.
Additionally, see below for additional technical specifications on the C# code for Match-3. Please note the Match-3 game isn't human playable as implemented and can be only played via training.
Additionally, see below for additional technical specifications on the C# code for Match-3. Please note the Match-3
game isn't human playable as implemented and can be only played via training.
* ask your game what the current and maximum sizes (rows, columns, and potential piece types) of the board are
These are handled by implementing the `GetCellType()`, `IsMoveValid()`, and `MakeMove()` abstract methods.
These are handled by implementing the abstract methods of `AbstractBoard`.
The AbstractBoard also tracks the number of rows, columns, and potential piece types that the board can have.
##### `public abstract BoardSize GetMaxBoardSize()`
Returns the largest `BoardSize` that the game can use. This is used to determine the sizes of observations and sensors,
so don't make it larger than necessary.
##### `public virtual BoardSize GetCurrentBoardSize()`
Returns the current size of the board. Each field on this BoardSize must be less than or equal to the corresponding
field returned by `GetMaxBoardSize()`. This method is optional; if your always use the same size board, you don't
need to override it.
If the current board size is smaller than the maximum board size, `GetCellType()` and `GetSpecialType()` will not be
called for cells outside the current board size, and `IsValidMove` won't be called for moves that would go outside of
the current board size.
##### `public abstract int GetCellType(int row, int col)`
Returns the "color" of piece at the given row and column.

Note that during training, a move that was marked as invalid may occasionally still be
requested. If this happens, it is safe to do nothing and request another move.
### Move struct
### `Move` struct
for a board of a given size with. `Move.NumPotentialMoves(NumRows, NumColumns)`. There are two helper
for a board of a given size with. `Move.NumPotentialMoves(maxBoardSize)`. There are two helper
* `public static Move FromMoveIndex(int moveIndex, int maxRows, int maxCols)` can be used to
* `public static Move FromMoveIndex(int moveIndex, BoardSize maxBoardSize)` can be used to
* `public static Move FromPositionAndDirection(int row, int col, Direction dir, int maxRows, int maxCols)` creates
* `public static Move FromPositionAndDirection(int row, int col, Direction dir, BoardSize maxBoardSize)` creates
### `BoardSize` struct
Describes the "size" of the board, including the number of potential piece types that the board can have.
This is returned by the AbstractBoard.GetMaxBoardSize() and GetCurrentBoardSize() methods.
#### `Match3Sensor` and `Match3SensorComponent` classes
The `Match3Sensor` generates observations about the state using the `AbstractBoard` interface. You can

A `Match3SensorComponent` generates a `Match3Sensor` at runtime, and should be added to the same GameObject
as your `Agent` implementation. You do not need to write any additional code to use them.
A `Match3SensorComponent` generates `Match3Sensor`s (the exact number of sensors depends on your configuration)
at runtime, and should be added to the same GameObject as your `Agent` implementation. You do not need to write any
additional code to use them.
#### `Match3Actuator` and `Match3ActuatorComponent` classes
The `Match3Actuator` converts actions from training or inference into a `Move` that is sent to` AbstractBoard.MakeMove()`

* Call `Agent.RequestDecision()` when you're ready for the `Agent` to make a move on the next `Academy` step. During
the next `Academy` step, the `MakeMove()` method on the board will be called.
## Implementation Details
### Action Space
The indexing for actions is the same as described in
[Human Like Playtesting with Deep Learning](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328307928_Human-Like_Playtesting_with_Deep_Learning)
(for example, Figure 2b). The horizontal moves are enumerated first, then the vertical ones.
<img src="images/match3-moves.png" align="center"/>


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
public abstract class AbstractBoard : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// Representation of the AbstractBoard size and number of cell and special types.
/// </summary>
public struct BoardSize
/// <summary>
/// Number of rows on the board

public int NumSpecialTypes;
/// <summary>
/// Check that all fields of the left-hand BoardSize are less than or equal to the field of the right-hand BoardSize
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lhs"></param>
/// <param name="rhs"></param>
/// <returns>True if all fields are less than or equal.</returns>
public static bool operator <=(BoardSize lhs, BoardSize rhs)
return lhs.Rows <= rhs.Rows && lhs.Columns <= rhs.Columns && lhs.NumCellTypes <= rhs.NumCellTypes &&
lhs.NumSpecialTypes <= rhs.NumSpecialTypes;
/// <summary>
/// Check that all fields of the left-hand BoardSize are greater than or equal to the field of the right-hand BoardSize
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lhs"></param>
/// <param name="rhs"></param>
/// <returns>True if all fields are greater than or equal.</returns>
public static bool operator >=(BoardSize lhs, BoardSize rhs)
return lhs.Rows >= rhs.Rows && lhs.Columns >= rhs.Columns && lhs.NumCellTypes >= rhs.NumCellTypes &&
lhs.NumSpecialTypes >= rhs.NumSpecialTypes;
/// <summary>
/// Return a string representation of the BoardSize.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override string ToString()
$"Rows: {Rows}, Columns: {Columns}, NumCellTypes: {NumCellTypes}, NumSpecialTypes: {NumSpecialTypes}";
/// <summary>
/// An adapter between ML Agents and a Match-3 game.
/// </summary>
public abstract class AbstractBoard : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// Return the maximum size of the board. This is used to determine the size of observations and actions,
/// so the returned values must not change.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract BoardSize GetMaxBoardSize();
/// <summary>
/// Return the current size of the board. The values must less than or equal to the values returned from
/// GetMaxBoardSize().
/// By default, this will return GetMaxBoardSize(); if your board doesn't change size, you don't need to
/// override it.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual BoardSize GetCurrentBoardSize()
return GetMaxBoardSize();
/// <summary>
/// Returns the "color" of the piece at the given row and column.
/// This should be between 0 and NumCellTypes-1 (inclusive).
/// The actual order of the values doesn't matter.

/// The actual results will depend on the rules of the game, but we provide SimpleIsMoveValid()
/// that handles basic match3 rules with no special or immovable pieces.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Moves that would go outside of GetCurrentBoardSize() are filtered out before they are
/// passed to IsMoveValid().
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="m"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract bool IsMoveValid(Move m);

/// <returns></returns>
public int NumMoves()
return Move.NumPotentialMoves(Rows, Columns);
return Move.NumPotentialMoves(GetMaxBoardSize());
/// <summary>

/// <returns></returns>
public IEnumerable<Move> AllMoves()
var currentMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, Rows, Columns);
for (var i = 0; i < NumMoves(); i++)
yield return currentMove;
currentMove.Next(Rows, Columns);
var maxBoardSize = GetMaxBoardSize();
var currentBoardSize = GetCurrentBoardSize();
/// <summary>
/// Iterate through all valid Moves on the board.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public IEnumerable<Move> ValidMoves()
var currentMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, Rows, Columns);
var currentMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, maxBoardSize);
if (IsMoveValid(currentMove))
if (currentMove.InRangeForBoard(currentBoardSize))
currentMove.Next(Rows, Columns);
/// Iterate through all invalid Moves on the board.
/// Iterate through all valid Moves on the board.
public IEnumerable<Move> InvalidMoves()
public IEnumerable<Move> ValidMoves()
var currentMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, Rows, Columns);
var maxBoardSize = GetMaxBoardSize();
var currentBoardSize = GetCurrentBoardSize();
var currentMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, maxBoardSize);
if (!IsMoveValid(currentMove))
if (currentMove.InRangeForBoard(currentBoardSize) && IsMoveValid(currentMove))
currentMove.Next(Rows, Columns);

/// <returns></returns>
bool CheckHalfMove(int newRow, int newCol, int newValue, Direction incomingDirection)
var currentBoardSize = GetCurrentBoardSize();
int matchedLeft = 0, matchedRight = 0, matchedUp = 0, matchedDown = 0;
if (incomingDirection != Direction.Right)

if (incomingDirection != Direction.Left)
for (var c = newCol + 1; c < Columns; c++)
for (var c = newCol + 1; c < currentBoardSize.Columns; c++)
if (GetCellType(newRow, c) == newValue)

if (incomingDirection != Direction.Down)
for (var r = newRow + 1; r < Rows; r++)
for (var r = newRow + 1; r < currentBoardSize.Rows; r++)
if (GetCellType(r, newCol) == newValue)

return false;
/// <summary>
/// Make sure that the current BoardSize isn't larger than the original value of GetMaxBoardSize().
/// If it is, log a warning.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="originalMaxBoardSize"></param>
internal void CheckBoardSizes(BoardSize originalMaxBoardSize)
var currentBoardSize = GetCurrentBoardSize();
if (!(currentBoardSize <= originalMaxBoardSize))
"Current BoardSize is larger than maximum board size was on initialization. This may cause unexpected results.\n" +
$"Original GetMaxBoardSize() result: {originalMaxBoardSize}\n" +
$"GetCurrentBoardSize() result: {currentBoardSize}"


using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Match3

/// in action masks, and applies the action to the board via AbstractBoard.MakeMove().
/// </summary>
public class Match3Actuator : IActuator, IHeuristicProvider, IBuiltInActuator
public class Match3Actuator : IActuator, IBuiltInActuator
protected AbstractBoard m_Board;
protected System.Random m_Random;
private ActionSpec m_ActionSpec;
private bool m_ForceHeuristic;
private Agent m_Agent;
private int m_Rows;
private int m_Columns;
private int m_NumCellTypes;
AbstractBoard m_Board;
System.Random m_Random;
ActionSpec m_ActionSpec;
bool m_ForceHeuristic;
BoardSize m_MaxBoardSize;
/// <summary>
/// Create a Match3Actuator.

public Match3Actuator(AbstractBoard board,
bool forceHeuristic,
int seed,
Agent agent,
m_Rows = board.Rows;
m_Columns = board.Columns;
m_NumCellTypes = board.NumCellTypes;
m_MaxBoardSize = m_Board.GetMaxBoardSize();
m_Agent = agent;
var numMoves = Move.NumPotentialMoves(m_Board.Rows, m_Board.Columns);
var numMoves = Move.NumPotentialMoves(m_MaxBoardSize);
m_ActionSpec = ActionSpec.MakeDiscrete(numMoves);
m_Random = new System.Random(seed);

/// <inheritdoc/>
public void OnActionReceived(ActionBuffers actions)
if (m_ForceHeuristic)

if (m_Board.Rows != m_Rows || m_Board.Columns != m_Columns || m_Board.NumCellTypes != m_NumCellTypes)
$"Board shape changes since actuator initialization. This may cause unexpected results. " +
$"Old shape: Rows={m_Rows} Columns={m_Columns}, NumCellTypes={m_NumCellTypes} " +
$"Current shape: Rows={m_Board.Rows} Columns={m_Board.Columns}, NumCellTypes={m_Board.NumCellTypes}"
Move move = Move.FromMoveIndex(moveIndex, m_Rows, m_Columns);
Move move = Move.FromMoveIndex(moveIndex, m_MaxBoardSize);

var currentBoardSize = m_Board.GetCurrentBoardSize();
const int branch = 0;
bool foundValidMove = false;
using (TimerStack.Instance.Scoped("WriteDiscreteActionMask"))

var currentMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, m_Board.Rows, m_Board.Columns);
var currentMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, m_MaxBoardSize);
if (m_Board.IsMoveValid(currentMove))
// Check that the move is allowed for the current boardSize (e.g. it won't move a piece out of
// bounds), and that it's allowed by the game itself.
if (currentMove.InRangeForBoard(currentBoardSize) && m_Board.IsMoveValid(currentMove))
foundValidMove = true;

currentMove.Next(m_Board.Rows, m_Board.Columns);
if (!foundValidMove)

return BuiltInActuatorType.Match3Actuator;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void Heuristic(in ActionBuffers actionsOut)
var discreteActions = actionsOut.DiscreteActions;

protected int GreedyMove()
/// <summary>
/// Returns a valid move that gives the highest value for EvalMovePoints(). If multiple moves have the same
/// value, one of them will be chosen with uniform probability.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// By default, EvalMovePoints() returns 1, so all valid moves are equally likely. Inherit from this class and
/// override EvalMovePoints() to use your game's scoring as a better estimate.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns></returns>
internal int GreedyMove()
var bestMoveIndex = 0;
var bestMovePoints = -1;


public override IActuator[] CreateActuators()
var board = GetComponent<AbstractBoard>();
var agent = GetComponentInParent<Agent>();
return new IActuator[] { new Match3Actuator(board, ForceHeuristic, seed, agent, ActuatorName) };
return new IActuator[] { new Match3Actuator(board, ForceHeuristic, seed, ActuatorName) };
/// <inheritdoc/>

return ActionSpec.MakeContinuous(0);
var numMoves = Move.NumPotentialMoves(board.Rows, board.Columns);
var numMoves = Move.NumPotentialMoves(board.GetMaxBoardSize());
return ActionSpec.MakeDiscrete(numMoves);


using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors;
using UnityEngine;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Match3

/// </summary>
public class Match3Sensor : ISensor, IBuiltInSensor
private Match3ObservationType m_ObservationType;
private ObservationSpec m_ObservationSpec;
private string m_Name;
Match3ObservationType m_ObservationType;
ObservationSpec m_ObservationSpec;
string m_Name;
private int m_Rows;
private int m_Columns;
private GridValueProvider m_GridValues;
private int m_OneHotSize;
AbstractBoard m_Board;
BoardSize m_MaxBoardSize;
GridValueProvider m_GridValues;
int m_OneHotSize;
/// <summary>
/// Create a sensor for the GridValueProvider with the specified observation type.

/// the constructor directly.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="board">The abstract board. This is only used to get the size.</param>
/// <param name="board">The abstract board.</param>
/// <param name="gvp">The GridValueProvider, should be either board.GetCellType or board.GetSpecialType.</param>
/// <param name="oneHotSize">The number of possible values that the GridValueProvider can return.</param>
/// <param name="obsType">Whether to produce vector or visual observations</param>

var maxBoardSize = board.GetMaxBoardSize();
m_Rows = board.Rows;
m_Columns = board.Columns;
m_MaxBoardSize = maxBoardSize;
m_Board = board;
? ObservationSpec.Vector(m_Rows * m_Columns * oneHotSize)
: ObservationSpec.Visual(m_Rows, m_Columns, oneHotSize);
? ObservationSpec.Vector(maxBoardSize.Rows * maxBoardSize.Columns * oneHotSize)
: ObservationSpec.Visual(maxBoardSize.Rows, maxBoardSize.Columns, oneHotSize);
/// <summary>

/// <returns></returns>
public static Match3Sensor CellTypeSensor(AbstractBoard board, Match3ObservationType obsType, string name)
return new Match3Sensor(board, board.GetCellType, board.NumCellTypes, obsType, name);
var maxBoardSize = board.GetMaxBoardSize();
return new Match3Sensor(board, board.GetCellType, maxBoardSize.NumCellTypes, obsType, name);
/// Create a sensor that encodes the cell special types as observations.
/// Create a sensor that encodes the cell special types as observations. Returns null if the board's
/// NumSpecialTypes is 0 (indicating the sensor isn't needed).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="board">The abstract board.</param>
/// <param name="obsType">Whether to produce vector or visual observations</param>

var specialSize = board.NumSpecialTypes == 0 ? 0 : board.NumSpecialTypes + 1;
var maxBoardSize = board.GetMaxBoardSize();
if (maxBoardSize.NumSpecialTypes == 0)
return null;
var specialSize = maxBoardSize.NumSpecialTypes + 1;
return new Match3Sensor(board, board.GetSpecialType, specialSize, obsType, name);

/// <inheritdoc/>
public int Write(ObservationWriter writer)
// if (m_Board.Rows != m_Rows || m_Board.Columns != m_Columns || m_Board.NumCellTypes != m_NumCellTypes)
// {
// Debug.LogWarning(
// $"Board shape changes since sensor initialization. This may cause unexpected results. " +
// $"Old shape: Rows={m_Rows} Columns={m_Columns}, NumCellTypes={m_NumCellTypes} " +
// $"Current shape: Rows={m_Board.Rows} Columns={m_Board.Columns}, NumCellTypes={m_Board.NumCellTypes}"
// );
// }
var currentBoardSize = m_Board.GetCurrentBoardSize();
int offset = 0;
var isVisual = m_ObservationType != Match3ObservationType.Vector;
// This is equivalent to
// for (var r = 0; r < m_MaxBoardSize.Rows; r++)
// for (var c = 0; c < m_MaxBoardSize.Columns; c++)
// if (r < currentBoardSize.Rows && c < currentBoardSize.Columns)
// WriteOneHot
// else
// WriteZero
// but rearranged to avoid the branching.
if (m_ObservationType == Match3ObservationType.Vector)
for (var r = 0; r < currentBoardSize.Rows; r++)
int offset = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < m_Rows; r++)
for (var c = 0; c < currentBoardSize.Columns; c++)
for (var c = 0; c < m_Columns; c++)
var val = m_GridValues(r, c);
var val = m_GridValues(r, c);
writer.WriteOneHot(offset, r, c, val, m_OneHotSize, isVisual);
offset += m_OneHotSize;
for (var i = 0; i < m_OneHotSize; i++)
writer[offset] = (i == val) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
for (var c = currentBoardSize.Columns; c < m_MaxBoardSize.Columns; c++)
writer.WriteZero(offset, r, c, m_OneHotSize, isVisual);
offset += m_OneHotSize;
return offset;
for (var r = currentBoardSize.Rows; r < m_MaxBoardSize.Columns; r++)
// TODO combine loops? Only difference is inner-most statement.
int offset = 0;
for (var r = 0; r < m_Rows; r++)
for (var c = 0; c < m_MaxBoardSize.Columns; c++)
for (var c = 0; c < m_Columns; c++)
var val = m_GridValues(r, c);
for (var i = 0; i < m_OneHotSize; i++)
writer[r, c, i] = (i == val) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
writer.WriteZero(offset, r, c, m_OneHotSize, isVisual);
offset += m_OneHotSize;
return offset;
return offset;
var height = m_Rows;
var width = m_Columns;
var height = m_MaxBoardSize.Rows;
var width = m_MaxBoardSize.Columns;
var currentBoardSize = m_Board.GetCurrentBoardSize();
// Encode the cell types and special types as separate batches of PNGs
// Encode the cell types or special types as batches of PNGs
// fit in in 2 images, but we'll use 3 here (2 PNGs for the 4 cell type channels, and 1 for
// the special types). Note that we have to also implement the sparse channel mapping.
// Optimize this it later.
// fit in in 2 images, but we'll use 3 total (2 PNGs for the 4 cell type channels, and 1 for
// the special types).
converter.EncodeToTexture(m_GridValues, tempTexture, 3 * i);
3 * i,

internal class OneHotToTextureUtil
Color[] m_Colors;
int m_Height;
int m_Width;
int m_MaxHeight;
int m_MaxWidth;
public OneHotToTextureUtil(int height, int width)
public OneHotToTextureUtil(int maxHeight, int maxWidth)
m_Colors = new Color[height * width];
m_Height = height;
m_Width = width;
m_Colors = new Color[maxHeight * maxWidth];
m_MaxHeight = maxHeight;
m_MaxWidth = maxWidth;
public void EncodeToTexture(GridValueProvider gridValueProvider, Texture2D texture, int channelOffset)
public void EncodeToTexture(
GridValueProvider gridValueProvider,
Texture2D texture,
int channelOffset,
int currentHeight,
int currentWidth
for (var h = m_Height - 1; h >= 0; h--)
for (var h = m_MaxHeight - 1; h >= 0; h--)
for (var w = 0; w < m_Width; w++)
for (var w = 0; w < m_MaxWidth; w++)
int oneHotValue = gridValueProvider(h, w);
if (oneHotValue < channelOffset || oneHotValue >= channelOffset + 3)
m_Colors[i++] = Color.black;
var colorVal = Color.black;
if (h < currentHeight && w < currentWidth)
m_Colors[i++] = s_OneHotColors[oneHotValue - channelOffset];
int oneHotValue = gridValueProvider(h, w);
if (oneHotValue >= channelOffset && oneHotValue < channelOffset + 3)
colorVal = s_OneHotColors[oneHotValue - channelOffset];
m_Colors[i++] = colorVal;
/// <summary>
/// Utility methods for writing one-hot observations.
/// </summary>
internal static class ObservationWriterMatch3Extensions
public static void WriteOneHot(this ObservationWriter writer, int offset, int row, int col, int value, int oneHotSize, bool isVisual)
if (isVisual)
for (var i = 0; i < oneHotSize; i++)
writer[row, col, i] = (i == value) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
for (var i = 0; i < oneHotSize; i++)
writer[offset] = (i == value) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
public static void WriteZero(this ObservationWriter writer, int offset, int row, int col, int oneHotSize, bool isVisual)
if (isVisual)
for (var i = 0; i < oneHotSize; i++)
writer[row, col, i] = 0.0f;
for (var i = 0; i < oneHotSize; i++)
writer[offset] = 0.0f;


var board = GetComponent<AbstractBoard>();
var cellSensor = Match3Sensor.CellTypeSensor(board, ObservationType, SensorName + " (cells)");
if (board.NumSpecialTypes > 0)
var specialSensor =
Match3Sensor.SpecialTypeSensor(board, ObservationType, SensorName + " (special)");
return new ISensor[] { cellSensor, specialSensor };
return new ISensor[] { cellSensor };
// This can be null if numSpecialTypes is 0
var specialSensor = Match3Sensor.SpecialTypeSensor(board, ObservationType, SensorName + " (special)");
return specialSensor != null ? new ISensor[] { cellSensor, specialSensor } : new ISensor[] { cellSensor };


using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Match3

/// the Move corresponding to an Agent decision.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="moveIndex">Must be between 0 and NumPotentialMoves(maxRows, maxCols).</param>
/// <param name="maxRows"></param>
/// <param name="maxCols"></param>
/// <param name="maxBoardSize"></param>
public static Move FromMoveIndex(int moveIndex, int maxRows, int maxCols)
public static Move FromMoveIndex(int moveIndex, BoardSize maxBoardSize)
if (moveIndex < 0 || moveIndex >= NumPotentialMoves(maxRows, maxCols))
var maxRows = maxBoardSize.Rows;
var maxCols = maxBoardSize.Columns;
if (moveIndex < 0 || moveIndex >= NumPotentialMoves(maxBoardSize))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid move index.");

/// <summary>
/// Increment the Move to the next MoveIndex, and update the Row, Column, and Direction accordingly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maxRows"></param>
/// <param name="maxCols"></param>
public void Next(int maxRows, int maxCols)
/// <param name="maxBoardSize"></param>
public void Next(BoardSize maxBoardSize)
var maxRows = maxBoardSize.Rows;
var maxCols = maxBoardSize.Columns;
var switchoverIndex = (maxCols - 1) * maxRows;

/// <param name="row"></param>
/// <param name="col"></param>
/// <param name="dir"></param>
/// <param name="maxRows"></param>
/// <param name="maxCols"></param>
/// <param name="maxBoardSize"></param>
public static Move FromPositionAndDirection(int row, int col, Direction dir, int maxRows, int maxCols)
public static Move FromPositionAndDirection(int row, int col, Direction dir, BoardSize maxBoardSize)
if (row < 0 || row >= maxRows)
if (row < 0 || row >= maxBoardSize.Rows)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"row was {row}, but must be between 0 and {maxRows - 1}.");
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"row was {row}, but must be between 0 and {maxBoardSize.Rows - 1}.");
if (col < 0 || col >= maxCols)
if (col < 0 || col >= maxBoardSize.Columns)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"col was {col}, but must be between 0 and {maxCols - 1}.");
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"col was {col}, but must be between 0 and {maxBoardSize.Columns - 1}.");
row == maxRows - 1 && dir == Direction.Up ||
row == maxBoardSize.Rows - 1 && dir == Direction.Up ||
col == maxCols - 1 && dir == Direction.Right
col == maxBoardSize.Columns - 1 && dir == Direction.Right
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"Cannot move cell at row={row} col={col} in Direction={dir}");

int moveIndex;
if (dir == Direction.Right)
moveIndex = col + row * (maxCols - 1);
moveIndex = col + row * (maxBoardSize.Columns - 1);
var offset = (maxCols - 1) * maxRows;
moveIndex = offset + col + row * maxCols;
var offset = (maxBoardSize.Columns - 1) * maxBoardSize.Rows;
moveIndex = offset + col + row * maxBoardSize.Columns;
return new Move

/// <summary>
/// Check if the move is valid for the given board size.
/// This will be passed the return value from AbstractBoard.GetCurrentBoardSize().
/// </summary>
/// <param name="boardSize"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool InRangeForBoard(BoardSize boardSize)
var (otherRow, otherCol) = OtherCell();
// Get the maximum row and column this move would affect.
var maxMoveRow = Mathf.Max(Row, otherRow);
var maxMoveCol = Mathf.Max(Column, otherCol);
return maxMoveRow < boardSize.Rows && maxMoveCol < boardSize.Columns;
/// <summary>
/// Get the other row and column that correspond to this move.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>

/// Return the number of potential moves for a board of the given size.
/// This is equivalent to the number of internal edges in the board.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maxRows"></param>
/// <param name="maxCols"></param>
/// <param name="maxBoardSize"></param>
public static int NumPotentialMoves(int maxRows, int maxCols)
public static int NumPotentialMoves(BoardSize maxBoardSize)
return maxRows * (maxCols - 1) + (maxRows - 1) * (maxCols);
return maxBoardSize.Rows * (maxBoardSize.Columns - 1) + (maxBoardSize.Rows - 1) * (maxBoardSize.Columns);


internal class StringBoard : AbstractBoard
internal int MaxRows;
internal int MaxColumns;
internal int NumCellTypes;
internal int NumSpecialTypes;
public int CurrentRows;
public int CurrentColumns;
public override BoardSize GetMaxBoardSize()
return new BoardSize
Rows = MaxRows,
Columns = MaxColumns,
NumCellTypes = NumCellTypes,
NumSpecialTypes = NumSpecialTypes
public override BoardSize GetCurrentBoardSize()
return new BoardSize
Rows = CurrentRows,
Columns = CurrentColumns,
NumCellTypes = NumCellTypes,
NumSpecialTypes = NumSpecialTypes
private string[] m_Board;
private string[] m_Special;

public void SetBoard(string newBoard)
m_Board = newBoard.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Rows = m_Board.Length;
Columns = m_Board[0].Length;
MaxRows = m_Board.Length;
MaxColumns = m_Board[0].Length;
CurrentRows = MaxRows;
CurrentColumns = MaxColumns;
for (var r = 0; r < Rows; r++)
for (var r = 0; r < MaxRows; r++)
for (var c = 0; c < Columns; c++)
for (var c = 0; c < MaxColumns; c++)
NumCellTypes = Mathf.Max(NumCellTypes, 1 + GetCellType(r, c));

public void SetSpecial(string newSpecial)
m_Special = newSpecial.Split((char[])null, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Debug.Assert(Rows == m_Special.Length);
Debug.Assert(Columns == m_Special[0].Length);
Debug.Assert(MaxRows == m_Special.Length);
Debug.Assert(MaxColumns == m_Special[0].Length);
for (var r = 0; r < Rows; r++)
for (var r = 0; r < MaxRows; r++)
for (var c = 0; c < Columns; c++)
for (var c = 0; c < MaxColumns; c++)
NumSpecialTypes = Mathf.Max(NumSpecialTypes, GetSpecialType(r, c));

public override int GetCellType(int row, int col)
if (row >= CurrentRows || col >= CurrentColumns)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Tried to get celltype out of bounds");
var character = m_Board[m_Board.Length - 1 - row][col];
return (character - '0');

if (row >= CurrentRows || col >= CurrentColumns)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Tried to get specialtype out of bounds");
var character = m_Special[m_Board.Length - 1 - row][col];
return (character - '0');

var board = gameObj.AddComponent<StringBoard>();
Assert.AreEqual(3, board.Rows);
Assert.AreEqual(3, board.Columns);
Assert.AreEqual(2, board.NumCellTypes);
var boardSize = board.GetMaxBoardSize();
Assert.AreEqual(3, boardSize.Rows);
Assert.AreEqual(3, boardSize.Columns);
Assert.AreEqual(2, boardSize.NumCellTypes);
for (var r = 0; r < 3; r++)
for (var c = 0; c < 3; c++)

public void TestCheckValidMoves()
internal static List<Move> GetValidMoves4x4(bool fullBoard, BoardSize boardSize)
var validMoves = new List<Move>
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(2, 1, Direction.Down, boardSize), // equivalent to (1, 1, Up)
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 1, Direction.Down, boardSize),
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 1, Direction.Left, boardSize),
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 1, Direction.Right, boardSize),
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(0, 1, Direction.Left, boardSize),
if (fullBoard)
// This would move out of range on the small board
// Equivalent to (3, 1, Down)
validMoves.Add(Move.FromPositionAndDirection(2, 1, Direction.Up, boardSize));
// These moves require matching with a cell that's off the small board, so they're invalid
// (even though the move itself doesn't go out of range).
validMoves.Add(Move.FromPositionAndDirection(2, 1, Direction.Left, boardSize)); // Equivalent to (2, 0, Right)
validMoves.Add(Move.FromPositionAndDirection(2, 1, Direction.Right, boardSize));
return validMoves;
[TestCase(true, TestName = "Full Board")]
[TestCase(false, TestName = "Small Board")]
public void TestCheckValidMoves(bool fullBoard)
var gameObj = new GameObject("board");
var board = gameObj.AddComponent<StringBoard>();

var validMoves = new[]
var boardSize = board.GetMaxBoardSize();
if (!fullBoard)
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(2, 1, Direction.Up, board.Rows, board.Columns), // equivalent to (3, 1, Down)
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(2, 1, Direction.Left, board.Rows, board.Columns), // equivalent to (2, 0, Right)
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(2, 1, Direction.Down, board.Rows, board.Columns), // equivalent to (1, 1, Up)
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(2, 1, Direction.Right, board.Rows, board.Columns),
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 1, Direction.Down, board.Rows, board.Columns),
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 1, Direction.Left, board.Rows, board.Columns),
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 1, Direction.Right, board.Rows, board.Columns),
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(0, 1, Direction.Left, board.Rows, board.Columns),
board.CurrentRows -= 1;
var validMoves = GetValidMoves4x4(fullBoard, boardSize);
foreach (var m in validMoves)

// Make sure iterating over AllMoves is OK with the smaller board
foreach (var move in board.AllMoves())
var expected = validIndices.Contains(move.MoveIndex);



using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.MLAgents.Actuators;
using Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Match3;
using UnityEngine;

public int Rows;
public int Columns;
public int NumCellTypes;
public int NumSpecialTypes;
public override BoardSize GetMaxBoardSize()
return new BoardSize
Rows = Rows,
Columns = Columns,
NumCellTypes = NumCellTypes,
NumSpecialTypes = NumSpecialTypes
public override int GetCellType(int row, int col)

Assert.AreEqual(0, actionSpec.NumContinuousActions);
public class HashSetActionMask : IDiscreteActionMask
public HashSet<int>[] HashSets;
public HashSetActionMask(ActionSpec spec)
HashSets = new HashSet<int>[spec.NumDiscreteActions];
for (var i = 0; i < spec.NumDiscreteActions; i++)
HashSets[i] = new HashSet<int>();
public void SetActionEnabled(int branch, int actionIndex, bool isEnabled)
var hashSet = HashSets[branch];
if (isEnabled)
[TestCase(true, TestName = "Full Board")]
[TestCase(false, TestName = "Small Board")]
public void TestMasking(bool fullBoard)
var gameObj = new GameObject("board");
var board = gameObj.AddComponent<StringBoard>();
var boardString =
var boardSize = board.GetMaxBoardSize();
if (!fullBoard)
board.CurrentRows -= 1;
var validMoves = AbstractBoardTests.GetValidMoves4x4(fullBoard, boardSize);
var actuatorComponent = gameObj.AddComponent<Match3ActuatorComponent>();
var actuator = actuatorComponent.CreateActuators()[0];
var masks = new HashSetActionMask(actuator.ActionSpec);
// Run through all moves and make sure those are the only valid ones
HashSet<int> validIndices = new HashSet<int>();
foreach (var m in validMoves)
// Valid moves and masked moves should be disjoint
// And they should add up to all the potential moves
Assert.AreEqual(validIndices.Count + masks.HashSets[0].Count, board.NumMoves());


// Whether the expected PNG data should be written to a file.
// Only set this to true if the compressed observation format changes.
private bool WritePNGDataToFile = false;
private const string k_CellObservationPng = "match3obs";
private const string k_SpecialObservationPng = "match3obs_special";
private const string k_CellObservationPng = "match3obs_";
private const string k_SpecialObservationPng = "match3obs_special_";
private const string k_Suffix2x2 = "2x2_";
public void TestVectorObservations()
[TestCase(true, TestName = "Full Board")]
[TestCase(false, TestName = "Small Board")]
public void TestVectorObservations(bool fullBoard)
var boardString =

var board = gameObj.AddComponent<StringBoard>();
if (!fullBoard)
board.CurrentRows = 2;
board.CurrentColumns = 2;
var sensorComponent = gameObj.AddComponent<Match3SensorComponent>();
sensorComponent.ObservationType = Match3ObservationType.Vector;

Assert.AreEqual(expectedShape, sensor.GetObservationSpec().Shape);
var expectedObs = new float[]
float[] expectedObs;
if (fullBoard)
expectedObs = new float[]
1, 0, /* 0 */ 0, 1, /* 1 */ 1, 0, /* 0 */
1, 0, /* 0 */ 1, 0, /* 0 */ 1, 0, /* 0 */
1, 0, /* 0 */ 1, 0, /* 0 */ 1, 0, /* 0 */
1, 0, /**/ 0, 1, /**/ 1, 0,
1, 0, /**/ 1, 0, /**/ 1, 0,
1, 0, /**/ 1, 0, /**/ 1, 0,
expectedObs = new float[]
1, 0, /* 0 */ 0, 1, /* 1 */ 0, 0, /* empty */
1, 0, /* 0 */ 1, 0, /* 0 */ 0, 0, /* empty */
0, 0, /* empty */ 0, 0, /* empty */ 0, 0, /* empty */
SensorTestHelper.CompareObservation(sensor, expectedObs);

var cellSensor = sensors[0];
var specialSensor = sensors[1];
var expectedShape = new InplaceArray<int>(3 * 3 * 2);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedShape, cellSensor.GetObservationSpec().Shape);

public void TestVisualObservations()
[TestCase(true, TestName = "Full Board")]
[TestCase(false, TestName = "Small Board")]
public void TestVisualObservations(bool fullBoard)
var boardString =

var board = gameObj.AddComponent<StringBoard>();
if (!fullBoard)
board.CurrentRows = 2;
board.CurrentColumns = 2;
var sensorComponent = gameObj.AddComponent<Match3SensorComponent>();
sensorComponent.ObservationType = Match3ObservationType.UncompressedVisual;

Assert.AreEqual(SensorCompressionType.None, sensor.GetCompressionSpec().SensorCompressionType);
var expectedObs = new float[]
float[] expectedObs;
float[,,] expectedObs3D;
if (fullBoard)
1, 0, /**/ 0, 1, /**/ 1, 0,
1, 0, /**/ 1, 0, /**/ 1, 0,
1, 0, /**/ 1, 0, /**/ 1, 0,
SensorTestHelper.CompareObservation(sensor, expectedObs);
expectedObs = new float[]
1, 0, /**/ 0, 1, /**/ 1, 0,
1, 0, /**/ 1, 0, /**/ 1, 0,
1, 0, /**/ 1, 0, /**/ 1, 0,
var expectedObs3D = new float[,,]
expectedObs3D = new float[,,]
{{1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}},
{{1, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 0}},
{{1, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 0}},
{{1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}},
{{1, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 0}},
{{1, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 0}},
expectedObs = new float[]
1, 0, /* 0 */ 0, 1, /* 1 */ 0, 0, /* empty */
1, 0, /* 0 */ 1, 0, /* 0 */ 0, 0, /* empty */
0, 0, /* empty */ 0, 0, /* empty */ 0, 0, /* empty */
expectedObs3D = new float[,,]
{{1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, 0}},
{{1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 0}},
{{0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}},
SensorTestHelper.CompareObservation(sensor, expectedObs);
SensorTestHelper.CompareObservation(sensor, expectedObs3D);

public void TestCompressedVisualObservations()
var boardString =
var gameObj = new GameObject("board");
var board = gameObj.AddComponent<StringBoard>();
var sensorComponent = gameObj.AddComponent<Match3SensorComponent>();
sensorComponent.ObservationType = Match3ObservationType.CompressedVisual;
var sensor = sensorComponent.CreateSensors()[0];
var expectedShape = new InplaceArray<int>(3, 3, 2);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedShape, sensor.GetObservationSpec().Shape);
Assert.AreEqual(SensorCompressionType.PNG, sensor.GetCompressionSpec().SensorCompressionType);
var pngData = sensor.GetCompressedObservation();
if (WritePNGDataToFile)
// Enable this if the format of the observation changes
SavePNGs(pngData, k_CellObservationPng);
var expectedPng = LoadPNGs(k_CellObservationPng, 1);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedPng, pngData);
public void TestCompressedVisualObservationsSpecial()
[TestCase(true, false, TestName = "Full Board, No Special")]
[TestCase(false, false, TestName = "Small Board, No Special")]
[TestCase(true, true, TestName = "Full Board, Special")]
[TestCase(false, true, TestName = "Small Board, Special")]
public void TestCompressedVisualObservationsSpecial(bool fullBoard, bool useSpecial)

var paths = new List<string> { k_CellObservationPng };
if (useSpecial)
if (!fullBoard)
// Shrink the board, and change the paths we're using for the ground truth PNGs
board.CurrentRows = 2;
board.CurrentColumns = 2;
for (var i = 0; i < paths.Count; i++)
paths[i] = paths[i] + k_Suffix2x2;
var paths = new[] { k_CellObservationPng, k_SpecialObservationPng };
var expectedChannels = new[] { 2, 3 };
var expectedNumChannels = new[] { 4, 5 };
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (var i = 0; i < paths.Count; i++)
var expectedShape = new InplaceArray<int>(3, 3, expectedChannels[i]);
var expectedShape = new InplaceArray<int>(3, 3, expectedNumChannels[i]);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedShape, sensor.GetObservationSpec().Shape);
Assert.AreEqual(SensorCompressionType.PNG, sensor.GetCompressionSpec().SensorCompressionType);

SavePNGs(pngData, paths[i]);
var expectedPng = LoadPNGs(paths[i], 1);
var expectedPng = LoadPNGs(paths[i], 2);
/// <summary>


public void TestMoveEquivalence()
var moveUp = Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 1, Direction.Up, 10, 10);
var moveDown = Move.FromPositionAndDirection(2, 1, Direction.Down, 10, 10);
var board10x10 = new BoardSize { Rows = 10, Columns = 10 };
var moveUp = Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 1, Direction.Up, board10x10);
var moveDown = Move.FromPositionAndDirection(2, 1, Direction.Down, board10x10);
var moveRight = Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 1, Direction.Right, 10, 10);
var moveLeft = Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 2, Direction.Left, 10, 10);
var moveRight = Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 1, Direction.Right, board10x10);
var moveLeft = Move.FromPositionAndDirection(1, 2, Direction.Left, board10x10);
Assert.AreEqual(moveRight.MoveIndex, moveLeft.MoveIndex);

var maxRows = 8;
var maxCols = 13;
var boardSize = new BoardSize
Rows = maxRows,
Columns = maxCols
var advanceMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, maxRows, maxCols);
for (var moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < Move.NumPotentialMoves(maxRows, maxCols); moveIndex++)
var advanceMove = Move.FromMoveIndex(0, boardSize);
for (var moveIndex = 0; moveIndex < Move.NumPotentialMoves(boardSize); moveIndex++)
var moveFromIndex = Move.FromMoveIndex(moveIndex, maxRows, maxCols);
var moveFromIndex = Move.FromMoveIndex(moveIndex, boardSize);
advanceMove.Next(maxRows, maxCols);

[TestCase(5, 9, Direction.Right)]
public void TestInvalidMove(int row, int col, Direction dir)
int numRows = 10, numCols = 10;
var board10x10 = new BoardSize { Rows = 10, Columns = 10 };
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(row, col, dir, numRows, numCols);
Move.FromPositionAndDirection(row, col, dir, board10x10);


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var thisTuple = (m_Elem0, m_Elem1, m_Elem2, m_Elem3, Length);
var otherTuple = (other.m_Elem0, other.m_Elem1, other.m_Elem2, other.m_Elem3, other.Length);
return thisTuple.Equals(otherTuple);
/// <summary>


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/com.unity.ml-agents.extensions/Tests/Editor/Match3/match3obs0.png → /com.unity.ml-agents.extensions/Tests/Editor/Match3/match3obs_0.png

/com.unity.ml-agents.extensions/Tests/Editor/Match3/match3obs0.png.meta → /com.unity.ml-agents.extensions/Tests/Editor/Match3/match3obs_0.png.meta

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/com.unity.ml-agents.extensions/Tests/Editor/Match3/match3obs_special0.png.meta → /com.unity.ml-agents.extensions/Tests/Editor/Match3/match3obs_1.png.meta
