
add new samples and fix bugs

xingwei.zhu 4 年前
共有 12 个文件被更改,包括 1616 次插入28 次删除
  1. 45
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  5. 15
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  7. 82
  8. 456
  9. 159
  10. 374
  11. 251
  12. 234


routeName: ExpansionPanelsDemo.routeName,
documentationUrl: "https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/material/ExpansionPanel-class.html",
buildRoute: (BuildContext context) => new ExpansionPanelsDemo()
new GalleryDemo(
title: "Grid",
subtitle: "Row and column layout",
icon: GalleryIcons.grid_on,
category: GalleryDemoCategory._kMaterialComponents,
routeName: GridListDemo.routeName,
documentationUrl: "https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/widgets/GridView-class.html",
buildRoute: (BuildContext context) => new GridListDemo()
new GalleryDemo(
title: "Icons",
subtitle: "Enabled and disabled icons with opacity",
icon: GalleryIcons.sentiment_very_satisfied,
category: GalleryDemoCategory._kMaterialComponents,
routeName: IconsDemo.routeName,
documentationUrl: "https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/material/IconButton-class.html",
buildRoute: (BuildContext context) => new IconsDemo()
new GalleryDemo(
title: "Lists",
subtitle: "Scrolling list layouts",
icon: GalleryIcons.list_alt,
category: GalleryDemoCategory._kMaterialComponents,
routeName: ListDemo.routeName,
documentationUrl: "https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/material/ListTile-class.html",
buildRoute: (BuildContext context) => new ListDemo()
new GalleryDemo(
title: "Lists: leave-behind list items",
subtitle: "List items with hidden actions",
icon: GalleryIcons.lists_leave_behind,
category: GalleryDemoCategory._kMaterialComponents,
routeName: LeaveBehindDemo.routeName,
documentationUrl: "https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/widgets/Dismissible-class.html",
buildRoute: (BuildContext context) => new LeaveBehindDemo()
new GalleryDemo(
title: "Menus",
subtitle: "Menu buttons and simple menus",
icon: GalleryIcons.more_vert,
category: GalleryDemoCategory._kMaterialComponents,
routeName: MenuDemo.routeName,
documentationUrl: "https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/material/PopupMenuButton-class.html",
buildRoute: (BuildContext context) => new MenuDemo()


using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.material {
public class ButtonBarThemeData : Diagnosticable, IEquatable<ButtonBarThemeData> {

ButtonBarLayoutBehavior? layoutBehavior = null,
VerticalDirection? overflowDirection = null
) {
D.assert(buttonMinWidth >= 0.0f);
D.assert(buttonHeight >= 0.0f);
D.assert(buttonMinWidth == null || buttonMinWidth >= 0.0f);
D.assert(buttonHeight == null || buttonHeight >= 0.0f);
this.alignment = alignment;
this.mainAxisSize = mainAxisSize;
this.buttonTextTheme = buttonTextTheme;

public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
var hashCode = (int) alignment;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) mainAxisSize;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) buttonTextTheme;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ buttonMinWidth.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ buttonHeight.GetHashCode();
var hashCode = (int) (alignment ?? 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) (mainAxisSize ?? 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) (buttonTextTheme ?? 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (buttonMinWidth?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (buttonHeight?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ buttonAlignedDropdown.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) layoutBehavior;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) overflowDirection;
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (buttonAlignedDropdown?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) (layoutBehavior ?? 0);
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int) (overflowDirection ?? 0);
return hashCode;


using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.material {
class GridTileBar : StatelessWidget {
public class GridTileBar : StatelessWidget {
public GridTileBar(
Key key = null,
Color backgroundColor = null,


public static bool operator !=(NavigationRailThemeData self, NavigationRailThemeData other) {
return Equals(self, other);
return !Equals(self, other);
public bool Equals(NavigationRailThemeData other) {


PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme = PopupMenuTheme.of(context);
for (int i = 0; i < route.items.Count; i += 1) {
float start = (i + 1) * unit;
int index = i;
float start = (index + 1) * unit;
Widget item = route.items[i];
if (route.initialValue != null && route.items[i].represents((T) route.initialValue)) {
Widget item = route.items[index];
if (route.initialValue != null && route.items[index].represents((T) route.initialValue)) {
item = new Container(
color: Theme.of(context).highlightColor,
child: item

new _MenuItem(
onLayout: (Size size) => { route.itemSizes[i] = size; },
onLayout: (Size size) => { route.itemSizes[index] = size; },
child: new FadeTransition(
opacity: opacityCurvedAnimation,
child: item

this.color = color;
this.showMenuContext = showMenuContext;
this.captureInheritedThemes = captureInheritedThemes;
itemSizes = new List<Size>(items.Count);
itemSizes = new List<Size>(new Size[items.Count]);
public readonly RelativeRect position;

this.child = child;
this.icon = icon;
this.offset = offset;
this.enabled = enabled;
this.shape = shape;
this.color = color;
this.captureInheritedThemes = captureInheritedThemes;


public static bool operator !=(PopupMenuThemeData self, PopupMenuThemeData other) {
return Equals(self, other);
return !Equals(self, other);
public bool Equals(PopupMenuThemeData other) {


using Unity.UIWidgets.cupertino;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.service;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using UnityEngine;

DialogTheme dialogTheme = null,
FloatingActionButtonThemeData floatingActionButtonTheme = null,
Typography typography = null,
SnackBarThemeData snackBarTheme = null
SnackBarThemeData snackBarTheme = null,
BottomSheetThemeData bottomSheetTheme = null,
PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme = null,
MaterialBannerThemeData bannerTheme = null,
DividerThemeData dividerTheme = null,
ButtonBarThemeData buttonBarTheme = null
) {
brightness = brightness ?? Brightness.light;
bool isDark = brightness == Brightness.dark;

dialogTheme = dialogTheme ?? new DialogTheme();
floatingActionButtonTheme = floatingActionButtonTheme ?? new FloatingActionButtonThemeData();
snackBarTheme = snackBarTheme ?? new SnackBarThemeData();
bottomSheetTheme = bottomSheetTheme ?? new BottomSheetThemeData();
popupMenuTheme = popupMenuTheme ?? new PopupMenuThemeData();
bannerTheme = bannerTheme ?? new MaterialBannerThemeData();
dividerTheme = dividerTheme ?? new DividerThemeData();
buttonBarTheme = buttonBarTheme ?? new ButtonBarThemeData();
D.assert(brightness != null);
D.assert(visualDensity != null);

D.assert(dialogTheme != null);
D.assert(floatingActionButtonTheme != null);
D.assert(snackBarTheme != null);
D.assert(bottomSheetTheme != null);
D.assert(popupMenuTheme != null);
D.assert(bannerTheme != null);
D.assert(dividerTheme != null);
D.assert(buttonBarTheme != null);
this.brightness = brightness ?? Brightness.light;
this.visualDensity = visualDensity;

this.floatingActionButtonTheme = floatingActionButtonTheme;
this.typography = typography;
this.snackBarTheme = snackBarTheme;
this.bottomSheetTheme = bottomSheetTheme;
this.popupMenuTheme = popupMenuTheme;
this.bannerTheme = bannerTheme;
this.dividerTheme = dividerTheme;
this.buttonBarTheme = buttonBarTheme;
public static ThemeData raw(

DialogTheme dialogTheme = null,
FloatingActionButtonThemeData floatingActionButtonTheme = null,
Typography typography = null,
SnackBarThemeData snackBarTheme = null
SnackBarThemeData snackBarTheme = null,
BottomSheetThemeData bottomSheetTheme = null,
PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme = null,
MaterialBannerThemeData bannerTheme = null,
DividerThemeData dividerTheme = null,
ButtonBarThemeData buttonBarTheme = null
) {
D.assert(brightness != null);
D.assert(visualDensity != null);

D.assert(dialogTheme != null);
D.assert(floatingActionButtonTheme != null);
D.assert(snackBarTheme != null);
D.assert(bottomSheetTheme != null);
D.assert(popupMenuTheme != null);
D.assert(bannerTheme != null);
D.assert(dividerTheme != null);
D.assert(buttonBarTheme != null);
return new ThemeData(
brightness: brightness,

dialogTheme: dialogTheme,
floatingActionButtonTheme: floatingActionButtonTheme,
typography: typography,
snackBarTheme: snackBarTheme);
snackBarTheme: snackBarTheme,
bottomSheetTheme: bottomSheetTheme,
popupMenuTheme: popupMenuTheme,
bannerTheme: bannerTheme,
dividerTheme: dividerTheme,
buttonBarTheme: buttonBarTheme
public static ThemeData from(

DialogTheme dialogTheme = null,
FloatingActionButtonThemeData floatingActionButtonTheme = null,
Typography typography = null,
SnackBarThemeData snackBarTheme = null
SnackBarThemeData snackBarTheme = null,
BottomSheetThemeData bottomSheetTheme = null,
PopupMenuThemeData popupMenuTheme = null,
MaterialBannerThemeData bannerTheme = null,
DividerThemeData dividerTheme = null,
ButtonBarThemeData buttonBarTheme = null
) {
return raw(
brightness: brightness ?? this.brightness,

dialogTheme: dialogTheme ?? this.dialogTheme,
floatingActionButtonTheme: floatingActionButtonTheme ?? this.floatingActionButtonTheme,
typography: typography ?? this.typography,
snackBarTheme: snackBarTheme ?? this.snackBarTheme
snackBarTheme: snackBarTheme ?? this.snackBarTheme,
bottomSheetTheme: bottomSheetTheme ?? this.bottomSheetTheme,
popupMenuTheme: popupMenuTheme ?? this.popupMenuTheme,
bannerTheme: bannerTheme ?? this.bannerTheme,
dividerTheme: dividerTheme ?? this.dividerTheme,
buttonBarTheme: buttonBarTheme ?? this.buttonBarTheme

floatingActionButtonTheme: FloatingActionButtonThemeData.lerp(a.floatingActionButtonTheme,
b.floatingActionButtonTheme, t),
typography: Typography.lerp(a.typography, b.typography, t),
snackBarTheme: SnackBarThemeData.lerp(a.snackBarTheme, b.snackBarTheme, t)
snackBarTheme: SnackBarThemeData.lerp(a.snackBarTheme, b.snackBarTheme, t),
bottomSheetTheme: BottomSheetThemeData.lerp(a.bottomSheetTheme, b.bottomSheetTheme, t),
popupMenuTheme: PopupMenuThemeData.lerp(a.popupMenuTheme, b.popupMenuTheme, t),
bannerTheme: MaterialBannerThemeData.lerp(a.bannerTheme, b.bannerTheme, t),
dividerTheme: DividerThemeData.lerp(a.dividerTheme, b.dividerTheme, t),
buttonBarTheme: ButtonBarThemeData.lerp(a.buttonBarTheme, b.buttonBarTheme, t)

other.dialogTheme == dialogTheme &&
other.floatingActionButtonTheme == floatingActionButtonTheme &&
other.typography == typography &&
other.snackBarTheme == snackBarTheme;
other.snackBarTheme == snackBarTheme &&
other.bottomSheetTheme == bottomSheetTheme &&
other.popupMenuTheme == popupMenuTheme &&
other.bannerTheme == bannerTheme &&
other.dividerTheme == dividerTheme &&
other.buttonBarTheme == buttonBarTheme;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {

hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ floatingActionButtonTheme.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ typography.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ snackBarTheme.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ bottomSheetTheme.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ popupMenuTheme.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ bannerTheme.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ dividerTheme.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ buttonBarTheme.GetHashCode();
_cachedHashCode = hashCode;
return hashCode;

properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<Typography>("typography", typography,
defaultValue: defaultData.typography));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<SnackBarThemeData>("snackBarTheme", snackBarTheme, defaultValue: defaultData.snackBarTheme, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<BottomSheetThemeData>("bottomSheetTheme", bottomSheetTheme, defaultValue: defaultData.bottomSheetTheme, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<PopupMenuThemeData>("popupMenuTheme", popupMenuTheme, defaultValue: defaultData.popupMenuTheme, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<MaterialBannerThemeData>("bannerTheme", bannerTheme, defaultValue: defaultData.bannerTheme, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<DividerThemeData>("dividerTheme", dividerTheme, defaultValue: defaultData.dividerTheme, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<ButtonBarThemeData>("buttonBarTheme", buttonBarTheme, defaultValue: defaultData.buttonBarTheme, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using uiwidgets;
using UIWidgetsGallery.gallery;
using Unity.UIWidgets.animation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.gestures;
using Unity.UIWidgets.material;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using Image = Unity.UIWidgets.widgets.Image;
namespace UIWidgetsGallery.demo.material
internal enum GridDemoTileStyle
internal delegate void BannerTapCallback(Photo photo);
internal static class GridListDemoUtils
public const float _kMinFlingVelocity = 800.0f;
public static readonly string _kGalleryAssetsPackage = "gallery/";
internal class Photo
public Photo(
string assetName = null,
string assetPackage = null,
string title = null,
string caption = null,
bool isFavorite = false
this.assetName = assetName;
this.assetPackage = assetPackage;
this.title = title;
this.caption = caption;
this.isFavorite = isFavorite;
public readonly string assetName;
public readonly string assetPackage;
public readonly string title;
public readonly string caption;
internal bool isFavorite;
internal string tag => assetName; // Assuming that all asset names are unique.
internal bool isValid => assetName != null && title != null && caption != null && isFavorite != null;
internal class GridPhotoViewer : StatefulWidget
public GridPhotoViewer(
Key key = null,
Photo photo = null) : base(key: key)
this.photo = photo;
public readonly Photo photo;
public override State createState()
return new _GridPhotoViewerState();
internal class _GridTitleText : StatelessWidget
public _GridTitleText(string text)
this.text = text;
public readonly string text;
public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
return new FittedBox(
fit: BoxFit.scaleDown,
alignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
child: new Text(text)
internal class _GridPhotoViewerState : SingleTickerProviderStateMixin<GridPhotoViewer>
private AnimationController _controller;
private Animation<Offset> _flingAnimation;
private Offset _offset = Offset.zero;
private float _scale = 1.0f;
private Offset _normalizedOffset;
private float _previousScale;
public override void initState()
_controller = new AnimationController(vsync: this);
public override void dispose()
private Offset _clampOffset(Offset offset)
Size size = context.size;
Offset minOffset = new Offset(size.width, size.height) * (1.0f - _scale);
return new Offset(
offset.dx.clamp(minOffset.dx, 0.0f),
offset.dy.clamp(minOffset.dy, 0.0f)
private void _handleFlingAnimation()
setState(() => { _offset = _flingAnimation.value; });
private void _handleOnScaleStart(ScaleStartDetails details)
setState(() =>
_previousScale = _scale;
_normalizedOffset = (details.focalPoint - _offset) / _scale;
private void _handleOnScaleUpdate(ScaleUpdateDetails details)
setState(() =>
_scale = (_previousScale * details.scale).clamp(1.0f, 4.0f);
_offset = _clampOffset(details.focalPoint - _normalizedOffset * _scale);
private void _handleOnScaleEnd(ScaleEndDetails details)
float magnitude = details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.distance;
if (magnitude < GridListDemoUtils._kMinFlingVelocity)
Offset direction = details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond / magnitude;
float distance = (Offset.zero & context.size).shortestSide;
_flingAnimation = _controller.drive(new OffsetTween(
begin: _offset,
end: _clampOffset(_offset + direction * distance)
_controller.fling(velocity: magnitude / 1000.0f);
public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
var transform = Matrix4.identity();
transform.translate(_offset.dx, _offset.dy);
return new GestureDetector(
onScaleStart: _handleOnScaleStart,
onScaleUpdate: _handleOnScaleUpdate,
onScaleEnd: _handleOnScaleEnd,
child: new ClipRect(
child: new Transform(
transform: transform,
child: Image.file(
widget.photo.assetPackage + widget.photo.assetName,
fit: BoxFit.cover
internal class GridDemoPhotoItem : StatelessWidget
public GridDemoPhotoItem(
Key key = null,
Photo photo = null,
GridDemoTileStyle? tileStyle = null,
BannerTapCallback onBannerTap = null
) : base(key: key)
D.assert(photo != null && photo.isValid);
D.assert(tileStyle != null);
D.assert(onBannerTap != null);
this.photo = photo;
this.tileStyle = tileStyle.Value;
this.onBannerTap = onBannerTap;
public readonly Photo photo;
public readonly GridDemoTileStyle tileStyle;
public readonly BannerTapCallback onBannerTap; // User taps on the photo's header or footer.
private void showPhoto(BuildContext context)
Navigator.push<object>(context, new MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (BuildContext subContext) =>
return new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text(photo.title)
body: SizedBox.expand(
child: new Hero(
tag: photo.tag,
child: new GridPhotoViewer(photo: photo)
public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
Widget image = new GestureDetector(
onTap: () => { showPhoto(context); },
child: new Hero(
key: Key.key(photo.assetName),
tag: photo.tag,
child: Image.file(
photo.assetPackage + photo.assetName,
fit: BoxFit.cover
IconData icon = photo.isFavorite ? Icons.star : Icons.star_border;
switch (tileStyle)
case GridDemoTileStyle.imageOnly:
return image;
case GridDemoTileStyle.oneLine:
return new GridTile(
header: new GestureDetector(
onTap: () => { onBannerTap(photo); },
child: new GridTileBar(
title: new _GridTitleText(photo.title),
backgroundColor: Colors.black45,
leading: new Icon(
color: Colors.white
child: image
case GridDemoTileStyle.twoLine:
return new GridTile(
footer: new GestureDetector(
onTap: () => { onBannerTap(photo); },
child: new GridTileBar(
backgroundColor: Colors.black45,
title: new _GridTitleText(photo.title),
subtitle: new _GridTitleText(photo.caption),
trailing: new Icon(
color: Colors.white
child: image
D.assert(tileStyle != null);
return null;
internal class GridListDemo : StatefulWidget
public GridListDemo(Key key = null) : base(key: key)
public static readonly string routeName = "/material/grid-list";
public override State createState()
return new GridListDemoState();
internal class GridListDemoState : State<GridListDemo>
private GridDemoTileStyle _tileStyle = GridDemoTileStyle.twoLine;
private List<Photo> photos = new List<Photo>
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_chennai_flower_market.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Chennai",
caption: "Flower Market"
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_tanjore_bronze_works.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Tanjore",
caption: "Bronze Works"
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_tanjore_market_merchant.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Tanjore",
caption: "Market"
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_tanjore_thanjavur_temple.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Tanjore",
caption: "Thanjavur Temple"
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_tanjore_thanjavur_temple_carvings.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Tanjore",
caption: "Thanjavur Temple"
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_pondicherry_salt_farm.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Pondicherry",
caption: "Salt Farm"
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_chennai_highway.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Chennai",
caption: "Scooters"
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_chettinad_silk_maker.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Chettinad",
caption: "Silk Maker"
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_chettinad_produce.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Chettinad",
caption: "Lunch Prep"
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_tanjore_market_technology.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Tanjore",
caption: "Market"
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_pondicherry_beach.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Pondicherry",
caption: "Beach"
new Photo(
assetName: "places/india_pondicherry_fisherman.png",
assetPackage: GridListDemoUtils._kGalleryAssetsPackage,
title: "Pondicherry",
caption: "Fisherman"
private void changeTileStyle(GridDemoTileStyle value)
setState(() => { _tileStyle = value; });
public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
Orientation? orientation = MediaQuery.of(context).orientation;
return new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text("Grid list"),
actions: new List<Widget>
new MaterialDemoDocumentationButton(GridListDemo.routeName),
new PopupMenuButton<GridDemoTileStyle>(
onSelected: changeTileStyle,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext subContext) => new List<PopupMenuEntry<GridDemoTileStyle>>
new PopupMenuItem<GridDemoTileStyle>(
value: GridDemoTileStyle.imageOnly,
child: new Text("Image only")
new PopupMenuItem<GridDemoTileStyle>(
value: GridDemoTileStyle.oneLine,
child: new Text("One line")
new PopupMenuItem<GridDemoTileStyle>(
value: GridDemoTileStyle.twoLine,
child: new Text("Two line")
body: new Column(
children: new List<Widget>
new Expanded(
child: new SafeArea(
top: false,
bottom: false,
child: GridView.count(
crossAxisCount: (orientation == Orientation.portrait) ? 2 : 3,
mainAxisSpacing: 4.0f,
crossAxisSpacing: 4.0f,
padding: EdgeInsets.all(4.0f),
childAspectRatio: (orientation == Orientation.portrait) ? 1.0f : 1.3f,
children: photos.Select<Photo, Widget>((Photo photo) =>
return new GridDemoPhotoItem(
photo: photo,
tileStyle: _tileStyle,
onBannerTap: (Photo curPhoto) =>
setState(() => { curPhoto.isFavorite = !curPhoto.isFavorite; });


using System.Collections.Generic;
using uiwidgets;
using UIWidgetsGallery.gallery;
using Unity.UIWidgets.material;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle;
namespace UIWidgetsGallery.demo.material
internal class IconsDemo : StatefulWidget
public static readonly string routeName = "/material/icons";
public override State createState()
return new IconsDemoState();
internal class IconsDemoState : State<IconsDemo>
public static readonly List<MaterialColor> iconColors = new List<MaterialColor>
private int iconColorIndex = 8; // teal
private Color iconColor => iconColors[iconColorIndex];
private void handleIconButtonPress()
setState(() => { iconColorIndex = (iconColorIndex + 1) % iconColors.Count; });
public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
return new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text("Icons"),
actions: new List<Widget> {new MaterialDemoDocumentationButton(IconsDemo.routeName)}
body: new IconTheme(
data: new IconThemeData(color: iconColor),
child: new SafeArea(
top: false,
bottom: false,
child: new Scrollbar(
child: new ListView(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(24.0f),
children: new List<Widget>
new _IconsDemoCard(handleIconButtonPress, Icons.face), // direction-agnostic icon
new SizedBox(height: 24.0f),
new _IconsDemoCard(handleIconButtonPress,
Icons.battery_unknown) // direction-aware icon
internal class _IconsDemoCard : StatelessWidget
public _IconsDemoCard(VoidCallback handleIconButtonPress, IconData icon)
this.handleIconButtonPress = handleIconButtonPress;
this.icon = icon;
public readonly VoidCallback handleIconButtonPress;
public readonly IconData icon;
private Widget _buildIconButton(float iconSize, IconData icon, bool enabled)
var prefix = enabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled";
return new IconButton(
icon: new Icon(icon),
iconSize: iconSize,
tooltip: $"{prefix} icon button",
onPressed: enabled ? handleIconButtonPress : null
private Widget _centeredText(string label)
return new Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0f),
child: new Text(label, textAlign: TextAlign.center)
private TableRow _buildIconRow(float size)
return new TableRow(
children: new List<Widget>
_buildIconButton(size, icon, true),
_buildIconButton(size, icon, false)
public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
TextStyle textStyle = theme.textTheme.subtitle1.copyWith(color: theme.textTheme.caption.color);
return new Card(
child: new DefaultTextStyle(
style: textStyle,
child: new Table(
defaultVerticalAlignment: TableCellVerticalAlignment.middle,
children: new List<TableRow>
new TableRow(
children: new List<Widget>


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using uiwidgets;
using UIWidgetsGallery.gallery;
using Unity.UIWidgets.async2;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.material;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UIWidgetsGallery.demo.material
internal enum LeaveBehindDemoAction
internal class LeaveBehindItem : IComparable<LeaveBehindItem>
public LeaveBehindItem(
int index = 0,
string name = null,
string subject = null,
string body = null)
this.index = index;
this.name = name;
this.subject = subject;
this.body = body;
public static LeaveBehindItem from(LeaveBehindItem item)
return new LeaveBehindItem(
index: item.index,
name: item.name,
subject: item.subject,
body: item.body
public readonly int index;
public readonly string name;
public readonly string subject;
public readonly string body;
public int CompareTo(LeaveBehindItem other)
return index.CompareTo(other.index);
internal class LeaveBehindDemo : StatefulWidget
public LeaveBehindDemo(Key key = null) : base(key: key)
public static readonly string routeName = "/material/leave-behind";
public override State createState()
return new LeaveBehindDemoState();
internal class LeaveBehindDemoState : State<LeaveBehindDemo>
private static readonly GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> _scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>.key();
private DismissDirection _dismissDirection = DismissDirection.horizontal;
private bool _confirmDismiss = true;
private List<LeaveBehindItem> leaveBehindItems;
private void initListItems()
leaveBehindItems = new List<LeaveBehindItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
var index = i;
leaveBehindItems.Add(new LeaveBehindItem(
index: index,
name: $"Item {index} Sender",
subject: $"Subject: {index}",
body: $"[{index}] first line of the message's body..."
public override void initState()
private void handleDemoAction(LeaveBehindDemoAction action)
setState(() =>
switch (action)
case LeaveBehindDemoAction.reset:
case LeaveBehindDemoAction.horizontalSwipe:
_dismissDirection = DismissDirection.horizontal;
case LeaveBehindDemoAction.leftSwipe:
_dismissDirection = DismissDirection.endToStart;
case LeaveBehindDemoAction.rightSwipe:
_dismissDirection = DismissDirection.startToEnd;
case LeaveBehindDemoAction.confirmDismiss:
_confirmDismiss = !_confirmDismiss;
private int lowerBound(List<LeaveBehindItem> items, LeaveBehindItem item)
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
if (item.CompareTo(items[i]) >= 0)
return i;
return items.Count - 1;
private void handleUndo(LeaveBehindItem item)
int insertionIndex = lowerBound(leaveBehindItems, item);
setState(() => { leaveBehindItems.Insert(insertionIndex, item); });
private void _handleArchive(LeaveBehindItem item)
setState(() => { leaveBehindItems.Remove(item); });
_scaffoldKey.currentState.showSnackBar(new SnackBar(
content: new Text($"You archived item {item.index}"),
action: new SnackBarAction(
label: "UNDO",
onPressed: () => { handleUndo(item); }
private void _handleDelete(LeaveBehindItem item)
setState(() => { leaveBehindItems.Remove(item); });
_scaffoldKey.currentState.showSnackBar(new SnackBar(
content: new Text($"You deleted item {item.index}"),
action: new SnackBarAction(
label: "UNDO",
onPressed: () => { handleUndo(item); }
public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
Widget body = null;
if (leaveBehindItems.isEmpty())
body = new Center(
child: new RaisedButton(
onPressed: () => handleDemoAction(LeaveBehindDemoAction.reset),
child: new Text("Reset the list")
body = new Scrollbar(
child: new ListView(
children: leaveBehindItems.Select<LeaveBehindItem, Widget>((LeaveBehindItem item) =>
return new _LeaveBehindListItem(
confirmDismiss: _confirmDismiss,
item: item,
onArchive: _handleArchive,
onDelete: _handleDelete,
dismissDirection: _dismissDirection
return new Scaffold(
key: _scaffoldKey,
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text("Swipe to dismiss"),
actions: new List<Widget>
new MaterialDemoDocumentationButton(LeaveBehindDemo.routeName),
new PopupMenuButton<LeaveBehindDemoAction>(
onSelected: handleDemoAction,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext subContext) => new List<PopupMenuEntry<LeaveBehindDemoAction>>
new PopupMenuItem<LeaveBehindDemoAction>(
value: LeaveBehindDemoAction.reset,
child: new Text("Reset the list")
new PopupMenuDivider<LeaveBehindDemoAction>(),
new CheckedPopupMenuItem<LeaveBehindDemoAction>(
value: LeaveBehindDemoAction.horizontalSwipe,
isChecked: _dismissDirection == DismissDirection.horizontal,
child: new Text("Horizontal swipe")
new CheckedPopupMenuItem<LeaveBehindDemoAction>(
value: LeaveBehindDemoAction.leftSwipe,
isChecked: _dismissDirection == DismissDirection.endToStart,
child: new Text("Only swipe left")
new CheckedPopupMenuItem<LeaveBehindDemoAction>(
value: LeaveBehindDemoAction.rightSwipe,
isChecked: _dismissDirection == DismissDirection.startToEnd,
child: new Text("Only swipe right")
new CheckedPopupMenuItem<LeaveBehindDemoAction>(
value: LeaveBehindDemoAction.confirmDismiss,
isChecked: _confirmDismiss,
child: new Text("Confirm dismiss")
body: body
internal delegate void onArchiveFunc(LeaveBehindItem item);
internal delegate void onDeleteFunc(LeaveBehindItem item);
internal class _LeaveBehindListItem : StatelessWidget
public _LeaveBehindListItem(
Key key = null,
LeaveBehindItem item = null,
onArchiveFunc onArchive = null,
onDeleteFunc onDelete = null,
DismissDirection? dismissDirection = null,
bool? confirmDismiss = null
) : base(key: key)
this.item = item;
this.onArchive = onArchive;
this.onDelete = onDelete;
this.dismissDirection = dismissDirection;
this.confirmDismiss = confirmDismiss;
public readonly LeaveBehindItem item;
public readonly DismissDirection? dismissDirection;
public readonly onArchiveFunc onArchive;
public readonly onDeleteFunc onDelete;
public readonly bool? confirmDismiss;
private void _handleArchive()
Debug.Log("handle archived >>>>");
private void _handleDelete()
Debug.Log("handle deleted >>>>");
public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
ThemeData theme = Theme.of(context);
Future<bool> dismissDirectionFunc(DismissDirection? dismissDirection)
switch (dismissDirection)
case DismissDirection.endToStart:
return _showConfirmationDialog(context, "archive");
case DismissDirection.startToEnd:
return _showConfirmationDialog(context, "delete");
case DismissDirection.horizontal:
case DismissDirection.vertical:
case DismissDirection.up:
case DismissDirection.down:
return Future.value(false).to<bool>();
return new Dismissible(
key: new ObjectKey(item),
direction: dismissDirection.Value,
onDismissed: (DismissDirection? direction) =>
if (direction == DismissDirection.endToStart)
confirmDismiss: !confirmDismiss.Value ? (ConfirmDismissCallback) null : dismissDirectionFunc,
background: new Container(
color: theme.primaryColor,
child: new Center(
child: new ListTile(
leading: new Icon(Icons.delete, color: Colors.white, size: 36.0f)
secondaryBackground: new Container(
color: theme.primaryColor,
child: new Center(
child: new ListTile(
trailing: new Icon(Icons.archive, color: Colors.white, size: 36.0f)
child: new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
color: theme.canvasColor,
border: new Border(bottom: new BorderSide(color: theme.dividerColor))
child: new ListTile(
title: new Text(item.name),
subtitle: new Text($"{item.subject}\n{item.body}"),
isThreeLine: true
private Future<bool> _showConfirmationDialog(BuildContext context, string action)
return material_.showDialog<bool>(
context: context,
barrierDismissible: true,
builder: (BuildContext subContext) =>
return new AlertDialog(
title: new Text($"Do you want to {action} this item?"),
actions: new List<Widget>
new FlatButton(
child: new Text("Yes"),
onPressed: () =>
Navigator.pop(context, true); // showDialog() returns true
new FlatButton(
child: new Text("No"),
onPressed: () =>
Navigator.pop(context, false); // showDialog() returns false


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using uiwidgets;
using UIWidgetsGallery.gallery;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.material;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UIWidgetsGallery.demo.material
internal enum _MaterialListType
/// A list tile that contains a single line of text.
/// A list tile that contains a [CircleAvatar] followed by a single line of text.
/// A list tile that contains two lines of text.
/// A list tile that contains three lines of text.
internal class ListDemo : StatefulWidget
public ListDemo(Key key = null) : base(key: key)
public static readonly string routeName = "/material/list";
public override State createState()
return new _ListDemoState();
internal class _ListDemoState : State<ListDemo>
private static readonly GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>.key();
private PersistentBottomSheetController<object> _bottomSheet;
private _MaterialListType _itemType = _MaterialListType.threeLine;
private bool _dense = false;
private bool _showAvatars = true;
private bool _showIcons = false;
private bool _showDividers = false;
private bool _reverseSort = false;
private List<string> items = new List<string>
"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N",
private void changeItemType(_MaterialListType type)
setState(() => { _itemType = type; });
_bottomSheet?.setState(() => { });
private void _showConfigurationSheet()
PersistentBottomSheetController<object> bottomSheet = scaffoldKey.currentState.showBottomSheet(
(BuildContext bottomSheetContext) =>
return new Container(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: new Border(top: new BorderSide(color: Colors.black26))
child: new ListView(
shrinkWrap: true,
primary: false,
children: new List<Widget>
new ListTile(
dense: true,
title: new Text("One-line"),
trailing: new Radio<_MaterialListType>(
value: _showAvatars
? _MaterialListType.oneLineWithAvatar
: _MaterialListType.oneLine,
groupValue: _itemType,
onChanged: changeItemType
new ListTile(
dense: true,
title: new Text("Two-line"),
trailing: new Radio<_MaterialListType>(
value: _MaterialListType.twoLine,
groupValue: _itemType,
onChanged: changeItemType
new ListTile(
dense: true,
title: new Text("Three-line"),
trailing: new Radio<_MaterialListType>(
value: _MaterialListType.threeLine,
groupValue: _itemType,
onChanged: changeItemType
new ListTile(
dense: true,
title: new Text("Show avatar"),
trailing: new Checkbox(
value: _showAvatars,
onChanged: (bool? value) =>
setState(() => { _showAvatars = value.Value; });
_bottomSheet?.setState(() => { });
new ListTile(
dense: true,
title: new Text("Show icon"),
trailing: new Checkbox(
value: _showIcons,
onChanged: (bool? value) =>
setState(() => { _showIcons = value.Value; });
_bottomSheet?.setState(() => { });
new ListTile(
dense: true,
title: new Text("Show dividers"),
trailing: new Checkbox(
value: _showDividers,
onChanged: (bool? value) =>
setState(() => { _showDividers = value.Value; });
_bottomSheet?.setState(() => { });
new ListTile(
dense: true,
title: new Text("Dense layout"),
trailing: new Checkbox(
value: _dense,
onChanged: (bool? value) =>
setState(() => { _dense = value.Value; });
_bottomSheet?.setState(() => { });
setState(() => { _bottomSheet = bottomSheet; });
_bottomSheet.closed.whenComplete(() =>
if (mounted)
setState(() => { _bottomSheet = null; });
private Widget buildListTile(BuildContext context, string item)
Widget secondary = null;
if (_itemType == _MaterialListType.twoLine)
secondary = new Text("Additional item information.");
else if (_itemType == _MaterialListType.threeLine)
secondary = new Text(
"Even more additional list item information appears on line three."
return new ListTile(
isThreeLine: _itemType == _MaterialListType.threeLine,
dense: _dense,
leading: _showAvatars ? new CircleAvatar(child: new Text(item)) : null,
title: new Text($"This item represents {item}."),
subtitle: secondary,
trailing: _showIcons ? new Icon(Icons.info, color: Theme.of(context).disabledColor) : null
public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
string layoutText = _dense ? " \u2013 Dense" : "";
string itemTypeText = "";
switch (_itemType)
case _MaterialListType.oneLine:
case _MaterialListType.oneLineWithAvatar:
itemTypeText = "Single-line";
case _MaterialListType.twoLine:
itemTypeText = "Two-line";
case _MaterialListType.threeLine:
itemTypeText = "Three-line";
IEnumerable<Widget> listTiles = items.Select<string, Widget>((string item) => buildListTile(context, item));
if (_showDividers)
listTiles = ListTile.divideTiles(context: context, tiles: listTiles);
return new Scaffold(
key: scaffoldKey,
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text($"Scrolling list\n{itemTypeText}{layoutText}"),
actions: new List<Widget>
new MaterialDemoDocumentationButton(ListDemo.routeName),
new IconButton(
icon: new Icon(Icons.sort_by_alpha),
tooltip: "Sort",
onPressed: () =>
setState(() =>
_reverseSort = !_reverseSort;
items.Sort((string a, string b) => _reverseSort ? b.CompareTo(a) : a.CompareTo(b));
new IconButton(
icon: new Icon(
Theme.of(context).platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer
? Icons.more_horiz
: Icons.more_vert
tooltip: "Show menu",
onPressed: _bottomSheet == null ? _showConfigurationSheet : (VoidCallback) null
body: new Scrollbar(
child: new ListView(
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: _dense ? 4.0f : 8.0f),
children: listTiles.ToList()


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using uiwidgets;
using UIWidgetsGallery.gallery;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.material;
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting;
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets;
namespace UIWidgetsGallery.demo.material
class MenuDemo : StatefulWidget {
public MenuDemo(Key key = null) : base(key: key)
public static readonly string routeName = "/material/menu";
public override State createState() => new MenuDemoState();
class MenuDemoState : State<MenuDemo> {
readonly GlobalKey<ScaffoldState> _scaffoldKey = GlobalKey<ScaffoldState>.key();
static readonly string _simpleValue1 = "Menu item value one";
static readonly string _simpleValue2 = "Menu item value two";
static readonly string _simpleValue3 = "Menu item value three";
string _simpleValue;
readonly string _checkedValue1 = "One";
readonly string _checkedValue2 = "Two";
readonly string _checkedValue3 = "Free";
readonly string _checkedValue4 = "Four";
List<string> _checkedValues;
public override void initState() {
_simpleValue = _simpleValue2;
_checkedValues = new List<string>{_checkedValue3};
void showInSnackBar(string value) {
_scaffoldKey.currentState.showSnackBar(new SnackBar(
content: new Text(value)
List<string> _showSelection = new List<string> { _simpleValue1, _simpleValue2, _simpleValue3 };
void showMenuSelection(string value) {
if (_showSelection.Contains(value))
_simpleValue = value;
showInSnackBar($"You selected: {value}");
void showCheckedMenuSelections(String value) {
if (_checkedValues.Contains(value))
showInSnackBar($"Checked {_checkedValues.Count} items");
bool isChecked(string value) => _checkedValues.Contains(value);
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
key: _scaffoldKey,
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text("Menus"),
actions: new List<Widget>{
new MaterialDemoDocumentationButton(MenuDemo.routeName),
new PopupMenuButton<string>(
onSelected: showMenuSelection,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext subContext) => new List<PopupMenuEntry<string>>{
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: "Toolbar menu",
child: new Text("Toolbar menu")
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: "Right here",
child: new Text("Right here")
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: "Hooray!",
child: new Text("Hooray!")
body: new ListTileTheme(
iconColor: Theme.of(context).brightness == Brightness.light
? Colors.grey[600]
: Colors.grey[500],
child: new ListView(
padding: material_.kMaterialListPadding,
children: new List<Widget>{
// Pressing the PopupMenuButton on the right of this item shows
// a simple menu with one disabled item. Typically the contents
// of this "contextual menu" would reflect the app's state.
new ListTile(
title: new Text("An item with a context menu button"),
trailing: new PopupMenuButton<string>(
padding: EdgeInsets.zero,
onSelected: showMenuSelection,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext subContext) => new List<PopupMenuEntry<string>>{
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: _simpleValue1,
child: new Text("Context menu item one")
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
enabled: false,
child: new Text("A disabled menu item")
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: _simpleValue3,
child: new Text("Context menu item three")
// Pressing the PopupMenuButton on the right of this item shows
// a menu whose items have text labels and icons and a divider
// That separates the first three items from the last one.
new ListTile(
title: new Text("An item with a sectioned menu"),
trailing: new PopupMenuButton<string>(
padding: EdgeInsets.zero,
onSelected: showMenuSelection,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext subContext) => new List<PopupMenuEntry<string>>{
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: "Preview",
child: new ListTile(
leading: new Icon(Icons.visibility),
title: new Text("Preview")
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: "Share",
child: new ListTile(
leading: new Icon(Icons.person_add),
title: new Text("Share")
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: "Get Link",
child: new ListTile(
leading: new Icon(Icons.link),
title: new Text("Get link")
new PopupMenuDivider<string>(),
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: "Remove",
child: new ListTile(
leading: new Icon(Icons.delete),
title: new Text("Remove")
// This entire list item is a PopupMenuButton. Tapping anywhere shows
// a menu whose current value is highlighted and aligned over the
// list item's center line.
new PopupMenuButton<string>(
padding: EdgeInsets.zero,
initialValue: _simpleValue,
onSelected: showMenuSelection,
child: new ListTile(
title: new Text("An item with a simple menu"),
subtitle: new Text(_simpleValue)
itemBuilder: (BuildContext subContext) => new List<PopupMenuEntry<string>>{
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: _simpleValue1,
child: new Text(_simpleValue1)
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: _simpleValue2,
child: new Text(_simpleValue2)
new PopupMenuItem<string>(
value: _simpleValue3,
child: new Text(_simpleValue3)
// Pressing the PopupMenuButton on the right of this item shows a menu
// whose items have checked icons that reflect this app's state.
new ListTile(
title: new Text("An item with a checklist menu"),
trailing: new PopupMenuButton<string>(
padding: EdgeInsets.zero,
onSelected: showCheckedMenuSelections,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext subContext) => new List<PopupMenuEntry<string>>{
new CheckedPopupMenuItem<string>(
value: _checkedValue1,
isChecked: isChecked(_checkedValue1),
child: new Text(_checkedValue1)
new CheckedPopupMenuItem<string>(
value: _checkedValue2,
enabled: false,
isChecked: isChecked(_checkedValue2),
child: new Text(_checkedValue2)
new CheckedPopupMenuItem<string>(
value: _checkedValue3,
isChecked: isChecked(_checkedValue3),
child: new Text(_checkedValue3)
new CheckedPopupMenuItem<string>(
value: _checkedValue4,
isChecked: isChecked(_checkedValue4),
child: new Text(_checkedValue4)