* In C#, `OnMessageReceived` now takes a `IncomingMessage` argument, and `QueueMessageToSend` takes an `OutgoingMessage` argument.
* In python, `on_message_received` now takes a `IncomingMessage` argument, and `queue_message_to_send` takes an `OutgoingMessage` argument.
* Automatic stepping for Academy is now controlled from the AutomaticSteppingEnabled property.
### Steps to Migrate
* Add the `using MLAgents.Sensors;` in addition to `using MLAgents;` on top of your Agent's script.
* `GiveModel()` to `SetModel()`
* Replace `IFloatProperties` variables with `FloatPropertiesChannel` variables.
* If you implemented custom `SideChannels`, update the signatures of your methods, and add your data to the `OutgoingMessage` or read it from the `IncomingMessage`.
* Replace calls to Academy.EnableAutomaticStepping()/DisableAutomaticStepping() with Academy.AutomaticSteppingEnabled = true/false.