
Merge pull request #4 from UnityTech/text

GitHub 6 年前
共有 7 个文件被更改,包括 224 次插入72 次删除
  1. 59
  2. 2
  3. 5
  4. 24
  5. 190
  6. 13
  7. 3


using UnityEngine;
using Color = UIWidgets.ui.Color;
using FontStyle = UIWidgets.ui.FontStyle;
using Rect = UIWidgets.ui.Rect;
namespace UIWidgets.Tests

this._options = new Func<RenderBox>[] {
this._optionStrings = this._options.Select(x => x.Method.Name).ToArray();
this._selected = 0;

return null;
private RenderBox box(RenderParagraph p, int width = 300, int height = 300)
private RenderBox box(RenderParagraph p, int width = 200, int height = 200)
return new RenderConstrainedOverflowBox(
minWidth: width,

alignment: Alignment.center,
child: p
private RenderBox flexItemBox(RenderParagraph p, int width = 200, int height = 150)
return new RenderConstrainedBox(
additionalConstraints: new BoxConstraints(minWidth: width, maxWidth: width, minHeight: height,
maxHeight: height),
child: new RenderDecoratedBox(
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
color: new Color(0xFFFFFFFF),

child: new RenderPadding(EdgeInsets.all(10), p
RenderBox text()

RenderBox textAlign()
var flexbox = new RenderFlex(
direction: Axis.vertical,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center);
var height = 120;
new RenderParagraph(new TextSpan(EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint.ToString() + "Align To Left\nMaterials define how light reacts with the " +
"surface of a model, and are an essential ingredient in making " +
"believable visuals. When you’ve created a "), textAlign: TextAlign.left),
height: height
new RenderParagraph(new TextSpan(EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint.ToString() + "Align To Rgit\nMaterials define how light reacts with the " +
"surface of a model, and are an essential ingredient in making " +
"believable visuals. When you’ve created a "), textAlign: TextAlign.right),
height: height
new RenderParagraph(new TextSpan(EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint.ToString() + "Align To Center\nMaterials define how light reacts with the " +
"surface of a model, and are an essential ingredient in making " +
"believable visuals. When you’ve created a "), textAlign: TextAlign.center),
height: height
new RenderParagraph(new TextSpan("Align To Justify\nMaterials define how light reacts with the " +
"surface of a model, and are an essential ingredient in making " +
"believable visuals. When you’ve created a "), textAlign: TextAlign.justify),
height: height
return flexbox;
RenderBox textOverflow()
return box(

new TextSpan("Real-time 3D revolutionizes:\n the animation pipeline.\n\n\revolutionizesn\n\nReal-time 3D revolutionizes the animation pipeline ", null),
new TextSpan("Real-time 3D revolutionizes:\n the animation pipeline.\n\n\nrevolutionizesn\n\nReal-time 3D revolutionizes the animation pipeline ", null),
})), 200, 80);

text: "Height 1.2 Text:" + text),
new TextSpan(style: new painting.TextStyle(height: 1.5),
text: "Height 1.5 Text:" + text),
})), width: 300, height: 300);


if (this._clipRect != null) {
throw new Exception("already a clipRec, considering using saveLayer.");
this._clipRect = MatrixUtils.transformRect(this._transform, rect);


public TextAlign TextAlign
get { return textAlign ?? TextAlign.left; }
public readonly TextAlign? textAlign;
public readonly TextDirection? textDirection;
public readonly FontWeight? fontWeight;


private StyledRuns _runs;
public Vector2[] _characterPositions;
public float[] _characterWidth;
public Vector2d[] _characterPositions;
public double[] _characterWidth;
private float _width;
private double _width;
private int _lineStart;
private int _wordStart;
private int _spaceCount = 0;

private List<LineInfo> _lines;
public void setup(string text, StyledRuns runs, Font[] styleRunFonts, float width, Vector2[] characterPositions, float[] characterWidth)
public void setup(string text, StyledRuns runs, Font[] styleRunFonts, double width, Vector2d[] characterPositions, double[] characterWidth)
_text = text;
_runs = runs;

_wordStart = blockStart;
_spaceCount = 0;
float offsetX = 0.0f;
double offsetX = 0.0;
var runIterator = _runs.iterator();
for (var charIndex = blockStart; charIndex < blockEnd; charIndex++)

var style = run.style;
CharacterInfo charInfo;
var result = font.GetCharacterInfo(_text[charIndex], out charInfo, 0, run.style.UnityFontStyle);
var charInfo = new CharacterInfo();
if (_text[charIndex] == '\t')

float tabSize = charInfo.advance * tabCount;
var newX = (float)Math.Floor(((offsetX / tabSize) + 1) * tabSize);
double tabSize = charInfo.advance * tabCount;
var newX = Math.Floor(((offsetX / tabSize) + 1) * tabSize);
if (newX > _width && _lineStart != charIndex)
_characterWidth[charIndex] = tabSize;

else if (_text[charIndex] == ' ')
font.GetCharacterInfo(_text[charIndex], out charInfo, 0, run.style.UnityFontStyle);
_characterPositions[charIndex].x = offsetX;
_characterWidth[charIndex] = charInfo.advance;

font.GetCharacterInfo(_text[charIndex], out charInfo, 0, run.style.UnityFontStyle);
if (_spaceCount > 0 || blockStart == charIndex)
_wordStart = charIndex;

var offset = new Vector2(-_characterPositions[end].x, 0);
var offset = new Vector2d(-_characterPositions[end].x, 0);
_characterPositions[end].x = 0;
if (end < last)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements;
public struct Vector2d
public double x;
public double y;
public Vector2d(double x = 0.0, double y = 0.0)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public static Vector2d operator +(Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
return new Vector2d(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);
public static Vector2d operator -(Vector2d a, Vector2d b)
return new Vector2d(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y);
public class Paragraph
struct Range<T>: IEquatable<Range<T>>

public readonly int endIncludingNewLine;
public readonly bool hardBreak;
class LayoutContext
public int width;
public int index;
public Vector2 offset;
public TextStyle style;
public Font font;
public int wordStart;
public int lineStart;
public int prevWordEnd;
private static readonly Shader textShader;

private ParagraphStyle _paragraphStyle;
private List<LineRange> _lineRanges = new List<LineRange>();
private List<double> _lineWidths = new List<double>();
private Vector2[] _characterPositions;
private Vector2d[] _characterPositions;
private float[] _characterWidths;
private double[] _characterWidths;
private LayoutContext context;
private bool _didExceedMaxLines;
// private double _characterWidth;

return ch == ' ' || ch == CHAR_NBSP;
// This function determines whether a character is a space that disappears at end of line.
// It is the Unicode set: [[:General_Category=Space_Separator:]-[:Line_Break=Glue:]],
// plus '\n'.
// Note: all such characters are in the BMP, so it's ok to use code units for this.
static bool isLineEndSpace(char c) {
return c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == 0x1680 || (0x2000 <= c && c <= 0x200A && c != 0x2007) ||
c == 0x205F || c == 0x3000;
public double height
get { return _lineHeights.Count == 0 ? 0 : _lineHeights[_lineHeights.Count - 1]; }

public double alphabeticBaseline
get { return 0.0; }
get { return _alphabeticBaseline; }
get { return 0.0; }
get { return _ideographicBaseline; }
public bool didExceedMaxLines

maxWordWidth = wordWidth;
if (_paragraphStyle.TextAlign == TextAlign.justify && !_lineRanges[lineNumber].hardBreak
&& lineNumber != lineLimits - 1)
justifyLine(lineNumber, words);
} else if (line.endExcludingWhitespace > line.start)
Debug.Assert(!isLineEndSpace(_text[line.endExcludingWhitespace - 1]));
var lineTotalAdvance = _characterPositions[line.endExcludingWhitespace - 1].x +
_characterWidths[line.endExcludingWhitespace - 1];
double xOffset = getLineXOffset(lineTotalAdvance);
if (xOffset > 0 || xOffset < 0)
offsetCharacters(new Vector2d(xOffset, 0),
_characterPositions, line.start, line.endExcludingWhitespace);

_styleRunFonts = null;
public static void offsetCharacters(Vector2 offset, Vector2[] characterPos, int start, int end)
public static void offsetCharacters(Vector2d offset, Vector2d[] characterPos, int start, int end)
if (characterPos != null)

private void setup()
_characterPositions = new Vector2[_text.Length];
if (_characterPositions == null || _characterPositions.Length < _text.Length)
_characterPositions = new Vector2d[_text.Length];
_characterWidths = new float[_text.Length];
_characterWidths = new double[_text.Length];
if (_styleRunFonts == null)
_styleRunFonts = new Font[_runs.size];

_ideographicBaseline = maxAscent; // todo Properly implement ideographic_baseline
lastDescent = maxDescent;
yOffset += maxAscent + lastDescent;
yOffset = Utils.PixelCorrectRound(yOffset + maxAscent + lastDescent);
_characterPositions[charIndex].y = (float)yOffset;
_characterPositions[charIndex].y = yOffset;
_lineHeights.Add((_lineHeights.Count == 0 ? 0 : _lineHeights[_lineHeights.Count - 1]) +

int runIndex = 0;
StyledRuns.Run lastRun = null;
lineBreaker.setup(_text, _runs, _styleRunFonts, (float)_width, _characterPositions, _characterWidths);
lineBreaker.setup(_text, _runs, _styleRunFonts, _width, _characterPositions, _characterWidths);
for (var newlineIndex = 0; newlineIndex < newLinePositions.Count; ++newlineIndex)

var line = lines[i];
var end = i + 1 < lines.Count ? lines[i + 1].start : blockEnd;
var nonWhiteSpace = end - 1;
while (nonWhiteSpace >= line.start && _text[nonWhiteSpace] == ' ' || _text[nonWhiteSpace] == '\t')
var nonSpaceEnd = end;
while (nonSpaceEnd > line.start && isLineEndSpace(_text[nonSpaceEnd - 1]))
_lineRanges.Add(new LineRange(line.start, end, nonWhiteSpace, end + 1, end == blockEnd));
_lineRanges.Add(new LineRange(line.start, end, nonSpaceEnd, end + 1, end == blockEnd));

var vertices = new Vector3[_text.Length * 4];
var triangles = new int[_text.Length * 6];
var uv = new Vector2[_text.Length * 4];
Vector3 offset = new Vector3((float)x, (float)y, 0);
Vector3 offset = new Vector3((float)Utils.PixelCorrectRound(x), (float)Utils.PixelCorrectRound(y), 0);
CharacterInfo charInfo;
var result = font.GetCharacterInfo(_text[charIndex], out charInfo, run.style.UnityFontSize, run.style.UnityFontStyle);
var position = _characterPositions[charIndex];
vertices[4 * charIndex + 0] = offset + new Vector3(position.x + charInfo.minX, position.y - charInfo.maxY, 0);
vertices[4 * charIndex + 1] = offset + new Vector3(position.x + charInfo.maxX, position.y - charInfo.maxY, 0);
vertices[4 * charIndex + 2] = offset + new Vector3(position.x + charInfo.maxX, position.y - charInfo.minY, 0);
vertices[4 * charIndex + 3] = offset + new Vector3(position.x + charInfo.minX, position.y - charInfo.minY, 0);
if (_text[charIndex] != ' ' && _text[charIndex] != '\t' && _text[charIndex] != '\n')
CharacterInfo charInfo = new CharacterInfo();
if (_text[charIndex] != '\n' && _text[charIndex] != '\t')
uv[4 * charIndex + 0] = charInfo.uvTopLeft;
uv[4 * charIndex + 1] = charInfo.uvTopRight;
uv[4 * charIndex + 2] = charInfo.uvBottomRight;
uv[4 * charIndex + 3] = charInfo.uvBottomLeft;
font.GetCharacterInfo(_text[charIndex], out charInfo, run.style.UnityFontSize, run.style.UnityFontStyle);
var position = _characterPositions[charIndex];
vertices[4 * charIndex + 0] = offset + new Vector3((float)(position.x + charInfo.minX),
(float)(position.y - charInfo.maxY), 0);
vertices[4 * charIndex + 1] = offset + new Vector3((float)(position.x + charInfo.maxX),
(float)(position.y - charInfo.maxY), 0);
vertices[4 * charIndex + 2] = offset + new Vector3(
(float)(position.x + charInfo.maxX), (float)(position.y - charInfo.minY), 0);
vertices[4 * charIndex + 3] = offset + new Vector3(
(float)(position.x + charInfo.minX), (float)(position.y - charInfo.minY), 0);
vertices[4 * charIndex + 0] = vertices[4 * charIndex + 1] =
vertices[4 * charIndex + 2] = vertices[4 * charIndex + 3] = offset;
if (isWordSpace(_text[charIndex]) || isLineEndSpace(_text[charIndex]) || _text[charIndex] == '\t')
} else
uv[4 * charIndex + 0] = charInfo.uvTopLeft;
uv[4 * charIndex + 1] = charInfo.uvTopRight;
uv[4 * charIndex + 2] = charInfo.uvBottomRight;
uv[4 * charIndex + 3] = charInfo.uvBottomLeft;
triangles[6 * charIndex + 0] = 4 * charIndex + 0;

triangles[6 * charIndex + 5] = 4 * charIndex + 3;
// for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
// {
// vertices[i].x = (float)Math.Round(vertices[i].x);
// vertices[i].y = (float)Math.Round(vertices[i].y);
// }
var mesh = new Mesh()
vertices = vertices,

return mesh;
private double getLineXOffset(double lineTotalAdvance) {
if (double.IsInfinity(_width))
return 0;
var align = _paragraphStyle.TextAlign;
if (align == TextAlign.right) {
return _width - lineTotalAdvance;
} else if (align == TextAlign.center) {
return Utils.PixelCorrectRound((_width - lineTotalAdvance) / 2);
} else {
return 0;
private void justifyLine(int lineNumber, List<Range<int>> words)
if (words.Count <= 1)
var line = _lineRanges[lineNumber];
Debug.Assert(!isLineEndSpace(_text[line.endExcludingWhitespace - 1]));
var lineTotalAdvance = _characterPositions[line.endExcludingWhitespace - 1].x +
_characterWidths[line.endExcludingWhitespace - 1];
double gapWidth = (_width - lineTotalAdvance) / (words.Count - 1);
double justifyOffset = 0.0;
foreach (var word in words)
offsetCharacters(new Vector2d(justifyOffset),
_characterPositions, word.start, word.end);
justifyOffset += gapWidth;
justifyOffset = Utils.PixelCorrectRound(justifyOffset);
private List<Range<int>> findWords(int start, int end)
var inWord = false;


using System;
using UnityEditor;
namespace UIWidgets.ui
internal class Utils
public static double PixelCorrectRound(double v)
return Math.Round(v * EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint) / EditorGUIUtility.pixelsPerPoint;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: cd4e5380cbc9438a8d2c8a060b110ea1
timeCreated: 1536199372