Merge pull request #110 from Unity-Technologies/zxw/dev_ios_update_engine
Merge pull request #110 from Unity-Technologies/zxw/dev_ios_update_engine
Zxw/dev ios update engine/siyaoH-1.17-PlatformMessage
4 年前
共有 39 个文件被更改,包括 2252 次插入 和 531 次删除
#import "UnityAppController.h" |
#import <TargetConditionals.h> |
extern void UnityPluginLoad(struct IUnityInterfaces *interfaces); |
extern void UnityPluginUnload(void); |
#pragma mark - App controller subclasssing |
@interface CustomAppController : UnityAppController |
{ |
} |
- (void)shouldAttachRenderDelegate; |
@end |
@implementation CustomAppController |
- (void)shouldAttachRenderDelegate; |
{ |
UnityRegisterRenderingPluginV5(&UnityPluginLoad, &UnityPluginUnload); |
} |
@end |
#endif |
#include "cocoa_task_runner.h"
#include <flutter/fml/time/time_point.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <utility>
namespace uiwidgets { |
CocoaTaskRunner::CocoaTaskRunner(const TaskExpiredCallback& on_task_expired) |
: on_task_expired_(std::move(on_task_expired)) {} |
CocoaTaskRunner::~CocoaTaskRunner() = default; |
std::chrono::nanoseconds CocoaTaskRunner::ProcessTasks() { |
const TaskTimePoint now = TaskTimePoint::clock::now(); |
std::vector<UIWidgetsTask> expired_tasks; |
// Process expired tasks.
{ |
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_queue_mutex_); |
while (!task_queue_.empty()) { |
const auto& top = task_queue_.top(); |
// If this task (and all tasks after this) has not yet expired, there is
// nothing more to do. Quit iterating.
if (top.fire_time > now) { |
break; |
} |
// Make a record of the expired task. Do NOT service the task here
// because we are still holding onto the task queue mutex. We don't want
// other threads to block on posting tasks onto this thread till we are
// done processing expired tasks.
expired_tasks.push_back(task_queue_.top().task); |
// Remove the tasks from the delayed tasks queue.
task_queue_.pop(); |
} |
} |
for (const auto& observer : task_observers_) { |
observer.second(); |
} |
// Fire expired tasks.
{ |
// Flushing tasks here without holing onto the task queue mutex.
for (const auto& task : expired_tasks) { |
on_task_expired_(&task); |
for (const auto& observer : task_observers_) { |
observer.second(); |
} |
} |
} |
if (!expired_tasks.empty()) { |
return ProcessTasks(); |
} |
// Calculate duration to sleep for on next iteration.
{ |
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_queue_mutex_); |
const auto next_wake = task_queue_.empty() ? TaskTimePoint::max() |
: task_queue_.top().fire_time; |
return std::min(next_wake - now, std::chrono::nanoseconds::max()); |
} |
} |
CocoaTaskRunner::TaskTimePoint CocoaTaskRunner::TimePointFromUIWidgetsTime( |
uint64_t uiwidgets_target_time_nanos) { |
const auto fml_now = fml::TimePoint::Now().ToEpochDelta().ToNanoseconds(); |
if (uiwidgets_target_time_nanos <= fml_now) { |
return {}; |
} |
const auto uiwidgets_duration = uiwidgets_target_time_nanos - fml_now; |
const auto now = TaskTimePoint::clock::now(); |
return now + std::chrono::nanoseconds(uiwidgets_duration); |
} |
void CocoaTaskRunner::PostTask(UIWidgetsTask uiwidgets_task, |
uint64_t uiwidgets_target_time_nanos) { |
static std::atomic_uint64_t sGlobalTaskOrder(0); |
Task task; |
task.order = ++sGlobalTaskOrder; |
task.fire_time = TimePointFromUIWidgetsTime(uiwidgets_target_time_nanos); |
task.task = uiwidgets_task; |
{ |
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(task_queue_mutex_); |
task_queue_.push(task); |
} |
} |
void CocoaTaskRunner::AddTaskObserver(intptr_t key, |
const fml::closure& callback) { |
task_observers_[key] = callback; |
} |
void CocoaTaskRunner::RemoveTaskObserver(intptr_t key) { |
task_observers_.erase(key); |
} |
} // namespace uiwidgets
#pragma once |
#include <flutter/fml/closure.h> |
#include <chrono> |
#include <deque> |
#include <map> |
#include <mutex> |
#include <queue> |
#include "shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h" |
#include <flutter/fml/memory/ref_counted.h> |
#include "runtime/mono_api.h" |
namespace uiwidgets { |
class CocoaTaskRunner { |
public: |
using TaskExpiredCallback = std::function<void(const UIWidgetsTask*)>; |
CocoaTaskRunner(const TaskExpiredCallback& on_task_expired); |
~CocoaTaskRunner(); |
std::chrono::nanoseconds ProcessTasks(); |
// Post a Flutter engine tasks to the event loop for delayed execution. |
void PostTask(UIWidgetsTask uiwidgets_task, |
uint64_t uiwidgets_target_time_nanos); |
void AddTaskObserver(intptr_t key, const fml::closure& callback); |
void RemoveTaskObserver(intptr_t key); |
private: |
using TaskTimePoint = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point; |
struct Task { |
uint64_t order; |
TaskTimePoint fire_time; |
UIWidgetsTask task; |
struct Comparer { |
bool operator()(const Task& a, const Task& b) { |
if (a.fire_time == b.fire_time) { |
return a.order > b.order; |
} |
return a.fire_time > b.fire_time; |
} |
}; |
}; |
TaskExpiredCallback on_task_expired_; |
std::mutex task_queue_mutex_; |
std::priority_queue<Task, std::deque<Task>, Task::Comparer> task_queue_; |
using TaskObservers = std::map<intptr_t, fml::closure>; |
TaskObservers task_observers_; |
static TaskTimePoint TimePointFromUIWidgetsTime( |
uint64_t uiwidgets_target_time_nanos); |
}; |
} // namespace uiwidgets |
#pragma once |
#include <mutex> |
#include <queue> |
#include <map> |
#include <flutter/fml/memory/ref_counted.h> |
#include "shell/platform/unity/gfx_worker_task_runner.h" |
#include "runtime/mono_api.h" |
#include "cocoa_task_runner.h" |
#include "unity_surface_manager.h" |
namespace uiwidgets { |
enum UIWidgetsWindowType { |
InvalidPanel = 0, |
GameObjectPanel = 1, |
EditorWindowPanel = 2 |
}; |
struct MouseState { |
bool state_is_down = false; |
bool state_is_added = false; |
uint64_t buttons = 0; |
}; |
class UIWidgetsPanel : public fml::RefCountedThreadSafe<UIWidgetsPanel> { |
public: |
typedef void (*EntrypointCallback)(Mono_Handle handle); |
static fml::RefPtr<UIWidgetsPanel> Create( |
Mono_Handle handle, UIWidgetsWindowType window_type, EntrypointCallback entrypoint_callback); |
~UIWidgetsPanel(); |
void* OnEnable(size_t width, size_t height, float device_pixel_ratio, const char* streaming_assets_path, const char* settings); |
void MonoEntrypoint(); |
void OnDisable(); |
void* OnRenderTexture(size_t width, size_t height, |
float dpi); |
bool ReleaseNativeRenderTexture(); |
int RegisterTexture(void* native_texture_ptr); |
void UnregisterTexture(int texture_id); |
std::chrono::nanoseconds ProcessMessages(); |
void ProcessVSync(); |
void VSyncCallback(intptr_t baton); |
void SetEventLocationFromCursorPosition(UIWidgetsPointerEvent* event_data); |
void OnKeyDown(int keyCode, bool isKeyDown); |
void OnMouseMove(float x, float y); |
void OnScroll(float x, float y, float px, float py); |
void OnMouseDown(float x, float y, int button); |
void OnMouseUp(float x, float y, int button); |
void OnMouseLeave(); |
bool NeedUpdateByPlayerLoop(); |
bool NeedUpdateByEditorLoop(); |
private: |
UIWidgetsPanel(Mono_Handle handle, UIWidgetsWindowType window_type, EntrypointCallback entrypoint_callback); |
void CreateInternalUIWidgetsEngine(size_t width, size_t height, float device_pixel_ratio, const char* streaming_assets_path, const char* settings); |
MouseState GetMouseState() { return mouse_state_; } |
void ResetMouseState() { mouse_state_ = MouseState(); } |
void SetMouseStateDown(bool is_down) { mouse_state_.state_is_down = is_down; } |
void SetMouseStateAdded(bool is_added) { |
mouse_state_.state_is_added = is_added; |
} |
void SetMouseButtons(uint64_t buttons) { mouse_state_.buttons = buttons; } |
void SendMouseMove(float x, float y); |
void SendMouseDown(float x, float y); |
void SendMouseUp(float x, float y); |
void SendMouseLeave(); |
void SendScroll(float delta_x, float delta_y, float px, float py); |
void SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState(UIWidgetsPointerEvent* event_data); |
void SendPointerEventWithData(const UIWidgetsPointerEvent& event_data); |
Mono_Handle handle_; |
EntrypointCallback entrypoint_callback_; |
UIWidgetsWindowType window_type_; |
std::unique_ptr<UnitySurfaceManager> surface_manager_; |
std::unique_ptr<GfxWorkerTaskRunner> gfx_worker_task_runner_; |
std::unique_ptr<CocoaTaskRunner> task_runner_; |
UIWidgetsEngine engine_ = nullptr; |
std::vector<intptr_t> vsync_batons_; |
MouseState mouse_state_; |
bool process_events_ = false; |
}; |
} // namespace uiwidgets |
#pragma once |
#include <flutter/fml/closure.h> |
#include <chrono> |
#include <cstdarg> |
#include <set> |
#include <unordered_map> |
#include <mutex> |
#include "Unity/IUnityInterface.h" |
#include "Unity/IUnityUIWidgets.h" |
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h" |
#include "runtime/mono_api.h" |
namespace uiwidgets { |
using TimePoint = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point; |
class UIWidgetsPanel; |
class UIWidgetsSystem { |
public: |
UIWidgetsSystem(); |
~UIWidgetsSystem(); |
void RegisterPanel(UIWidgetsPanel* panel); |
void UnregisterPanel(UIWidgetsPanel* panel); |
void PostTaskToGfxWorker(const fml::closure& task); |
void printf_console(const char* log, ...) { |
va_list vl; |
va_start(vl, log); |
unity_uiwidgets_->printf_consolev(log, vl); |
va_end(vl); |
} |
void BindUnityInterfaces(IUnityInterfaces* unity_interfaces); |
void UnBindUnityInterfaces(); |
IUnityInterfaces* GetUnityInterfaces() { return unity_interfaces_; } |
static UIWidgetsSystem* GetInstancePtr(); |
private: |
UIWIDGETS_CALLBACK(void) _Update() { GetInstancePtr()->Update(); } |
UIWIDGETS_CALLBACK(void) _Wait(long max_duration) { |
GetInstancePtr()->Wait(std::chrono::nanoseconds(max_duration)); |
} |
UIWIDGETS_CALLBACK(void) _VSync() { GetInstancePtr()->VSync(); } |
UIWIDGETS_CALLBACK(void) _WakeUp() { GetInstancePtr()->WakeUp(); } |
UIWIDGETS_CALLBACK(void) _GfxWorkerCallback(int eventId, void* data) { |
GetInstancePtr()->GfxWorkerCallback(eventId, data); |
} |
void Update(); |
void Wait(std::chrono::nanoseconds max_duration); |
void VSync(); |
void WakeUp(); |
void GfxWorkerCallback(int eventId, void* data); |
IUnityInterfaces* unity_interfaces_ = nullptr; |
UnityUIWidgets::IUnityUIWidgets* unity_uiwidgets_ = nullptr; |
std::unordered_map<int, fml::closure> gfx_worker_tasks_; |
int last_task_id_ = 0; |
TimePoint next_uiwidgets_event_time_ = TimePoint::clock::now(); |
std::set<UIWidgetsPanel*> uiwidgets_panels_; |
std::mutex task_mutex_; |
}; |
} // namespace uiwidgets |
#include "uiwidgets_system.h" |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <chrono> |
#include "uiwidgets_panel.h" |
namespace uiwidgets { |
UIWidgetsSystem g_uiwidgets_system; |
UIWidgetsSystem::UIWidgetsSystem() = default; |
UIWidgetsSystem::~UIWidgetsSystem() = default; |
void UIWidgetsSystem::RegisterPanel(UIWidgetsPanel* panel) { |
uiwidgets_panels_.insert(panel); |
} |
void UIWidgetsSystem::UnregisterPanel(UIWidgetsPanel* panel) { |
uiwidgets_panels_.erase(panel); |
} |
void UIWidgetsSystem::Wait(std::chrono::nanoseconds max_duration) { |
Update(); |
std::chrono::nanoseconds wait_duration = |
std::max(std::chrono::nanoseconds(0), |
next_uiwidgets_event_time_ - TimePoint::clock::now()); |
wait_duration = std::min(max_duration, wait_duration); |
//TODO: find a proper api similar to MsgWaitForMultipleObjects on Windows |
// which will notify os to wait for the given period of time |
} |
void UIWidgetsSystem::Update() { |
TimePoint next_event_time = TimePoint::max(); |
for (auto* uiwidgets_panel : uiwidgets_panels_) { |
if (!uiwidgets_panel->NeedUpdateByPlayerLoop()) { |
continue; |
} |
std::chrono::nanoseconds wait_duration = uiwidgets_panel->ProcessMessages(); |
if (wait_duration != std::chrono::nanoseconds::max()) { |
next_event_time = |
std::min(next_event_time, TimePoint::clock::now() + wait_duration); |
} |
} |
next_uiwidgets_event_time_ = next_event_time; |
} |
void UIWidgetsSystem::VSync() { |
for (auto* uiwidgets_panel : uiwidgets_panels_) { |
if (!uiwidgets_panel->NeedUpdateByPlayerLoop()) { |
continue; |
} |
uiwidgets_panel->ProcessVSync(); |
} |
} |
void UIWidgetsSystem::WakeUp() {} |
void UIWidgetsSystem::GfxWorkerCallback(int eventId, void* data) { |
const fml::closure task(std::move(gfx_worker_tasks_[eventId])); |
{ |
std::scoped_lock lock(task_mutex_); |
gfx_worker_tasks_.erase(eventId); |
} |
task(); |
} |
void UIWidgetsSystem::PostTaskToGfxWorker(const fml::closure& task) { |
{ |
std::scoped_lock lock(task_mutex_); |
last_task_id_++; |
gfx_worker_tasks_[last_task_id_] = task; |
} |
unity_uiwidgets_->IssuePluginEventAndData(&_GfxWorkerCallback, last_task_id_, |
nullptr); |
} |
void UIWidgetsSystem::BindUnityInterfaces(IUnityInterfaces* unity_interfaces) { |
unity_interfaces_ = unity_interfaces; |
unity_uiwidgets_ = unity_interfaces_->Get<UnityUIWidgets::IUnityUIWidgets>(); |
unity_uiwidgets_->SetUpdateCallback(_Update); |
unity_uiwidgets_->SetVSyncCallback(_VSync); |
unity_uiwidgets_->SetWaitCallback(_Wait); |
unity_uiwidgets_->SetWakeUpCallback(_WakeUp); |
} |
void UIWidgetsSystem::UnBindUnityInterfaces() { |
unity_uiwidgets_->SetUpdateCallback(nullptr); |
unity_uiwidgets_->SetVSyncCallback(nullptr); |
unity_uiwidgets_->SetWaitCallback(nullptr); |
unity_uiwidgets_->SetWakeUpCallback(nullptr); |
unity_uiwidgets_ = nullptr; |
unity_interfaces_ = nullptr; |
} |
UIWidgetsSystem* UIWidgetsSystem::GetInstancePtr() { |
return &g_uiwidgets_system; |
} |
} // namespace uiwidgets |
#pragma once |
#include <OpenGLES/EAGL.h> |
#include <OpenGLES/ES2/gl.h> |
#include <OpenGLES/ES2/glext.h> |
#include <OpenGLES/ES3/gl.h> |
#include <UIKit/UIKit.h> |
#include <Metal/Metal.h> |
#include <CoreVideo/CoreVideo.h> |
#include "Unity/IUnityInterface.h" |
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h" |
namespace uiwidgets { |
class UnitySurfaceManager { |
public: |
UnitySurfaceManager(IUnityInterfaces* unity_interfaces); |
~UnitySurfaceManager(); |
void* CreateRenderTexture(size_t width, size_t height); |
void ReleaseNativeRenderContext(); |
bool ReleaseNativeRenderTexture(); |
bool ClearCurrentContext(); |
bool MakeCurrentContext(); |
bool MakeCurrentResourceContext(); |
uint32_t GetFbo(); |
private: |
//pixel buffer handles |
CVPixelBufferRef pixelbuffer_ref = nullptr; |
//gl handlers |
EAGLContext *gl_context_ = NULL; |
EAGLContext *gl_resource_context_ = NULL; |
GLuint default_fbo_ = 0; |
GLuint gl_tex_ = 0; |
CVOpenGLESTextureCacheRef gl_tex_cache_ref_ = nullptr; |
CVOpenGLESTextureRef gl_tex_ref_ = nullptr; |
//metal handlers |
id<MTLDevice> metal_device_; |
id<MTLTexture> metal_tex_; |
CVMetalTextureRef metal_tex_ref_ = nullptr; |
CVMetalTextureCacheRef metal_tex_cache_ref_ = nullptr; |
}; |
} // namespace uiwidgets |
#include "unity_surface_manager.h" |
#include <flutter/fml/logging.h> |
#include "Unity/IUnityGraphics.h" |
#include "Unity/IUnityGraphicsMetal.h" |
#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV 0x8367 |
namespace uiwidgets { |
UnitySurfaceManager::UnitySurfaceManager(IUnityInterfaces* unity_interfaces) |
{ |
FML_DCHECK(metal_device_ == nullptr); |
//get main gfx device (metal) |
auto* graphics = unity_interfaces->Get<IUnityGraphics>(); |
FML_DCHECK(graphics->GetRenderer() == kUnityGfxRendererMetal); |
auto* metalGraphics = unity_interfaces->Get<IUnityGraphicsMetalV1>(); |
metal_device_ = metalGraphics->MetalDevice(); |
//create opengl context |
FML_DCHECK(!gl_context_); |
FML_DCHECK(!gl_resource_context_); |
gl_context_ = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2]; |
gl_resource_context_ = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:[gl_context_ API] sharegroup: [gl_context_ sharegroup]]; |
FML_DCHECK(gl_context_ != nullptr && gl_resource_context_ != nullptr); |
} |
UnitySurfaceManager::~UnitySurfaceManager() { ReleaseNativeRenderContext(); } |
void* UnitySurfaceManager::CreateRenderTexture(size_t width, size_t height) |
{ |
//Constants |
const int ConstCVPixelFormat = kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA; |
const MTLPixelFormat ConstMetalViewPixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm_sRGB; |
const GLuint ConstGLInternalFormat = GL_RGBA; |
const GLuint ConstGLFormat = GL_BGRA_EXT; |
const GLuint ConstGLType = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV; |
//render context must be available |
FML_DCHECK(metal_device_ != nullptr && gl_context_ != nullptr); |
//render textures must be released already |
FML_DCHECK(pixelbuffer_ref == nullptr && default_fbo_ == 0 && gl_tex_ == 0 && gl_tex_cache_ref_ == nullptr && gl_tex_ref_ == nullptr && metal_tex_ == nullptr && metal_tex_ref_ == nullptr && metal_tex_cache_ref_ == nullptr); |
CVReturn cvret; |
//create pixel buffer |
NSDictionary* cvBufferProperties = @{ |
(__bridge NSString*)kCVPixelBufferOpenGLCompatibilityKey : @YES, |
(__bridge NSString*)kCVPixelBufferMetalCompatibilityKey : @YES, |
}; |
cvret = CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, |
width, height, |
ConstCVPixelFormat, |
(__bridge CFDictionaryRef)cvBufferProperties, |
&pixelbuffer_ref); |
FML_DCHECK(cvret == kCVReturnSuccess); |
//create metal context |
// 1. Create a Metal Core Video texture cache from the pixel buffer. |
cvret = CVMetalTextureCacheCreate( |
kCFAllocatorDefault, |
nil, |
metal_device_, |
nil, |
&metal_tex_cache_ref_); |
FML_DCHECK(cvret == kCVReturnSuccess); |
// 2. Create a CoreVideo pixel buffer backed Metal texture image from the texture cache. |
cvret = CVMetalTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage( |
kCFAllocatorDefault, |
metal_tex_cache_ref_, |
pixelbuffer_ref, nil, |
ConstMetalViewPixelFormat, |
width, height, |
0, |
&metal_tex_ref_); |
FML_DCHECK(cvret == kCVReturnSuccess); |
// 3. Get a Metal texture using the CoreVideo Metal texture reference. |
metal_tex_ = CVMetalTextureGetTexture(metal_tex_ref_); |
FML_DCHECK(metal_tex_ != nullptr); |
//create GL Texture |
// 1. Create an OpenGL ES CoreVideo texture cache from the pixel buffer. |
cvret = CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, |
nil, |
gl_context_, |
nil, |
&gl_tex_cache_ref_); |
FML_DCHECK(cvret == kCVReturnSuccess); |
// 2. Create a CVPixelBuffer-backed OpenGL ES texture image from the texture cache. |
cvret = CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(kCFAllocatorDefault, |
gl_tex_cache_ref_, |
pixelbuffer_ref, |
nil, |
ConstGLInternalFormat, |
width, height, |
ConstGLFormat, |
ConstGLType, |
0, |
&gl_tex_ref_); |
FML_DCHECK(cvret == kCVReturnSuccess); |
// 3. Get an OpenGL ES texture name from the CVPixelBuffer-backed OpenGL ES texture image. |
gl_tex_ = CVOpenGLESTextureGetName(gl_tex_ref_); |
//initialize gl renderer |
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:gl_context_]; |
glGenFramebuffers(1, &default_fbo_); |
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, default_fbo_); |
const GLenum texType = GL_TEXTURE_2D; |
glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, texType, gl_tex_, 0); |
return (__bridge void*)metal_tex_; |
} |
bool UnitySurfaceManager::ClearCurrentContext() |
{ |
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:nil]; |
return true; |
} |
bool UnitySurfaceManager::MakeCurrentContext() |
{ |
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:gl_context_]; |
return true; |
} |
bool UnitySurfaceManager::MakeCurrentResourceContext() |
{ |
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:gl_resource_context_]; |
return true; |
} |
uint32_t UnitySurfaceManager::GetFbo() |
{ |
return default_fbo_; |
} |
void UnitySurfaceManager::ReleaseNativeRenderContext() |
{ |
FML_DCHECK(gl_resource_context_); |
gl_resource_context_ = nullptr; |
FML_DCHECK(gl_context_); |
gl_context_ = nullptr; |
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:nil]; |
FML_DCHECK(metal_device_ != nullptr); |
metal_device_ = nullptr; |
} |
bool UnitySurfaceManager::ReleaseNativeRenderTexture() |
{ |
//release gl resources |
FML_DCHECK(default_fbo_ != 0); |
glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &default_fbo_); |
default_fbo_ = 0; |
FML_DCHECK(gl_tex_ != 0); |
glDeleteTextures(1, &gl_tex_); |
gl_tex_ = 0; |
CFRelease(gl_tex_cache_ref_); |
gl_tex_cache_ref_ = nullptr; |
CFRelease(gl_tex_ref_); |
gl_tex_ref_ = nullptr; |
//release metal resources |
//since ARC is enabled by default, no need to release the texture |
metal_tex_ = nullptr; |
CFRelease(metal_tex_ref_); |
metal_tex_ref_ = nullptr; |
CFRelease(metal_tex_cache_ref_); |
metal_tex_cache_ref_ = nullptr; |
//release cv pixelbuffer |
CVPixelBufferRelease(pixelbuffer_ref); |
pixelbuffer_ref = nullptr; |
return true; |
} |
} // namespace uiwidgets |
#include <flutter/fml/synchronization/waitable_event.h> |
#include <iostream> |
#include "lib/ui/window/viewport_metrics.h" |
#include "runtime/mono_api.h" |
#include "shell/platform/embedder/embedder_engine.h" |
#include "shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h" |
#include "shell/common/switches.h" |
#include "uiwidgets_system.h" |
#include "uiwidgets_panel.h" |
namespace uiwidgets { |
fml::RefPtr<UIWidgetsPanel> UIWidgetsPanel::Create( |
Mono_Handle handle, UIWidgetsWindowType window_type, EntrypointCallback entrypoint_callback) { |
return fml::MakeRefCounted<UIWidgetsPanel>(handle, window_type, entrypoint_callback); |
} |
UIWidgetsPanel::UIWidgetsPanel(Mono_Handle handle, |
UIWidgetsWindowType window_type, |
EntrypointCallback entrypoint_callback) |
: handle_(handle), window_type_(window_type), entrypoint_callback_(entrypoint_callback) {} |
UIWidgetsPanel::~UIWidgetsPanel() = default; |
bool UIWidgetsPanel::NeedUpdateByPlayerLoop() { |
return window_type_ == GameObjectPanel; |
} |
bool UIWidgetsPanel::NeedUpdateByEditorLoop() { |
return window_type_ == EditorWindowPanel; |
} |
void* UIWidgetsPanel::OnEnable(size_t width, size_t height, float device_pixel_ratio, |
const char* streaming_assets_path, const char* settings) |
{ |
surface_manager_ = std::make_unique<UnitySurfaceManager>( |
UIWidgetsSystem::GetInstancePtr()->GetUnityInterfaces()); |
void* metal_tex = surface_manager_->CreateRenderTexture(width, height); |
CreateInternalUIWidgetsEngine(width, height, device_pixel_ratio, streaming_assets_path, settings); |
return metal_tex; |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::CreateInternalUIWidgetsEngine(size_t width, size_t height, float device_pixel_ratio, |
const char* streaming_assets_path, const char* settings) |
{ |
fml::AutoResetWaitableEvent latch; |
std::thread::id gfx_worker_thread_id; |
UIWidgetsSystem::GetInstancePtr()->PostTaskToGfxWorker( |
[&latch, &gfx_worker_thread_id]() -> void { |
gfx_worker_thread_id = std::this_thread::get_id(); |
latch.Signal(); |
}); |
latch.Wait(); |
gfx_worker_task_runner_ = std::make_unique<GfxWorkerTaskRunner>( |
gfx_worker_thread_id, [this](const auto* task) { |
if (UIWidgetsEngineRunTask(engine_, task) != kSuccess) { |
std::cerr << "Could not post an gfx worker task." << std::endl; |
} |
}); |
//render task runner configs |
UIWidgetsTaskRunnerDescription render_task_runner = {}; |
render_task_runner.struct_size = sizeof(UIWidgetsTaskRunnerDescription); |
render_task_runner.identifier = 1; |
render_task_runner.user_data = gfx_worker_task_runner_.get(); |
render_task_runner.runs_task_on_current_thread_callback = |
[](void* user_data) -> bool { |
return static_cast<GfxWorkerTaskRunner*>(user_data) |
->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread(); |
}; |
render_task_runner.post_task_callback = [](UIWidgetsTask task, |
uint64_t target_time_nanos, |
void* user_data) -> void { |
static_cast<GfxWorkerTaskRunner*>(user_data)->PostTask(task, |
target_time_nanos); |
}; |
//renderer config |
UIWidgetsRendererConfig config = {}; |
config.type = kOpenGL; |
config.open_gl.struct_size = sizeof(config.open_gl); |
config.open_gl.clear_current = [](void* user_data) -> bool { |
auto* panel = static_cast<UIWidgetsPanel*>(user_data); |
return panel->surface_manager_->ClearCurrentContext(); |
}; |
config.open_gl.make_current = [](void* user_data) -> bool { |
auto* panel = static_cast<UIWidgetsPanel*>(user_data); |
return panel->surface_manager_->MakeCurrentContext(); |
}; |
config.open_gl.make_resource_current = [](void* user_data) -> bool { |
auto* panel = static_cast<UIWidgetsPanel*>(user_data); |
return panel->surface_manager_->MakeCurrentResourceContext(); |
}; |
config.open_gl.fbo_callback = [](void* user_data) -> uint32_t { |
auto* panel = static_cast<UIWidgetsPanel*>(user_data); |
return panel->surface_manager_->GetFbo(); |
}; |
config.open_gl.present = [](void* user_data) -> bool { return true; }; |
config.open_gl.fbo_reset_after_present = true; |
//main thread task runner |
task_runner_ = std::make_unique<CocoaTaskRunner>( |
[this](const auto* task) { |
if (UIWidgetsEngineRunTask(engine_, task) != kSuccess) { |
std::cerr << "Could not post an engine task." << std::endl; |
} |
}); |
UIWidgetsTaskRunnerDescription main_task_runner = {}; |
main_task_runner.struct_size = sizeof(UIWidgetsTaskRunnerDescription); |
main_task_runner.identifier = 2; |
main_task_runner.user_data = task_runner_.get(); |
main_task_runner.runs_task_on_current_thread_callback = [](void* user_data) -> bool { |
return [[NSThread currentThread] isMainThread]; |
}; |
main_task_runner.post_task_callback = [](UIWidgetsTask task, uint64_t target_time_nanos, |
void* user_data) -> void { |
static_cast<CocoaTaskRunner*>(user_data)->PostTask(task, target_time_nanos); |
}; |
//setup custom task runners |
UIWidgetsCustomTaskRunners custom_task_runners = {}; |
custom_task_runners.struct_size = sizeof(UIWidgetsCustomTaskRunners); |
custom_task_runners.platform_task_runner = &main_task_runner; |
custom_task_runners.ui_task_runner = &main_task_runner; |
custom_task_runners.render_task_runner = &render_task_runner; |
UIWidgetsProjectArgs args = {}; |
args.struct_size = sizeof(UIWidgetsProjectArgs); |
args.assets_path = streaming_assets_path; |
args.font_asset = settings; |
args.command_line_argc = 0; |
args.command_line_argv = nullptr; |
args.platform_message_callback = |
[](const UIWidgetsPlatformMessage* engine_message, |
void* user_data) -> void {}; |
args.custom_task_runners = &custom_task_runners; |
args.task_observer_add = [](intptr_t key, void* callback, |
void* user_data) -> void { |
auto* panel = static_cast<UIWidgetsPanel*>(user_data); |
panel->task_runner_->AddTaskObserver(key, *static_cast<fml::closure*>(callback)); |
}; |
args.task_observer_remove = [](intptr_t key, void* user_data) -> void { |
auto* panel = static_cast<UIWidgetsPanel*>(user_data); |
panel->task_runner_->RemoveTaskObserver(key); |
}; |
args.custom_mono_entrypoint = [](void* user_data) -> void { |
auto* panel = static_cast<UIWidgetsPanel*>(user_data); |
panel->MonoEntrypoint(); |
}; |
args.vsync_callback = [](void* user_data, intptr_t baton) -> void { |
auto* panel = static_cast<UIWidgetsPanel*>(user_data); |
panel->VSyncCallback(baton); |
}; |
args.initial_window_metrics.width = width; |
args.initial_window_metrics.height = height; |
args.initial_window_metrics.pixel_ratio = device_pixel_ratio; |
UIWidgetsEngine engine = nullptr; |
auto result = UIWidgetsEngineInitialize(&config, &args, this, &engine); |
if (result != kSuccess || engine == nullptr) { |
std::cerr << "Failed to start UIWidgets engine: error " << result |
<< std::endl; |
return; |
} |
engine_ = engine; |
UIWidgetsEngineRunInitialized(engine); |
UIWidgetsSystem::GetInstancePtr()->RegisterPanel(this); |
process_events_ = true; |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::MonoEntrypoint() { entrypoint_callback_(handle_); } |
void UIWidgetsPanel::OnDisable() { |
// drain pending messages |
ProcessMessages(); |
// drain pending vsync batons |
ProcessVSync(); |
process_events_ = false; |
UIWidgetsSystem::GetInstancePtr()->UnregisterPanel(this); |
if (engine_) { |
UIWidgetsEngineShutdown(engine_); |
engine_ = nullptr; |
} |
gfx_worker_task_runner_ = nullptr; |
task_runner_ = nullptr; |
//release all resources |
if (surface_manager_) |
{ |
surface_manager_->ReleaseNativeRenderTexture(); |
surface_manager_ = nullptr; |
} |
} |
void* UIWidgetsPanel::OnRenderTexture(size_t width, |
size_t height, float device_pixel_ratio) { |
ViewportMetrics metrics; |
metrics.physical_width = static_cast<float>(width); |
metrics.physical_height = static_cast<float>(height); |
metrics.device_pixel_ratio = device_pixel_ratio; |
reinterpret_cast<EmbedderEngine*>(engine_)->SetViewportMetrics(metrics); |
return surface_manager_->CreateRenderTexture(width, height); |
} |
bool UIWidgetsPanel::ReleaseNativeRenderTexture() { return surface_manager_->ReleaseNativeRenderTexture(); } |
int UIWidgetsPanel::RegisterTexture(void* native_texture_ptr) { |
//TODO: add implementation |
std::cerr << "registering external texture is not implemented for MacOS" << std::endl; |
return 0; |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::UnregisterTexture(int texture_id) { |
//TODO: add implementation |
std::cerr << "unregistering external texture is not implemented for MacOS" << std::endl; |
} |
std::chrono::nanoseconds UIWidgetsPanel::ProcessMessages() { |
return std::chrono::nanoseconds(task_runner_->ProcessTasks().count()); |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::ProcessVSync() { |
std::vector<intptr_t> batons; |
vsync_batons_.swap(batons); |
for (intptr_t baton : batons) { |
reinterpret_cast<EmbedderEngine*>(engine_)->OnVsyncEvent( |
baton, fml::TimePoint::Now(), |
fml::TimePoint::Now() + |
fml::TimeDelta::FromNanoseconds(1000000000 / 60)); |
} |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::VSyncCallback(intptr_t baton) { |
vsync_batons_.push_back(baton); |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState( |
UIWidgetsPointerEvent* event_data) { |
MouseState state = GetMouseState(); |
event_data->phase = state.buttons == 0 |
? state.state_is_down ? UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kUp |
: UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kHover |
: state.state_is_down ? UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kMove |
: UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kDown; |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::SendMouseMove(float x, float y) { |
UIWidgetsPointerEvent event = {}; |
event.x = x; |
event.y = y; |
SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState(&event); |
SendPointerEventWithData(event); |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::SendMouseDown(float x, float y) { |
UIWidgetsPointerEvent event = {}; |
SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState(&event); |
event.x = x; |
event.y = y; |
SendPointerEventWithData(event); |
SetMouseStateDown(true); |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::SendMouseUp(float x, float y) { |
UIWidgetsPointerEvent event = {}; |
SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState(&event); |
event.x = x; |
event.y = y; |
SendPointerEventWithData(event); |
if (event.phase == UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kUp) { |
SetMouseStateDown(false); |
} |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::SendMouseLeave() { |
UIWidgetsPointerEvent event = {}; |
event.phase = UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kRemove; |
SendPointerEventWithData(event); |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::SendScroll(float delta_x, float delta_y, float px, float py) { |
UIWidgetsPointerEvent event = {}; |
// TODO: this is a native method, use unity position instead. |
event.x = px; |
event.y = py; |
SetEventPhaseFromCursorButtonState(&event); |
event.signal_kind = UIWidgetsPointerSignalKind::kUIWidgetsPointerSignalKindScroll; |
// TODO: See if this can be queried from the OS; this value is chosen |
// arbitrarily to get something that feels reasonable. |
const int kScrollOffsetMultiplier = 20; |
event.scroll_delta_x = delta_x * kScrollOffsetMultiplier; |
event.scroll_delta_y = delta_y * kScrollOffsetMultiplier; |
SendPointerEventWithData(event); |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::SendPointerEventWithData( |
const UIWidgetsPointerEvent& event_data) { |
MouseState mouse_state = GetMouseState(); |
// If sending anything other than an add, and the pointer isn't already added, |
// synthesize an add to satisfy Flutter's expectations about events. |
if (!mouse_state.state_is_added && |
event_data.phase != UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kAdd) { |
UIWidgetsPointerEvent event = {}; |
event.phase = UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kAdd; |
event.x = event_data.x; |
event.y = event_data.y; |
event.buttons = 0; |
SendPointerEventWithData(event); |
} |
// Don't double-add (e.g., if events are delivered out of order, so an add has |
// already been synthesized). |
if (mouse_state.state_is_added && |
event_data.phase == UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kAdd) { |
return; |
} |
UIWidgetsPointerEvent event = event_data; |
event.device_kind = kUIWidgetsPointerDeviceKindMouse; |
event.buttons = mouse_state.buttons; |
// Set metadata that's always the same regardless of the event. |
event.struct_size = sizeof(event); |
event.timestamp = |
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>( |
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch()) |
.count(); |
UIWidgetsEngineSendPointerEvent(engine_, &event, 1); |
if (event_data.phase == UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kAdd) { |
SetMouseStateAdded(true); |
} else if (event_data.phase == UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kRemove) { |
SetMouseStateAdded(false); |
ResetMouseState(); |
} |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::OnKeyDown(int keyCode, bool isKeyDown) { |
if (process_events_) { |
UIWidgetsPointerEvent event = {}; |
event.phase = isKeyDown ? UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kMouseDown : UIWidgetsPointerPhase::kMouseUp; |
event.device_kind = |
UIWidgetsPointerDeviceKind::kUIWidgetsPointerDeviceKindKeyboard; |
event.buttons = keyCode; |
event.struct_size = sizeof(event); |
event.timestamp = |
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>( |
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch()) |
.count(); |
UIWidgetsEngineSendPointerEvent(engine_, &event, 1); |
} |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::OnMouseMove(float x, float y) { |
if (process_events_) { |
SendMouseMove(x, y); |
} |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::OnScroll(float x, float y, float px, float py) { |
if (process_events_) { |
SendScroll(x, y, px, py); |
} |
} |
static uint64_t ConvertToUIWidgetsButton(int button) { |
switch (button) { |
case -1: |
return kUIWidgetsPointerButtonMousePrimary; |
case -2: |
return kUIWidgetsPointerButtonMouseSecondary; |
case -3: |
return kUIWidgetsPointerButtonMouseMiddle; |
} |
std::cerr << "Mouse button not recognized: " << button << std::endl; |
return 0; |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::OnMouseDown(float x, float y, int button) { |
if (process_events_) { |
uint64_t uiwidgets_button = ConvertToUIWidgetsButton(button); |
if (uiwidgets_button != 0) { |
uint64_t mouse_buttons = GetMouseState().buttons | uiwidgets_button; |
SetMouseButtons(mouse_buttons); |
SendMouseDown(x, y); |
} |
} |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::OnMouseUp(float x, float y, int button) { |
if (process_events_) { |
uint64_t uiwidgets_button = ConvertToUIWidgetsButton(button); |
if (uiwidgets_button != 0) { |
uint64_t mouse_buttons = GetMouseState().buttons & ~uiwidgets_button; |
SetMouseButtons(mouse_buttons); |
SendMouseUp(x, y); |
} |
} |
} |
void UIWidgetsPanel::OnMouseLeave() { |
if (process_events_) { |
SendMouseLeave(); |
} |
} |
UIWIDGETS_API(UIWidgetsPanel*) |
UIWidgetsPanel_constructor( |
Mono_Handle handle, int windowType, |
UIWidgetsPanel::EntrypointCallback entrypoint_callback) { |
UIWidgetsWindowType window_type = static_cast<UIWidgetsWindowType>(windowType); |
const auto panel = UIWidgetsPanel::Create(handle, window_type, entrypoint_callback); |
panel->AddRef(); |
return panel.get(); |
} |
UIWIDGETS_API(void) UIWidgetsPanel_dispose(UIWidgetsPanel* panel) { |
panel->Release(); |
} |
UIWidgetsPanel_onEnable(UIWidgetsPanel* panel, |
size_t width, size_t height, float device_pixel_ratio, |
const char* streaming_assets_path, |
const char* settings) { |
return panel->OnEnable(width, height, device_pixel_ratio, |
streaming_assets_path, settings); |
} |
UIWIDGETS_API(void) UIWidgetsPanel_onDisable(UIWidgetsPanel* panel) { |
panel->OnDisable(); |
} |
UIWIDGETS_API(bool) UIWidgetsPanel_releaseNativeTexture(UIWidgetsPanel* panel) { |
return panel->ReleaseNativeRenderTexture(); |
} |
UIWidgetsPanel_onRenderTexture(UIWidgetsPanel* panel, |
int width, int height, float dpi) { |
return panel->OnRenderTexture(width, height, dpi); |
} |
UIWidgetsPanel_registerTexture(UIWidgetsPanel* panel, |
void* native_texture_ptr) { |
return panel->RegisterTexture(native_texture_ptr); |
} |
UIWidgetsPanel_unregisterTexture(UIWidgetsPanel* panel, int texture_id) { |
panel->UnregisterTexture(texture_id); |
} |
UIWidgetsPanel_onKey(UIWidgetsPanel* panel, int keyCode, bool isKeyDown) { |
panel->OnKeyDown(keyCode, isKeyDown); |
} |
UIWidgetsPanel_onMouseDown(UIWidgetsPanel* panel, float x, float y, |
int button) { |
panel->OnMouseDown(x, y, button); |
} |
UIWidgetsPanel_onMouseUp(UIWidgetsPanel* panel, float x, float y, int button) { |
panel->OnMouseUp(x, y, button); |
} |
UIWidgetsPanel_onMouseMove(UIWidgetsPanel* panel, float x, float y) { |
panel->OnMouseMove(x, y); |
} |
UIWidgetsPanel_onMouseLeave(UIWidgetsPanel* panel) { panel->OnMouseLeave(); } |
UIWidgetsPanel_onEditorUpdate(UIWidgetsPanel* panel) { |
if (!panel->NeedUpdateByEditorLoop()) { |
std::cerr << "only EditorWindowPanel can be updated using onEditorUpdate" << std::endl; |
return; |
} |
//_Update |
panel->ProcessMessages(); |
//_ProcessVSync |
panel->ProcessVSync(); |
//_Wait |
panel->ProcessMessages(); |
} |
UIWidgetsPanel_onScroll(UIWidgetsPanel* panel, float x, float y, float px, float py) { |
panel->OnScroll(x, y, px, py); |
} |
} // namespace uiwidgets |
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