5 年前
共有 24 个文件被更改,包括 2051 次插入 和 2162 次删除
behaviors: |
Walker: |
trainer_type: ppo |
hyperparameters: |
batch_size: 2048 |
buffer_size: 20480 |
learning_rate: 0.0003 |
beta: 0.005 |
epsilon: 0.2 |
lambd: 0.95 |
num_epoch: 3 |
learning_rate_schedule: linear |
network_settings: |
normalize: true |
hidden_units: 512 |
num_layers: 3 |
vis_encode_type: simple |
trainer: ppo |
batch_size: 2048 |
beta: 0.005 |
buffer_size: 20480 |
epsilon: 0.2 |
hidden_units: 512 |
lambd: 0.95 |
learning_rate: 0.0003 |
learning_rate_schedule: linear |
max_steps: 2e7 |
memory_size: 128 |
normalize: true |
num_epoch: 3 |
num_layers: 3 |
time_horizon: 1000 |
sequence_length: 64 |
summary_freq: 30000 |
use_recurrent: false |
vis_encode_type: simple |
gamma: 0.995 |
output_path: default |
keep_checkpoints: 5 |
max_steps: 20000000 |
time_horizon: 1000 |
summary_freq: 30000 |
threaded: true |
gamma: 0.995 |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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11400000: Assets/ExpertWalkerDyn.demo |
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ScriptedImporter: |
fileIDToRecycleName: |
11400000: Assets/Demonstrations/ExpertWalkerDyn.demo |
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userData: ' (Unity.MLAgents.Demonstrations.DemonstrationSummary)' |
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script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 7bd65ce151aaa4a41a45312543c56be1, type: 3} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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externalObjects: {} |
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icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
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using UnityEngine; |
namespace MLAgentsExamples |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// This class contains logic for common ragdoll operations & helper methods.
/// </summary>
public static class RagdollHelpers |
{ |
/// <summary>
//Get Joint Rotation Relative to the Connected Rigidbody
//We want to collect this info because it is the actual rotation, not the "target rotation"
//..because when the joint is weak, the target rotation will be much different than the actual rotation
/// </summary>
public static Quaternion GetJointRotation(ConfigurableJoint joint) |
{ |
Quaternion rotDiff = Quaternion.Inverse(joint.connectedBody.transform.rotation) * joint.transform.rotation; |
return(rotDiff); |
// return(Quaternion.FromToRotation(joint.axis, joint.connectedBody.transform.rotation.eulerAngles));
} |
public static Quaternion GetRotationDelta(Quaternion r1, Quaternion r2) |
{ |
Quaternion rotDiff = Quaternion.Inverse(r1) * r2; |
return(rotDiff); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 2b8c368466f64b5d8b4dca532c0a7b3c |
timeCreated: 1588782867 |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
/// <summary>
/// Used for visualizing the average center of mass of a ragdoll
/// </summary>
[DisallowMultipleComponent] |
[ExecuteInEditMode] |
public class AvgCenterOfMass : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// Enable to show a green spehere at the current center of mass.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("Enable to show a green spehere at the current center of mass.")] |
public bool showCOMGizmos = true; |
public Vector3 avgCOMWorldSpace; |
public Color avgCOMColor = Color.green; |
public Color bodyPartCOMColor = Color.yellow; |
List<Rigidbody> rbList = new List<Rigidbody>(); |
public float totalMass; |
[Tooltip("Visualize Relative Pos")] |
public bool showBPPosRelToBody; |
public bool useTransformPoint = true; |
public bool useTransformVector; |
public bool useTransformDir; |
public bool showRBPos; |
public bool showRelPosVectorOnly; |
public bool showInverseTransformPointUnscaledRelToBody; |
public bool showInverseTransformPointRelToBody; |
public bool showInverseTransformVectorRelToBody; |
public bool showInverseTransformDirRelToBody; |
public Transform body_T; |
void OnEnable() |
{ |
SetUpRigidbodies(); |
} |
void SetUpRigidbodies() |
{ |
rbList.Clear(); |
totalMass = 0; |
foreach(var item in GetComponentsInChildren<Rigidbody>()) |
{ |
rbList.Add(item); |
totalMass += item.mass; |
} |
} |
// void FixedUpdate()
// {
// if(Application.isPlaying)
// {
// avgCOMWorldSpace = Vector3.zero;
// foreach(var item in rbList)
// {
// if (item)
// {
// avgCOMWorldSpace += item.worldCenterOfMass;
// }
// }
// avgCOMWorldSpace /= rbList.Count; //divide by num of rb's to get avg in WORLD space
// }
// }
void FixedUpdate() |
{ |
if(Application.isPlaying) |
{ |
// avgCOMWorldSpace = Vector3.zero;
// foreach(var item in rbList)
// {
// if (item)
// {
// avgCOMWorldSpace += item.worldCenterOfMass;
// }
// }
// avgCOMWorldSpace /= rbList.Count; //divide by num of rb's to get avg in WORLD space
Vector3 CoM = Vector3.zero; |
float c = 0f; |
foreach(var item in rbList) |
{ |
CoM += item.worldCenterOfMass * item.mass; |
c += item.mass; |
} |
avgCOMWorldSpace = CoM/c; |
// CoM /= c;
if (showBPPosRelToBody) |
{ |
var pos = body_T.position; |
Matrix4x4 bodyMatrix = body_T.localToWorldMatrix; |
// get position from the last column
var bodyPos = new Vector3(bodyMatrix[0,3], bodyMatrix[1,3], bodyMatrix[2,3]); |
Debug.DrawRay(bodyPos, Vector3.up, Color.yellow,Time.fixedDeltaTime); |
foreach (var rb in rbList) |
{ |
if (showRBPos) |
{ |
Debug.DrawRay(rb.position, Vector3.up, Color.green,Time.fixedDeltaTime); |
} |
if (rb.transform != body_T) |
{ |
if (showRelPosVectorOnly) |
{ |
var relPosVector = rb.position - body_T.position; |
// Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + body_T.InverseTransformPoint(rb.position), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime);
Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + relPosVector, Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime); |
// Vector3 currentLocalPosRelToMatrix = bodyMatrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint(rb.position);
Vector3 currentLocalPosRelToMatrix = bodyMatrix.inverse.MultiplyVector(rb.position - bodyPos); |
Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + currentLocalPosRelToMatrix, Vector3.up, Color.green,Time.fixedDeltaTime); |
} |
if (showInverseTransformPointUnscaledRelToBody) |
{ |
// Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + body_T.InverseTransformPoint(rb.position), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime);
// Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + body_T.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(rb.position), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime);
Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + body_T.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(rb.transform.position), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime); |
} |
if (showInverseTransformPointRelToBody) |
{ |
// Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + body_T.InverseTransformPoint(rb.position), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime);
Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + body_T.InverseTransformPoint(rb.position), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime); |
} |
if (showInverseTransformDirRelToBody) |
{ |
Debug.DrawRay(body_T.InverseTransformDirection(rb.position), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime); |
} |
if (showInverseTransformVectorRelToBody) |
{ |
Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + body_T.InverseTransformVector(rb.position - body_T.position), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime); |
} |
// var localPosRelToBody = body.InverseTransformPoint(rb.position);
// Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + body_T.InverseTransformPoint(rb.position), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime);
// Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + rb.transform.TransformVector(rb.transform.localPosition), Vector3.up, Color.cyan,Time.fixedDeltaTime);
// Debug.DrawRay(rb.transform.TransformPoint(rb.position), Vector3.up, Color.green,Time.fixedDeltaTime);
// Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + body_T.InverseTransformVector(rb.transform.position), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime);
// Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + body_T.InverseTransformDirection(rb.transform.position), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime);
// Debug.DrawRay(body_T.position + body_T.TransformPoint(rb.transform.localPosition), Vector3.up, Color.red,Time.fixedDeltaTime);
if (useTransformPoint) |
{ |
} |
else if (useTransformVector) |
{ |
} |
else if (useTransformDir) |
{ |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() |
{ |
if(!Application.isPlaying) |
{ |
if (showCOMGizmos) |
{ |
Vector3 CoM = Vector3.zero; |
float c = 0f; |
// avgCOMWorldSpace = Vector3.zero;
foreach(var item in rbList) |
{ |
// if (item)
// {
Gizmos.color = bodyPartCOMColor; |
float drawCOMRadius = item.mass/totalMass; |
Gizmos.DrawSphere(item.worldCenterOfMass, drawCOMRadius); |
// Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(item.worldCenterOfMass, drawCOMRadius);
CoM += item.worldCenterOfMass * item.mass; |
c += item.mass; |
// avgCOMWorldSpace += item.worldCenterOfMass;
// }
} |
avgCOMWorldSpace = CoM/c; |
// avgCOMWorldSpace /= rbList.Count; //divide by num of rb's to get avg in WORLD space
float avgCOMRadius = 0.1f; //radius of gizmo
Gizmos.color = avgCOMColor; |
Gizmos.DrawSphere(avgCOMWorldSpace, avgCOMRadius); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
if (showCOMGizmos) |
{ |
// avgCOMWorldSpace = Vector3.zero;
foreach(var item in rbList) |
{ |
// if (item)
// {
Gizmos.color = bodyPartCOMColor; |
float drawCOMRadius = item.mass/totalMass; |
Gizmos.DrawSphere(item.worldCenterOfMass, drawCOMRadius); |
// Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(item.worldCenterOfMass, drawCOMRadius);
// avgCOMWorldSpace += item.worldCenterOfMass;
// }
} |
// avgCOMWorldSpace /= rbList.Count; //divide by num of rb's to get avg in WORLD space
float avgCOMGizmoRadius = 0.1f; //radius of gizmo
Gizmos.color = avgCOMColor; |
Gizmos.DrawSphere(avgCOMWorldSpace, avgCOMGizmoRadius); |
} |
} |
} |
// {
// if(!Application.isPlaying)
// {
// if (showCOMGizmos)
// {
// avgCOMWorldSpace = Vector3.zero;
// foreach(var item in rbList)
// {
// if (item)
// {
// Gizmos.color = bodyPartCOMColor;
// float drawCOMRadius = item.mass/totalMass;
// Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(item.worldCenterOfMass, drawCOMRadius);
// avgCOMWorldSpace += item.worldCenterOfMass;
// }
// }
// avgCOMWorldSpace /= rbList.Count; //divide by num of rb's to get avg in WORLD space
// float avgCOMRadius = 0.1f; //radius of gizmo
// Gizmos.color = avgCOMColor;
// Gizmos.DrawSphere(avgCOMWorldSpace, avgCOMRadius);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// if (showCOMGizmos)
// {
// // avgCOMWorldSpace = Vector3.zero;
// foreach(var item in rbList)
// {
// if (item)
// {
// Gizmos.color = bodyPartCOMColor;
// float drawCOMRadius = item.mass/totalMass;
// Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(item.worldCenterOfMass, drawCOMRadius);
// // avgCOMWorldSpace += item.worldCenterOfMass;
// }
// }
// // avgCOMWorldSpace /= rbList.Count; //divide by num of rb's to get avg in WORLD space
// float avgCOMGizmoRadius = 0.1f; //radius of gizmo
// Gizmos.color = avgCOMColor;
// Gizmos.DrawSphere(avgCOMWorldSpace, avgCOMGizmoRadius);
// }
// }
// }
} |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
[ExecuteAlways] |
public class MeshSkewFix : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
public bool fix; |
public GameObject rootGameObject; |
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start() |
{ |
} |
// Update is called once per frame
void Update() |
{ |
if (fix) |
{ |
fix = false; |
foreach (var t in GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>()) |
{ |
var joint = t.GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>(); |
if (joint) |
{ |
var meshFilter = t.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); |
var meshRend = t.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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using MLAgentsExamples; |
using UnityEngine; |
using Unity.MLAgents; |
using Unity.MLAgentsExamples; |
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors; |
using UnityEditor; |
using BodyPart = Unity.MLAgentsExamples.BodyPart; |
public class WalkerAgentDynamic : Agent |
{ |
[Header("Walking Speed")] |
[Space(10)] |
[Header("Specific to Walker")] |
public float maximumWalkingSpeed = 999; //The max walk velocity magnitude an agent will be rewarded for
Vector3 m_WalkDir; |
Quaternion m_WalkDirLookRot; |
[Space(10)] |
[Header("Orientation Cube")] |
[Space(10)] |
//This will be used as a stable observation platform for the ragdoll to use.
GameObject m_OrientationCube; |
public Transform directionIndicator; |
[Header("Target To Walk Towards")] |
[Space(10)] |
public float targetSpawnRadius; |
public Transform target; |
public Transform ground; |
public bool detectTargets; |
public bool targetIsStatic; |
public bool respawnTargetWhenTouched; |
[Header("Body Parts")] |
[Space(10)] |
public Transform hips; |
public Transform chest; |
public Transform spine; |
public Transform head; |
public Transform thighL; |
public Transform shinL; |
public Transform footL; |
public Transform thighR; |
public Transform shinR; |
public Transform footR; |
public Transform armL; |
public Transform forearmL; |
public Transform handL; |
public Transform armR; |
public Transform forearmR; |
public Transform handR; |
JointDriveController m_JdController; |
Rigidbody m_HipsRb; |
Rigidbody m_ChestRb; |
Rigidbody m_SpineRb; |
EnvironmentParameters m_ResetParams; |
public override void Initialize() |
{ |
//Spawn an orientation cube
Vector3 oCubePos = hips.position; |
oCubePos.y = -.45f; |
m_OrientationCube = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("OrientationCube"), oCubePos, Quaternion.identity); |
m_OrientationCube.transform.SetParent(transform); |
UpdateOrientationCube(); |
m_JdController = GetComponent<JointDriveController>(); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(hips); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(chest); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(spine); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(head); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(thighL); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(shinL); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(footL); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(thighR); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(shinR); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(footR); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(armL); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(forearmL); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(handL); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(armR); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(forearmR); |
m_JdController.SetupBodyPart(handR); |
m_HipsRb = hips.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); |
m_ChestRb = chest.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); |
m_SpineRb = spine.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); |
m_ResetParams = Academy.Instance.EnvironmentParameters; |
SetResetParameters(); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Add relevant information on each body part to observations.
/// </summary>
public void CollectObservationBodyPart(BodyPart bp, VectorSensor sensor) |
{ |
sensor.AddObservation(bp.groundContact.touchingGround ? 1 : 0); // Is this bp touching the ground
//Get velocities in the context of our orientation cube's space
//Note: You can get these velocities in world space as well but it may not train as well.
sensor.AddObservation(m_OrientationCube.transform.InverseTransformDirection(bp.rb.velocity)); |
sensor.AddObservation(m_OrientationCube.transform.InverseTransformDirection(bp.rb.angularVelocity)); |
//Get position relative to hips in the context of our orientation cube's space
sensor.AddObservation(m_OrientationCube.transform.InverseTransformDirection(bp.rb.position - hips.position)); //best
if (bp.rb.transform != hips && bp.rb.transform != handL && bp.rb.transform != handR) |
{ |
sensor.AddObservation(bp.rb.transform.localRotation); |
sensor.AddObservation(bp.currentStrength / m_JdController.maxJointForceLimit); |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Loop over body parts to add them to observation.
/// </summary>
public override void CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor) |
{ |
sensor.AddObservation(Quaternion.FromToRotation(hips.forward, m_OrientationCube.transform.forward)); |
sensor.AddObservation(Quaternion.FromToRotation(head.forward, m_OrientationCube.transform.forward)); |
foreach (var bodyPart in m_JdController.bodyPartsDict.Values) |
{ |
CollectObservationBodyPart(bodyPart, sensor); |
} |
} |
public override void OnActionReceived(float[] vectorAction) |
{ |
var bpDict = m_JdController.bodyPartsDict; |
var i = -1; |
bpDict[chest].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[spine].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[thighL].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i], 0); |
bpDict[thighR].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i], 0); |
bpDict[shinL].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], 0, 0); |
bpDict[shinR].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], 0, 0); |
bpDict[footR].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[footL].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[armL].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i], 0); |
bpDict[armR].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i], 0); |
bpDict[forearmL].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], 0, 0); |
bpDict[forearmR].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], 0, 0); |
bpDict[head].SetJointTargetRotation(vectorAction[++i], vectorAction[++i], 0); |
//update joint strength settings
bpDict[chest].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[spine].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[head].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[thighL].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[shinL].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[footL].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[thighR].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[shinR].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[footR].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[armL].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[forearmL].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[armR].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
bpDict[forearmR].SetJointStrength(vectorAction[++i]); |
} |
void UpdateOrientationCube() |
{ |
m_WalkDir = target.position - m_OrientationCube.transform.position; |
m_WalkDir.y = 0; //flatten dir on the y
m_WalkDirLookRot = Quaternion.LookRotation(m_WalkDir); //get our look rot to the target
m_OrientationCube.transform.position = hips.position; |
m_OrientationCube.transform.rotation = m_WalkDirLookRot; |
directionIndicator.position = new Vector3(hips.position.x, directionIndicator.position.y, hips.position.z); |
directionIndicator.rotation = m_WalkDirLookRot; |
} |
void FixedUpdate() |
{ |
if (detectTargets) |
{ |
foreach (var bodyPart in m_JdController.bodyPartsDict.Values) |
{ |
if (bodyPart.targetContact && bodyPart.targetContact.touchingTarget) |
{ |
TouchedTarget(); |
} |
} |
} |
UpdateOrientationCube(); |
// Set reward for this step according to mixture of the following elements.
// a. Velocity alignment with goal direction.
// b. Rotation alignment with goal direction.
// c. Encourage head height.
AddReward( |
+0.02f * Vector3.Dot(m_OrientationCube.transform.forward, |
Vector3.ClampMagnitude(m_JdController.bodyPartsDict[hips].rb.velocity, maximumWalkingSpeed)) |
+ 0.01f * Vector3.Dot(m_OrientationCube.transform.forward, head.forward) |
+ 0.005f * (head.position.y - footL.position.y) |
+ 0.005f * (head.position.y - footR.position.y) |
); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Agent touched the target
/// </summary>
public void TouchedTarget() |
{ |
AddReward(1f); |
if (respawnTargetWhenTouched) |
{ |
GetRandomTargetPos(); |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Moves target to a random position within specified radius.
/// </summary>
public void GetRandomTargetPos() |
{ |
var newTargetPos = Random.insideUnitSphere * targetSpawnRadius; |
newTargetPos.y = 5; |
target.position = newTargetPos + ground.position; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Loop over body parts and reset them to initial conditions.
/// </summary>
public override void OnEpisodeBegin() |
{ |
foreach (var bodyPart in m_JdController.bodyPartsDict.Values) |
{ |
bodyPart.Reset(bodyPart); |
} |
//Random start rotation
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f), 0); |
UpdateOrientationCube(); |
if (detectTargets && !targetIsStatic) |
{ |
GetRandomTargetPos(); |
} |
SetResetParameters(); |
} |
public void SetTorsoMass() |
{ |
m_ChestRb.mass = m_ResetParams.GetWithDefault("chest_mass", 8); |
m_SpineRb.mass = m_ResetParams.GetWithDefault("spine_mass", 10); |
m_HipsRb.mass = m_ResetParams.GetWithDefault("hip_mass", 15); |
} |
public void SetResetParameters() |
{ |
SetTorsoMass(); |
} |
private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() |
{ |
if (Application.isPlaying) |
{ |
Gizmos.color = Color.green; |
Gizmos.matrix = m_OrientationCube.transform.localToWorldMatrix; |
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, m_OrientationCube.transform.localScale); |
Gizmos.DrawRay(Vector3.zero, Vector3.forward); |
} |
} |
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