Move GridSensor into main package (#5256)
Move GridSensor into main package (#5256)
* move OneHotGridSensor into main package * changelog and migration guide * remove old doc * check if physics module presents/check-for-ModelOverriders
4 年前
共有 47 个文件被更改,包括 928 次插入 和 3439 次删除
using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Linq; |
using NUnit.Framework; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.TestTools; |
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors; |
using Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Sensors; |
using Object = UnityEngine.Object; |
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Extensions.Tests.Sensors |
{ |
public class CountingGridSensorTests |
{ |
GameObject testGo; |
GameObject boxGo; |
TestCountingGridSensorComponent gridSensorComponent; |
// Use built-in tags
const string k_Tag1 = "Player"; |
const string k_Tag2 = "Respawn"; |
[UnitySetUp] |
public IEnumerator SetupScene() |
{ |
testGo = new GameObject("test"); |
testGo.transform.position = Vector3.zero; |
gridSensorComponent = testGo.AddComponent<TestCountingGridSensorComponent>(); |
boxGo = new GameObject("block"); |
boxGo.tag = k_Tag1; |
boxGo.transform.position = new Vector3(3f, 0f, 3f); |
boxGo.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); |
yield return null; |
} |
[TearDown] |
public void ClearScene() |
{ |
Object.DestroyImmediate(boxGo); |
Object.DestroyImmediate(testGo); |
} |
public class TestCountingGridSensorComponent : GridSensorComponent |
{ |
public void SetParameters(string[] detectableTags) |
{ |
DetectableTags = detectableTags; |
CellScale = new Vector3(1, 0.01f, 1); |
GridSize = new Vector3Int(10, 1, 10); |
ColliderMask = LayerMask.GetMask("Default"); |
RotateWithAgent = false; |
CompressionType = SensorCompressionType.None; |
} |
protected override GridSensorBase[] GetGridSensors() |
{ |
return new GridSensorBase[] { |
new CountingGridSensor( |
"TestSensor", |
CellScale, |
GridSize, |
DetectableTags, |
CompressionType) }; |
} |
} |
// Copied from GridSensorTests in main package
public static float[][] DuplicateArray(float[] array, int numCopies) |
{ |
float[][] duplicated = new float[numCopies][]; |
for (int i = 0; i < numCopies; i++) |
{ |
duplicated[i] = array; |
} |
return duplicated; |
} |
// Copied from GridSensorTests in main package
public static void AssertSubarraysAtIndex(float[] total, int[] indicies, float[][] expectedArrays, float[] expectedDefaultArray) |
{ |
int totalIndex = 0; |
int subIndex = 0; |
int subarrayIndex = 0; |
int lenOfData = expectedDefaultArray.Length; |
int numArrays = total.Length / lenOfData; |
for (int i = 0; i < numArrays; i++) |
{ |
totalIndex = i * lenOfData; |
if (indicies.Contains(i)) |
{ |
subarrayIndex = Array.IndexOf(indicies, i); |
for (subIndex = 0; subIndex < lenOfData; subIndex++) |
{ |
Assert.AreEqual(expectedArrays[subarrayIndex][subIndex], total[totalIndex], |
"Expected " + expectedArrays[subarrayIndex][subIndex] + " at subarray index " + totalIndex + ", index = " + subIndex + " but was " + total[totalIndex]); |
totalIndex++; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
for (subIndex = 0; subIndex < lenOfData; subIndex++) |
{ |
Assert.AreEqual(expectedDefaultArray[subIndex], total[totalIndex], |
"Expected default value " + expectedDefaultArray[subIndex] + " at subarray index " + totalIndex + ", index = " + subIndex + " but was " + total[totalIndex]); |
totalIndex++; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
[Test] |
public void TestCountingSensor() |
{ |
string[] tags = { k_Tag1, k_Tag2 }; |
gridSensorComponent.SetParameters(tags); |
var gridSensor = (CountingGridSensor)gridSensorComponent.CreateSensors()[0]; |
Assert.AreEqual(gridSensor.PerceptionBuffer.Length, 10 * 10 * 2); |
gridSensor.Update(); |
int[] subarrayIndicies = new int[] { 77, 78, 87, 88 }; |
float[][] expectedSubarrays = DuplicateArray(new float[] { 1, 0 }, 4); |
float[] expectedDefault = new float[] { 0, 0 }; |
AssertSubarraysAtIndex(gridSensor.PerceptionBuffer, subarrayIndicies, expectedSubarrays, expectedDefault); |
var boxGo2 = new GameObject("block"); |
boxGo2.tag = k_Tag1; |
boxGo2.transform.position = new Vector3(3.1f, 0f, 3f); |
boxGo2.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); |
gridSensor.Update(); |
subarrayIndicies = new int[] { 77, 78, 87, 88 }; |
expectedSubarrays = DuplicateArray(new float[] { 2, 0 }, 4); |
expectedDefault = new float[] { 0, 0 }; |
AssertSubarraysAtIndex(gridSensor.PerceptionBuffer, subarrayIndicies, expectedSubarrays, expectedDefault); |
Object.DestroyImmediate(boxGo2); |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 2a1d17f91519347e0a8692e2816b7c8b |
MonoImporter: |
externalObjects: {} |
serializedVersion: 2 |
defaultReferences: [] |
executionOrder: 0 |
icon: {instanceID: 0} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
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using UnityEditor; |
using UnityEngine; |
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors; |
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Editor |
{ |
[CustomEditor(typeof(GridSensorComponent))] |
[CanEditMultipleObjects] |
internal class GridSensorComponentEditor : UnityEditor.Editor |
{ |
public override void OnInspectorGUI() |
{ |
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The Physics Module is not currently present. " + |
"Please add it to your project in order to use the GridSensor APIs in the " + |
$"{nameof(GridSensorComponent)}", MessageType.Warning); |
var so = serializedObject; |
so.Update(); |
// Drawing the GridSensorComponent
EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); |
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!EditorUtilities.CanUpdateModelProperties()); |
{ |
// These fields affect the sensor order or observation size,
// So can't be changed at runtime.
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_SensorName)), true); |
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Grid Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_CellScale)), true); |
// We only supports 2D GridSensor now so lock gridSize.y to 1
var gridSize = so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_GridSize)); |
var gridSize2d = new Vector3Int(gridSize.vector3IntValue.x, 1, gridSize.vector3IntValue.z); |
var newGridSize = EditorGUILayout.Vector3IntField("Grid Size", gridSize2d); |
gridSize.vector3IntValue = new Vector3Int(newGridSize.x, 1, newGridSize.z); |
} |
EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_RotateWithAgent)), true); |
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!EditorUtilities.CanUpdateModelProperties()); |
{ |
// detectable tags
var detectableTags = so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_DetectableTags)); |
var newSize = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Detectable Tags", detectableTags.arraySize); |
if (newSize != detectableTags.arraySize) |
{ |
detectableTags.arraySize = newSize; |
} |
EditorGUI.indentLevel++; |
for (var i = 0; i < detectableTags.arraySize; i++) |
{ |
var objectTag = detectableTags.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(objectTag, new GUIContent("Tag " + i), true); |
} |
EditorGUI.indentLevel--; |
} |
EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_ColliderMask)), true); |
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Sensor Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_ObservationStacks)), true); |
EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_CompressionType)), true); |
EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!EditorUtilities.CanUpdateModelProperties()); |
{ |
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Collider and Buffer", EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_InitialColliderBufferSize)), true); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_MaxColliderBufferSize)), true); |
} |
EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); |
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Debug Gizmo", EditorStyles.boldLabel); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_ShowGizmos)), true); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_GizmoYOffset)), true); |
// detectable objects
var debugColors = so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_DebugColors)); |
var detectableObjectSize = so.FindProperty(nameof(GridSensorComponent.m_DetectableTags)).arraySize; |
if (detectableObjectSize != debugColors.arraySize) |
{ |
debugColors.arraySize = detectableObjectSize; |
} |
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Debug Colors"); |
EditorGUI.indentLevel++; |
for (var i = 0; i < debugColors.arraySize; i++) |
{ |
var debugColor = debugColors.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); |
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(debugColor, new GUIContent("Tag " + i + " Color"), true); |
} |
EditorGUI.indentLevel--; |
var requireSensorUpdate = EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck(); |
so.ApplyModifiedProperties(); |
if (requireSensorUpdate) |
{ |
UpdateSensor(); |
} |
} |
void UpdateSensor() |
{ |
var sensorComponent = serializedObject.targetObject as GridSensorComponent; |
sensorComponent?.UpdateSensor(); |
} |
} |
} |
using System; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Sensors |
{ |
internal class BoxOverlapChecker |
{ |
Vector3 m_CellScale; |
Vector3Int m_GridSize; |
bool m_RotateWithAgent; |
LayerMask m_ColliderMask; |
GameObject m_RootReference; |
string[] m_DetectableTags; |
int m_InitialColliderBufferSize; |
int m_MaxColliderBufferSize; |
int m_NumCells; |
Vector3 m_HalfCellScale; |
Vector3 m_CellCenterOffset; |
Vector3[] m_CellLocalPositions; |
Collider[] m_ColliderBuffer; |
public event Action<GameObject, int> GridOverlapDetectedAll; |
public event Action<GameObject, int> GridOverlapDetectedClosest; |
public event Action<GameObject, int> GridOverlapDetectedDebug; |
public BoxOverlapChecker( |
Vector3 cellScale, |
Vector3Int gridSize, |
bool rotateWithAgent, |
LayerMask colliderMask, |
GameObject rootReference, |
string[] detectableTags, |
int initialColliderBufferSize, |
int maxColliderBufferSize) |
{ |
m_CellScale = cellScale; |
m_GridSize = gridSize; |
m_RotateWithAgent = rotateWithAgent; |
m_ColliderMask = colliderMask; |
m_RootReference = rootReference; |
m_DetectableTags = detectableTags; |
m_InitialColliderBufferSize = initialColliderBufferSize; |
m_MaxColliderBufferSize = maxColliderBufferSize; |
m_NumCells = gridSize.x * gridSize.z; |
m_HalfCellScale = new Vector3(cellScale.x / 2f, cellScale.y, cellScale.z / 2f); |
m_CellCenterOffset = new Vector3((gridSize.x - 1f) / 2, 0, (gridSize.z - 1f) / 2); |
m_ColliderBuffer = new Collider[Math.Min(m_MaxColliderBufferSize, m_InitialColliderBufferSize)]; |
InitCellLocalPositions(); |
} |
public bool RotateWithAgent |
{ |
get { return m_RotateWithAgent; } |
set { m_RotateWithAgent = value; } |
} |
public LayerMask ColliderMask |
{ |
get { return m_ColliderMask; } |
set { m_ColliderMask = value; } |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the local location of the cells
/// </summary>
void InitCellLocalPositions() |
{ |
m_CellLocalPositions = new Vector3[m_NumCells]; |
for (int i = 0; i < m_NumCells; i++) |
{ |
m_CellLocalPositions[i] = GetCellLocalPosition(i); |
} |
} |
/// <summary>Converts the index of the cell to the 3D point (y is zero) relative to grid center</summary>
/// <returns>Vector3 of the position of the center of the cell relative to grid center</returns>
/// <param name="cell">The index of the cell</param>
Vector3 GetCellLocalPosition(int cellIndex) |
{ |
float x = (cellIndex / m_GridSize.z - m_CellCenterOffset.x) * m_CellScale.x; |
float z = (cellIndex % m_GridSize.z - m_CellCenterOffset.z) * m_CellScale.z; |
return new Vector3(x, 0, z); |
} |
internal Vector3 GetCellGlobalPosition(int cellIndex) |
{ |
if (m_RotateWithAgent) |
{ |
return m_RootReference.transform.TransformPoint(m_CellLocalPositions[cellIndex]); |
} |
else |
{ |
return m_CellLocalPositions[cellIndex] + m_RootReference.transform.position; |
} |
} |
internal Quaternion GetGridRotation() |
{ |
return m_RotateWithAgent ? m_RootReference.transform.rotation : Quaternion.identity; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Perceive the latest grid status. Call OverlapBoxNonAlloc once to detect colliders.
/// Then parse the collider arrays according to all available gridSensor delegates.
/// </summary>
internal void Update() |
{ |
for (var cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < m_NumCells; cellIndex++) |
{ |
var cellCenter = GetCellGlobalPosition(cellIndex); |
var numFound = BufferResizingOverlapBoxNonAlloc(cellCenter, m_HalfCellScale, GetGridRotation()); |
if (GridOverlapDetectedAll != null) |
{ |
ParseCollidersAll(m_ColliderBuffer, numFound, cellIndex, cellCenter, GridOverlapDetectedAll); |
} |
if (GridOverlapDetectedClosest != null) |
{ |
ParseCollidersClosest(m_ColliderBuffer, numFound, cellIndex, cellCenter, GridOverlapDetectedClosest); |
} |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Same as Update(), but only load data for debug gizmo.
/// </summary>
internal void UpdateGizmo() |
{ |
for (var cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < m_NumCells; cellIndex++) |
{ |
var cellCenter = GetCellGlobalPosition(cellIndex); |
var numFound = BufferResizingOverlapBoxNonAlloc(cellCenter, m_HalfCellScale, GetGridRotation()); |
ParseCollidersClosest(m_ColliderBuffer, numFound, cellIndex, cellCenter, GridOverlapDetectedDebug); |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// This method attempts to perform the Physics.OverlapBoxNonAlloc and will double the size of the Collider buffer
/// if the number of Colliders in the buffer after the call is equal to the length of the buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cellCenter"></param>
/// <param name="halfCellScale"></param>
/// <param name="rotation"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
int BufferResizingOverlapBoxNonAlloc(Vector3 cellCenter, Vector3 halfCellScale, Quaternion rotation) |
{ |
int numFound; |
// Since we can only get a fixed number of results, requery
// until we're sure we can hold them all (or until we hit the max size).
while (true) |
{ |
numFound = Physics.OverlapBoxNonAlloc(cellCenter, halfCellScale, m_ColliderBuffer, rotation, m_ColliderMask); |
if (numFound == m_ColliderBuffer.Length && m_ColliderBuffer.Length < m_MaxColliderBufferSize) |
{ |
m_ColliderBuffer = new Collider[Math.Min(m_MaxColliderBufferSize, m_ColliderBuffer.Length * 2)]; |
m_InitialColliderBufferSize = m_ColliderBuffer.Length; |
} |
else |
{ |
break; |
} |
} |
return numFound; |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Parses the array of colliders found within a cell. Finds the closest gameobject to the agent root reference within the cell
/// </summary>
void ParseCollidersClosest(Collider[] foundColliders, int numFound, int cellIndex, Vector3 cellCenter, Action<GameObject, int> detectedAction) |
{ |
GameObject closestColliderGo = null; |
var minDistanceSquared = float.MaxValue; |
for (var i = 0; i < numFound; i++) |
{ |
var currentColliderGo = foundColliders[i].gameObject; |
// Continue if the current collider go is the root reference
if (ReferenceEquals(currentColliderGo, m_RootReference)) |
{ |
continue; |
} |
var closestColliderPoint = foundColliders[i].ClosestPointOnBounds(cellCenter); |
var currentDistanceSquared = (closestColliderPoint - m_RootReference.transform.position).sqrMagnitude; |
if (currentDistanceSquared >= minDistanceSquared) |
{ |
continue; |
} |
// Checks if our colliders contain a detectable object
var index = -1; |
for (var ii = 0; ii < m_DetectableTags.Length; ii++) |
{ |
if (currentColliderGo.CompareTag(m_DetectableTags[ii])) |
{ |
index = ii; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (index > -1 && currentDistanceSquared < minDistanceSquared) |
{ |
minDistanceSquared = currentDistanceSquared; |
closestColliderGo = currentColliderGo; |
} |
} |
if (!ReferenceEquals(closestColliderGo, null)) |
{ |
detectedAction.Invoke(closestColliderGo, cellIndex); |
} |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Parses all colliders in the array of colliders found within a cell.
/// </summary>
void ParseCollidersAll(Collider[] foundColliders, int numFound, int cellIndex, Vector3 cellCenter, Action<GameObject, int> detectedAction) |
{ |
for (int i = 0; i < numFound; i++) |
{ |
var currentColliderGo = foundColliders[i].gameObject; |
if (!ReferenceEquals(currentColliderGo, m_RootReference)) |
{ |
detectedAction.Invoke(currentColliderGo, cellIndex); |
} |
} |
} |
internal void RegisterSensor(GridSensorBase sensor) |
{ |
if (sensor.GetProcessCollidersMethod() == ProcessCollidersMethod.ProcessAllColliders) |
{ |
GridOverlapDetectedAll += sensor.ProcessDetectedObject; |
} |
else |
{ |
GridOverlapDetectedClosest += sensor.ProcessDetectedObject; |
} |
} |
internal void RegisterDebugSensor(GridSensorBase debugSensor) |
{ |
GridOverlapDetectedDebug += debugSensor.ProcessDetectedObject; |
} |
} |
} |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Sensors |
{ |
/// <summary>
/// A SensorComponent that creates a <see cref="GridSensor"/>.
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("ML Agents/Grid Sensor", (int)MenuGroup.Sensors)] |
public class GridSensorComponent : SensorComponent |
{ |
// dummy sensor only used for debug gizmo
GridSensorBase m_DebugSensor; |
List<ISensor> m_Sensors; |
internal BoxOverlapChecker m_BoxOverlapChecker; |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
protected internal string m_SensorName = "GridSensor"; |
/// <summary>
/// Name of the generated <see cref="GridSensor"/> object.
/// Note that changing this at runtime does not affect how the Agent sorts the sensors.
/// </summary>
public string SensorName |
{ |
get { return m_SensorName; } |
set { m_SensorName = value; } |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
internal Vector3 m_CellScale = new Vector3(1f, 0.01f, 1f); |
/// <summary>
/// The scale of each grid cell.
/// Note that changing this after the sensor is created has no effect.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 CellScale |
{ |
get { return m_CellScale; } |
set { m_CellScale = value; } |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
internal Vector3Int m_GridSize = new Vector3Int(16, 1, 16); |
/// <summary>
/// The number of grid on each side.
/// Note that changing this after the sensor is created has no effect.
/// </summary>
public Vector3Int GridSize |
{ |
get { return m_GridSize; } |
set |
{ |
if (value.y != 1) |
{ |
m_GridSize = new Vector3Int(value.x, 1, value.z); |
} |
else |
{ |
m_GridSize = value; |
} |
} |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
internal bool m_RotateWithAgent = true; |
/// <summary>
/// Rotate the grid based on the direction the agent is facing.
/// </summary>
public bool RotateWithAgent |
{ |
get { return m_RotateWithAgent; } |
set { m_RotateWithAgent = value; } |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
internal string[] m_DetectableTags; |
/// <summary>
/// List of tags that are detected.
/// Note that changing this after the sensor is created has no effect.
/// </summary>
public string[] DetectableTags |
{ |
get { return m_DetectableTags; } |
set { m_DetectableTags = value; } |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
internal LayerMask m_ColliderMask; |
/// <summary>
/// The layer mask.
/// </summary>
public LayerMask ColliderMask |
{ |
get { return m_ColliderMask; } |
set { m_ColliderMask = value; } |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
internal int m_MaxColliderBufferSize = 500; |
/// <summary>
/// The absolute max size of the Collider buffer used in the non-allocating Physics calls. In other words
/// the Collider buffer will never grow beyond this number even if there are more Colliders in the Grid Cell.
/// Note that changing this after the sensor is created has no effect.
/// </summary>
public int MaxColliderBufferSize |
{ |
get { return m_MaxColliderBufferSize; } |
set { m_MaxColliderBufferSize = value; } |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
internal int m_InitialColliderBufferSize = 4; |
/// <summary>
/// The Estimated Max Number of Colliders to expect per cell. This number is used to
/// pre-allocate an array of Colliders in order to take advantage of the OverlapBoxNonAlloc
/// Physics API. If the number of colliders found is >= InitialColliderBufferSize the array
/// will be resized to double its current size. The hard coded absolute size is 500.
/// Note that changing this after the sensor is created has no effect.
/// </summary>
public int InitialColliderBufferSize |
{ |
get { return m_InitialColliderBufferSize; } |
set { m_InitialColliderBufferSize = value; } |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
internal Color[] m_DebugColors; |
/// <summary>
/// Array of Colors used for the grid gizmos.
/// </summary>
public Color[] DebugColors |
{ |
get { return m_DebugColors; } |
set { m_DebugColors = value; } |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
internal float m_GizmoYOffset = 0f; |
/// <summary>
/// The height of the gizmos grid.
/// </summary>
public float GizmoYOffset |
{ |
get { return m_GizmoYOffset; } |
set { m_GizmoYOffset = value; } |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
internal bool m_ShowGizmos = false; |
/// <summary>
/// Whether to show gizmos or not.
/// </summary>
public bool ShowGizmos |
{ |
get { return m_ShowGizmos; } |
set { m_ShowGizmos = value; } |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
internal SensorCompressionType m_CompressionType = SensorCompressionType.PNG; |
/// <summary>
/// The compression type to use for the sensor.
/// </summary>
public SensorCompressionType CompressionType |
{ |
get { return m_CompressionType; } |
set { m_CompressionType = value; UpdateSensor(); } |
} |
[HideInInspector, SerializeField] |
[Range(1, 50)] |
[Tooltip("Number of frames of observations that will be stacked before being fed to the neural network.")] |
internal int m_ObservationStacks = 1; |
/// <summary>
/// Whether to stack previous observations. Using 1 means no previous observations.
/// Note that changing this after the sensor is created has no effect.
/// </summary>
public int ObservationStacks |
{ |
get { return m_ObservationStacks; } |
set { m_ObservationStacks = value; } |
} |
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override ISensor[] CreateSensors() |
{ |
List<ISensor> m_Sensors = new List<ISensor>(); |
m_BoxOverlapChecker = new BoxOverlapChecker( |
m_CellScale, |
m_GridSize, |
m_RotateWithAgent, |
m_ColliderMask, |
gameObject, |
m_DetectableTags, |
m_InitialColliderBufferSize, |
m_MaxColliderBufferSize |
); |
// debug data is positive int value and will trigger data validation exception if SensorCompressionType is not None.
m_DebugSensor = new GridSensorBase("DebugGridSensor", m_CellScale, m_GridSize, m_DetectableTags, SensorCompressionType.None); |
m_BoxOverlapChecker.RegisterDebugSensor(m_DebugSensor); |
var gridSensors = GetGridSensors(); |
if (gridSensors == null || gridSensors.Length < 1) |
{ |
throw new UnityAgentsException("GridSensorComponent received no sensors. Specify at least one observation type (OneHot/Counting) to use grid sensors." + |
"If you're overriding GridSensorComponent.GetGridSensors(), return at least one grid sensor."); |
} |
foreach (var sensor in gridSensors) |
{ |
if (ObservationStacks != 1) |
{ |
m_Sensors.Add(new StackingSensor(sensor, ObservationStacks)); |
} |
else |
{ |
m_Sensors.Add(sensor); |
} |
m_BoxOverlapChecker.RegisterSensor(sensor); |
} |
// Only one sensor needs to reference the boxOverlapChecker, so that it gets updated exactly once
((GridSensorBase)m_Sensors[0]).m_BoxOverlapChecker = m_BoxOverlapChecker; |
return m_Sensors.ToArray(); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Get an array of GridSensors to be added in this component.
/// Override this method and return custom GridSensor implementations.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Array of grid sensors to be added to the component.</returns>
protected virtual GridSensorBase[] GetGridSensors() |
{ |
List<GridSensorBase> sensorList = new List<GridSensorBase>(); |
var sensor = new OneHotGridSensor(m_SensorName + "-OneHot", m_CellScale, m_GridSize, m_DetectableTags, m_CompressionType); |
sensorList.Add(sensor); |
return sensorList.ToArray(); |
} |
/// <summary>
/// Update fields that are safe to change on the Sensor at runtime.
/// </summary>
internal void UpdateSensor() |
{ |
if (m_Sensors != null) |
{ |
m_BoxOverlapChecker.RotateWithAgent = m_RotateWithAgent; |
m_BoxOverlapChecker.ColliderMask = m_ColliderMask; |
foreach (var sensor in m_Sensors) |
{ |
((GridSensorBase)sensor).CompressionType = m_CompressionType; |
} |
} |
} |
void OnDrawGizmos() |
{ |
if (m_ShowGizmos) |
{ |
if (m_BoxOverlapChecker == null || m_DebugSensor == null) |
{ |
return; |
} |
m_DebugSensor.ResetPerceptionBuffer(); |
m_BoxOverlapChecker.UpdateGizmo(); |
var cellColors = m_DebugSensor.PerceptionBuffer; |
var rotation = m_BoxOverlapChecker.GetGridRotation(); |
var scale = new Vector3(m_CellScale.x, 1, m_CellScale.z); |
var gizmoYOffset = new Vector3(0, m_GizmoYOffset, 0); |
var oldGizmoMatrix = Gizmos.matrix; |
for (var i = 0; i < m_DebugSensor.PerceptionBuffer.Length; i++) |
{ |
var cellPosition = m_BoxOverlapChecker.GetCellGlobalPosition(i); |
var cubeTransform = Matrix4x4.TRS(cellPosition + gizmoYOffset, rotation, scale); |
Gizmos.matrix = oldGizmoMatrix * cubeTransform; |
var colorIndex = cellColors[i] - 1; |
var debugRayColor = Color.white; |
if (colorIndex > -1 && m_DebugColors.Length > colorIndex) |
{ |
debugRayColor = m_DebugColors[(int)colorIndex]; |
} |
Gizmos.color = new Color(debugRayColor.r, debugRayColor.g, debugRayColor.b, .5f); |
Gizmos.DrawCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one); |
} |
Gizmos.matrix = oldGizmoMatrix; |
} |
} |
} |
} |