using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; |
using JetBrains.Annotations; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.external; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.external; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; |
using UnityEngine; |
Widget build(BuildContext context, int index); |
Widget build(BuildContext context, int index); |
public readonly List<Widget> children; |
public ListWheelChildListDelegate( |
List<Widget> children |
) { |
public readonly List<Widget> children; |
public int? estimatedChildCount { |
get { return children.Count; } |
return null; |
} |
return new IndexedSemantics(child: children[index], index: index); |
return new IndexedSemantics(child: children[index: index], index: index); |
} |
public int trueIndexOf(int index) { |
} |
public class ListWheelChildLoopingListDelegate : ListWheelChildDelegate { |
public readonly List<Widget> children; |
public ListWheelChildLoopingListDelegate( |
List<Widget> children |
) { |
public readonly List<Widget> children; |
public int? estimatedChildCount { |
get { return null; } |
return index % children.Count; |
var result = index % children.Count; |
if (index < 0) {result = result + children.Count; } |
return result; |
} |
public Widget build(BuildContext context, int index) { |
return new IndexedSemantics(child: children[Mathf.Abs(index % children.Count)]); |
} |
} |
public class ListWheelChildBuilderDelegate : ListWheelChildDelegate { |
public readonly IndexedWidgetBuilder builder; |
public readonly int? childCount; |
public ListWheelChildBuilderDelegate( |
IndexedWidgetBuilder builder, |
int? childCount = null |
this.childCount = childCount; |
} |
public readonly IndexedWidgetBuilder builder; |
public readonly int? childCount; |
public int? estimatedChildCount { |
get { return childCount; } |
} |
Widget child = builder(context, index); |
var child = builder(context: context, index: index); |
return child == null ? null : new IndexedSemantics(child: child); |
} |
return new IndexedSemantics(child: builder(context, index)); |
return new IndexedSemantics(child: builder(context: context, index: index)); |
} |
public int trueIndexOf(int index) { |
class ListWheelScrollViewUtils { |
public static int _getItemFromOffset( |
float offset , |
float itemExtent , |
float minScrollExtent , |
float maxScrollExtent |
float offset, |
float itemExtent, |
float minScrollExtent, |
float maxScrollExtent |
return (_clipOffsetToScrollableRange(offset, minScrollExtent, maxScrollExtent) / itemExtent).round(); |
return (_clipOffsetToScrollableRange(offset: offset, minScrollExtent: minScrollExtent, |
maxScrollExtent: maxScrollExtent) / itemExtent).round(); |
return Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(offset, minScrollExtent), maxScrollExtent); |
return Mathf.Min(Mathf.Max(a: offset, b: minScrollExtent), b: maxScrollExtent); |
public readonly int initialItem; |
public FixedExtentScrollController( |
int initialItem = 0 |
) { |
public readonly int initialItem; |
public int selectedItem { |
get { |
D.assert(positions.isNotEmpty(), |
() => |
"The selectedItem property cannot be read when multiple scroll views are attached to the same FixedExtentScrollController." |
); |
_FixedExtentScrollPosition position = (_FixedExtentScrollPosition) this.position; |
var position = (_FixedExtentScrollPosition) this.position; |
return position.itemIndex; |
} |
} |
if (!hasClients) { |
return null; |
} |
List<Future> futures = new List<Future>(); |
foreach (_FixedExtentScrollPosition position in positions.Cast<_FixedExtentScrollPosition>()) { |
var futures = new List<Future>(); |
foreach (var position in positions.Cast<_FixedExtentScrollPosition>()) { |
futures.Add(position.animateTo( |
itemIndex * position.itemExtent, |
duration: duration, |
return Future.wait<object>(futures); |
return Future.wait<object>(futures: futures); |
foreach (_FixedExtentScrollPosition position in positions.Cast<_FixedExtentScrollPosition>()) { |
foreach (var position in positions.Cast<_FixedExtentScrollPosition>()) { |
ScrollPhysics physics, |
ScrollPhysics physics, |
ScrollContext context, |
ScrollPosition oldPosition) { |
return new _FixedExtentScrollPosition( |
public class FixedExtentMetrics : FixedScrollMetrics, IFixedExtentMetrics { |
public FixedExtentMetrics( |
float minScrollExtent , |
float minScrollExtent, |
float pixels , |
float viewportDimension , |
AxisDirection axisDirection , |
int itemIndex |
float pixels, |
float viewportDimension, |
AxisDirection axisDirection, |
int itemIndex |
minScrollExtent: minScrollExtent , |
maxScrollExtent: maxScrollExtent , |
pixels: pixels , |
viewportDimension: viewportDimension , |
minScrollExtent: minScrollExtent, |
maxScrollExtent: maxScrollExtent, |
pixels: pixels, |
viewportDimension: viewportDimension, |
axisDirection: axisDirection |
) { |
this.itemIndex = itemIndex; |
int? itemIndex = null |
) { |
return new FixedExtentMetrics( |
minScrollExtent: minScrollExtent ?? this.minScrollExtent, |
maxScrollExtent: maxScrollExtent ?? this.maxScrollExtent, |
pixels: pixels ?? this.pixels, |
viewportDimension: viewportDimension ?? this.viewportDimension, |
axisDirection: axisDirection ?? this.axisDirection, |
itemIndex: itemIndex ?? this.itemIndex |
minScrollExtent ?? this.minScrollExtent, |
maxScrollExtent ?? this.maxScrollExtent, |
pixels ?? this.pixels, |
viewportDimension ?? this.viewportDimension, |
axisDirection ?? this.axisDirection, |
itemIndex ?? this.itemIndex |
} |
class _FixedExtentScrollPosition : ScrollPositionWithSingleContext, IFixedExtentMetrics { |
) : base( |
physics: physics, |
context: context, |
initialPixels: _getItemExtentFromScrollContext(context) * (initialItem ?? 0.0f), |
_getItemExtentFromScrollContext(context: context) * (initialItem ?? 0.0f), |
keepScrollOffset: keepScrollOffset, |
oldPosition: oldPosition, |
debugLabel: debugLabel |
); |
} |
static float _getItemExtentFromScrollContext(ScrollContext context) { |
_FixedExtentScrollableState scrollable = (_FixedExtentScrollableState) context; |
return scrollable.itemExtent; |
} |
get { return _getItemExtentFromScrollContext(context); } |
get { return _getItemExtentFromScrollContext(context: context); } |
} |
int? itemIndex = null |
) { |
return new FixedExtentMetrics( |
minScrollExtent: minScrollExtent ?? this.minScrollExtent, |
maxScrollExtent: maxScrollExtent ?? this.maxScrollExtent, |
pixels: pixels ?? this.pixels, |
viewportDimension: viewportDimension ?? this.viewportDimension, |
axisDirection: axisDirection ?? this.axisDirection, |
itemIndex: itemIndex ?? this.itemIndex |
minScrollExtent ?? this.minScrollExtent, |
maxScrollExtent ?? this.maxScrollExtent, |
pixels ?? this.pixels, |
viewportDimension ?? this.viewportDimension, |
axisDirection ?? this.axisDirection, |
itemIndex ?? this.itemIndex |
static float _getItemExtentFromScrollContext(ScrollContext context) { |
var scrollable = (_FixedExtentScrollableState) context; |
return scrollable.itemExtent; |
} |
public readonly float itemExtent; |
ScrollPhysics physics = null, |
ScrollPhysics physics = null, |
) : base( |
key: key, |
axisDirection: axisDirection, |
) { |
this.itemExtent = itemExtent; |
} |
public readonly float itemExtent; |
public override State createState() { |
return new _FixedExtentScrollableState(); |
class _FixedExtentScrollableState : ScrollableState { |
public float itemExtent { |
get { |
_FixedExtentScrollable actualWidget = (_FixedExtentScrollable) widget; |
var actualWidget = (_FixedExtentScrollable) widget; |
return actualWidget.itemExtent; |
} |
} |
public class FixedExtentScrollPhysics : ScrollPhysics { |
public FixedExtentScrollPhysics( |
ScrollPhysics parent = null |
) : base(parent: parent) { } |
) : base(parent: parent) { |
} |
return new FixedExtentScrollPhysics(parent: buildParent(ancestor)); |
return new FixedExtentScrollPhysics(buildParent(ancestor: ancestor)); |
} |
public override Simulation createBallisticSimulation(ScrollMetrics position, float velocity) { |
"the FixedExtentScrollController" |
); |
_FixedExtentScrollPosition metrics = (_FixedExtentScrollPosition) position; |
var metrics = (_FixedExtentScrollPosition) position; |
if ((velocity <= 0.0f && metrics.pixels <= metrics.minScrollExtent) || |
(velocity >= 0.0f && metrics.pixels >= metrics.maxScrollExtent)) { |
return base.createBallisticSimulation(metrics, velocity); |
if (velocity <= 0.0f && metrics.pixels <= metrics.minScrollExtent || |
velocity >= 0.0f && metrics.pixels >= metrics.maxScrollExtent) { |
return base.createBallisticSimulation(position: metrics, velocity: velocity); |
Simulation testFrictionSimulation = |
base.createBallisticSimulation(metrics, velocity); |
var testFrictionSimulation = |
base.createBallisticSimulation(position: metrics, velocity: velocity); |
&& (testFrictionSimulation.x(float.PositiveInfinity) == metrics.minScrollExtent |
|| testFrictionSimulation.x(float.PositiveInfinity) == metrics.maxScrollExtent)) { |
return base.createBallisticSimulation(metrics, velocity); |
&& (testFrictionSimulation.x(time: float.PositiveInfinity) == metrics.minScrollExtent |
|| testFrictionSimulation.x(time: float.PositiveInfinity) == metrics.maxScrollExtent)) { |
return base.createBallisticSimulation(position: metrics, velocity: velocity); |
int settlingItemIndex = ListWheelScrollViewUtils._getItemFromOffset( |
offset: testFrictionSimulation?.x(float.PositiveInfinity) ?? metrics.pixels, |
var settlingItemIndex = ListWheelScrollViewUtils._getItemFromOffset( |
testFrictionSimulation?.x(time: float.PositiveInfinity) ?? metrics.pixels, |
float settlingPixels = settlingItemIndex * metrics.itemExtent; |
var settlingPixels = settlingItemIndex * metrics.itemExtent; |
if (velocity.abs() < tolerance.velocity |
&& (settlingPixels - metrics.pixels).abs() < tolerance.distance) { |
if (settlingItemIndex == metrics.itemIndex) { |
return new SpringSimulation( |
spring, |
metrics.pixels, |
settlingPixels, |
velocity, |
spring: spring, |
start: metrics.pixels, |
end: settlingPixels, |
velocity: velocity, |
metrics.pixels, |
settlingPixels, |
velocity, |
startPosition: metrics.pixels, |
endPosition: settlingPixels, |
startVelocity: velocity, |
tolerance.velocity * velocity.sign() |
); |
} |
public readonly bool clipToSize; |
public readonly ScrollController controller; |
public readonly float diameterRatio; |
public readonly float itemExtent; |
public readonly float magnification; |
public readonly float offAxisFraction; |
public readonly ValueChanged<int> onSelectedItemChanged; |
public readonly float overAndUnderCenterOpacity; |
public readonly float perspective; |
public readonly ScrollPhysics physics; |
public readonly bool renderChildrenOutsideViewport; |
public readonly float squeeze; |
public readonly bool useMagnifier; |
public ListWheelChildDelegate childDelegate; |
public ListWheelScrollView( |
List<Widget> children, |
float itemExtent, |
this.renderChildrenOutsideViewport = renderChildrenOutsideViewport; |
} |
public ListWheelScrollView ( |
public ListWheelScrollView( |
float itemExtent, |
Key key = null, |
ScrollController controller = null, |
ListWheelChildDelegate childDelegate = null |
) : base(key: key) { |
D.assert(childDelegate != null); |
D.assert(diameterRatio > 0.0, ()=>RenderListWheelViewport.diameterRatioZeroMessage); |
D.assert(diameterRatio > 0.0, () => RenderListWheelViewport.diameterRatioZeroMessage); |
D.assert(perspective <= 0.01,()=> RenderListWheelViewport.perspectiveTooHighMessage); |
D.assert(perspective <= 0.01, () => RenderListWheelViewport.perspectiveTooHighMessage); |
D.assert(magnification > 0); |
D.assert(overAndUnderCenterOpacity >= 0 && overAndUnderCenterOpacity <= 1); |
D.assert(itemExtent != null); |
!renderChildrenOutsideViewport || !clipToSize,()=> |
RenderListWheelViewport.clipToSizeAndRenderChildrenOutsideViewportConflict |
!renderChildrenOutsideViewport || !clipToSize, () => |
RenderListWheelViewport.clipToSizeAndRenderChildrenOutsideViewportConflict |
); |
this.controller = controller; |
this.physics = physics; |
this.childDelegate = childDelegate; |
} |
public readonly ScrollController controller; |
public readonly ScrollPhysics physics; |
public readonly float diameterRatio; |
public readonly float perspective; |
public readonly float offAxisFraction; |
public readonly bool useMagnifier; |
public readonly float magnification; |
public readonly float itemExtent; |
public readonly float overAndUnderCenterOpacity; |
public readonly float squeeze; |
public readonly ValueChanged<int> onSelectedItemChanged; |
public readonly bool clipToSize; |
public readonly bool renderChildrenOutsideViewport; |
public ListWheelChildDelegate childDelegate; |
public override State createState() { |
return new _ListWheelScrollViewState(); |
} |
int _lastReportedItemIndex = 0; |
int _lastReportedItemIndex; |
ScrollController scrollController; |
public override void initState() { |
} |
public override void didUpdateWidget(StatefulWidget oldWidget) { |
base.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); |
base.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget: oldWidget); |
ScrollController oldScrollController = scrollController; |
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) => { oldScrollController.dispose(); }); |
var oldScrollController = scrollController; |
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback(_ => { oldScrollController.dispose(); }); |
scrollController = widget.controller; |
} |
} |
onNotification: (ScrollNotification notification) => { |
onNotification: notification => { |
int currentItemIndex = metrics.itemIndex; |
var currentItemIndex = metrics.itemIndex; |
int trueIndex = widget.childDelegate.trueIndexOf(currentItemIndex); |
widget.onSelectedItemChanged(trueIndex); |
var trueIndex = widget.childDelegate.trueIndexOf(index: currentItemIndex); |
widget.onSelectedItemChanged(value: trueIndex); |
} |
} |
controller: scrollController, |
physics: widget.physics, |
itemExtent: widget.itemExtent, |
viewportBuilder: (BuildContext _context, ViewportOffset _offset) => { |
viewportBuilder: (_context, _offset) => { |
return new ListWheelViewport( |
diameterRatio: widget.diameterRatio, |
perspective: widget.perspective, |
overAndUnderCenterOpacity: widget.overAndUnderCenterOpacity, |
itemExtent: widget.itemExtent , |
itemExtent: widget.itemExtent, |
squeeze: widget.squeeze, |
clipToSize: widget.clipToSize, |
renderChildrenOutsideViewport: widget.renderChildrenOutsideViewport, |
} |
public class ListWheelElement : RenderObjectElement, IListWheelChildManager { |
public ListWheelElement(ListWheelViewport widget) : base(widget) { } |
readonly SplayTree<int, Element> _childElements = new SplayTree<int, Element>(); |
readonly Dictionary<int, Widget> _childWidgets = new Dictionary<int, Widget>(); |
public ListWheelElement(ListWheelViewport widget) : base(widget: widget) { |
} |
public new ListWheelViewport widget { |
get { return (ListWheelViewport) base.widget; } |
get { return (RenderListWheelViewport)base.renderObject; } |
get { return (RenderListWheelViewport) base.renderObject; } |
public int? childCount { |
get { return widget.childDelegate.estimatedChildCount; } |
} |
readonly Dictionary<int, Widget> _childWidgets = new Dictionary<int, Widget>(); |
public bool childExistsAt(int index) { |
return retrieveWidget(index: index) != null; |
} |
public void createChild(int index, RenderBox after) { |
owner.buildScope(this, () => { |
var insertFirst = after == null; |
D.assert(insertFirst || _childElements.getOrDefault(index - 1) != null); |
var newChild = updateChild(_childElements.getOrDefault(key: index), retrieveWidget(index: index), |
newSlot: index); |
if (newChild != null) { |
_childElements[key: index] = newChild; |
} |
else { |
_childElements.Remove(key: index); |
} |
}); |
} |
readonly SplayTree<int, Element> _childElements = new SplayTree<int, Element>(); |
public void removeChild(RenderBox child) { |
var index = renderObject.indexOf(child: child); |
owner.buildScope(this, () => { |
D.assert(_childElements.ContainsKey(key: index)); |
var result = updateChild(_childElements[key: index], null, newSlot: index); |
D.assert(result == null); |
_childElements.Remove(key: index); |
D.assert(!_childElements.ContainsKey(key: index)); |
}); |
} |
ListWheelViewport oldWidget = widget; |
base.update(newWidget); |
ListWheelChildDelegate newDelegate = ((ListWheelViewport) newWidget).childDelegate; |
ListWheelChildDelegate oldDelegate = oldWidget.childDelegate; |
var oldWidget = widget; |
base.update(newWidget: newWidget); |
var newDelegate = ((ListWheelViewport) newWidget).childDelegate; |
var oldDelegate = oldWidget.childDelegate; |
(newDelegate.GetType() != oldDelegate.GetType() || newDelegate.shouldRebuild(oldDelegate))) { |
(newDelegate.GetType() != oldDelegate.GetType() || |
newDelegate.shouldRebuild(oldDelegate: oldDelegate))) { |
public int? childCount { |
get { return widget.childDelegate.estimatedChildCount; } |
} |
protected override void performRebuild() { |
_childWidgets.Clear(); |
base.performRebuild(); |
int firstIndex = _childElements.First()?.Key ?? 0; |
int lastIndex = _childElements.Last()?.Key ?? _childElements.Count; |
var firstIndex = _childElements.First()?.Key ?? 0; |
var lastIndex = _childElements.Last()?.Key ?? _childElements.Count; |
for (int index = firstIndex; index <= lastIndex; ++index) { |
Element newChild = updateChild(_childElements[index], retrieveWidget(index), index); |
for (var index = firstIndex; index <= lastIndex; ++index) { |
var newChild = updateChild(_childElements[key: index], retrieveWidget(index: index), newSlot: index); |
_childElements[index] = newChild; |
_childElements[key: index] = newChild; |
_childElements.Remove(index); |
_childElements.Remove(key: index); |
return _childWidgets.putIfAbsent(index, |
() => { return widget.childDelegate.build(this, index); }); |
} |
public bool childExistsAt(int index) { |
return retrieveWidget(index) != null; |
} |
public void createChild(int index, RenderBox after) { |
owner.buildScope(this, () => { |
bool insertFirst = after == null; |
D.assert(insertFirst || _childElements.getOrDefault(index - 1) != null); |
Element newChild = updateChild(_childElements.getOrDefault(index), retrieveWidget(index), index); |
if (newChild != null) { |
_childElements[index] = newChild; |
} |
else { |
_childElements.Remove(index); |
} |
}); |
} |
public void removeChild(RenderBox child) { |
int index = renderObject.indexOf(child); |
owner.buildScope(this, () => { |
D.assert(_childElements.ContainsKey(index)); |
Element result = updateChild(_childElements[index], null, index); |
D.assert(result == null); |
_childElements.Remove(index); |
D.assert(!_childElements.ContainsKey(index)); |
}); |
return _childWidgets.putIfAbsent(key: index, |
() => { return widget.childDelegate.build(this, index: index); }); |
ListWheelParentData oldParentData = (ListWheelParentData) child?.renderObject?.parentData; |
Element newChild = base.updateChild(child, newWidget, newSlot); |
ListWheelParentData newParentData = (ListWheelParentData) newChild?.renderObject?.parentData; |
var oldParentData = (ListWheelParentData) child?.renderObject?.parentData; |
var newChild = base.updateChild(child: child, newWidget: newWidget, newSlot: newSlot); |
var newParentData = (ListWheelParentData) newChild?.renderObject?.parentData; |
if (newParentData != null) { |
newParentData.index = (int) newSlot; |
if (oldParentData != null) { |
} |
protected override void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, object slot) { |
RenderListWheelViewport renderObject = this.renderObject; |
D.assert(renderObject.debugValidateChild(child)); |
int slotNum = (int) slot; |
renderObject.insert(child as RenderBox, after: _childElements.getOrDefault(slotNum - 1)?.renderObject as RenderBox); |
var renderObject = this.renderObject; |
D.assert(renderObject.debugValidateChild(child: child)); |
var slotNum = (int) slot; |
renderObject.insert(child as RenderBox, |
_childElements.getOrDefault(slotNum - 1)?.renderObject as RenderBox); |
protected override void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, dynamic slot) { |
string moveChildRenderObjectErrorMessage = |
protected override void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, dynamic slot) { |
var moveChildRenderObjectErrorMessage = |
"Currently we maintain the list in contiguous increasing order, so " + |
"moving children around is not allowed."; |
D.assert(false, () => moveChildRenderObjectErrorMessage); |
public override void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) { |
foreach (var item in _childElements) { |
visitor(item.Value); |
visitor(element: item.Value); |
} |
} |
} |
public class ListWheelViewport : RenderObjectWidget { |
public readonly ListWheelChildDelegate childDelegate; |
public readonly bool clipToSize; |
public readonly float diameterRatio; |
public readonly float? itemExtent; |
public readonly float magnification; |
public readonly float offAxisFraction; |
public readonly ViewportOffset offset; |
public readonly float overAndUnderCenterOpacity; |
public readonly float perspective; |
public readonly bool renderChildrenOutsideViewport; |
public readonly float squeeze; |
public readonly bool useMagnifier; |
public ListWheelViewport( |
Key key = null, |
float diameterRatio = RenderListWheelViewport.defaultDiameterRatio, |
this.childDelegate = childDelegate; |
} |
public readonly float diameterRatio; |
public readonly float perspective; |
public readonly float offAxisFraction; |
public readonly bool useMagnifier; |
public readonly float magnification; |
public readonly float overAndUnderCenterOpacity; |
public readonly float? itemExtent; |
public readonly float squeeze; |
public readonly bool clipToSize; |
public readonly bool renderChildrenOutsideViewport; |
public readonly ViewportOffset offset; |
public readonly ListWheelChildDelegate childDelegate; |
ListWheelElement childManager = (ListWheelElement) context; |
var childManager = (ListWheelElement) context; |
return new RenderListWheelViewport( |
childManager: childManager, |
offset: offset, |
useMagnifier: useMagnifier, |
magnification: magnification, |
overAndUnderCenterOpacity: overAndUnderCenterOpacity, |
itemExtent: itemExtent ?? 1.0f , |
itemExtent: itemExtent ?? 1.0f, |
squeeze: squeeze, |
clipToSize: clipToSize, |
renderChildrenOutsideViewport: renderChildrenOutsideViewport |