Yuncong Zhang
6 年前
共有 4 个文件被更改,包括 477 次插入 和 0 次删除
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.material; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.painting; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.rendering; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.ui; |
using Unity.UIWidgets.widgets; |
using UnityEngine; |
using Color = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.Color; |
using FontStyle = Unity.UIWidgets.ui.FontStyle; |
using Material = Unity.UIWidgets.material.Material; |
namespace UIWidgetsSample |
{ |
public class BenchMarkLayout : UIWidgetsSamplePanel |
{ |
protected override Widget createWidget() |
{ |
return new MaterialApp( |
showPerformanceOverlay: false, |
home: new Material( |
child: new BenchMarkLayoutWidget()), |
builder: (_, child) => |
{ |
return new Builder(builder: |
context => |
{ |
return new MediaQuery( |
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith( |
textScaleFactor: 1.0f |
), |
child: child); |
}); |
}); |
} |
protected override void OnEnable() |
{ |
base.OnEnable(); |
FontManager.instance.addFont(Resources.Load<Font>(path: "MaterialIcons-Regular"), "Material Icons"); |
} |
} |
internal class BenchMarkLayoutWidget : StatefulWidget |
{ |
public BenchMarkLayoutWidget(Key key = null) : base(key) |
{ |
} |
public override State createState() |
{ |
return new BenchMarkLayoutWidgetState(); |
} |
} |
internal class BenchMarkLayoutWidgetState : State<BenchMarkLayoutWidget> |
{ |
private int width = 260; |
private bool visible = true; |
private Widget richtext = new Container( |
child: new RichText( |
text: new TextSpan("", children: |
new List<TextSpan>() |
{ |
new TextSpan("Real-time 3D revolutioni\t淡粉色的方式地方\tzes the animation pipeline "), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(color: Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 0, 0)), |
text: "for Disney Television Animation's\t “Baymax Dreams"), |
new TextSpan("\t", style: new TextStyle(color:, |
new TextSpan(" Unity Widgets"), |
new TextSpan(" Text"), |
new TextSpan("Real-time 3D revolutionizes the animation pipeline "), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(color: Color.fromARGB(125, 255, 0, 0)), |
text: "Transparent Red Text\n\n"), |
new TextSpan("Bold Text Test Bold Textfs Test: FontWeight.w70\n\n"), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontStyle: FontStyle.italic), |
text: "This is FontStyle.italic Text This is FontStyle.italic Text\n\n"), |
new TextSpan( |
style: new TextStyle(fontStyle: FontStyle.italic, fontWeight: FontWeight.w700), |
text: |
"This is FontStyle.italic And 发撒放豆腐sad 发生的 Bold Text This is FontStyle.italic And Bold Text\n\n"), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18), |
text: "FontSize 18: Get a named matrix value from the shader.\n\n"), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 24), |
text: "Emoji \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0b\t\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude00"), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 14), |
text: "Emoji \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude00 Emoji"), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18), |
text: "Emoji \ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\ude05"), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18), |
text: "\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\ude05"), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18), |
text: "\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\ude05"), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18), |
text: "\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\ude05"), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 18), |
text: "\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\ude04\ud83d\ude05"), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 24), |
text: |
"Emoji \ud83d\ude06\ud83d\ude1C\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude2D\ud83d\ude0C\ud83d\ude1E\n\n"), |
new TextSpan(style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 14), |
text: "FontSize 14"), |
}) |
) |
); |
public override Widget build(BuildContext context) |
{ |
Widget buttons = new Column( |
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, |
children: new List<Widget> |
{ |
new Text($"Width: {width}"), |
new RaisedButton( |
onPressed: () => { setState(() => { width += 10; }); }, |
child: new Text("Add Width") |
), |
new Divider(), |
new RaisedButton( |
onPressed: () => { setState(() => { width -= 10; }); }, |
child: new Text("Dec Width") |
), |
new Divider(), |
new RaisedButton( |
onPressed: () => { setState(() => { visible = true; }); }, |
child: new Text("Show") |
), |
new Divider(), |
new RaisedButton( |
onPressed: () => { setState(() => { visible = false; }); }, |
child: new Text("Hide") |
) |
} |
); |
Widget child = new Column( |
children: new List<Widget> |
{ |
visible ? richtext : new Text(""), |
visible |
? new Text( |
"Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very\nVery Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Long Text", |
maxLines: 3, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, textAlign: TextAlign.justify |
) |
: new Text("") |
}); |
child = new Stack( |
children: new List<Widget>{ |
child, |
buttons |
} |
); |
child = new Container( |
width: width, |
color: Colors.black12, |
child: child |
); |
child = new Center( |
child: child |
); |
return child; |
} |
} |
} |
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Reference in new issue