
Merge pull request #274 from Unity-Technologies/2.0.4

update for 2.0.4
GitHub 3 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 15 次插入5 次删除
  1. 9
  2. 11


| -----------------------------------------------| ------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| 1.5.4 及以下 | 2019.4.10f1 及以上 | N\A |
| 2.0.1 | 2019.4.26f1c1 | N\A |
| 2.0.2 及以上 | 2019.4.26f1c1 ~ 2019.4.29f1c1 | N\A |
| 2.0.3 | 2019.4.26f1c1 ~ 2019.4.29f1c1 | N\A |
| 2.0.4及以上 | 2019.4.26f1c1 ~ 2019.4.29f1c1 | 2020.3.24f1c2 及以上 |
#### UIWidgets包

#### 运行环境
**UIWidgets 2.0**目前暂时只支持MacOS(Metal),iOS(Metal),Android(Armv7,OpenGLes)以及 Windows(Direct3D11)。我们后续会针对更广泛的运行环境进行适配,敬请期待。与之相对的,UIWidgets 1.0目前支持所有Unity导出目标平台。
**UIWidgets 2.0**目前暂时只支持MacOS(Intel64,Metal),iOS(Metal),Android(OpenGLes)以及 Windows(Direct3D11)。我们后续会针对更广泛的运行环境进行适配,敬请期待。与之相对的,UIWidgets 1.0目前支持所有Unity导出目标平台。
## 入门指南

在UIWidgets 2.0中我们将一个flutter引擎嵌入到了C++动态库中,然后Unity通过调用这个动态库来进行渲染。因此,它的渲染结果与flutter完全一致,且性能比C#实现的渲染代码有明显提升。不过为了使flutter引擎和Unity可以正确协作,我们对flutter和Unity引擎都进行了一些修改。因此,目前UIWidgets 2.0只能够运行在包含上述修改的中国版Unity中,并且暂时只支持部分Unity的目标平台。
由于UIWidgets 2.0在效果和效率上的优势,因此推荐大家使用。仅当您需要在UIWidgets 2.0暂时不支持的平台(如webgl)上开发时才推荐使用UIWidgets 1.0。此外,由于人力原因,目前只有UIWidgets 2.0我们会持续更新。
4. 使用Unity 2020.3LTS打包UIWidgets 2.0的项目到iOS平台后Build失败,提示无法链接到OpenGLES库函数。
这是因为在Unity 2020.3版本中Unity导出的iOS项目默认不再包含对OpenGLES库的依赖,但UIWidgets 2.0需要依赖该库。为了解决这个问题,您需要手动用Xcode打开项目并为UnityFramework添加上对OpenGLES库的依赖。
## 如何贡献


| -----------------------------------------------| ------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| 1.5.4 and below | 2019.4.10f1 and above | N\A |
| 2.0.1 | 2019.4.26f1c1 | N\A |
| 2.0.2 and above | 2019.4.26f1c1 ~ 2019.4.29f1c1 | N\A |
| 2.0.3 | 2019.4.26f1c1 ~ 2019.4.29f1c1 | N\A |
| 2.0.4 and above | 2019.4.26f1c1 ~ 2019.4.29f1c1 | 2020.3.24f1c2 and above |
#### UIWidgets Package
Visit our Github repository https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/com.unity.uiwidgets

#### Runtime Environment
:warning: Though UIWidgets 1.0 is compatible to all platforms, currently **UIWidgets 2.0** only supports MacOS(Metal), iOS(Metal), Android(OpenGLes) and Windows(Direct3D11). More devices will be supported in the future.
:warning: Though UIWidgets 1.0 is compatible to all platforms, currently **UIWidgets 2.0** only supports MacOS(Intel64, Metal), iOS(Metal), Android(OpenGLes) and Windows(Direct3D11). More devices will be supported in the future.
## Getting Start

In UIWidgets 2.0, we wrapped the flutter engine inside a native library which is writen in C++ and used it to render on Unity Textures. Its rendering result is the same as in flutter and the performance is also better. However, in order to ensure that the flutter engine works properly along with Unity, we modified both the flutter and Unity Engine. As the result, currently UIWidgets 2.0 can only run on specific Unity versions, i.e., Unity China version and supports only part of the build targets of Unity.
For better rendering result, performance and continuous upgrade and support, you are always suggested to use UIWidgets 2.0 for your project. Use UIWidgets 1.0 only if you need to support specific target platforms like webgl.
For better rendering result, performance and continuous upgrade and support, you are always suggested to use UIWidgets 2.0 for your project. Use UIWidgets 1.0 only if you need to support specific target platforms like webgl.
4. I encountered with a link error with OpenGLES for iOS build using UIWidgets 2.0 with Unity 2020.3LTS.
This is caused by Unity because it removed the dependency on OpenGLES library on Unity 2020.3. To fix this issue, please open the XCode project and manually add the OpenGLES library to the UnityFramework target.
## How to Contribute