
upgrade animation

xingweizhu 4 年前
共有 7 个文件被更改,包括 626 次插入142 次删除
  1. 10
  2. 61
  3. 466
  4. 171
  5. 44
  6. 14
  7. 2


get { return status == AnimationStatus.completed; }
public Animation<U> drive<U>(Animatable<U> child) {
D.assert(this is Animation<float>);
return child.animate(this as Animation<float>);
public override string ToString() {
return $"{foundation_.describeIdentity(this)}({toStringDetails()})";

D.assert(icon != null);
return icon;
public Animation<U> drive<U>(Animatable<U> child) {
D.assert(this is Animation<float>);
return child.animate(this as Animation<float>);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.UIWidgets.foundation;
using Unity.UIWidgets.physics;
using Unity.UIWidgets.scheduler2;

float value = 0.0f,
TimeSpan? duration = null,
TimeSpan? reverseDuration = null,
string debugLabel = null,
TickerProvider vsync = null
) {

_direction = _AnimationDirection.forward;
this.duration = duration;
this.reverseDuration = reverseDuration;
this.debugLabel = debugLabel;
_ticker = vsync.createTicker(_tick);

public static AnimationController unbounded(
float value = 0.0f,
TimeSpan? duration = null,
TimeSpan? reverseDuration = null,
return new AnimationController(value, duration, debugLabel, vsync);
return new AnimationController(value, duration, reverseDuration, debugLabel, vsync);
public readonly float lowerBound;

D.assert(() => {
if (duration == null) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"AnimationController.forward() called with no default Duration.\n" +
"AnimationController.forward() called with no default duration.\n" +
"The \"duration\" property should be set, either in the constructor or later, before " +
"calling the forward() function."

public TickerFuture reverse(float? from = null) {
D.assert(() => {
if (duration == null) {
if (duration == null && reverseDuration == null) {
"AnimationController.reverse() called with no default Duration.\n" +
"The \"duration\" property should be set, either in the constructor or later, before " +
"AnimationController.reverse() called with no default duration or reverseDuration.\n" +
"The \"duration\" or \"reverseDuration\" property should be set, either in the constructor or later, before " +
"calling the reverse() function."

TimeSpan? simulationDuration = duration;
if (simulationDuration == null) {
D.assert(() => {
if (this.duration == null) {
if ((this.duration == null && _direction == _AnimationDirection.reverse && reverseDuration == null) ||
(this.duration == null && _direction == _AnimationDirection.forward)) {
"AnimationController.animateTo() called with no explicit Duration and no default Duration.\n" +
"AnimationController.animateTo() called with no explicit Duration and no default duration or reverseDuration.\n" +
"\"duration\" property should be set, either in the constructor or later, before " +
"\"duration\" and/or \"reverseDuration\" property should be set, either in the constructor or later, before " +
"calling the animateTo() function."

float range = upperBound - lowerBound;
float remainingFraction = range.isFinite() ? (target - _value).abs() / range : 1.0f;
simulationDuration = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long) (this.duration.Value.Ticks * remainingFraction));
TimeSpan directionDuration = (_direction == _AnimationDirection.reverse && reverseDuration != null)
? reverseDuration.Value
: this.duration.Value;
simulationDuration = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long) (directionDuration.Ticks * remainingFraction));
else if (target == value) {
simulationDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;

D.assert(max >= min);
D.assert(max <= upperBound && min >= lowerBound);
return animateWith(new _RepeatingSimulation(_value, min.Value, max.Value, reverse, period.Value));
return _startSimulation(new _RepeatingSimulation(_value, min.Value, max.Value, reverse, period.Value, _directionSetter));
void _directionSetter(_AnimationDirection direction) {
_direction = direction;
_status = (_direction == _AnimationDirection.forward) ? AnimationStatus.forward : AnimationStatus.reverse;
public TickerFuture fling(float velocity = 1.0f) {

Simulation simulation = new SpringSimulation(_kFlingSpringDescription, value,
target, velocity);
simulation.tolerance = _kFlingTolerance;
return animateWith(simulation);
return _startSimulation(simulation);

"AnimationController methods should not be used after calling dispose."
_direction = _AnimationDirection.forward;
return _startSimulation(simulation);

public override void dispose() {
D.assert(() => {
if (_ticker == null) {
throw new UIWidgetsError(
"AnimationController.dispose() called more than once.\n" +
"A given " + GetType() + " cannot be disposed more than once.\n" +
"The following " + GetType() + " object was disposed multiple times:\n" +
" " + this);
throw new UIWidgetsError(new List<DiagnosticsNode>() {
new ErrorSummary("AnimationController.dispose() called more than once."),
new ErrorDescription($"A given {GetType()} cannot be disposed more than once.\n"),
new DiagnosticsProperty<AnimationController>(
$"The following {GetType()} object was disposed multiple times",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty)
return true;

delegate void _DirectionSetter(_AnimationDirection direction);
internal _RepeatingSimulation(float initialValue, float min, float max, bool reverse, TimeSpan period) {
internal _RepeatingSimulation(float initialValue, float min, float max, bool reverse, TimeSpan period, _DirectionSetter directionSetter) {
_min = min;
_max = max;
_periodInSeconds = (float) period.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;

this.directionSetter = directionSetter;
D.assert(_periodInSeconds > 0.0f);
D.assert(_initialT >= 0.0f);

readonly float _periodInSeconds;
readonly bool _reverse;
readonly float _initialT;
readonly _DirectionSetter directionSetter;
public override float x(float timeInSeconds) {
D.assert(timeInSeconds >= 0.0f);

if (_reverse && _isPlayingReverse) {
return MathUtils.lerpFloat(_min, _max, t);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Random = System.Random;
public abstract class Curve {
public float transform(float t) {
D.assert(t >= 0.0f && t <= 1.0f);
public abstract class ParametricCurve<T> {
public virtual T transform(float t) {
D.assert(t >= 0.0f && t <= 1.0f, () => $"parametric value {t} is outside of [0, 1] range.");
return transformInternal(t);
protected virtual T transformInternal(float t) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override string ToString() {
return $"{GetType()}";
public abstract class Curve : ParametricCurve<float> {
public override float transform(float t) {
return transformInternal(t);
protected virtual float transformInternal(float t) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
return base.transform(t);
public override string ToString() {
return GetType().ToString();

public override string ToString() {
return $"{GetType()}({a:F2}, {b:F2}, {c:F2}, {d:F2})";
public abstract class Curve2D : ParametricCurve<Offset> {
internal IEnumerable<Curve2DSample> generateSamples(
float start = 0.0f,
float end = 1.0f,
float tolerance = 1e-10f) {
D.assert(end > start);
Random rand = new Random(samplingSeed);
bool isFlat(Offset p, Offset q, Offset r) {
Offset pr = p - r;
Offset qr = q - r;
float z = pr.dx * qr.dy - qr.dx * pr.dy;
return z * z < tolerance;
Curve2DSample first = new Curve2DSample(start, transform(start));
Curve2DSample last = new Curve2DSample(end, transform(end));
List<Curve2DSample> samples = new List<Curve2DSample>(){first};
void sample(Curve2DSample p, Curve2DSample q, bool forceSubdivide = false) {
float t = p.t + (0.45f + 0.1f * (float)rand.NextDouble() * (q.t - p.t));
Curve2DSample r = new Curve2DSample(t, transform(t));
if (!forceSubdivide && isFlat(p.value, q.value, r.value)) {
else {
sample(p, r);
sample(r, q);
sample(first, last,
forceSubdivide: (first.value.dx - last.value.dx).abs() < tolerance &&
(first.value.dy - last.value.dy).abs() < tolerance);
return samples;
protected virtual int samplingSeed {
get { return 0; }
public float findInverse(float x) {
float start = 0.0f;
float end = 1.0f;
float mid = 0f;
float offsetToOrigin(float pos) {
return x - transform(pos).dx;
const float errorLimit = 1e-6f;
int count = 100;
float startValue = offsetToOrigin(start);
while ((end - start / 2.0f) > errorLimit && count > 0) {
mid = (end + start) / 2.0f;
float value = offsetToOrigin(mid);
if (value.sign() == startValue.sign()) {
start = mid;
else {
end = mid;
return mid;
internal class Curve2DSample {
public Curve2DSample(float t, Offset value) {
this.t = t;
this.value = value;
public readonly float t;
public readonly Offset value;
public override string ToString() {
return $"[{value.dx:F2}, {value.dy:F2}, {t:F2}]";
class CatmullRomSpline : Curve2D {
List<Offset> controlPoints,
float? tension = 0.0f,
Offset startHandle = null,
Offset endHandle = null
) {
D.assert(controlPoints != null);
D.assert(tension != null);
D.assert(tension <= 1.0f, () => $"tension {tension} must not be greater than 1.0.");
D.assert(tension >= 0.0f, () => $"tension {tension} must not be negative.");
D.assert(controlPoints.Count > 3, () => "There must be at least four control points to create a CatmullRomSpline.");
_controlPoints = controlPoints;
_startHandle = startHandle;
_endHandle = endHandle;
_tension = tension;
_cubicSegments = new List<List<Offset>>();
internal CatmullRomSpline(
List<Offset> controlPoints,
float? tension = 0.0f,
Offset startHandle = null,
Offset endHandle = null,
List<List<Offset>> cubicSegments = null
) {
D.assert(cubicSegments != null);
_controlPoints = controlPoints;
_startHandle = startHandle;
_endHandle = endHandle;
_tension = tension;
_cubicSegments = new List<List<Offset>>();
public static CatmullRomSpline precompute(
List<Offset> controlPoints,
float? tension = 0.0f,
Offset startHandle = null,
Offset endHandle = null
) {
D.assert(controlPoints != null);
D.assert(tension != null);
D.assert(tension <= 1.0f, () => $"tension {tension} must not be greater than 1.0.");
D.assert(tension >= 0.0f, () => $"tension {tension} must not be negative.");
D.assert(controlPoints.Count > 3, () => "There must be at least four control points to create a CatmullRomSpline.");
return new CatmullRomSpline(
controlPoints: null,
tension: null,
startHandle: null,
endHandle: null,
cubicSegments: _computeSegments(controlPoints, tension, startHandle: startHandle, endHandle: endHandle)
static List<List<Offset>> _computeSegments(
List<Offset> controlPoints,
float? tension,
Offset startHandle,
Offset endHandle) {
startHandle = startHandle ?? controlPoints[0] * 2.0f - controlPoints[1];
endHandle = endHandle ?? controlPoints.last() * 2.0f - controlPoints[controlPoints.Count - 2];
List<Offset> allPoints = new List<Offset>();
const float alpha = 0.5f;
float reverseTension = 1.0f - tension.Value;
List<List<Offset>> result = new List<List<Offset>>();
for (int i = 0; i < allPoints.Count - 3; ++i) {
List<Offset> curve = new List<Offset>{allPoints[i], allPoints[i + 1], allPoints[i + 2], allPoints[i + 3]};
Offset diffCurve10 = curve[1] - curve[0];
Offset diffCurve21 = curve[2] - curve[1];
Offset diffCurve32 = curve[3] - curve[2];
float t01 = Mathf.Pow(diffCurve10.distance, alpha);
float t12 = Mathf.Pow(diffCurve21.distance, alpha);
float t23 = Mathf.Pow(diffCurve32.distance, alpha);
Offset m1 = (diffCurve21 + (diffCurve10 / t01 - (curve[2] - curve[0]) / (t01 + t12)) * t12) * reverseTension;
Offset m2 = (diffCurve21 + (diffCurve32 / t23 - (curve[3] - curve[1]) / (t12 + t23)) * t12) * reverseTension;
Offset sumM12 = m1 + m2;
List<Offset> segment = new List<Offset> {
diffCurve21 * -2.0f + sumM12,
diffCurve21 * 3.0f - m1 - sumM12,
return result;
readonly List<List<Offset>> _cubicSegments;
readonly List<Offset> _controlPoints;
readonly Offset _startHandle;
readonly Offset _endHandle;
readonly float? _tension;
void _initializeIfNeeded() {
if (_cubicSegments.isNotEmpty()) {
_cubicSegments.AddRange(_computeSegments(_controlPoints, _tension, startHandle: _startHandle, endHandle: _endHandle));
protected override int samplingSeed {
get {
Offset seedPoint = _cubicSegments[0][1];
return ((seedPoint.dx + seedPoint.dy) * 10000).round();
protected override Offset transformInternal(float t) {
float length = _cubicSegments.Count;
float position;
float localT;
int index;
if (t < 1.0f) {
position = t * length;
localT = position - position.floor();
index = position.floor();
} else {
position = length;
localT = 1.0f;
index = _cubicSegments.Count - 1;
List<Offset> cubicControlPoints = _cubicSegments[index];
float localT2 = localT * localT;
return cubicControlPoints[0] * localT2 * localT
+ cubicControlPoints[1] * localT2
+ cubicControlPoints[2] * localT
+ cubicControlPoints[3];
public class CatmullRomCurve : Curve {
public CatmullRomCurve(
List<Offset> controlPoints,
float? tension = 0.0f) {
D.assert(tension != null);
this.controlPoints = controlPoints;
this.tension = tension;
D.assert(() => {
return validateControlPoints(controlPoints,
tension: tension,
reasons: _debugAssertReasons);
}, () => $"control points {controlPoints} could not be validated:\n {string.Join("\n ", _debugAssertReasons)}");
_precomputedSamples = new List<Curve2DSample>();
internal CatmullRomCurve(
List<Offset> controlPoints,
float? tension = 0.0f,
List<Curve2DSample> precomputedSamples = null) {
D.assert(precomputedSamples != null);
D.assert(tension != null);
this.controlPoints = controlPoints;
this.tension = tension;
D.assert(() => {
return validateControlPoints(controlPoints,
tension: tension,
reasons: _debugAssertReasons);
}, () => $"control points {controlPoints} could not be validated:\n {string.Join("\n ", _debugAssertReasons)}");
_precomputedSamples = precomputedSamples;
public static CatmullRomCurve precompute(
List<Offset> controlPoints, float? tension = 0.0f) {
return new CatmullRomCurve(
_computeSamples(controlPoints, tension));
static List<Curve2DSample> _computeSamples(List<Offset> controlPoints, float? tension) {
List<Offset> _controlPoints = new List<Offset>();
_controlPoints.Add(new Offset(1.0f, 1.0f));
return CatmullRomSpline.precompute(_controlPoints, tension: tension).generateSamples(
start: 0.0f, end: 1.0f, tolerance: 1e-12f).ToList();
static readonly List<String> _debugAssertReasons = new List<String>();
readonly List<Curve2DSample> _precomputedSamples;
public readonly List<Offset> controlPoints;
public readonly float? tension;
static bool validateControlPoints(
List<Offset> controlPoints,
float? tension = 0.0f,
List<string> reasons = null) {
D.assert(tension != null);
if (controlPoints == null) {
D.assert(() => {
reasons?.Add("Supplied control points cannot be null");
return true;
return false;
if (controlPoints.Count < 2) {
D.assert(() => {
reasons?.Add("There must be at least two points supplied to create a valid curve.");
return true;
return false;
List<Offset> _controlPoints = new List<Offset>();
_controlPoints.Insert(0, Offset.zero);
_controlPoints.Add(new Offset(1.0f, 1.0f));
Offset startHandle = _controlPoints[0] * 2.0f - _controlPoints[1];
Offset endHandle = _controlPoints.last() * 2.0f - _controlPoints[_controlPoints.Count - 2];
_controlPoints.Insert(0, startHandle);
float lastX = -float.PositiveInfinity;
for (int i = 0; i < _controlPoints.Count; ++i) {
if (i > 1 &&
i < _controlPoints.Count - 2 &&
(_controlPoints[i].dx <= 0.0f || _controlPoints[i].dx >= 1.0f)) {
D.assert(() => {
reasons?.Add("Control points must have X values between 0.0 and 1.0, exclusive. " +
$"Point {i} has an x value ({_controlPoints[i].dx}) which is outside the range.");
return true;
return false;
if (_controlPoints[i].dx <= lastX) {
D.assert(() => {
reasons?.Add("Each X coordinate must be greater than the preceding X coordinate " +
$"(i.e. must be monotonically increasing in X). Point {i} has an x value of " +
$"{_controlPoints[i].dx}, which is not greater than {lastX}");
return true;
return false;
lastX = _controlPoints[i].dx;
bool success = true;
lastX = -float.PositiveInfinity;
const float tolerance = 1e-3f;
CatmullRomSpline testSpline = new CatmullRomSpline(_controlPoints, tension: tension);
float start = testSpline.findInverse(0.0f);
float end = testSpline.findInverse(1.0f);
IEnumerable<Curve2DSample> samplePoints = testSpline.generateSamples(start: start, end: end);
if (samplePoints.First().value.dy.abs() > tolerance ||
(1.0f - samplePoints.Last().value.dy).abs() > tolerance) {
bool bail = true;
success = false;
D.assert(() => {
reasons?.Add($"The curve has more than one Y value at X = {samplePoints.First().value.dx}. " +
"Try moving some control points further away from this value of X, or increasing " +
"the tension.");
bail = reasons == null;
return true;
if (bail) {
return false;
foreach (Curve2DSample sample in samplePoints) {
Offset point = sample.value;
float t = sample.t;
float x = point.dx;
if (t >= start && t <= end && (x < -1e-3f || x > 1.0f + 1e-3f)) {
bool bail = true;
success = false;
D.assert(() => {
reasons?.Add($"The resulting curve has an X value ({x}) which is outside " +
"the range [0.0, 1.0], inclusive.");
bail = reasons == null;
return true;
if (bail) {
return false;
if (x < lastX) {
bool bail = true;
success = false;
D.assert(() => {
reasons?.Add($"The curve has more than one Y value at x = {x}. Try moving " +
"some control points further apart in X, or increasing the tension.");
bail = reasons == null;
return true;
if (bail) {
return false;
lastX = x;
return success;
protected override float transformInternal(float t) {
if (_precomputedSamples.isEmpty()) {
// Compute the samples now if we were constructed lazily.
_precomputedSamples.AddRange(_computeSamples(controlPoints, tension));
int start = 0;
int end = _precomputedSamples.Count - 1;
int mid;
Offset value;
Offset startValue = _precomputedSamples[start].value;
Offset endValue = _precomputedSamples[end].value;
while (end - start > 1) {
mid = (end + start) / 2;
value = _precomputedSamples[mid].value;
if (t >= value.dx) {
start = mid;
startValue = value;
} else {
end = mid;
endValue = value;
float t2 = (t - startValue.dx) / (endValue.dx - startValue.dx);
return Mathf.Lerp(startValue.dy, endValue.dy, t2);


using Unity.UIWidgets.ui;
namespace Unity.UIWidgets.animation {
int _listenerCounter = 0;
int _listenerCounter;
protected void didRegisterListener() {
D.assert(_listenerCounter >= 0);

public abstract class AnimationEagerListenerMixinAnimation<T> : Animation<T> {
protected void didRegisterListener() {

public abstract class
AnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T> : AnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T> {
public abstract class AnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T> : AnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T> {
readonly ObserverList<VoidCallback> _listeners = new ObserverList<VoidCallback>();
public override void addListener(VoidCallback listener) {

public void notifyListeners() {
var localListeners = new List<VoidCallback>(_listeners);
foreach (VoidCallback listener in localListeners) {
InformationCollector collector = null;
D.assert(() => {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<AnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T>>(
"The " + GetType() + " notifying listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
collector = infoCollector;
return true;
catch (Exception exception) {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<
"The " + GetType() + " notifying listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
} catch (Exception exception) {
informationCollector: infoCollector
informationCollector: collector

public abstract class
AnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationEagerListenerMixinAnimation<T> : AnimationEagerListenerMixinAnimation<T> {
public abstract class AnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationEagerListenerMixinAnimation<T> : AnimationEagerListenerMixinAnimation<T> {
readonly ObserverList<VoidCallback> _listeners = new ObserverList<VoidCallback>();
public override void addListener(VoidCallback listener) {

public void notifyListeners() {
var localListeners = new List<VoidCallback>(_listeners);
foreach (VoidCallback listener in localListeners) {
InformationCollector collector = null;
D.assert(() => {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<AnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationEagerListenerMixinAnimation<T>>(
"The " + GetType() + " notifying listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
collector = infoCollector;
return true;
catch (Exception exception) {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<
"The " + GetType() + " notifying listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
} catch (Exception exception) {
informationCollector: infoCollector
informationCollector: collector

public abstract class
AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixinAnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T> :
AnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T> {
public abstract class AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixinAnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T> : AnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T> {
readonly ObserverList<AnimationStatusListener> _statusListeners = new ObserverList<AnimationStatusListener>();
public override void addStatusListener(AnimationStatusListener listener) {

if (_statusListeners.Contains(listener)) {
catch (Exception exception) {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<
"The " + GetType() + " notifying listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
} catch (Exception exception) {
InformationCollector collector = null;
D.assert(() => {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixinAnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T>>(
"The " + GetType() + " notifying status listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
collector = infoCollector;
return true;
informationCollector: infoCollector
informationCollector: collector

public abstract class
AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixinAnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T> : AnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T
> {
public abstract class AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixinAnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T> : AnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T> {
readonly ObserverList<AnimationStatusListener> _statusListeners = new ObserverList<AnimationStatusListener>();
public override void addStatusListener(AnimationStatusListener listener) {

if (_statusListeners.Contains(listener)) {
catch (Exception exception) {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<
"The " + GetType() + " notifying listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
} catch (Exception exception) {
InformationCollector collector = null;
D.assert(() => {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixinAnimationLazyListenerMixinAnimation<T>>(
"The " + GetType() + " notifying status listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
collector = infoCollector;
return true;
informationCollector: infoCollector
informationCollector: collector

public abstract class
AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixinAnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationEagerListenerMixinAnimation<T> :
AnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationEagerListenerMixinAnimation<T> {
public abstract class AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixinAnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationEagerListenerMixinAnimation<T> : AnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationEagerListenerMixinAnimation<T> {
readonly ObserverList<AnimationStatusListener> _statusListeners = new ObserverList<AnimationStatusListener>();
public override void addStatusListener(AnimationStatusListener listener) {

if (_statusListeners.Contains(listener)) {
catch (Exception exception) {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<
"The " + GetType() + " notifying listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
} catch (Exception exception) {
InformationCollector collector = null;
D.assert(() => {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixinAnimationLocalListenersMixinAnimationEagerListenerMixinAnimation<T>>(
"The " + GetType() + " notifying status listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
collector = infoCollector;
return true;
informationCollector: infoCollector
informationCollector: collector


public void notifyListeners() {
var localListeners = new List<VoidCallback>(this._listeners);
foreach (VoidCallback listener in localListeners) {
InformationCollector collector = null;
D.assert(() => {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<AnimationLocalListenersMixin{{with | safe}}>(
"The " + this.GetType() + " notifying listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
collector = infoCollector;
return true;
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<AnimationLocalListenersMixin{{with | safe}}>(
"The " + this.GetType() + " notifying listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
informationCollector: infoCollector
informationCollector: collector

} catch (Exception exception) {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin{{with | safe}}>(
"The " + this.GetType() + " notifying listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
InformationCollector collector = null;
D.assert(() => {
IEnumerable<DiagnosticsNode> infoCollector() {
yield return new DiagnosticsProperty<AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin{{with | safe}}>(
"The " + this.GetType() + " notifying status listeners was:",
style: DiagnosticsTreeStyle.errorProperty
collector = infoCollector;
return true;
informationCollector: infoCollector
informationCollector: collector


return lerp(t);
/*public override T evaluate(Animation<float> animation) {
float t = animation.value;
if (t == 0.0) {
return begin;
if (t == 1.0) {
return end;
return lerp(t);
public override string ToString() {
return $"{GetType()}({begin} \u2192 {end})";


if (_intervals[index].contains(t))
return _evaluateAt(t, index);
D.assert(false, ()=>"TweenSequence.evaluate() could not find an interval for $t");
D.assert(false, ()=> $"TweenSequence.evaluate() could not find an interval for {t}");
return default(T);
public override string ToString(){
