void _layout() { |
int styleMaxLines = this._paragraphStyle.maxLines ?? int.MaxValue; |
this._didExceedMaxLines = this._lineRanges.Count > styleMaxLines; |
Layout layout = new Layout(); |
layout.setTabStops(this._tabStops); |
TextBlobBuilder builder = new TextBlobBuilder(); |
List<Range<int>> words = new List<Range<int>>(); |
List<LineStyleRun> lineStyleRuns = new List<LineStyleRun>(); |
List<GlyphPosition> glyphPositions = new List<GlyphPosition>(); |
List<LineStyleRun> lineRuns = new List<LineStyleRun>(); |
List<Range<int>> words = new List<Range<int>>(); |
List<float> textAdvances = new List<float>(); |
List<GlyphPosition> glyphPositions = new List<GlyphPosition>(); |
Layout layout = new Layout(); |
layout.setTabStops(this._tabStops); |
TextBlobBuilder builder = new TextBlobBuilder(); |
var lineRange = this._lineRanges[lineNumber]; |
this._computePaintRecordsFromLine(lineNumber, ref lineLimit, lineRange, words, lineRuns, ref styleRunIndex, |
lineCodeUnitRuns, lineGlyphPositions, paintRecords, builder, glyphPositions, textAdvances, layout, |
ref maxWordWidth, ref yOffset, ref preMaxDescent); |
lineCodeUnitRuns.Clear(); |
lineGlyphPositions.Clear(); |
paintRecords.Clear(); |
words.Clear(); |
lineStyleRuns.Clear(); |
this._computePaintRecordsFromLine( |
lineNumber, ref lineLimit, ref styleRunIndex, ref maxWordWidth, ref yOffset, ref preMaxDescent, |
words, lineStyleRuns, lineCodeUnitRuns, lineGlyphPositions, paintRecords, glyphPositions, |
builder, layout |
); |
void _computeLineRuns(List<LineStyleRun> lineRuns, LineRange lineRange, ref int styleRunIndex) { |
void _computePaintRecordsFromLine(int lineNumber, |
ref int lineLimit, ref int styleRunIndex, ref float maxWordWidth, ref float yOffset, ref float preMaxDescent, |
List<Range<int>> words, List<LineStyleRun> lineStyleRuns, List<CodeUnitRun> lineCodeUnitRuns, |
List<GlyphPosition> lineGlyphPositions, List<PaintRecord> paintRecords, List<GlyphPosition> glyphPositions, |
TextBlobBuilder builder, Layout layout) { |
var lineRange = this._lineRanges[lineNumber]; |
int wordIndex = 0; |
float runXOffset = 0; |
float justifyXOffset = 0; |
// Break the line into words if justification should be applied.
bool justifyLine = this._paragraphStyle.textAlign == TextAlign.justify && |
lineNumber != lineLimit - 1 && !lineRange.hardBreak; |
float wordGapWidth = !(justifyLine && words.Count > 1) ? 0 |
: (this._width - this._lineWidths[lineNumber]) / (words.Count - 1); |
this._findWords(lineRange.start, lineRange.end, words); |
this._computeLineStyleRuns(lineStyleRuns, lineRange, ref styleRunIndex); |
for (int lineStyleRunIndex = 0; lineStyleRunIndex < lineStyleRuns.Count; ++lineStyleRunIndex) { |
glyphPositions.Clear(); |
var run = lineStyleRuns[lineStyleRunIndex]; |
this._generatePaintRecordFromLineStyleRun( |
run, |
lineRange, |
layout, |
builder, |
lineStyleRunIndex, |
lineStyleRuns.Count, |
lineNumber, |
justifyLine, |
wordGapWidth, |
ref lineLimit, |
ref wordIndex, |
ref runXOffset, |
ref justifyXOffset, |
ref maxWordWidth, |
glyphPositions, |
words, |
paintRecords, |
lineGlyphPositions, |
lineCodeUnitRuns); |
} |
float lineXOffset = this._getAndShiftByLineXOffset(runXOffset, lineCodeUnitRuns, lineGlyphPositions); |
this._computeLineOffset(lineNumber, lineRange, lineGlyphPositions, lineCodeUnitRuns, paintRecords, |
ref yOffset, ref preMaxDescent); |
this._addPaintRecordsWithOffset(paintRecords, lineXOffset, yOffset); |
} |
void _computeLineStyleRuns(List<LineStyleRun> lineStyleRuns, LineRange lineRange, ref int styleRunIndex) { |
// Exclude trailing whitespace from right-justified lines so the last
// visible character in the line will be flush with the right margin.
int lineEndIndex = this._paragraphStyle.textAlign == TextAlign.right || |
lineRuns.Clear(); |
lineRuns.Add(new LineStyleRun(Mathf.Max(styleRun.start, lineRange.start), |
Mathf.Min(styleRun.end, lineEndIndex), styleRun.style)); |
lineStyleRuns.Add(new LineStyleRun( |
Mathf.Max(styleRun.start, lineRange.start), |
Mathf.Min(styleRun.end, lineEndIndex), |
styleRun.style)); |
} |
if (styleRun.end >= lineEndIndex) { |
} |
} |
void _computePaintRecordsFromLine(int lineNumber, ref int lineLimit, LineRange lineRange, List<Range<int>> words, |
List<LineStyleRun> lineRuns, ref int styleRunIndex, List<CodeUnitRun> lineCodeUnitRuns, List<GlyphPosition> lineGlyphPositions, |
List<PaintRecord> paintRecords, TextBlobBuilder builder, List<GlyphPosition> glyphPositions, List<float> textAdvances, |
Layout layout, ref float maxWordWidth, ref float yOffset, ref float preMaxDescent) { |
float wordGapWidth = 0; |
// Break the line into words if justification should be applied.
int wordIndex = 0; |
bool justifyLine = this._paragraphStyle.textAlign == TextAlign.justify && |
lineNumber != lineLimit - 1 && !lineRange.hardBreak; |
words.Clear(); |
this.findWords(lineRange.start, lineRange.end, words); |
if (justifyLine) { |
if (words.Count > 1) { |
wordGapWidth = (this._width - this._lineWidths[lineNumber]) / (words.Count - 1); |
} |
} |
this._computeLineRuns(lineRuns, lineRange, ref styleRunIndex); |
float runXOffset = 0; |
float justifyXOffset = 0; |
lineCodeUnitRuns.Clear(); |
lineGlyphPositions.Clear(); |
paintRecords.Clear(); |
for (int i = 0; i < lineRuns.Count; ++i) { |
var run = lineRuns[i]; |
this._generatePaintRecordFromLineStyleRun(run, i, |
lineRange, lineRuns.Count, lineNumber, ref lineLimit, ref runXOffset, textAdvances, |
layout, builder, glyphPositions, ref justifyXOffset, |
words, ref wordIndex, justifyLine, wordGapWidth, ref maxWordWidth, |
paintRecords, lineGlyphPositions, lineCodeUnitRuns); |
} |
float lineXOffset = this._getAndShiftByLineXOffset(runXOffset, lineCodeUnitRuns, lineGlyphPositions); |
this._computeLineOffset(lineNumber, lineRange, lineGlyphPositions, lineCodeUnitRuns, paintRecords, |
ref yOffset, ref preMaxDescent); |
this._addPaintRecordsWithOffset(paintRecords, lineXOffset, yOffset); |
} |
void _generatePaintRecordFromLineStyleRun(LineStyleRun run, int lineRunIndex, LineRange lineRange, |
int lineRunsCount, int lineNumber, ref int lineLimit, ref float runXOffset, List<float> textAdvances, |
Layout layout, TextBlobBuilder builder, List<GlyphPosition> glyphPositions, ref float justifyXOffset, |
List<Range<int>> words, ref int wordIndex, bool justifyLine, float wordGapWidth, ref float maxWordWidth, |
List<PaintRecord> paintRecords, List<GlyphPosition> lineGlyphPositions, List<CodeUnitRun> lineCodeUnitRuns) { |
void _generatePaintRecordFromLineStyleRun( |
LineStyleRun run, |
LineRange lineRange, |
Layout layout, TextBlobBuilder builder, |
int lineStyleRunIndex, |
int lineRunsCount, |
int lineNumber, |
bool justifyLine, |
float wordGapWidth, |
ref int lineLimit, |
ref int wordIndex, |
ref float runXOffset, |
ref float justifyXOffset, |
ref float maxWordWidth, |
List<GlyphPosition> glyphPositions, |
List<Range<int>> words, |
List<PaintRecord> paintRecords, |
List<GlyphPosition> lineGlyphPositions, |
List<CodeUnitRun> lineCodeUnitRuns) { |
if (this._shouldConsiderEllipsis(lineRange, lineRunIndex, lineRunsCount, lineNumber, lineLimit)) { |
this._handleOverflowEllipsis(ref text, run, runXOffset, textAdvances, |
ref textStart, ref textCount, ref lineLimit, lineNumber); |
if (this._shouldConsiderEllipsis(lineRange, lineStyleRunIndex, lineRunsCount, lineNumber, lineLimit)) { |
this._handleOverflowEllipsis(ref text, ref textStart, ref textCount, run.style, runXOffset); |
if (this._paragraphStyle.maxLines == null) { |
lineLimit = lineNumber + 1; |
this._didExceedMaxLines = true; |
} |
} |
layout.doLayout(runXOffset, new TextBuff(text), textStart, textCount, run.style); |
float wordStartPosition = float.NaN; |
builder.allocRunPos(run.style, text, textStart, textCount); |
builder.setBounds(layout.getBounds() |
.translate(-layout.getX(0), 0)); // bounds relative to first character
// bounds relative to first character
builder.setBounds(layout.getBounds().translate(-layout.getX(0), 0)); |
glyphPositions.Clear(); |
this._populateGlyphPositions(textStart, textCount, builder, layout, ref justifyXOffset, glyphPositions, |
runXOffset, words, ref wordIndex, run, ref wordStartPosition, justifyLine, wordGapWidth, ref maxWordWidth); |
this._populateGlyphPositions( |
textStart, textCount, |
builder, layout, |
glyphPositions, |
words, |
run, |
runXOffset, |
wordGapWidth, |
justifyLine, |
ref wordIndex, |
ref justifyXOffset, |
ref wordStartPosition, |
ref maxWordWidth); |
if (glyphPositions.Count == 0) { |
return; |
lineGlyphPositions, glyphPositions, lineCodeUnitRuns); |
} |
bool _shouldConsiderEllipsis(LineRange lineRange, int lineRunIndex, int lineRunsCount, int lineNumber, int lineLimit) { |
bool _shouldConsiderEllipsis(LineRange lineRange, int lineStyleRunIndex, int lineRunsCount, int lineNumber, int lineLimit) { |
&& lineRunIndex == lineRunsCount - 1 && |
&& lineStyleRunIndex == lineRunsCount - 1 && |
void _handleOverflowEllipsis(ref string text, LineStyleRun run, float runXOffset, |
List<float> textAdvances, ref int textStart, ref int textCount, ref int lineLimit, int lineNumber) { |
void _handleOverflowEllipsis(ref string text, ref int textStart, ref int textCount, TextStyle style, float runXOffset) { |
Layout.requireEllipsisInTexture(this._paragraphStyle.ellipsis, run.style); |
Layout.requireEllipsisInTexture(this._paragraphStyle.ellipsis, style); |
this._paragraphStyle.ellipsis.Length, run.style, null, 0, this._tabStops); |
textAdvances.reset(textCount); |
float textWidth = Layout.measureText(runXOffset, new TextBuff(text), textStart, textCount, |
run.style, textAdvances, 0, this._tabStops); |
this._paragraphStyle.ellipsis.Length, style, null, 0, this._tabStops); |
// This "new" is executed at most once in each layout, no need to bother create in the beginning
// and pass all the way here
var textAdvances = new List<float>(new float[textCount]); |
float textWidth = Layout.measureText(runXOffset, new TextBuff(text), textStart, textCount, style, |
textAdvances, 0, this._tabStops); |
// Find the minimum number of characters to truncate, so that the truncated text appended with ellipsis
// is within the constraints of line width
while (truncateCount < textCount && |
runXOffset + textWidth + ellipsisWidth > this._width) { |
while (truncateCount < textCount && runXOffset + textWidth + ellipsisWidth > this._width) { |
var ellipsizedText = this._text.Substring(textStart, textCount - truncateCount) + this._paragraphStyle.ellipsis; |
text = this._text.Substring(textStart, textCount - truncateCount) + this._paragraphStyle.ellipsis; |
textCount = ellipsizedText.Length; |
text = ellipsizedText; |
if (this._paragraphStyle.maxLines == null) { |
lineLimit = lineNumber + 1; |
this._didExceedMaxLines = true; |
} |
textCount = text.Length; |
void _populateGlyphPositions(int textStart, int textCount, TextBlobBuilder builder, Layout layout, |
ref float justifyXOffset, List<GlyphPosition> glyphPositions, float runXOffset, List<Range<int>> words, |
ref int wordIndex, LineStyleRun run, ref float wordStartPosition, bool justifyLine, float wordGapWidth, |
void _populateGlyphPositions(int textStart, int textCount, |
TextBlobBuilder builder, Layout layout, |
List<GlyphPosition> glyphPositions, |
List<Range<int>> words, |
LineStyleRun run, |
float runXOffset, |
float wordGapWidth, |
bool justifyLine, |
ref int wordIndex, |
ref float justifyXOffset, |
ref float wordStartPosition, |
ref float maxWordWidth) { |
for (int glyphIndex = 0; glyphIndex < textCount; ++glyphIndex) { |
float glyphXOffset = layout.getX(glyphIndex) + justifyXOffset; |
newLinePositions.Add(this._text.Length); |
} |
void findWords(int start, int end, List<Range<int>> words) { |
void _findWords(int start, int end, List<Range<int>> words) { |
var inWord = false; |
int wordStart = 0; |
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { |