
Minor tweaks to Using-Docker.md

- For docker run commands, ensured each flag is on its own line (for readability)
- Standardized capitalization for “Docker” and “image”
- Removed lingering empty line
- Minor rewordings
Marwan Mattar 7 年前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 7 次插入6 次删除
  1. 13


--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/unity-volume,target=/unity-volume \
<image-name>:latest <environment-name> \
--docker-target-name=unity-volume \
--train --run-id=<run-id>
--train \
- `<container-name>` is used to identify the container (in case you want to interrupt and terminate it). This is optional and Docker will set a random string if this is not set. _Note that this must be unique for every run of a Docker Image_
- `<container-name>` is used to identify the container (in case you want to interrupt and terminate it). This is optional and Docker will generate a random name if this is not set. _Note that this must be unique for every run of a Docker image._
- `<image-name>` and `<environment-name>`: References the image and environment names, respectively.
- `source`: Reference to the path in your host OS where you will store the Unity executable.
- `target`: Tells Docker to mount the `source` path as a disk with this name.

--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/unity-volume,target=/unity-volume \
balance.ball.v0.1:latest 3Dball \
--docker-target-name=unity-volume \
--train --run-id=3dball_first_trial
--train \
For more detail on Docker mounts, check out [these](https://docs.docker.com/storage/bind-mounts/) docs from Docker.

If you are satisfied with the progress being made by the algorithm in training, you can stop the docker container, while saving state using the following :
If you are satisfied with the training progress, you can stop the Docker container while saving state using the following command:
`<container-name>` is the name of the container that you set during the `docker run`. If you didn't set the container name there, you can find the automatically generated identifier by running `docker container ls`.
`<container-name>` is the name of the container specified in the earlier `docker run` command. If you didn't specify one, you can find the randomly generated identifier by running `docker container ls`.