Alignment alignCenterLeft; |
Alignment alignCenterRight; |
int selectedHour = 0; |
int selectedMinute = 0; |
int selectedSecond = 0; |
int selectedHour; |
int selectedMinute; |
int selectedSecond; |
int lastSelectedHour = 0; |
int lastSelectedMinute = 0; |
int lastSelectedSecond = 0; |
int lastSelectedHour; |
int lastSelectedMinute; |
int lastSelectedSecond; |
float numberLabelWidth = 0f; |
float numberLabelHeight = 0f; |
float numberLabelBaseline = 0f; |
float numberLabelWidth; |
float numberLabelHeight; |
float numberLabelBaseline; |
if (widget.mode != CupertinoTimerPickerMode.ms) { |
selectedHour = (int) widget.initialTimerDuration.TotalHours; |
} |
} |
PaintingBinding.instance.systemFonts.addListener(_handleSystemFontsChange); |
} |
void _handleSystemFontsChange() { |
setState(() =>{ |
numberLabelWidth = textPainter.maxIntrinsicWidth; |
numberLabelHeight = textPainter.height; |
numberLabelBaseline = textPainter.computeDistanceToActualBaseline(TextBaseline.alphabetic); |
} |
} |
EdgeInsetsDirectional padding = EdgeInsetsDirectional.only( |
start: numberLabelWidth |
+ CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerLabelPadSize |
+ pickerPadding.start |
EdgeInsetsDirectional padding = EdgeInsetsDirectional.only( |
start: numberLabelWidth |
+ CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerLabelPadSize |
+ pickerPadding.start |
child: new Container( |
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart.resolve(textDirection), |
padding: padding.resolve(textDirection), |
child: new SizedBox( |
height: numberLabelHeight, |
child: new Baseline( |
baseline: numberLabelBaseline, |
baselineType: TextBaseline.alphabetic, |
child: new Text( |
text, |
style: new TextStyle( |
fontSize: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerLabelFontSize, |
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600), |
maxLines: 1, |
softWrap: false))) |
)); |
} |
Widget _buildPickerNumberLabel(string text, EdgeInsetsDirectional padding) { |
return new Container( |
width: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerColumnIntrinsicWidth + padding.horizontal, |
child: new Container( |
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart.resolve(textDirection), |
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart.resolve(textDirection), |
child: new Container( |
width: numberLabelWidth, |
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd.resolve(textDirection), |
child: new Text(text, softWrap: false, maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.visible) |
child: new SizedBox( |
height: numberLabelHeight, |
child: new Baseline( |
baseline: numberLabelBaseline, |
baselineType: TextBaseline.alphabetic, |
child: new Text( |
text, |
style: new TextStyle( |
fontSize: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerLabelFontSize, |
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600 |
), |
maxLines: 1, |
softWrap: false |
) |
) |
) |
} |
Widget _buildHourPicker(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
List<Widget> widgets = new List<Widget>(); |
for (int index = 0; index < 24; index++) { |
string semanticsLabel = textDirectionFactor == 1 |
? localizations.timerPickerHour(index) + localizations.timerPickerHourLabel(index) |
: localizations.timerPickerHourLabel(index) + localizations.timerPickerHour(index); |
} |
widgets.Add( _buildPickerNumberLabel(localizations.timerPickerHour(index), additionalPadding)); |
} |
Widget _buildPickerNumberLabel(string text, EdgeInsetsDirectional padding) { |
return new Container( |
width: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerColumnIntrinsicWidth + padding.horizontal, |
padding: padding.resolve(textDirection), |
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerStart.resolve(textDirection), |
child: new Container( |
width: numberLabelWidth, |
alignment: AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd.resolve(textDirection), |
child: new Text(text, softWrap: false, maxLines: 1, overflow: TextOverflow.visible) |
) |
); |
} |
Widget _buildHourPicker(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
scrollController: new FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: selectedHour), |
offAxisFraction: -0.5f * textDirectionFactor, |
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent, |
backgroundColor: ((CupertinoTimerPicker)widget).backgroundColor, |
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze, |
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index)=> { |
setState(()=> { |
selectedHour = index; |
widget.onTimerDurationChanged( |
new TimeSpan( |
hours: selectedHour, |
minutes: selectedMinute, |
seconds: selectedSecond != 0 ? selectedSecond : 0)); |
scrollController: new FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: selectedHour), |
offAxisFraction: -0.5f * textDirectionFactor, |
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent, |
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor, |
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze, |
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index)=> { |
setState(() =>{ |
selectedHour = index; |
widget.onTimerDurationChanged( |
new TimeSpan( |
hours: selectedHour, |
minutes: selectedMinute, |
seconds: selectedSecond == 0 ? 0 : selectedHour)); |
}, |
children: widgets |
}, |
children: CupertinoDatePickerUtils.listGenerate(24, (int index) => { |
string semanticsLabel = textDirectionFactor == 1 |
? localizations.timerPickerHour(index) + localizations.timerPickerHourLabel(index) |
: localizations.timerPickerHourLabel(index) + localizations.timerPickerHour(index); |
return _buildPickerNumberLabel(localizations.timerPickerHour(index), additionalPadding); |
}) |
} |
} |
Widget _buildHourColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
Widget _buildHourColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
children: new List<Widget>{ |
new NotificationListener<ScrollEndNotification>( |
onNotification: (ScrollEndNotification notification)=> { |
setState(()=> { lastSelectedHour = selectedHour; }); |
return false; |
}, |
child: _buildHourPicker(additionalPadding) |
), |
_buildLabel( |
localizations.timerPickerHourLabel(lastSelectedHour == 0 ? selectedHour : lastSelectedHour), |
additionalPadding |
), |
}); |
} |
Widget _buildMinutePicker(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
List<Widget> widgets = new List<Widget>(); |
for (int index = 0; index < (int)(60 / widget.minuteInterval); index++) { |
int minute = index * widget.minuteInterval; |
children: new List<Widget>{ |
new NotificationListener<ScrollEndNotification>( |
onNotification: (ScrollEndNotification notification)=> { |
setState(()=> { lastSelectedHour = selectedHour; }); |
return false; |
}, |
child: _buildHourPicker(additionalPadding) |
), |
_buildLabel( |
localizations.timerPickerHourLabel(lastSelectedHour == 0 ? selectedHour : lastSelectedHour), |
additionalPadding |
), |
} |
); |
} |
string semanticsLabel = textDirectionFactor == 1 |
? localizations.timerPickerMinute(minute) + localizations.timerPickerMinuteLabel(minute) |
: localizations.timerPickerMinuteLabel(minute) + localizations.timerPickerMinute(minute); |
widgets.Add(_buildPickerNumberLabel(localizations.timerPickerMinute(minute), additionalPadding) |
); |
} |
Widget _buildMinutePicker(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
switch (widget.mode) { |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hm: |
offAxisFraction = 0.5f * textDirectionFactor; |
switch (widget.mode) { |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hm: |
offAxisFraction = 0.5f * textDirectionFactor; |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hms: |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hms: |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.ms: |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.ms: |
break; |
break; |
scrollController: new FixedExtentScrollController( |
initialItem: (int) (selectedMinute / widget.minuteInterval) |
), |
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction, |
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent, |
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor, |
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze, |
looping: true, |
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index) => { |
setState(() => { |
selectedMinute = index * widget.minuteInterval; |
widget.onTimerDurationChanged( |
new TimeSpan( |
hours: selectedHour == 0 ? 0 : selectedHour, |
minutes: selectedMinute, |
seconds: selectedSecond == 0 ? 0 : selectedSecond)); |
}); |
}, |
children: widgets |
); |
scrollController: new FixedExtentScrollController( |
initialItem: (int)selectedMinute / widget.minuteInterval |
), |
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction, |
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent, |
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor, |
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze, |
looping: true, |
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index) => { |
setState(() =>{ |
selectedMinute = index * widget.minuteInterval; |
widget.onTimerDurationChanged( |
new TimeSpan( |
hours: selectedHour == 0 ? 0 : selectedHour, |
minutes: selectedMinute, |
seconds: selectedSecond == 0 ? 0 : selectedSecond )); |
}); |
}, |
children: CupertinoDatePickerUtils.listGenerate((int)(60 / widget.minuteInterval), (int index) => { |
int minute = index * widget.minuteInterval; |
string semanticsLabel = textDirectionFactor == 1 |
? localizations.timerPickerMinute(minute) + localizations.timerPickerMinuteLabel(minute) |
: localizations.timerPickerMinuteLabel(minute) + localizations.timerPickerMinute(minute); |
} |
Widget _buildMinuteColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
return _buildPickerNumberLabel(localizations.timerPickerMinute(minute), additionalPadding); |
}) |
); |
} |
Widget _buildMinuteColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
setState(()=> { lastSelectedMinute = selectedMinute; }); |
setState(() => { lastSelectedMinute = selectedMinute; }); |
return false; |
}, |
child: _buildMinutePicker(additionalPadding) |
), |
} |
); |
} |
Widget _buildSecondPicker(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
float offAxisFraction = 0.5f * textDirectionFactor; |
} |
Widget _buildSecondPicker(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
float offAxisFraction = 0.5f * textDirectionFactor; |
scrollController: new FixedExtentScrollController( |
initialItem: (int)(selectedSecond / widget.secondInterval) |
), |
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction, |
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent, |
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor, |
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze, |
looping: true, |
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index) =>{ |
setState(()=> { |
selectedSecond = index * widget.secondInterval; |
widget.onTimerDurationChanged( |
new TimeSpan( |
hours: selectedHour == 0 ? 0 : selectedHour, |
minutes: selectedMinute, |
seconds: selectedSecond)); |
}); |
}, |
children: CupertinoDatePickerUtils.listGenerate((int)60 / widget.secondInterval, (int index)=> { |
int second = index * widget.secondInterval; |
string semanticsLabel = textDirectionFactor == 1 |
? localizations.timerPickerSecond(second) + localizations.timerPickerSecondLabel(second) |
: localizations.timerPickerSecondLabel(second) + localizations.timerPickerSecond(second); |
scrollController: new FixedExtentScrollController( |
initialItem: (int) selectedSecond / widget.secondInterval |
), |
offAxisFraction: offAxisFraction, |
itemExtent: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kItemExtent, |
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor, |
squeeze: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kSqueeze, |
looping: true, |
onSelectedItemChanged: (int index)=> { |
setState(() => { |
selectedSecond = index * widget.secondInterval; |
widget.onTimerDurationChanged( |
new TimeSpan( |
hours: selectedHour == 0 ? 0 : selectedHour, |
minutes: selectedMinute, |
seconds: selectedSecond)); |
}); |
}, |
children: CupertinoDatePickerUtils.listGenerate((int) (60 / widget.secondInterval), (int index)=> { |
int second = index * widget.secondInterval; |
return _buildPickerNumberLabel(localizations.timerPickerSecond(second), additionalPadding); |
}) |
); |
} |
Widget _buildSecondColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
string semanticsLabel = textDirectionFactor == 1 |
? localizations.timerPickerSecond(second) + localizations.timerPickerSecondLabel(second) |
: localizations.timerPickerSecondLabel(second) + localizations.timerPickerSecond(second); |
return _buildPickerNumberLabel(localizations.timerPickerSecond(second), additionalPadding); |
}) |
); |
} |
Widget _buildSecondColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional additionalPadding) { |
children: new List<Widget>{ |
new NotificationListener<ScrollEndNotification>( |
onNotification: (ScrollEndNotification notification)=> { |
setState(()=> { lastSelectedSecond = selectedSecond; }); |
return false; |
children: new List<Widget>{ |
new NotificationListener<ScrollEndNotification>( |
onNotification: (ScrollEndNotification notification)=> { |
setState(() => { lastSelectedSecond = selectedSecond; }); |
return false; |
}, |
child: _buildSecondPicker(additionalPadding) |
), |
) |
} |
); |
} |
TextStyle _textStyleFrom(BuildContext context) { |
} |
TextStyle _textStyleFrom(BuildContext context) { |
.pickerTextStyle.merge( |
new TextStyle( |
fontSize: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerNumberLabelFontSize |
) |
); |
} |
.pickerTextStyle.merge( |
new TextStyle( |
fontSize: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerNumberLabelFontSize |
) |
); |
} |
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
List<Widget> columns = new List<Widget>(); |
float paddingValue = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kPickerWidth - 2 * CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerColumnIntrinsicWidth - 2 * CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding; |
float totalWidth = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kPickerWidth; |
D.assert(paddingValue >= 0); |
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
List<Widget> columns = new List<Widget>(); |
float paddingValue = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kPickerWidth - |
2 * CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerColumnIntrinsicWidth - 2 * CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding; |
float totalWidth = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kPickerWidth; |
D.assert(paddingValue >= 0); |
switch (widget.mode) { |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hm: |
columns = new List<Widget>{ |
_buildHourColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: paddingValue / 2, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)), |
_buildMinuteColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start:CupertinoDatePickerUtils. _kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: paddingValue / 2)),}; |
break; |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.ms: |
columns = new List<Widget>{ |
_buildMinuteColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: paddingValue / 2, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)), |
_buildSecondColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: paddingValue / 2)), |
}; |
break; |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hms: |
float _paddingValue = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding * 2; |
totalWidth = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerColumnIntrinsicWidth * 3 + 4 * CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding + _paddingValue; |
columns = new List<Widget>{ |
_buildHourColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: _paddingValue / 2, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)), |
_buildMinuteColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)), |
_buildSecondColumn(EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: _paddingValue / 2)), |
switch (widget.mode) { |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hm: |
// Pad the widget to make it as wide as `_kPickerWidth`.
columns = new List<Widget>{ |
_buildHourColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: paddingValue / 2, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)), |
_buildMinuteColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: paddingValue / 2)), |
}; |
break; |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.ms: |
// Pad the widget to make it as wide as `_kPickerWidth`.
columns = new List<Widget>{ |
_buildMinuteColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: paddingValue / 2, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)), |
_buildSecondColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: paddingValue / 2)), |
}; |
break; |
case CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hms: |
float _paddingValue = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding * 2; |
totalWidth = CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerColumnIntrinsicWidth * 3 + 4 * CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding + _paddingValue; |
columns = new List<Widget>{ |
_buildHourColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: _paddingValue / 2, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)), |
_buildMinuteColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding)), |
_buildSecondColumn( EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kTimerPickerHalfColumnPadding, end: _paddingValue / 2)), |
break; |
break; |
CupertinoThemeData themeData = CupertinoTheme.of(context); |
List<Widget> results = new List<Widget>(); |
foreach (var result in columns.Select((Widget child) => new Expanded(child: child)).ToList()) { |
results.Add((Widget)result); |
} |
CupertinoThemeData themeData = CupertinoTheme.of(context); |
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1.0f), |
child: new CupertinoTheme( |
data: themeData.copyWith( |
textTheme: themeData.textTheme.copyWith(pickerTextStyle: _textStyleFrom(context)) |
), |
child: new Align( |
alignment: widget.alignment, |
child: new Container( |
color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.backgroundColor, context), |
width: totalWidth, |
height: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kPickerHeight, |
child: new DefaultTextStyle( |
style: _textStyleFrom(context), |
child: new Row(children: results |
) |
) |
) |
// The native iOS picker's text scaling is fixed, so we will also fix it
// as well in our picker.
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1.0f), |
child: new CupertinoTheme( |
data: themeData.copyWith( |
textTheme: themeData.textTheme.copyWith( |
pickerTextStyle: _textStyleFrom(context) |
) |
), |
child: new Align( |
alignment: widget.alignment, |
child: new Container( |
color: CupertinoDynamicColor.resolve(widget.backgroundColor, context), |
width: totalWidth, |
height: CupertinoDatePickerUtils._kPickerHeight, |
child: new DefaultTextStyle( |
style: _textStyleFrom(context), |
child: new Row( |
children: |
columns.Select((Widget child) => { |
var result = new Expanded(child: child); |
return (Widget) result; |
}).ToList() |
) |
) |
) |
} |
} |
} |
} |