2. In the **Project** window, go to `Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/Prefabs` folder.
Expand `Game` and click on the `Platform` prefab.
**Note**: The platforms in the `3DBall` scene were created using the `Platform` prefab. Instead of editing all 12 platforms, you can update the `Platform` prefab instead.
**Note**: The platforms in the `3DBall` scene were created using the `Platform` prefab. Instead of updating all 12 platforms individually, you can update the `Platform` prefab instead.
![Platform Prefab](images/platform_prefab.png)
3. In the `Ball 3D Agent` Component: Drag the **3DBallLearning** Brain located in
`Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/3DBall/Brains` into the `Brain` property of