6 年前
共有 21 个文件被更改,包括 263 次插入 和 314 次删除
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 9438a28ff5974aac92d56928b06692ad |
timeCreated: 1536299863 |
using UIWidgets.ui.txt; |
namespace UIWidgets.ui |
{ |
public class PaintRecord |
{ |
public PaintRecord(TextStyle style, TextBlob _text, |
int line, double runWidth) |
{ |
this._style = style; |
this._text = _text; |
this._line = line; |
this._runWidth = runWidth; |
} |
public TextBlob text |
{ |
get { return _text; } |
} |
public TextStyle style |
{ |
get { return _style; } |
} |
public int line |
{ |
get { return _line; } |
} |
public double runWidth |
{ |
get { return _runWidth; } |
} |
private TextStyle _style; |
private TextBlob _text; |
private int _line; |
private double _runWidth; |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 2695fb8e8f284b95ad9a175da41a9101 |
timeCreated: 1536300023 |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace UIWidgets.ui |
{ |
public class FontManager |
{ |
private List<Font> _fonts = new List<Font>(); |
public static readonly FontManager instance = new FontManager(); |
public Font getOrCreate(string[] names, int fontSize) |
{ |
var founded = _fonts.Find((font) => |
( |
font.fontSize == fontSize && |
(names == font.fontNames || (names != null && names.SequenceEqual(font.fontNames))))); |
if (founded != null) |
{ |
return founded; |
} |
Debug.Log(string.Format("Create new Font names={0}, size={1}", names, fontSize)); |
var newFont = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont(names, |
fontSize); |
_fonts.Add(newFont); |
return newFont; |
} |
public Font getOrCreate(string name, int fontSize) |
{ |
return getOrCreate(new []{name}, fontSize); |
} |
} |
} |
using UIWidgets.ui.txt; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace UIWidgets.ui.painting.txt |
{ |
public static class MeshGenrator |
{ |
public static Mesh generateMesh(TextBlob textBlob, double x, double y) |
{ |
var style = textBlob.style; |
var font = FontManager.instance.getOrCreate(style.safeFontFamily, style.UnityFontSize); |
var length = textBlob.end - textBlob.start; |
var vertices = new Vector3[length * 4]; |
var triangles = new int[length * 6]; |
var uv = new Vector2[length * 4]; |
var text = textBlob.text; |
var offset = new Vector3((float)Utils.PixelCorrectRound(x), (float)Utils.PixelCorrectRound(y), 0); |
font.RequestCharactersInTexture(textBlob.text.Substring(textBlob.start, textBlob.end - textBlob.start), |
style.UnityFontSize, style.UnityFontStyle); |
for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < length; ++charIndex) |
{ |
var ch = text[charIndex + textBlob.start]; |
var position = textBlob.positions[charIndex + textBlob.start]; |
CharacterInfo charInfo = new CharacterInfo(); |
if (Paragraph.isWordSpace(ch) || Paragraph.isLineEndSpace(ch) || ch== '\t') |
{ |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 0] = vertices[4 * charIndex + 1] = |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 2] = vertices[4 * charIndex + 3] = offset; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 0] = Vector2.zero; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 1] = Vector2.zero; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 2] = Vector2.zero; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 3] = Vector2.zero; |
} |
else |
{ |
font.GetCharacterInfo(ch, out charInfo, style.UnityFontSize, style.UnityFontStyle); |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 0] = offset + new Vector3((float)(position.x + charInfo.minX), |
(float)(position.y - charInfo.maxY), 0); |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 1] = offset + new Vector3((float)(position.x + charInfo.maxX), |
(float)(position.y - charInfo.maxY), 0); |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 2] = offset + new Vector3( |
(float)(position.x + charInfo.maxX), (float)(position.y - charInfo.minY), 0); |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 3] = offset + new Vector3( |
(float)(position.x + charInfo.minX), (float)(position.y - charInfo.minY), 0); |
uv[4 * charIndex + 0] = charInfo.uvTopLeft; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 1] = charInfo.uvTopRight; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 2] = charInfo.uvBottomRight; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 3] = charInfo.uvBottomLeft; |
} |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 0] = 4 * charIndex + 0; |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 1] = 4 * charIndex + 1; |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 2] = 4 * charIndex + 2; |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 3] = 4 * charIndex + 0; |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 4] = 4 * charIndex + 2; |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 5] = 4 * charIndex + 3; |
} |
var mesh = new Mesh() |
{ |
vertices = vertices, |
triangles = triangles, |
uv = uv |
}; |
var colors = new UnityEngine.Color[vertices.Length]; |
for (var i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++) |
{ |
colors[i] = style.UnityColor; |
} |
mesh.colors = colors; |
return mesh; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 79c7ef33071e4ec9b28b196b3e265bfa |
timeCreated: 1536301684 |
using System; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace UIWidgets.ui.txt |
{ |
public class TextBlob |
{ |
public TextBlob(string text, int start, int end, Vector2d[] positions, TextStyle style, Rect bounds) |
{ |
Debug.Assert(start < end); |
this.text = text; |
this.start = start; |
this.end = end; |
this.positions = positions; |
this.style = style; |
this.bounds = bounds; |
} |
public Rect boundsInText |
{ |
get { return bounds.shift(new Offset(positions[start].x, positions[start].y)); } |
} |
public readonly string text; |
public readonly int start; |
public readonly int end; |
public readonly Vector2d[] positions; |
public readonly TextStyle style; |
public readonly Rect bounds; // bounds with positions[start] as origin
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 8fc95fa5caea426a80f19b2d0f99955f |
timeCreated: 1536299888 |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.Linq; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace UIWidgets.ui |
{ |
public class FontEntry |
{ |
public readonly Font font; |
private int _textureBuildVersion = 0; |
public FontEntry(Font font) |
{ |
this.font = font; |
} |
public int textureBuildVersion |
{ |
get { return _textureBuildVersion; } |
} |
internal void onFontTextureRebuild() |
{ |
_textureBuildVersion++; |
} |
} |
public class FontManager |
{ |
private List<FontEntry> _fonts = new List<FontEntry>(); |
public static readonly FontManager instance = new FontManager(); |
private FontManager() |
{ |
Font.textureRebuilt += this.onFontTextureRebuilt; |
} |
public FontEntry getOrCreate(string[] names, int fontSize) |
{ |
var founded = _fonts.Find((font) => |
( |
font.font.fontSize == fontSize && |
(names == font.font.fontNames || (names != null && names.SequenceEqual(font.font.fontNames))))); |
if (founded != null) |
{ |
return founded; |
} |
Debug.Log(string.Format("Create new Font names={0}, size={1}", names, fontSize)); |
var newFont = new FontEntry(Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont(names, |
fontSize)); |
_fonts.Add(newFont); |
return newFont; |
} |
public FontEntry getOrCreate(string name, int fontSize) |
{ |
return getOrCreate(new []{name}, fontSize); |
} |
private void onFontTextureRebuilt(Font font) |
{ |
var entry = _fonts.Find((f) => f.font == font); |
if (entry != null) |
{ |
entry.onFontTextureRebuild(); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace UIWidgets.ui |
{ |
public class TextMesh: IMesh |
{ |
private Mesh _mesh; |
private FontEntry _fontEntry; |
private string _text; |
private StyledRuns.Run _run; |
private int _textureVersion; |
public TextMesh(Vector2d pos, string text, Vector2d[] _characterPositions, FontEntry fontEntry, StyledRuns.Run run) |
{ |
_fontEntry = fontEntry; |
_text = text; |
this._run = run; |
var vertices = new Vector3[_text.Length * 4]; |
var triangles = new int[_text.Length * 6]; |
var font = fontEntry.font; |
var offset = new Vector3((float)Utils.PixelCorrectRound(pos.x), (float)Utils.PixelCorrectRound(pos.y), 0); |
font.RequestCharactersInTexture(_text.Substring(_run.start, _run.end - _run.start), |
_run.style.UnityFontSize, _run.style.UnityFontStyle); |
for (int charIndex = _run.start; charIndex < _run.end; ++charIndex) |
{ |
CharacterInfo charInfo = new CharacterInfo(); |
if (_text[charIndex] != '\n' && _text[charIndex] != '\t') |
{ |
Debug.Assert(font.GetCharacterInfo(_text[charIndex], out charInfo, _run.style.UnityFontSize, _run.style.UnityFontStyle)); |
var position = _characterPositions[charIndex]; |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 0] = offset + new Vector3((float)(position.x + charInfo.minX), |
(float)(position.y - charInfo.maxY), 0); |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 1] = offset + new Vector3((float)(position.x + charInfo.maxX), |
(float)(position.y - charInfo.maxY), 0); |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 2] = offset + new Vector3( |
(float)(position.x + charInfo.maxX), (float)(position.y - charInfo.minY), 0); |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 3] = offset + new Vector3( |
(float)(position.x + charInfo.minX), (float)(position.y - charInfo.minY), 0); |
} |
else |
{ |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 0] = vertices[4 * charIndex + 1] = |
vertices[4 * charIndex + 2] = vertices[4 * charIndex + 3] = offset; |
} |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 0] = 4 * charIndex + 0; |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 1] = 4 * charIndex + 1; |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 2] = 4 * charIndex + 2; |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 3] = 4 * charIndex + 0; |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 4] = 4 * charIndex + 2; |
triangles[6 * charIndex + 5] = 4 * charIndex + 3; |
} |
var uv = getTextureUV(); |
var mesh = new Mesh() |
{ |
vertices = vertices, |
triangles = triangles, |
uv = uv |
}; |
var colors = new UnityEngine.Color[vertices.Length]; |
for (var i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++) |
{ |
colors[i] = _run.style.UnityColor; |
} |
mesh.colors = colors; |
_textureVersion = _fontEntry.textureBuildVersion; |
_mesh = mesh; |
} |
public void syncTextureUV() |
{ |
if (_fontEntry.textureBuildVersion != _textureVersion) // texture has been rebuilt, update the texture uv
{ |
_mesh.uv = getTextureUV(); |
} |
} |
public Mesh mesh |
{ |
get { return _mesh; } |
} |
private Vector2[] getTextureUV() |
{ |
var font = _fontEntry.font; |
var uv = _mesh == null ? new Vector2[_text.Length * 4] : _mesh.uv; |
for (int charIndex = _run.start; charIndex < _run.end; ++charIndex) |
{ |
CharacterInfo charInfo = new CharacterInfo(); |
if (_text[charIndex] != '\n' && _text[charIndex] != '\t') |
{ |
font.GetCharacterInfo(_text[charIndex], out charInfo, _run.style.UnityFontSize, |
_run.style.UnityFontStyle); |
} |
if (Paragraph.isWordSpace(_text[charIndex]) || Paragraph.isLineEndSpace(_text[charIndex]) || _text[charIndex] == '\t') |
{ |
uv[4 * charIndex + 0] = Vector2.zero; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 1] = Vector2.zero; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 2] = Vector2.zero; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 3] = Vector2.zero; |
} else |
{ |
uv[4 * charIndex + 0] = charInfo.uvTopLeft; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 1] = charInfo.uvTopRight; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 2] = charInfo.uvBottomRight; |
uv[4 * charIndex + 3] = charInfo.uvBottomLeft; |
} |
} |
return uv; |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 96ec1d4b2b7d4bf59d4b2db221323ae9 |
timeCreated: 1536283931 |
Reference in new issue