### Minor Changes |
#### com.unity.ml-agents (C#) |
- The `IActuator` interface and `ActuatorComponent` abstract class were added. |
These are analogous to `ISensor` and `SensorComponent`, but for applying actions |
for an Agent. They allow you to control the action space more programmatically |
than defining the actions in the Agent's Behavior Parameters. See |
[BasicActuatorComponent.cs](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/blob/release_7_docs/Project/Assets/ML-Agents/Examples/Basic/Scripts/BasicActuatorComponent.cs) |
for an example of how to use them. (#4297, #4315) |
- GridSensor was added to the com.unity.ml-agents.extensions package. Thank you |
- GridSensor was added to the `com.unity.ml-agents.extensions` package. Thank you |
to Jaden Travnik from Eidos Montreal for the contribution! (#4399) |
- Added `Agent.EpisodeInterrupted()`, which can be used to reset the agent when |
it has reached a user-determined maximum number of steps. This behaves similarly |
[the PyTorch website](https://pytorch.org/) for installation instructions. (#4335) |
- The minimum supported version of TensorFlow was increased to 1.14.0. (#4411) |
- Compressed visual observations with >3 channels are now supported. In |
ISensor.GetCompressedObservation(), this can be done by writing 3 channels at a |
`ISensor.GetCompressedObservation()`, this can be done by writing 3 channels at a |
time to a PNG and concatenating the resulting bytes. (#4399) |
- The Communication API was changed to 1.1.0 to indicate support for concatenated PNGs |
(see above). Newer versions of the package that wish to make use of this will also need |
### Bug Fixes |
#### com.unity.ml-agents (C#) |
- The package dependencies were updated to include the built-in packages that are used also. (#4384) |
- Previously, `com.unity.ml-agents` was not declaring built-in packages as |
dependencies in its package.json. The relevant dependencies are now listed. (#4384) |
#### ml-agents / ml-agents-envs / gym-unity (Python) |
- Fixed the sample code in the custom SideChannel example. (#4466) |
- A bug in the observation normalizer that would cause rewards to decrease |