
Ray Perception Sensor docs (#2911)

* docs, migration, timers

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Timers;
using UnityEngine;
namespace MLAgents.Sensor

public int Write(WriteAdapter adapter)
m_RayDistance, m_Angles, m_DetectableObjects, m_StartOffset, m_EndOffset,
m_CastRadius, m_Transform, m_CastType, m_Observations, false, m_DebugDisplayInfo
using (TimerStack.Instance.Scoped("RayPerceptionSensor.Perceive"))
m_RayDistance, m_Angles, m_DetectableObjects, m_StartOffset, m_EndOffset,
m_CastRadius, m_Transform, m_CastType, m_Observations, false, m_DebugDisplayInfo
return m_Observations.Length;


![Agent RenderTexture Debug](images/gridworld.png)
### Raycast Observations
Raycasts are an alternative system for the Agent to provide observations based on
the physical environment. This can be easily implemented by adding a
RayPerceptionSensorComponent3D (or RayPerceptionSensorComponent2D) to the Agent.
During observations, several rays (or spheres, depending on settings) are cast into
the physics world, and the objects that are hit determine the observation vector that
is produced.
![Agent with two RayPerceptionSensorComponent3Ds](images/ray_perception.png)
Both sensor components have several settings:
* _Detectable Tags_ A list of strings corresponding to the types of objects that the
Agent should be able to distinguish between. For example, in the WallJump example,
we use "wall", "goal", and "block" as the list of objects to detect.
* _Rays Per Direction_ Determines the number of rays that are cast. One ray is
always cast forward, and this many rays are cast to the left and right.
* _Max Ray Degrees_ The angle (in degrees) for the outermost rays. 90 degrees
corresponds to the left and right of the agent.
* _ Sphere Cast Radius_ The size of the sphere used for sphere casting. If set
to 0, rays will be used instead of spheres. Rays may be more efficient,
especially in complex scenes.
* _Ray Length_ The length of the casts
* _Observation Stacks_ The number of previous results to "stack" with the cast
results. Note that this can be independent of the "Stacked Vectors" setting
in `Behavior Parameters`.
* _Start Vertical Offset_ (3D only) The vertical offset of the ray start point.
* _End Vertical Offset_ (3D only) The vertical offset of the ray end point.
In the example image above, the Agent has two RayPerceptionSensorComponent3Ds.
Both use 3 Rays Per Direction and 90 Max Ray Degrees. One of the components
had a vertical offset, so the Agent can tell whether it's clear to jump over
the wall.
The total size of the created observations is
(Observation Stacks) * (1 + 2 * Rays Per Direction) * (Num Detectable Tags + 2)
so the number of rays and tags should be kept as small as possible to reduce the
amount of data used. Note that this is separate from the State Size defined in
`Behavior Parameters`, so you don't need to worry about the formula above when
setting the State Size.
## Vector Actions
An action is an instruction from the Policy that the agent carries out. The


## Migrating from ML-Agents toolkit v0.11.0
### Important Changes
Text actions and observations, and custom action and observation protos have been removed.
* Text actions and observations, and custom action and observation protos have been removed.
* RayPerception3D and RayPerception2D are marked deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. They can be replaced by RayPerceptionSensorComponent3D and RayPerceptionSensorComponent2D.
* If you use RayPerception3D, replace it with RayPerceptionSensorComponent3D (and similarly for 2D). The settings, such as ray angles and detectable tags, are configured on the component now.
RayPerception3D would contribute `(# of rays) * (# of tags + 2)` to the State Size in Behavior Parameters, but this is no longer necessary, so you should reduce the State Size by this amount.
Making this change will require retraining your model, since the observations that RayPerceptionSensorComponent3D produces are different from the old behavior.
## Migrating from ML-Agents toolkit v0.10 to v0.11.0


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