
changes reflecting comments on github

Anupam Bhatnagar 5 年前
共有 5 个文件被更改,包括 43 次插入24 次删除
  1. 9
  2. 6
  3. 2
  4. 33
  5. 17


* [Installation](Installation.md)
* [Background: Jupyter Notebooks](Background-Jupyter.md)
* [Docker Set-up](Using-Docker.md)
* [Using Python Virtual Environment](Python-venv.md)
* [Using Python Virtual Environment](Using-Virtual-Environment.md)
* [Basic Guide](Basic-Guide.md)
* [Basic Guide](Basic-Guide.md)
* [ML-Agents Toolkit Overview](ML-Agents-Overview.md)
* [Background: Unity](Background-Unity.md)
* [Background: Machine Learning](Background-Machine-Learning.md)

* [Learning Environment Best Practices](Learning-Environment-Best-Practices.md)
Optional for first time users
### Advanced Usage
* [Using the Monitor](Feature-Monitor.md)
* [Using the Video Recorder](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/video-recorder)
* [Using an Executable Environment](Learning-Environment-Executable.md)

* [Training ML-Agents](Training-ML-Agents.md)
* [Using TensorBoard to Observe Training](Using-Tensorboard.md)
* [Training with Proximal Policy Optimization](Training-PPO.md)
* [Training with Soft Actor-Critic](Training-SAC.md)
* [Training with Soft Actor-Critic](Training-SAC.md)
* [Training with Curriculum Learning](Training-Curriculum-Learning.md)
* [Training with Imitation Learning](Training-Imitation-Learning.md)
* [Training with LSTM](Feature-Memory.md)


And then opening the URL: [localhost:6006](http://localhost:6006).
**Note:** The default port TensorBoard uses is 6006. If there is an existing session
running on port 6006 a new session can be launched on an open port using the --port
When training is finished, you can find the saved model in the `models` folder
under the assigned run-id — in the cats example, the path to the model would be

* `--num-envs=<n>`: Specifies the number of concurrent Unity environment instances to
collect experiences from when training. Defaults to 1.
* `--base-port`: Specifies the starting port. Each concurrent Unity environment instance
will get assigned a port sequentially, starting from the `base-port`. Each instance
will get assigned a port sequentially, starting from the `base-port`. Each instance
will use the port `(base_port + worker_id)`, where the `worker_id` is sequential IDs
given to each instance from 0 to `num_envs - 1`. Default is 5005.
* `--docker-target-name=<dt>`: The Docker Volume on which to store curriculum,


4. Open a browser window and navigate to [localhost:6006](http://localhost:6006).
**Note:** The default port tensorboard uses is 6006. If there is an existing session
**Note:** The default port TensorBoard uses is 6006. If there is an existing session
running on port 6006 a new session can be launched on an open port using the --port


# Using Virtual Environment
## What is a Virtual Environment?
A Python Virtual Environment is an isolated workspace for Python projects.
## Why should I use a Virtual Environment?
A Virtual Environment keeps all dependencies for the project separate from dependencies
of other projects. This has two advantages:
1. Firstly, it makes dependency management for the project easy.
1. Secondly, it enables using and testing of different library versions by quickly
spinning up a new environment and verifying the compatibility of the code with the
different version.
Requirement - Python 3.6 must be installed on the installed on the machine you would like
to run ML-Agents on (either local laptop/desktop or remote server). Python 3.6 can be
installed from [here](https://www.python.org/downloads/).
## Mac OS X Setup
1. Create a folder where the virtual environments will live ` $ mkdir ~/python-venvs `
1. To create a new environment named `test-env` execute `$ python3 -m venv ~/python-envs/test-env`
1. To activate the environment execute `$ source ~/python-envs/test-env/bin/activate`
1. Install ML-Agents package using `$ pip3 install mlagents`
1. To deactivate the environment execute `$ deactivate `
## Ubuntu Setup
1. Install the python3-venv package using `$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv`
1. Now follow the steps in the Mac OS X installation.
## Windows Setup
Coming Soon.


# Installing and Running ML-Agents in a virtual environment
__Requirement - Python 3.6 must be installed on the server. Python 3.6 can be [here](https://www.python.org/downloads/)__
## Mac OS X Setup
1. Create a folder where the virtual environments will live ` $ mkdir ~/python-venvs `
1. To create a new environment named `test-env` execute `$ python3 -m venv ~/python-envs/test-env`
1. To activate the environment execute `$ source ~/python-envs/test-env/bin/activate`
1. Install ML-Agents package using `$ pip3 install mlagents`
1. To deactivate the environment execute `$ deactivate `
## Ubuntu Setup
1. Install the python3-venv package using `$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv`
Now follow the steps in the Mac OS X installation.