
update EdgeInsetsGeometry

siyao 4 年前
共有 59 个文件被更改,包括 2448 次插入274 次删除
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m_GameObject: {fileID: 847097468}
m_Enabled: 1
m_EditorHideFlags: 0
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 0a0d26c35b9d38d4f9cb26d890a0cedb, type: 3}
m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: c5962c6d91d67c747b9768c1aec548a1, type: 3}
m_Material: {fileID: 0}

y: 0
width: 1
height: 1
- family: CupertinoIcons
- asset: CupertinoIcons.ttf
weight: 0
fonts: []
devicePixelRatioOverride: 1
hardwareAntiAliasing: 0
--- !u!222 &847097471


public CupertinoButton(
Key key = null,
Widget child = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Color color = null,
Color disabledColor = null,
float minSize = 44.0f,

public static CupertinoButton filled(
Key key = null,
Widget child = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Color disabledColor = null,
float minSize = 44.0f,
float pressedOpacity = 0.4f,

public readonly Widget child;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly Color color;


public readonly BoxDecoration decoration;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly string placeholder;


var rowList = new List<Widget>();
if (leading != null) {
rowList.Add(new Padding(
padding: (EdgeInsets) leadingPadding,
padding: leadingPadding,
child: leading

var columnList = new List<Widget>();
columnList.Add(new Padding(
padding: (EdgeInsets) padding,
padding: padding,
child: new Row(
children: rowList


float hoverElevation = 4.0f,
float highlightElevation = 8.0f,
float disabledElevation = 0.0f,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
BoxConstraints constraints = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,

public readonly float disabledElevation;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly VisualDensity visualDensity;

ShapeBorder effectiveShape = MaterialStateProperty<Color>.resolveAs<ShapeBorder>(widget.shape, _states);
Offset densityAdjustment = widget.visualDensity.baseSizeAdjustment;
BoxConstraints effectiveConstraints = widget.visualDensity.effectiveConstraints(widget.constraints);
EdgeInsets padding = widget.padding.add(
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = widget.padding.add(
left: densityAdjustment.dx,
top: densityAdjustment.dy,

).clamp(EdgeInsets.zero, EdgeInsets.infinity) as EdgeInsets;
).clamp(EdgeInsets.zero, EdgeInsetsGeometry.infinity) as EdgeInsets;
Widget result = new ConstrainedBox(
constraints: effectiveConstraints,


ButtonBarLayoutBehavior layoutBehavior = ButtonBarLayoutBehavior.padded,
float minWidth = 88.0f,
float height = 36.0f,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
bool alignedDropdown = false,
Color buttonColor = null,

ButtonTextTheme textTheme = ButtonTextTheme.accent,
float minWidth = 64.0f,
float height = 36.0f,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
bool alignedDropdown = false,
Color buttonColor = null,

ButtonTextTheme textTheme = ButtonTextTheme.normal,
float minWidth = 88.0f,
float height = 36.0f,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
ButtonBarLayoutBehavior layoutBehavior = ButtonBarLayoutBehavior.padded,
bool alignedDropdown = false,

public EdgeInsets padding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry padding {
get {
if (_padding != null) {
return _padding;

readonly EdgeInsets _padding;
readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry _padding;
public ShapeBorder shape {
get {

public EdgeInsets getPadding(MaterialButton button) {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry getPadding(MaterialButton button) {
if (button.padding != null) {
return button.padding;

layoutBehavior: layoutBehavior ?? this.layoutBehavior,
minWidth: minWidth ?? this.minWidth,
height: height ?? this.height,
padding: (EdgeInsets) padding ?? this.padding,
padding: padding ?? this.padding,
shape: shape ?? this.shape,
alignedDropdown: alignedDropdown ?? this.alignedDropdown,
buttonColor: buttonColor ?? _buttonColor,

defaultValue: defaultTheme.textTheme));
properties.add(new FloatProperty("minWidth", minWidth, defaultValue: defaultTheme.minWidth));
properties.add(new FloatProperty("height", height, defaultValue: defaultTheme.height));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("padding", padding,
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("padding", padding,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.padding));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<ShapeBorder>("shape", shape, defaultValue: defaultTheme.shape));
properties.add(new FlagProperty("alignedDropdown",


float? elevation = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
bool borderOnForeground = true,
EdgeInsets margin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
Clip? clipBehavior = null,
Widget child = null) : base(key: key) {
D.assert(elevation == null || elevation >= 0.0f);

public readonly Clip? clipBehavior;
public readonly EdgeInsets margin;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry margin;
public readonly Widget child;


Color color = null,
Color shadowColor = null,
float? elevation = null,
EdgeInsets margin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null
) {
D.assert(elevation == null || elevation >= 0.0f);

public readonly float? elevation;
public readonly EdgeInsets margin;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry margin;
public readonly ShapeBorder shape;

Color shadowColor = null,
float? elevation = null,
EdgeInsets margin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null
) {
return new CardTheme(

color: Color.lerp(a?.color, b?.color, t),
shadowColor: Color.lerp(a?.shadowColor, b?.shadowColor, t),
elevation: Mathf.Lerp(a?.elevation ?? 0.0f, b?.elevation ?? 0.0f, t),
margin: EdgeInsets.lerp(a?.margin, b?.margin, t),
margin: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(a?.margin, b?.margin, t),
shape: ShapeBorder.lerp(a?.shape, b?.shape, t)

properties.add(new ColorProperty("color", color, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new ColorProperty("shadowColor", shadowColor, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<float?>("elevation", elevation, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("margin", margin, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("margin", margin, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<ShapeBorder>("shape", shape, defaultValue: null));


Color backgroundColor { get; }
EdgeInsets padding { get; }
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding { get; }
EdgeInsets labelPadding { get; }
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding { get; }
MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize { get; }

Widget avatar = null,
Widget label = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
EdgeInsets labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
Widget deleteIcon = null,
VoidCallback onDeleted = null,
Color deleteIconColor = null,

FocusNode focusNode = null,
bool autofocus = false,
Color backgroundColor = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize = null,
float? elevation = null,

TextStyle _labelStyle;
public EdgeInsets labelPadding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding {
EdgeInsets _labelPadding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _labelPadding;
public ShapeBorder shape {
get { return _shape; }

Color _backgroundColor;
public EdgeInsets padding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry padding {
EdgeInsets _padding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _padding;
public Widget deleteIcon {
get { return _deleteIcon; }

Widget avatar = null,
Widget label = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
EdgeInsets labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
bool selected = false,
bool isEnabled = true,
ValueChanged<bool> onSelected = null,

FocusNode focusNode = null,
bool autofocus = false,
Color backgroundColor = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize = null,
float? elevation = null,

TextStyle _labelStyle;
public EdgeInsets labelPadding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding {
EdgeInsets _labelPadding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _labelPadding;
public bool? selected {
get { return _selected; }

Color _backgroundColor;
public EdgeInsets padding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry padding {
EdgeInsets _padding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _padding;
public VisualDensity visualDensity { get; }

Widget avatar = null,
Widget label = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
EdgeInsets labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
ValueChanged<bool> onSelected = null,
float? pressElevation = null,
bool? selected = null,

FocusNode focusNode = null,
bool autofocus = false,
Color backgroundColor = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize = null,
float? elevation = null,

TextStyle _labelStyle;
public EdgeInsets labelPadding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding {
EdgeInsets _labelPadding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _labelPadding;
public ValueChanged<bool> onSelected {
get { return _onSelected; }

Color _backgroundColor;
public EdgeInsets padding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry padding {
EdgeInsets _padding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _padding;
public VisualDensity visualDensity { get; }

Widget avatar = null,
Widget label = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
EdgeInsets labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
bool selected = false,
ValueChanged<bool> onSelected = null,
float? pressElevation = null,

FocusNode focusNode = null,
bool autofocus = false,
Color backgroundColor = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize = null,
float? elevation = null,

TextStyle _labelStyle;
public EdgeInsets labelPadding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding {
EdgeInsets _labelPadding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _labelPadding;
public bool? selected {
get { return _selected; }

Color _backgroundColor;
public EdgeInsets padding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry padding {
EdgeInsets _padding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _padding;
public VisualDensity visualDensity { get; }

Widget avatar = null,
Widget label = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
EdgeInsets labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
VoidCallback onPressed = null,
float? pressElevation = null,
string tooltip = null,

bool autofocus = false,
Color backgroundColor = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize = null,
float? elevation = null,

TextStyle _labelStyle;
public EdgeInsets labelPadding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding {
EdgeInsets _labelPadding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _labelPadding;
public VoidCallback onPressed {
get { return _onPressed; }

Color _backgroundColor;
public EdgeInsets padding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry padding {
EdgeInsets _padding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _padding;
public VisualDensity visualDensity { get; }

Widget avatar = null,
Widget label = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
EdgeInsets labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
Widget deleteIcon = null,
VoidCallback onDeleted = null,
Color deleteIconColor = null,

TextStyle _labelStyle;
public EdgeInsets labelPadding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding {
EdgeInsets _labelPadding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _labelPadding;
public Widget deleteIcon {
get { return _deleteIcon; }

Color _backgroundColor;
public EdgeInsets padding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry padding {
EdgeInsets _padding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _padding;
public VisualDensity visualDensity { get; }


Color selectedShadowColor = null,
bool? showCheckmark = null,
Color checkmarkColor = null,
EdgeInsets labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
TextStyle secondaryLabelStyle = null,

const int selectAlpha = 0x3d; // 12% + 12% = 24%
const int textLabelAlpha = 0xde; // 87%
ShapeBorder shape = new StadiumBorder();
EdgeInsets labelPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0f);
EdgeInsets padding = EdgeInsets.all(4.0f);
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0f);
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = EdgeInsets.all(4.0f);
primaryColor = primaryColor ?? (brightness == Brightness.light ? Colors.black : Colors.white);
Color backgroundColor = primaryColor.withAlpha(backgroundAlpha);

public readonly Color checkmarkColor;
public readonly EdgeInsets labelPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly ShapeBorder shape;

Color shadowColor = null,
Color selectedShadowColor = null,
Color checkmarkColor = null,
EdgeInsets labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
TextStyle secondaryLabelStyle = null,

shadowColor: Color.lerp(a?.shadowColor, b?.shadowColor, t),
selectedShadowColor: Color.lerp(a?.selectedShadowColor, b?.selectedShadowColor, t),
checkmarkColor: Color.lerp(a?.checkmarkColor, b?.checkmarkColor, t),
labelPadding: EdgeInsets.lerp(a?.labelPadding, b?.labelPadding, t),
padding: EdgeInsets.lerp(a?.padding, b?.padding, t),
labelPadding: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(a?.labelPadding, b?.labelPadding, t),
padding: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(a?.padding, b?.padding, t),
shape: ShapeBorder.lerp(a?.shape, b?.shape, t),
labelStyle: TextStyle.lerp(a?.labelStyle, b?.labelStyle, t),
secondaryLabelStyle: TextStyle.lerp(a?.secondaryLabelStyle, b?.secondaryLabelStyle, t),

defaultValue: defaultData.selectedShadowColor));
properties.add(new ColorProperty("checkMarkColor", checkmarkColor,
defaultValue: defaultData.checkmarkColor));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("labelPadding", labelPadding,
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("labelPadding", labelPadding,
new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("padding", padding, defaultValue: defaultData.padding));
new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("padding", padding, defaultValue: defaultData.padding));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<ShapeBorder>("shape", shape, defaultValue: defaultData.shape));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<TextStyle>("labelStyle", labelStyle,
defaultValue: defaultData.labelStyle));


ValueChanged<bool?> onCheckboxChanged = null
) {
Widget contents = new Padding(
//TODO: update EdgeInsets
padding: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: horizontalMargin,
padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: horizontalMargin,
end: horizontalMargin / 2.0f),
child: new Center(
child: new Checkbox(

children: rowChild
label = new Container(
// TODO: udpate to EdgetInsets
padding: (EdgeInsets) padding,
padding: padding,
height: headingRowHeight,
alignment: numeric ?? false
? Alignment.centerRight

label = new Container(
padding: (EdgeInsets) padding,
padding: padding,
height: dataRowHeight,
alignment: numeric ? Alignment.centerRight : (AlignmentGeometry) AlignmentDirectional.centerStart,
child: new DefaultTextStyle(


public AlertDialog(
Key key = null,
Widget title = null,
EdgeInsets titlePadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry titlePadding = null,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding = null,
TextStyle contentTextStyle = null,
List<Widget> actions = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry actionsPadding = null,

public readonly Widget title;
public readonly EdgeInsets titlePadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry titlePadding;
public readonly EdgeInsets contentPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding;
public readonly TextStyle contentTextStyle;
public readonly List<Widget> actions;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry actionsPadding;

if (actions != null) {
actionsWidget = new Padding(
padding: (EdgeInsets)actionsPadding,
padding: actionsPadding,
child: new ButtonBar(
buttonPadding: buttonPadding,
overflowDirection: actionsOverflowDirection,


child: new Center(
child: new Container(
width: thickness,
//TODO: update to EdgeInsetsGeometry
margin: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(top: indent,
margin: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(top: indent,
bottom: endIndent),
decoration: new BoxDecoration(
border: new Border(


public DrawerHeader(
Key key = null,
Decoration decoration = null,
EdgeInsets margin = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
TimeSpan? duration = null,
Curve curve = null,
Widget child = null

public readonly Decoration decoration;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly EdgeInsets margin;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry margin;
public readonly TimeSpan duration;


public const float _kMenuItemHeight = kMinInteractiveDimension;
public const float _kDenseButtonHeight = 24.0f;
public static readonly EdgeInsets _kMenuItemPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0f);
public static readonly EdgeInsets _kAlignedButtonPadding = EdgeInsets.only(left: 16.0f, right: 4.0f);
public static readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry _kAlignedButtonPadding = EdgeInsets.only(left: 16.0f, right: 4.0f);
public static readonly EdgeInsets _kUnalignedMenuMargin = EdgeInsets.only(left: 16.0f, right: 24.0f);
public static readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry _kUnalignedMenuMargin = EdgeInsets.only(left: 16.0f, right: 24.0f);
public delegate List<Widget> DropdownButtonBuilder(BuildContext context);

class _DropdownRoute<T> : PopupRoute<_DropdownRouteResult<T>> {
public _DropdownRoute(
List<_MenuItem<T>> items = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Rect buttonRect = null,
int? selectedIndex = null,
int elevation = 8,

public readonly List<_MenuItem<T>> items;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly Rect buttonRect;
public readonly int? selectedIndex;
public readonly int elevation;

_DropdownRoute<T> route = null,
BoxConstraints constraints = null,
List<_MenuItem<T>> items = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Rect buttonRect = null,
int? selectedIndex = null,
int elevation = 0,

public readonly _DropdownRoute<T> route;
public readonly BoxConstraints constraints;
public readonly List<_MenuItem<T>> items;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly Rect buttonRect;
public readonly int? selectedIndex;
public readonly int elevation;

void _handleTap() {
RenderBox itemBox = (RenderBox) context.findRenderObject();
Rect itemRect = itemBox.localToGlobal(Offset.zero) & itemBox.size;
EdgeInsets menuMargin = ButtonTheme.of(context).alignedDropdown
TextDirection textDirection = Directionality.of(context);
EdgeInsetsGeometry menuMargin = ButtonTheme.of(context).alignedDropdown
? material_._kAlignedMenuMargin
: material_._kUnalignedMenuMargin;

D.assert(_dropdownRoute == null);
_dropdownRoute = new _DropdownRoute<T>(
items: menuItems,
buttonRect: menuMargin.inflateRect(itemRect),
padding: material_._kMenuItemPadding,
buttonRect: menuMargin.resolve(textDirection).inflateRect(itemRect),
padding: material_._kMenuItemPadding.resolve(textDirection),
selectedIndex: _selectedIndex ?? 0,
elevation: widget.elevation,
theme: Theme.of(context, shadowThemeOnly: true),

EdgeInsets padding = ButtonTheme.of(context).alignedDropdown
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = ButtonTheme.of(context).alignedDropdown
? material_._kAlignedButtonPadding
: material_._kUnalignedButtonPadding;


bool isExpanded = false,
float size = 24.0f,
ValueChanged<bool> onPressed = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Color color = null,
Color disabledColor = null,
Color expandedColor = null

public readonly ValueChanged<bool> onPressed;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly Color color;


Widget expandIconContainer = new Container(
//TODO: update to EdgeInsetsGeometry
//margin: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(end: 8.0f),
margin: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(end: 8.0f),
child: new ExpandIcon(
isExpanded: _isChildExpanded(expandIndex),
padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0f),


Color highlightColor = null,
Color splashColor = null,
Brightness? colorBrightness = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none,

Color highlightColor = null,
Color splashColor = null,
Brightness? colorBrightness = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none,
FocusNode focusNode = null,

Color highlightColor = null,
Color splashColor = null,
Brightness? colorBrightness = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none,
FocusNode focusNode = null,


public readonly List<StretchMode> stretchModes;
public readonly EdgeInsets titlePadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry titlePadding;
public static Widget createSettings(
float? toolbarOpacity = null,

color: titleStyle.color.withOpacity(toolbarOpacity));
bool effectiveCenterTitle = _getEffectiveCenterTitle(theme).Value;
EdgeInsets padding = widget.titlePadding ??
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = widget.titlePadding ??
left: effectiveCenterTitle ? 0.0f : 72.0f,
bottom: 16.0f


var expandChildren = new List<widgets.Widget>();
if (leading != null) {
//TODO: EdgeInsetsGeometry
padding: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(end: 8.0f), child:
padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(end: 8.0f), child: leading));
if (title != null && subtitle != null) {

if (trailing != null) {
//TODO: EdgeInsetsGeometry
padding: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 8.0f),
padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 8.0f),
//TODO: EdgeInsetsGeometry
padding: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) padding,
padding: padding,
decoration: decoration,
height: (title != null && subtitle != null) ? 68.0f : 48.0f,
child: new Theme(


Key key = null,
float iconSize = 24.0f,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Alignment alignment = null,
Widget icon = null,
Color color = null,

public readonly VisualDensity visualDensity;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly Alignment alignment;


public class Ink : StatefulWidget {
public Ink(
Key key = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Color color = null,
Decoration decoration = null,
float? width = null,

public static Ink image(
Key key = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
ImageProvider image = null,
ImageErrorListener onImageError = null,
ColorFilter colorFilter = null,

public readonly Widget child;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly Decoration decoration;

public EdgeInsets _paddingIncludingDecoration {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry _paddingIncludingDecoration {
EdgeInsets decorationPadding = (EdgeInsets) decoration.padding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry decorationPadding = decoration.padding;
if (padding == null) {
return decorationPadding;

public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("padding", padding, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("padding", padding, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<Decoration>("bg", decoration, defaultValue: null));

Widget current = widget.child;
EdgeInsets effectivePadding = widget._paddingIncludingDecoration;
EdgeInsetsGeometry effectivePadding = widget._paddingIncludingDecoration;
if (effectivePadding != null) {
current = new Padding(
padding: effectivePadding,


class _Decoration : IEquatable<_Decoration> {
public _Decoration(
EdgeInsets contentPadding,
EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding,
bool isCollapsed,
float floatingLabelHeight,
float floatingLabelProgress,

this.container = container;
public readonly EdgeInsets contentPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding;
public readonly bool isCollapsed;
public readonly float floatingLabelHeight;
public readonly float floatingLabelProgress;

public EdgeInsets contentPadding {
get { return decoration.contentPadding; }
get { return (EdgeInsets) decoration.contentPadding; }
float _layoutLineBox(RenderBox box, BoxConstraints constraints) {

TextDirection textDirection = Directionality.of(context);
EdgeInsets decorationContentPadding = decoration.contentPadding;
EdgeInsets decorationContentPadding = decoration.contentPadding?.resolve(textDirection);
EdgeInsets contentPadding;
float? floatingLabelHeight;
if (decoration.isCollapsed) {

bool? hasFloatingPlaceholder = true,
FloatingLabelBehavior? floatingLabelBehavior = FloatingLabelBehavior.auto,
bool? isDense = null,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding = null,
Widget prefixIcon = null,
BoxConstraints prefixIconConstraints = null,
Widget prefix = null,

public readonly bool? isDense;
public readonly EdgeInsets contentPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding;
public bool isCollapsed;

bool? hasFloatingPlaceholder = null,
FloatingLabelBehavior? floatingLabelBehavior = null,
bool? isDense = null,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding = null,
Widget prefixIcon = null,
Widget prefix = null,
string prefixText = null,

bool? hasFloatingPlaceholder = true,
FloatingLabelBehavior? floatingLabelBehavior = FloatingLabelBehavior.auto,
bool? isDense = false,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding = null,
bool? isCollapsed = false,
TextStyle prefixStyle = null,
TextStyle suffixStyle = null,

public readonly bool? isDense;
public readonly EdgeInsets contentPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding;
public readonly bool? isCollapsed;

bool? hasFloatingPlaceholder = null,
FloatingLabelBehavior? floatingLabelBehavior = null,
bool? isDense = null,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding = null,
bool? isCollapsed = null,
TextStyle prefixStyle = null,
TextStyle suffixStyle = null,

properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<FloatingLabelBehavior?>("floatingLabelBehavior",
floatingLabelBehavior, defaultValue: defaultTheme.floatingLabelBehavior));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool?>("isDense", isDense, defaultValue: defaultTheme.isDense));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("contentPadding", contentPadding,
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("contentPadding", contentPadding,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.contentPadding));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<bool?>("isCollapsed", isCollapsed,
defaultValue: defaultTheme.isCollapsed));


Color selectedColor = null,
Color iconColor = null,
Color textColor = null,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding = null,
Widget child = null) : base(key: key, child: child) {
this.dense = dense;
this.style = style;

Color selectedColor = null,
Color iconColor = null,
Color textColor = null,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding = null,
Widget child = null) {
D.assert(child != null);
return new Builder(

public readonly Color textColor;
public readonly EdgeInsets contentPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding;
public static ListTileTheme of(BuildContext context) {
ListTileTheme result = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<ListTileTheme>();

Widget trailing = null,
bool isThreeLine = false,
bool? dense = null,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding = null,
bool enabled = true,
GestureTapCallback onTap = null,
GestureLongPressCallback onLongPress = null,

public readonly bool? dense;
public readonly EdgeInsets contentPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding;
public readonly bool enabled;

EdgeInsets _defaultContentPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0f);
TextDirection textDirection = Directionality.of(context);
contentPadding ?? tileTheme?.contentPadding ?? _defaultContentPadding;
contentPadding?.resolve(textDirection) ?? tileTheme?.contentPadding?.resolve(textDirection) ?? _defaultContentPadding;
return new InkWell(
onTap: enabled ? onTap : null,


float? hoverElevation = null,
float? highlightElevation = null,
float? disabledElevation = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
Clip? clipBehavior = Clip.none,

get { return onPressed != null || onLongPress != null; }
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly VisualDensity visualDensity;


BorderSide borderSide = null,
Color disabledBorderColor = null,
Color highlightedBorderColor = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none,

Color highlightedBorderColor = null,
Color disabledBorderColor = null,
BorderSide borderSide = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none,

Color highlightedBorderColor = null,
Color disabledBorderColor = null,
BorderSide borderSide = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none,

BorderSide borderSide = null,
Color disabledBorderColor = null,
Color highlightedBorderColor = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
Clip? clipBehavior = Clip.none,

public readonly BorderSide borderSide;
public readonly Color disabledBorderColor;
public readonly Color highlightedBorderColor;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly VisualDensity visualDensity;
public readonly ShapeBorder shape;
public readonly Clip? clipBehavior;


widget.actions.Select((Widget action) => {
return new Padding(
// TODO: up EdgeInsetsGeometry
padding: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(
padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(
start: 24.0f - 8.0f * 2.0f),
child: action

height: 64.0f,
color: _selectedRowCount > 0 ? themeData.secondaryHeaderColor : null,
child: new Padding(
//TODO: update EdgeInsets
padding: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(
padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(
start: startPadding, end: 14.0f),
child: new Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,


return new Container(
//TODO: update to EdgeInsetsGeometry
padding: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 16, end: 4),
padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 16, end: 4),
height: material_._subHeaderHeight,
child: new Row(
children: rowChildren

return new Column(
children: new List<Widget> {
new Container(
//TODO: update EdgeInsetsGeometry
padding: (EdgeInsets) (EdgeInsetsGeometry) EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 16, end: 4),
padding: EdgeInsetsDirectional.only(start: 16, end: 4),
height: material_._subHeaderHeight,
new Row(


PopupMenuCanceled onCanceled = null,
string tooltip = null,
float? elevation = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Widget child = null,
Icon icon = null,
Offset offset = null,

public readonly float? elevation;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly Widget child;


float? hoverElevation = null,
float? highlightElevation = null,
float? disabledElevation = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
ShapeBorder shape = null,
Clip? clipBehavior = Clip.none,

Clip? clipBehavior = null,
FocusNode focusNode = null,
bool autofocus = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize = null,
TimeSpan? animationDuration = null,
Widget icon = null,

defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<float?>("disabledElevation", disabledElevation,
defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("padding", padding, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("padding", padding, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<ShapeBorder>("shape", shape, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<MaterialTapTargetSize?>("materialTapTargetSize",
materialTapTargetSize, defaultValue: null));

Clip? clipBehavior = Clip.none,
FocusNode focusNode = null,
bool autofocus = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
MaterialTapTargetSize? materialTapTargetSize = null,
TimeSpan? animationDuration = null,
Widget icon = null,


Widget subtitle = null,
bool isThreeLine = false,
bool? dense = null,
EdgeInsets contentPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding = null,
Widget secondary = null,
bool selected = false,
_SwitchListTileType _switchListTileType = _SwitchListTileType.material

public readonly bool? dense;
public readonly EdgeInsets contentPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding;
public readonly bool selected;


Decoration indicator = null,
TabBarIndicatorSize? indicatorSize = null,
Color labelColor = null,
EdgeInsets labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
Color unselectedLabelColor = null,
TextStyle unselectedLabelStyle = null) {

public readonly Color labelColor;
public readonly EdgeInsets labelPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding;
public readonly TextStyle labelStyle;

Decoration indicator = null,
TabBarIndicatorSize? indicatorSize = null,
Color labelColor = null,
EdgeInsets labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
TextStyle labelStyle = null,
Color unselectedLabelColor = null,
TextStyle unselectedLabelStyle = null

indicator: Decoration.lerp(a.indicator, b.indicator, t),
indicatorSize: t < 0.5 ? a.indicatorSize : b.indicatorSize,
labelColor: Color.lerp(a.labelColor, b.labelColor, t),
labelPadding: EdgeInsets.lerp(a.labelPadding, b.labelPadding, t),
labelPadding: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(a.labelPadding, b.labelPadding, t),
labelStyle: TextStyle.lerp(a.labelStyle, b.labelStyle, t),
unselectedLabelColor: Color.lerp(a.unselectedLabelColor, b.unselectedLabelColor, t),
unselectedLabelStyle: TextStyle.lerp(a.unselectedLabelStyle, b.unselectedLabelStyle, t)


public class UnderlineTabIndicator : Decoration {
public UnderlineTabIndicator(
BorderSide borderSide = null,
EdgeInsets insets = null) {
EdgeInsetsGeometry insets = null) {
borderSide = borderSide ?? new BorderSide(width: 2.0f, color: Colors.white);
insets = insets ?? EdgeInsets.zero;
this.borderSide = borderSide;

public readonly BorderSide borderSide;
public readonly EdgeInsets insets;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry insets;
public override Decoration lerpFrom(Decoration a, float t) {
if (a is UnderlineTabIndicator) {

insets: EdgeInsets.lerp(_a.insets, insets, t)
insets: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(_a.insets, insets, t)

UnderlineTabIndicator _b = (UnderlineTabIndicator) b;
return new UnderlineTabIndicator(
borderSide: BorderSide.lerp(borderSide, _b.borderSide, t),
insets: EdgeInsets.lerp(insets, _b.insets, t)
insets: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(insets, _b.insets, t)

get { return decoration.borderSide; }
public EdgeInsets insets {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry insets {
Rect _indicatorRectFor(Rect rect) {
Rect _indicatorRectFor(Rect rect, TextDirection textDirection) {
Rect indicator = insets.deflateRect(rect);
Rect indicator = insets.resolve(textDirection).deflateRect(rect);
return Rect.fromLTWH(
indicator.bottom - borderSide.width,

D.assert(configuration != null);
D.assert(configuration.size != null);
Rect rect = offset & configuration.size;
Rect indicator = _indicatorRectFor(rect).deflate(borderSide.width / 2.0f);
TextDirection textDirection = configuration.textDirection;
Rect indicator = _indicatorRectFor(rect, textDirection).deflate(borderSide.width / 2.0f);
Paint paint = borderSide.toPaint();
paint.strokeCap = StrokeCap.square;
canvas.drawLine(indicator.bottomLeft, indicator.bottomRight, paint);


Key key = null,
string text = null,
Widget icon = null,
EdgeInsets iconMargin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry iconMargin = null,
Widget child = null
) : base(key: key) {
D.assert(text != null || child != null || icon != null);

public readonly Widget icon;
public readonly EdgeInsets iconMargin;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry iconMargin;
Widget _buildLabelText() {
return child ?? new Text(text, softWrap: false, overflow: TextOverflow.fade);

bool isScrollable = false,
Color indicatorColor = null,
float indicatorWeight = 2.0f,
EdgeInsets indicatorPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry indicatorPadding = null,
EdgeInsets labelPadding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
Color unselectedLabelColor = null,
TextStyle unselectedLabelStyle = null,
DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,

public readonly float indicatorWeight;
public readonly EdgeInsets indicatorPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry indicatorPadding;
public readonly Decoration indicator;

public readonly TextStyle labelStyle;
public readonly EdgeInsets labelPadding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding;
public readonly TextStyle unselectedLabelStyle;


properties.add(new ColorProperty("cursorColor", cursorColor, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<Brightness?>("keyboardAppearance", keyboardAppearance,
defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("scrollPadding", scrollPadding,
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("scrollPadding", scrollPadding,
defaultValue: EdgeInsets.all(20.0f)));
properties.add(new FlagProperty("selectionEnabled", value: selectionEnabled, defaultValue: true,
ifFalse: "selection disabled"));


Key key = null,
string message = null,
float? height = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsets margin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
float? verticalOffset = null,
bool? preferBelow = null,
bool? excludeFromSemantics = null,

public readonly float? height;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly EdgeInsets margin;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry margin;
public readonly float? verticalOffset;

static float _defaultTooltipHeight = 32.0f;
static float _defaultVerticalOffset = 24.0f;
static bool _defaultPreferBelow = true;
static EdgeInsets _defaultPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0f);
static EdgeInsets _defaultMargin = EdgeInsets.all(0.0f);
static EdgeInsetsGeometry _defaultPadding = EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0f);
static EdgeInsetsGeometry _defaultMargin = EdgeInsets.all(0.0f);
static TimeSpan _fadeInDuration = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,0, 150);
static TimeSpan _fadeOutDuration =new TimeSpan(0,0,0,0, 75);
static TimeSpan _defaultShowDuration =new TimeSpan(0,0,0,0,1500);

float height;
EdgeInsets padding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
EdgeInsets margin;
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin;
Decoration decoration;

Key key = null,
string message = null,
float? height = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsets margin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
Decoration decoration = null,
TextStyle textStyle = null,
Animation<float> animation = null,

public readonly float? height;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly EdgeInsets margin;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry margin;
public readonly Decoration decoration;


public class TooltipThemeData : Diagnosticable, IEquatable<TooltipThemeData> {
public TooltipThemeData(
float? height = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsets margin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
float? verticalOffset = null,
bool? preferBelow = null,
bool? excludeFromSemantics = null,

public readonly float? height;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly EdgeInsets margin;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry margin;
public readonly float? verticalOffset;

public TooltipThemeData copyWith(
float? height = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsets margin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
float? verticalOffset = null,
bool? preferBelow = null,
bool? excludeFromSemantics = null,

return new TooltipThemeData(
height: MathUtils.lerpNullableFloat(a?.height, b?.height, t),
padding: EdgeInsets.lerp(a?.padding, b?.padding, t),
margin: EdgeInsets.lerp(a?.margin, b?.margin, t),
padding: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(a?.padding, b?.padding, t),
margin: EdgeInsetsGeometry.lerp(a?.margin, b?.margin, t),
verticalOffset: MathUtils.lerpNullableFloat(a?.verticalOffset, b?.verticalOffset, t),
preferBelow: t < 0.5f ? a.preferBelow: b.preferBelow,
excludeFromSemantics: t < 0.5f ? a.excludeFromSemantics : b.excludeFromSemantics,


public UserAccountsDrawerHeader(
Key key = null,
Decoration decoration = null,
EdgeInsets margin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
Widget currentAccountPicture = null,
List<Widget> otherAccountsPictures = null,
Widget accountName = null,

public readonly Decoration decoration;
public readonly EdgeInsets margin;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry margin;
public readonly Widget currentAccountPicture;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: eeb5dc81b18e644e69b2b89cf48b8f3b
guid: 85561be4b3ea5344283f3996f3e8efc7
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2


protected EdgeInsetsGeometry add(EdgeInsetsGeometry other) {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry add(EdgeInsetsGeometry other) {
return _MixedEdgeInsets.fromLRSETB(
_left + other._left,
_right + other._right,

return false;
return Equals((EdgeInsets) obj);
return Equals((EdgeInsetsGeometry) obj);
public override int GetHashCode() {


public class RenderSliverPadding : RenderSliverEdgeInsetsPadding {
public RenderSliverPadding(
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
TextDirection? textDirection = null,
RenderSliver child = null
) {

_resolvedPadding = null;
public EdgeInsets padding {
public EdgeInsetsGeometry padding {
get { return _padding; }
set {
D.assert(value != null);

EdgeInsets _padding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry _padding;
public TextDirection textDirection {
get { return _textDirection;}


shrinkWrap: widget.shrinkWrap,
slivers: new List<Widget>{
new SliverPadding(
padding: (EdgeInsets)widget.padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(0),
padding: widget.padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(0),
sliver: new SliverAnimatedList(
key: _sliverAnimatedListKey,
itemBuilder: widget.itemBuilder,


public class Padding : SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
public Padding(
Key key = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Widget child = null
) : base(key, child) {
D.assert(padding != null);

public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return new RenderPadding(

public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("padding", padding));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("padding", padding));
public class Align : SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {

public class SliverPadding : SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
public SliverPadding(
Key key = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Widget sliver = null
) : base(key: key, child: sliver) {
D.assert(padding != null);

public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public override RenderObject createRenderObject(BuildContext context) {
return new RenderSliverPadding(

public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("padding", padding));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("padding", padding));
public class AspectRatio : SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {


public Container(
Key key = null,
AlignmentGeometry alignment = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Color color = null,
Decoration decoration = null,
Decoration foregroundDecoration = null,

EdgeInsets margin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
Matrix4 transform = null,
Widget child = null,
Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none

public readonly Widget child;
public readonly AlignmentGeometry alignment;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly EdgeInsets margin;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry margin;
EdgeInsets _paddingIncludingDecoration {
EdgeInsetsGeometry _paddingIncludingDecoration {
//Debug.LogError("EdgeInsets needs to be update to EdgeInsetsGeometry");
EdgeInsets decorationPadding = (EdgeInsets)decoration.padding;
EdgeInsetsGeometry decorationPadding = decoration.padding;
if (padding == null) {
return decorationPadding;

current = new Align(alignment: alignment, child: current);
EdgeInsets effetivePadding = _paddingIncludingDecoration;
EdgeInsetsGeometry effetivePadding = _paddingIncludingDecoration;
if (effetivePadding != null) {
current = new Padding(padding: effetivePadding, child: current);

properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<AlignmentGeometry>("alignment",
alignment, showName: false, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("padding",
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("padding",
padding, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<Clip>("clipBehavior", clipBehavior, defaultValue: Clip.none));
if (color != null)

foregroundDecoration, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<BoxConstraints>("constraints",
constraints, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("margin",
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("margin",
margin, defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue));


public AnimatedContainer(
Key key = null,
AlignmentGeometry alignment = null,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
Color color = null,
Decoration decoration = null,
Decoration foregroundDecoration = null,

EdgeInsets margin = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
Matrix4 transform = null,
Widget child = null,
Curve curve = null,

public readonly AlignmentGeometry alignment;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly Decoration decoration;

public readonly EdgeInsets margin;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry margin;
public readonly Matrix4 transform;

properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<AlignmentGeometry>("alignment", alignment, showName: false,
defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("padding", padding, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("padding", padding, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<Decoration>("bg", decoration, defaultValue: null));
new DiagnosticsProperty<Decoration>("fg", foregroundDecoration, defaultValue: null));

properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("margin", margin, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("margin", margin, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(ObjectFlagProperty<Matrix4>.has("transform", transform));

EdgeInsetsTween _padding;
EdgeInsetsGeometryTween _padding;
EdgeInsetsTween _margin;
EdgeInsetsGeometryTween _margin;
Matrix4Tween _transform;

_padding = (EdgeInsetsTween) visitor.visit(this, _padding, widget.padding,
(EdgeInsets value) => new EdgeInsetsTween(begin: value));
_padding = (EdgeInsetsGeometryTween) visitor.visit(this, _padding, widget.padding,
( value) => new EdgeInsetsGeometryTween(begin: value));
_decoration = (DecorationTween) visitor.visit(this, _decoration, widget.decoration,
(Decoration value) => new DecorationTween(begin: value));
_foregroundDecoration = (DecorationTween) visitor.visit(this, _foregroundDecoration,

_margin = (EdgeInsetsTween) visitor.visit(this, _margin, widget.margin,
(EdgeInsets value) => new EdgeInsetsTween(begin: value));
_margin = (EdgeInsetsGeometryTween) visitor.visit(this, _margin, widget.margin,
(value) => new EdgeInsetsGeometryTween(begin: value));
_transform = (Matrix4Tween) visitor.visit(this, _transform, widget.transform,
(Matrix4 value) => new Matrix4Tween(begin: value));

description.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<AlignmentGeometryTween>("alignment", _alignment, showName: false,
defaultValue: null));
description.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsTween>("padding", _padding, defaultValue: null));
description.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometryTween>("padding", _padding, defaultValue: null));
description.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsTween>("margin", _margin, defaultValue: null));
description.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometryTween>("margin", _margin, defaultValue: null));
description.add(ObjectFlagProperty<Matrix4Tween>.has("transform", _transform));

public override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Padding(
padding: (EdgeInsets) _padding
padding: _padding
.clamp(EdgeInsets.zero, EdgeInsets.infinity),
.clamp(EdgeInsets.zero, EdgeInsetsGeometry.infinity),
child: widget.child


bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
float? cacheExtent = null,
DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,
ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior keyboardDismissBehavior = ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.manual

this.padding = padding;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
EdgeInsets effectivePadding = padding; // no need to check MediaQuery for now.
EdgeInsetsGeometry effectivePadding = padding; // no need to check MediaQuery for now.
if (effectivePadding != null) {
sliver = new SliverPadding(padding: effectivePadding, sliver: sliver);

public override void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsets>("padding", padding,
properties.add(new DiagnosticsProperty<EdgeInsetsGeometry>("padding", padding,
defaultValue: foundation_.kNullDefaultValue));

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
float? itemExtent = null,
bool addAutomaticKeepAlives = true,
bool addRepaintBoundaries = true,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
float? itemExtent = null,
IndexedWidgetBuilder itemBuilder = null,
int? itemCount = null,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
float? itemExtent = null,
IndexedWidgetBuilder itemBuilder = null,
int? itemCount = null,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
IndexedWidgetBuilder itemBuilder = null,
IndexedWidgetBuilder separatorBuilder = null,
int itemCount = 0,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
IndexedWidgetBuilder itemBuilder = null,
IndexedWidgetBuilder separatorBuilder = null,
int itemCount = 0,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
float? itemExtent = null,
SliverChildDelegate childrenDelegate = null,
float? cacheExtent = null

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
float? itemExtent = null,
SliverChildDelegate childrenDelegate = null,
float? cacheExtent = null

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
SliverGridDelegate gridDelegate = null,
bool addAutomaticKeepAlives = true,
bool addRepaintBoundaries = true,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
SliverGridDelegate gridDelegate = null,
IndexedWidgetBuilder itemBuilder = null,
int? itemCount = null,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
SliverGridDelegate gridDelegate = null,
IndexedWidgetBuilder itemBuilder = null,
int? itemCount = null,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
SliverGridDelegate gridDelegate = null,
SliverChildDelegate childrenDelegate = null,
float? cacheExtent = null,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
SliverGridDelegate gridDelegate = null,
SliverChildDelegate childrenDelegate = null,
float? cacheExtent = null,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
int? crossAxisCount = null,
float mainAxisSpacing = 0.0f,
float crossAxisSpacing = 0.0f,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
int? crossAxisCount = null,
float mainAxisSpacing = 0.0f,
float crossAxisSpacing = 0.0f,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
float? maxCrossAxisExtent = null,
float mainAxisSpacing = 0.0f,
float crossAxisSpacing = 0.0f,

bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
bool shrinkWrap = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
float? maxCrossAxisExtent = null,
float mainAxisSpacing = 0.0f,
float crossAxisSpacing = 0.0f,


Key key = null,
Axis scrollDirection = Axis.vertical,
bool reverse = false,
EdgeInsets padding = null,
EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
bool? primary = null,
ScrollPhysics physics = null,
ScrollController controller = null,

public readonly bool reverse;
public readonly EdgeInsets padding;
public readonly EdgeInsetsGeometry padding;
public readonly ScrollController controller;


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