4 年前
共有 13 个文件被更改,包括 1217 次插入 和 101 次删除
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.ComponentModel; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.async; |
using; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; |
// public class ObjectGroup
// {
// public ObjectGroup(
// string debugName,
// InspectorService inspectorService
// )
// {
// groupName = $"{debugName}_${InspectorService.nextGroupId}";
// InspectorService.nextGroupId++;
// }
// /// Object group all objects in this arena are allocated with.
// public readonly string groupName;
// public readonly InspectorService inspectorService;
// bool disposed = false;
// }
public enum FlutterTreeType { |
widget, |
renderObject |
} |
public class ObjectGroup |
{ |
public ObjectGroup( |
string debugName, |
InspectorService inspectorService |
) |
{ |
groupName = $"{debugName}_${InspectorService.nextGroupId}"; |
InspectorService.nextGroupId++; |
} |
/// Object group all objects in this arena are allocated with.
public readonly string groupName; |
public readonly InspectorService inspectorService; |
public bool disposed = false; |
public Future dispose() { |
// var disposeComplete = invokeVoidServiceMethod("disposeGroup", groupName);
// disposed = true;
// return disposeComplete;
return new SynchronousFuture(null); |
} |
public Future<RemoteDiagnosticsNode> getRoot(FlutterTreeType type) { |
// There is no excuse to call this method on a disposed group.
D.assert(!disposed); |
switch (type) { |
case FlutterTreeType.widget: |
return getRootWidget(); |
case FlutterTreeType.renderObject: |
return getRootRenderObject(); |
} |
throw new Exception("Unexpected FlutterTreeType"); |
} |
public RemoteDiagnosticsNode _getRoot(FlutterTreeType type) { |
// There is no excuse to call this method on a disposed group.
D.assert(!disposed); |
switch (type) { |
case FlutterTreeType.widget: |
return _getRootWidget(); |
case FlutterTreeType.renderObject: |
return null; |
} |
throw new Exception("Unexpected FlutterTreeType"); |
} |
RemoteDiagnosticsNode _getRootWidget() { |
// return invokeServiceMethodReturningNode('getRootWidgetSummaryTree');
Dictionary<string, object> widgetTree = new Dictionary<string, object>(); |
widgetTree["hasChildren"] = true; |
widgetTree["name"] = "inspector"; |
widgetTree["children"] = new List<Widget>() |
{ |
new Text("text1"), |
new Text("text2"), |
new Text("text3"), |
new Text("text4"), |
new Text("text5"), |
}; |
widgetTree["properties"] = new List<object>() |
{ |
"properties_1", |
"properties_2", |
"properties_3", |
"properties_4", |
"properties_5", |
}; |
return new RemoteDiagnosticsNode(widgetTree, |
inspectorService: FutureOr.value(inspectorService), |
true, |
null); |
} |
Future<RemoteDiagnosticsNode> getRootWidget() { |
// return invokeServiceMethodReturningNode('getRootWidgetSummaryTree');
Dictionary<string, object> widgetTree = new Dictionary<string, object>(); |
widgetTree["children"] = new List<Widget>() |
{ |
new Text("text1"), |
new Text("text2"), |
new Text("text3"), |
new Text("text4"), |
new Text("text5"), |
}; |
widgetTree["properties"] = new List<object>() |
{ |
"properties_1", |
"properties_2", |
"properties_3", |
"properties_4", |
"properties_5", |
}; |
return Future.value(FutureOr.value(new RemoteDiagnosticsNode(widgetTree, |
inspectorService: FutureOr.value(inspectorService), |
true, |
null))).to<RemoteDiagnosticsNode>(); |
} |
Future<RemoteDiagnosticsNode> getRootRenderObject() |
{ |
return Future.value(FutureOr.value(null)).to<RemoteDiagnosticsNode>(); |
} |
public Future<RemoteDiagnosticsNode> getDetailsSubtree( |
RemoteDiagnosticsNode node, |
int subtreeDepth = 2 |
) { |
if (node == null) return null; |
// var args = new Dictionary<string,object>(){
// {"objectGroup", groupName},
// {"arg",},
// {"subtreeDepth", subtreeDepth.ToString()},
// };
// return parseDiagnosticsNodeDaemon(invokeServiceMethodDaemonParams(
// "getDetailsSubtree",
// args
// ));
return Future.value(FutureOr.value("enpty")).to<RemoteDiagnosticsNode>(); |
} |
} |
class InspectorObjectGroupManager { |
public InspectorObjectGroupManager( |
InspectorService inspectorService, |
string debugName) |
{ |
this.inspectorService = inspectorService; |
this.debugName = debugName; |
} |
public InspectorService inspectorService; |
public string debugName; |
ObjectGroup _current; |
ObjectGroup _next; |
Completer _pendingNext; |
// Future<void> pendingUpdateDone {
// if (_pendingNext != null) {
// return _pendingNext.future;
// }
// if (_next == null) {
// // There is no pending update.
// return Future.value();
// }
// _pendingNext = Completer();
// return _pendingNext.future;
// }
public ObjectGroup current { |
get |
{ |
// _current ??= inspectorService.createObjectGroup(debugName);
return _current; |
} |
} |
public ObjectGroup next { |
get |
{ |
// _next ??= inspectorService.createObjectGroup(debugName);
return _next; |
} |
} |
// void clear(bool isolateStopped) {
// if (isolateStopped) {
// // The Dart VM will handle GCing the underlying memory.
// _current = null;
// _setNextNull();
// } else {
// clearCurrent();
// cancelNext();
// }
// }
public void promoteNext() { |
clearCurrent(); |
_current = _next; |
_setNextNull(); |
} |
void clearCurrent() { |
if (_current != null) { |
_current.dispose(); |
_current = null; |
} |
} |
public void cancelNext() { |
if (_next != null) { |
_next.dispose(); |
_setNextNull(); |
} |
} |
void _setNextNull() { |
_next = null; |
if (_pendingNext != null) { |
_pendingNext.complete(); |
_pendingNext = null; |
} |
} |
} |
public class InspectorService |
{ |
public static int nextGroupId = 0; |
public Future<string> inferPubRootDirectoryIfNeeded() |
{ |
var group = createObjectGroup("temp"); |
var root = group.getRoot(FlutterTreeType.widget); |
return Future.value("aaa").to<string>(); |
} |
ObjectGroup createObjectGroup(string debugName) { |
return new ObjectGroup(debugName, this); |
} |
// static Future<InspectorService> create(VmService vmService) async {
// assert(_inspectorDependenciesLoaded);
// assert(serviceManager.hasConnection);
// assert(serviceManager.service != null);
// final inspectorLibrary = EvalOnDartLibrary(
// inspectorLibraryUriCandidates,
// vmService,
// );
// final libraryRef = await inspectorLibrary.libraryRef.catchError(
// (_) => throw FlutterInspectorLibraryNotFound(),
// test: (e) => e is LibraryNotFound,
// );
// final libraryFuture = inspectorLibrary.getLibrary(libraryRef, null);
// final library = await libraryFuture;
// Future<Set<String>> lookupFunctionNames() async {
// for (ClassRef classRef in library.classes) {
// if ('WidgetInspectorService' == {
// final classObj = await inspectorLibrary.getClass(classRef, null);
// final functionNames = <String>{};
// for (FuncRef funcRef in classObj.functions) {
// functionNames.add(;
// }
// return functionNames;
// }
// }
// // WidgetInspectorService is not available. Either this is not a Flutter
// // application or it is running in profile mode.
// return null;
// }
// final supportedServiceMethods = await lookupFunctionNames();
// if (supportedServiceMethods == null) return null;
// return InspectorService(
// vmService,
// inspectorLibrary,
// supportedServiceMethods,
// );
// }
} |
} |
using uiwidgets; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; |
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.DevTools.ui |
{ |
public static class ColorsUtils |
{ |
public static Color treeGuidelineColor => Color.fromARGB(255, 200, 200, 200); |
} |
} |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.DevTools.ui; |
using; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; |
using UnityEditor; |
using Image = Unity.UIWidgets.widgets.Image; |
using TextStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.painting.TextStyle; |
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.DevTools.ui |
{ |
public static class IconsUtils |
{ |
public static Image createImageIcon(string url, float size = ThemeUtils.defaultIconSize) { |
return new Image( |
image: new AssetImage(url), |
height: size, |
width: size |
); |
} |
} |
class CustomIcon : StatelessWidget { |
public CustomIcon( |
IconKind kind = null, |
string text = null, |
bool isAbstract = false |
) |
{ |
this.kind = kind; |
this.text = text; |
this.isAbstract = isAbstract; |
} |
public readonly IconKind kind; |
public readonly string text; |
public readonly bool isAbstract; |
Image baseIcon => kind.icon; |
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) { |
return new Container( |
width: baseIcon.width, |
height: baseIcon.height, |
child: new Stack( |
alignment:, |
children: new List<Widget>{ |
baseIcon, |
new Text( |
text, |
textAlign:, |
style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 9, color: new Color(0xFF231F20)) |
), |
} |
) |
); |
} |
} |
class CustomIconMaker { |
Dictionary<string, CustomIcon> iconCache = new Dictionary<string, CustomIcon>(); |
CustomIcon getCustomIcon(string fromText, |
IconKind kind = null, bool isAbstract = false) { |
if (kind == null) |
{ |
kind = IconKind.classIcon; |
} |
if (fromText?.isEmpty() != false) { |
return null; |
} |
string text = toUpperCase(fromText[0].ToString()); |
string mapKey = $"{text}_{}_{isAbstract}"; |
return iconCache.putIfAbsent(mapKey, () => { |
return new CustomIcon(kind: kind, text: text, isAbstract: isAbstract); |
}); |
} |
string toUpperCase(string str) |
{ |
if (str != null) |
{ |
string retStr = string.Empty; |
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) |
{ |
if (str[i]>='a'&&str[i]<='z') |
{ |
retStr += (char)(str[i] - 'a' + 'A'); |
continue; |
} |
retStr += str[i]; |
} |
return retStr; |
} |
return "str is null"; |
} |
public CustomIcon fromWidgetName(string name) { |
if (name == null) { |
return null; |
} |
bool isPrivate = name.StartsWith("_"); |
while (name.isNotEmpty() && !isAlphabetic(name[0])) { |
name = name.Substring(1); |
} |
if (name.isEmpty()) { |
return null; |
} |
return getCustomIcon( |
name, |
kind: isPrivate ? IconKind.method : IconKind.classIcon |
); |
} |
CustomIcon fromInfo(String name) { |
if (name == null) { |
return null; |
} |
if (name.isEmpty()) { |
return null; |
} |
return getCustomIcon(name, kind:; |
} |
bool isAlphabetic(int _char) { |
return (_char < '0' || _char > '9') && |
_char != '_' && |
_char != '$'; |
} |
} |
class IconKind { |
public IconKind(string name, Image icon, Image abstractIcon = null) |
{ |
||| = name; |
this.icon = icon; |
abstractIcon = abstractIcon ?? icon; |
} |
public static IconKind classIcon = new IconKind( |
"class", |
IconsUtils.createImageIcon("icons/custom/class.png"), |
IconsUtils.createImageIcon("icons/custom/class_abstract.png") |
); |
public static IconKind field = new IconKind( |
"fields", |
IconsUtils.createImageIcon("icons/custom/fields.png") |
); |
public static IconKind _interface = new IconKind( |
"interface", |
IconsUtils.createImageIcon("icons/custom/interface.png") |
); |
public static IconKind method = new IconKind( |
"method", |
IconsUtils.createImageIcon("icons/custom/method.png"), |
IconsUtils.createImageIcon("icons/custom/method_abstract.png") |
); |
public static IconKind property = new IconKind( |
"property", |
IconsUtils.createImageIcon("icons/custom/property.png") |
); |
public static IconKind info = new IconKind( |
"info", |
IconsUtils.createImageIcon("icons/custom/info.png") |
); |
public readonly string name; |
public readonly Image icon; |
public readonly Image abstractIcon; |
} |
} |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; |
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.DevTools.ui |
{ |
public static class LabelUtils |
{ |
public static bool _showLabelText(BuildContext context, double includeTextWidth) { |
return includeTextWidth == null || |
MediaQuery.of(context).size.width > includeTextWidth; |
} |
} |
class ImageIconLabel : StatelessWidget { |
public ImageIconLabel(Image icon, string text, float minIncludeTextWidth = 100) |
{ |
this.icon = icon; |
this.text = text; |
this.minIncludeTextWidth = minIncludeTextWidth; |
} |
public readonly Image icon; |
public readonly string text; |
public readonly float minIncludeTextWidth; |
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) |
{ |
List<Widget> temp = new List<Widget>(); |
temp.Add(icon); |
if (LabelUtils._showLabelText(context, minIncludeTextWidth)) |
{ |
temp.Add(new Padding( |
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 8.0f), |
child: new Text(text) |
)); |
} |
return new Row( |
children: temp |
); |
} |
} |
class MaterialIconLabel : StatelessWidget { |
public MaterialIconLabel(IconData iconData, string text, float includeTextWidth = 10) |
{ |
this.iconData = iconData; |
this.text = text; |
this.includeTextWidth = includeTextWidth; |
} |
public readonly IconData iconData; |
public readonly string text; |
public readonly float includeTextWidth; |
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) |
{ |
List<Widget> temp = new List<Widget>(); |
temp.Add(new Icon(iconData, size: 18.0f)); |
if (LabelUtils._showLabelText(context, includeTextWidth)) |
{ |
temp.Add( |
new Padding( |
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 8.0f), |
child: new Text(text) |
) |
); |
} |
return new Row( |
children: temp |
); |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue