Make sure to replace the relevant directory location with the one you have installed.
Make sure to replace the relevant directory location with the one you have installed._Please note that case sensitivity matters_.
## Step 4: Install Python via Anaconda
<ahref=""target="_blank">Download</a> and install Anaconda for Windows. By using Anaconda, you can use manage separate environments for different distributions of Python. We **strongly** recommend using Python 3 as we do not guarantee supporting Python 2 in future releases. In this guide, we are using Python version 3.6 and Anaconda version 5.1 ([64-bit]( or [32-bit]( direct links).
pip install .
This will complete the installation of all the required Python packages to run ML-Agents.
## Step 6: Acknowledgements
We would like to thank [Jason Weimann]( and [Nitish S. Mutha]( for writing the original articles which were used to create this guide.